Sunday, November 19, 2017

Is It Easier To Save A Rhino Than To Meet My Grandchildren?

If you want to see an example of the typical 'missionary' evasive vague 'God' site, go to :

The above link has contact information in Charlotte, but would it make any sense to let them know that Rachel Snyder Hendrikson and her husband don't believe in the primary God of the Bible who led Hebrews out of Egypt?

How about trying to watch 'House Hunters International, season 38,episode 3' to see exactly how the saints of Yehovah would never seek shelter?  This episode is too old for me to watch, but I have never seen the son of the couple in episode 3 yet. 5 years has gone by and seriously, I would have a better chance of success trying to get a Detroit gangster nicknamed 'Rhino' to have a reasonable discussion about his ability to change his lifestyle and get 'saved' than trying to get United World Mission  or any fool in a 'Santa Claus' hat in or out of a Walmart store to decide which 'god' they are working with or for in France or elsewhere. Certainly, a red and white 'Santa Claus' hat is not a robe o white and the seal of the most high Adonai.

Frustration with anti-grandparent and anti-commandment mothers can lead to more than flippant remarks. What Roy Moore supposedly did 40 years ago should have been reported at least 33 years ago to have any credibility. What Rachel Snyder Hendrikson has plotted over the years in her anti-Israelite fashion will actually end up being a bigger trouble for her before a righteous and compassionate Elohim than the method of operation my grandchildren might have to use someday to unravel all the anti-Yehovah lies they've been told and taught by their parents. It isn't a good sign when an impregnated female who claims to be a Bible-believing Christian missionary plops the mark of Molech on her head and then flaunts it on 'Facebook'.

If i didn't write this post, I might not be able to have a good night's sleep before I go to represent 'Made In Milwaukee' ministry in the United States, alongside the kind and very decent 'Lincoln Ladies' rather than escargot and mediocre  French confections. Again, make sure you take the time to examine the extremely vague content of 'United World Vision' and see if there is any indication that it is not just a front for an extremely lukewarm, anti-truth BUSINESS endeavor. If 80% of the people in France have never seen a Bible, it's because they don't WAnT to see a Bible, not because they can't go buy one in a store. How, when and IF Rachel Snyder Hendrikson and her husband are put to shame or persecuted to the point of repentance I do not know, but without a properly functioning conscience, they are in fact worse off than a Rhino in a bowling alley.

What my grandchildren don't learn from me will hurt them eventually, and they should eventually be very angry at their parents for deceiving them.  Of course, 'should means it is a probability with the assistance of a pro-Yehovah miracle, but not a guaranteed occurrence.

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