Monday, November 13, 2017

Rebuking Haughty Navy Men, Pittsburgh Panther Style

On rough days when uninsured dental costs and extremely high Michigan auto insurance costs are  paid in full instead of donating to Trues, Truax, Hooters, Pepsi and Coca-Cola assemblies, getting a paper mail message from weak and beggarly Ephraim elementary school deserves a serious response. The man who insulted pro-commandmentist Nehemia Gordon sent out a letter begging for donations and trying to sell the information he thinks isn't important enough to be freely given to others.

Here is the best way to return Truth to PO Box 720968 in a Gadite fashion:

A) In the 'from' portion on the return envelope pre-addressed to LION and Lamb ministries, label it 'Friend of Nehemia Gordon' and then circle the middle of your temporary shelter's zip code to give it a 'puck' effect.

B) On the interior section, indicate you do not want to receive any more of "Lion and Lamb Ministries' mailings, indicting he should seek more funds from Rabbi Hertz.

G) If you want to add facts to his fictional and unrealistic 'lamb and lion' drawings return mailing, add a note stating that he is acting in a weak and beggarly fashion.

D) For an additional 2/7 impact, add your favorite non-Ephraim non-Judah tribe affiliation on the reverse of the return envelope that of course, has no donation inside. I chose to write:

Topaz Foundation (anti-"PINK")  Important Pro-Simeon    7th seal order
                                                      Message Inside !!
                                                     (Month of Asher)
H) If you are really in the mood to rebuke a wealthy USA Navy veteran without asking 'THE LORD" to assist you, go ahead and draw a picture of 7 sheep and 2 lions on different levels of a depiction of Enoch's ark world tour. This adds anti-Shaner element of Mrs. Michael Pence's art therapy suggestions without the need to add more than one postage stamp to your very valid rebuke of his rejection of an actual Israelite such as Nehemia Gordon, who has done more good works to VALIDATE  Yeshua's statements than his Oklahoma staged dancers ever could or would choose to do.

V) Make sure you do not suggest that Tom Brady or any Detroit Lion  actually made it onto the ark, reminding others in the postal service that only 1 male lion was on the ark as it was in the time of Noah.  If you decide to make it a Nittany Lion, go ahead put at least write something like  'S.S. Gadowski'  on the Zebulun type simulated floatation device in your innovative communication section meant to get noticed by others in temporary power.

Since it is the close of the 23rd day of the month of Asher, I suppose I'll stop with a straight V is for Volvo suggestion rather than a crooked OVechkin suggestion. The assault from the airwaves of 100.3 FM in Michigan in a specific Catholic location was as bad as being forced to sit through a Wittenberg Wisconsin high school graduation ceremony or a Tammy Baldwin commercial. You will have to prove you don't approve of 'Christmas' in order to stay aligned with Saint Nahum, Saint Zechariah, Saint Yeshua  and the other actual non-Vatican leaders that delivered the proper message to heathens, pagans, politicians and Israelites for a reason in a season that might have been as evil as the typical heathen King Henry the 8th December or in any 'anti-John Adams' areas near or far from you.  The best presidents of the United States did not align with the King or Queen of England for a proper book of Jeremiah reason, even if they got the regular 'sabbath' day wrong.

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