Thursday, November 30, 2017

A Serious Issachar 9Eleven Date Reminder

In a genuine attempt to seek refuge from anti-Yehovah anti-Nahum Christmas light displays, I traveled to a 'JW.ORG' building, but even though their door sign said 'English Washington Mrdweek Meeting 7:00-9:15' , the building was locked and dark. It would have been proper to have a note on the door explaining the 'problem' to a person who might have been willing to align with them for an evening.

When I see a dwelling that is not strung up with unnatural outdoor lighting, Santa Claus figures and dead wreaths that don't bear fruits, I actually see a sign of hope that some people are starting to THINK rather than just compete and spend foolishly on items that do not lead to salvation. Conversely, when I see a dwelling covered with artificial lighting, dead wreaths and useless red bows, their household message is 'look at our house and our stuff, not at the Book of Jeremiah' .

People do prove what they believe, and those who embrace the spirit of Christmas are rejecting the spirit of Yehovah, the God of the actual Israelites and the God of Yeshua. The holy spirit of Yehovah says clearly to depart from such heathen festivities and to focus on the proper observance of the weekly 7th day sabbath and the appointed times for Pesach, Shavuot, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot time.

People also prove whether or not they believe in saving energy and lowering costs like a fiscally smart citizen of earth rather than embracing the spirit of the haughty flaunting of light shows that are no better than one of Donald Trump's Las Vegas casino entrances in the sight of those few who have aligned with the God of the tribe of Issachar.

I can focus on the dwelling that have correctly rejected the spirit of Christmas and pray that blessing come their way from  HVHY.   If you rejected the ideology of the earliest presidents of the United States families that voted against the spirit of idolatry tied to Christmas, don't be surprised when you are NOT on the side of the 'Lion of the Tribe of Judah' or any other  prophesied winner in spiritual and earthly realms. Be prepared to see your entire family suffer, since that is a reasonable expectation for demanding the right to commit acts of obvious idolatry and a result of rejecting the good plan designed for at least 144,000 plus the troops led by Abaddon.

The plans of David Wise and other Olympic sports figures are not good. If you have been freed from the lure of Christmas traps, remember the people who first steered you away from 'Christmas' and look for people who can steer you properly on the other very serious commandments designed to sanctify the people who trust leaders like Moshe, the prophet Zechariah and the writer of the 'Book of James' and the Book of Jude'.

An 'o' is not a 'tav'. There is no 'O' in Aleph Mem Tav, (truth), Qeseth, YShRAL or in Yahweh, Many people do trust in the wrong mark, and it is only the 9th month, 11th day if you have learned to number your days like a Hebrew, not like a fake blonde selling records or expensive used cars. An O is actually like a bottomless pit, and nothing like a perfect Beit or a perfect Tet.

When Warning Aren't Heeded,Future Silence Is Allowed

Years of attempting to get some kind of good results from communications in the Troy Sports Arena have come to an abrupt end. When contemplating how and when to use the limited skills I have wisely in the upcoming months, paying someone $110/hour to improve my mediocre hockey skating abilities isn't a good option. I don't want to be surrounded by figure skaters, ugly fake indoor trees loaded with junk and candy machines when I am trying to get not only physically but spiritually as fit as I can with a real lung disability. Of spiritual course, I am grieved to know my messages weren't taken seriously, but it is best for me to leave an area that has no signs of improvement before I get too frustrated to learn and teach myself what others have no obvious interest in, namely Hebrew, the tribes of YShRAL and the guidance of the church of Philadelphia remnant.

Locker room 8 in rink 2 got a last message steering them toward a  'copper socket' back-up code 8 plan for the strong D team, and I don't believe that 'Detroit' is as strong of a  D system as a Jason Dawe, a Robert DeLeon or money made in Cleveland marked with a D. When the Holy Spirit leads me away from an area where I invested much time and money with no return, I know other places will still accept my money and possibly appreciate my anti-idolatry, anti-Christmas, pro-Asher (Hebrew word 804?) messages.  If locker room 8 was like a tribe of Asher instruction zone all the years I went in there, it won't be anymore.

If Yehovah leads me to a decent, safe site for hockey ice time once or twice a week, I will consider that a blessing and a place to 'be not afraid', as a certain hymn I have known suggests.  Many holy prophets wept when their true messages were rejected and sometimes disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina, occurred after morality warnings were ignored.  I know there are far more than 7000 on earth who are often lonely angels,  struggling to make good decisions and communicate properly based on what they have learned from biblical teachings.

It's a good day to share some food with the elderly, the weak and the hungry instead of  watch 'All My Children' or 'Lucifer' acts of immorality. I don't think it's going to be a great day for hockey.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Who Will Test Gerry Caillouet on testimony "follow-up*?

 I tried emailing a site labeled 'God's Great Outdoors' a place in West MIlton, Ohio but something blocked the message. I've had past messages blocked by the Roland Hendrikson gang, but Roland Hendrikson is still in the hypocrite section, not even as reliable as my sister-in-law's daughter when it comes to getting good results after a reasonable request. Here's what I tried to send to "God' Great Outdoors' game boys:

Regarding recording #604:

The man you interviewed in Canada eventually stole over 50.000 dollars from his employer, hired an attorney who helped him commit many serious sins and left the wife he spoke about on  recording #604 for adultery reasons. He lied in court, lied to sheriff's deputies and once again proved that a 'Christian' has no fear of Yehovah and puts on a performance from time to time, I have had not progress trying to get Shane David Hendrikson to repent, so maybe you can try to track him down and have him at least repay his former emploer 2x what he stole and compensate me, his former wife for the business equipment he stole from the company he wanted ME to be in charge of so that he could pay less child support to his first wife. Shane David Hendrikson is a shame, and if you do not follow-up on your past self-claimed Christians on your show, I suspect you will prove you are lukewarm like so many others. Shane David Hendrikson, now married to a woman named Cheryl', not only brought shame to my family, he brought shame to your show by choosing to do evil by breaking his wedding vows and breaking state laws a few years after claiming he was 'saved'.  No need to respond to me if you intend to do nothing to try and bring Shane to repentance.

When checking ESPN numbering, I wonder who 2340 'Greg Barber' is, or if he is as imaginary as 'Shrek' or 'Scooby Doo', just plopped in there to throw off people on a David Ortiz and Jose Reyes vs. David Wise trail of useless Olympic idiots. Actually, a much larger dilemma than which warm boots I should buy from a Becker store also occurred on what some people might think is day 600, but I'll start a completely new post for that 'anti-Carrie Underwood' situation. Are you prepared for 'Dan Boyle' day #605, and are you as confident as I am that Dan Boyle's 605 points have far less hypocrisy attached than the typical 'Christian' ministry programs where very few, if any' people actually check up on who they teamed up with or played 'Christianity games with in the past?

Quick sand wasn't the problem when the the LA KIngs outscored the weakest D=Detroit link. Rob Blake Martinez lines are not Blake Lewis lines, so once again, be as careful as Max Gail or the Galezewski boys if you do not know the difference between a heron and a gecko or the difference between a Steelers Bryant 10 and Jets Pennington 10.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

There is a 'Vav' in Zebulun!

I sought and I found that coming up on the first day of winter in the northern hemisphere, the day after many non-conservative people partied 'Jewish' style, the name of the 7th born male child of Leah comes up, 'Vav' included. The long English U is sometimes how the super 6th Hebrew letter Vav is pronounced. I can't afford a Hebrew tutor like Reggie Howard White could, so like any frugal 4.0  Milwaukee high school student desiring to learn, for $10.00 per day I get a healthy mean and temporary schoolhouse rental for up to 4 hours in a place that I can 'Beit Tet Chet' in!  Oh, at least I am not trusting in Egypt, nor did I go there, since there are clear warnings in Isaiah Chapter 30 about people drawn to Egypt rather than to the Holy One of YShRAL.

Mothers matter, and now I saw that 'Leah' means 'weary', and maybe is part of the end of 'Havalah' name games.  People too drawn to schools in London, England are like to get misled at songs by deranged artists such as Elton John shrieking out 'the Circle of Life', only to find out that Life cereal contains yellow dye#5 and that Elton John types are dangerous to society, especially when teamed up with Billy Joel.

The  letter Tet is a better rabbit hole for Benjamin Bunny wise children or a better design for dental students in molar studies. Shapes matter, and there is not a Hebrew letter that looks like a plain, simple circle such as the English 'O'.  'Green circles' are troubling, mushy and dangerous in Joe Pavelski's original Plover area, but the ark never was not carried under the color GREEN. Roman catholics have a tendency to admire the color 'green' too much in poncho form instead of noting the various colors of ligure figures, topaz, and beryl.

'havah' (associated with 1942) means ruin, mischief; lah (#3811) means disgusted and loathsome; there might be  a huge problem with 'havalah' trends long after awl wounds are healed on the left hand 'vav' thumb.

'Chet Vav Hey Lamed Hey' seems to be the origin of Havilah, but let the Robert Holman Christian Standard people cling to that study as long as they want to or can. Ess and Esso people have Gilboa lines at 1533 to study.

Since I needed to follow up bad discoveries such as the origin of 'Havalah', I did come across a fantastic Milwaukee Tech Jazz Ensemble discovery. It seems that the name 'chyla' is written in the Book of Life, and is roughly at alphabetical space 2430, not at 243!  'Chyla' is sometimes used as the word for a fortress, a bulwark and there is some connection to pain and anguish in Psalm 48, not in 17. ''Mark well her BULWARKS (word Chet Yod Lamed Hey). Indeed, there have been a few David's more trustworthy  than  David Snyder or David the partner of Bathsheba. Be as careful at 'Harrison' lines as some Greek Hermes unit, because Pittsburgh, PA is not in Waupaca County, Wisconsin.

Now for my own self-tutoring assignment, I will seek and find out what Vav-man Vophsee has done.  I also am seeking a copy of the CD known as 'Four Corners' by the Yellowjackets, since I like the tune 'Mile High'.

'Gimel Aleph' combos are haughty, maybe as haughty and proud as GA Bulldogs and Matthew Stafford lines. Galium is not the same as Georgia Brown, especially in Mr. Magno's classes. As it has now been written '2 vav's do not make the Greek word for wool, and wool has been warn by way too many military men carrying 'strange fire' weapons who still try to deceive others with 'Army strong' stickers rather than receiving a wiser, gentler Milwaukee 'game changer' cotton code 7 spirit with humility.

Question without answer session: Is there a defender of the name of the son of Samuel known as 'Vashni', which means weak, not weary?

Is the 6th Floor In Lucan with Logan Couture's 77 Leprechauns?

The 6th letter does need unique attention from me in the next 10 days, unless your tribulation count is only up to 599, in which case you can and might only be studying the 2nd Hebrew letter carefully. My 'post-Shaner' respondent survival count is up to about 2052 earth/solar cycles now and far less lunar cycles, since lunar cycles are  a bit more than 1/12th of the typical year. Where you are on your 'non-500 mile' walk between the Way, the Truth, the Life and some high priest has occurred by providence or by your special use of the freedoms you have. The Book of Joshua and currency made in Atlanta is also an interesting '6' if you have decided to be anti-Vav for some 'Juniper Hill Green Billiard 6 Ball' or Leo Genn reason.

Suppose I do not have access to an original Hebrew text of Exodus 18:20, the TOROT, nor  do I have the original recordings of Torah Hallas, even though her grandpa Hallas was a Minnesota Viking fan near Green Bay Packer turf.  I will attempt to disect the titles: Havalah vs. Havilah using a process I utilize for a Milwaukee Tech Trojan reason.

HAVALAH: 5+1+6+1+30+1+5=49 and NO AYIN!!  49 does start the anti-good, anti-Shavuot 'Coca-Cola' codes but Havalah is not as stable and good as the title Nun. The lack of the 16th letter includes a lack of insight. One lamed does not mean one good staff, but does mean there is only one staff figure between two district 5 formations. Some of my kindest friends title me 'Hey' or 'Marie' rather than calling me a useless, unnecessary mother figure who is unwelcome in their dwelling.  Does 4 Aleph's in a title represent ignorance of Benjamin and a preoccupation with Curtis Joseph?

HAVILAH: 5+1+6+70+30+1+5= 118, which is cleverly tied to Andrew Brunette's ESPN numerical label.

Of course once I check the Hebrew spelling of Havilah, the brother of Nimrod, a different total might appear but I would suspect a Beit or a Vav appears before a lamed.

Binary codes and 'Scooby-Doo' coloring book codes will become obsolete and possibly cause huge trouble on earth long before most people begin to love the Hebrew language. When comparing the Vav to the Yod, I would also challenge you to compare your  thumbs and small outermost fingers in the following way:

Holding up your right or left hand, the upright  thumb is an image of a Vav under certain conditions:
A) your thumb print is faced toward your right side, not your left side. The curve of the either thumb then easily resembles a 'vav' , not an aleph!

B) You outermost finger is usually a bit longer as your thumb and it is easy to form the shape of a 'yod'  for you to view with your right 'pinkie' but easy to display the shape of a yod for others to view with your left hand 'pinkie' , since all you have to do is keep your 'vav' thumb close to your visage and then bend your 'pinkie' at a 90 degree angle.

G) You can't make a 'Hey' with a vav and a yod, but you can imitate the shape with a vav and a resh.

D) You can most easily make the shape of a resh for you to view with your right index finger bent at a 90 degree angle and pointing toward your left shoulder. not your right shoulder, then to make the shape of the 5th 'hey' letter  allow your upright left thumb approach from below but NOT TOUCH your right index fingertip (your index fingerprint should be facing the earth). If you close the gap between our left thumb and your right index finger you will be able to view a 'chet', not necessarily the 6th floor of the Milwaukee police administration building which might still contain the communications division.

The 'vav' might be most like a sardius, since a peg or a nail is used to draw blood from time to time and the Vav is in  center of the tribe titled 'Lamed Vav Yod'.  Is the Vav also necessary to display the letter known as 'Tav'? the answer to that question is 'no'.

Although many bible teachers have suggested that Yeshua becomes part of the Levitical priesthood, I would contend that no one from the tribe known as 'Judah' can become the high priest. Even in the drawings suggested by Yosef Ben Avraham's team, what I see are 3 aligned locations in the tabernacle, but the DOOR, whom Yeshua claimed to be, provides access to the high priest, which I understand still have to be of the tribe of YVL (Lamed Vav Yod) rather than having the DOOR become the high priest on the mercy seat.  Certainly, a particular door way can be narrow and still be found by those seeking access to another very necessary component of the requirements for the day of atonement (Yom Kippur) process. A king does not have the same duties as a priest!!! Now, keep an OPEN eye on the 1991 Los Angelos Kings (rejecting Wayne Gretzy due to failure to appear at Milwaukee County Wilson Park) and compare them to those 'chosen' to be part of the Pittsburgh Penguins 'All-Trib' team members.  The current Los Angelos Kings hockey team is more like the anti-Vashti gang who wants to be surrounded with scantily clad dancing girls while they are made to feel wealthy and unwise inside of Little Ceasar's pork palace in Detroit. instead of being surrounded by badger skins and dining on clean animals and good produce like a decent saint tabernacled in the wilderness SHOULD be doing to honor the proper King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I hope you enjoyed this non-Shakespearan application of English and special 6th letter 'Vav' editorial as much as I learned by sharing it freely with you; may you contemplate it for at least 10 days before trying to merge Monte Judah units into Stuart Levy and then seeing that Mr. Ertz and the NFL  Long brotherly hugs also not able to fulfill the role of  Mr. Unrein #98, also known as ESPN #13860.

Monday, November 27, 2017

The 'Vav' Series Begins Before the Richard Belmore Line Ends

There are only about 10 words that start with a Hebrew 'vav' in the Tanakh, including Vashti, which means 'beautiful' not 'ugly, stupid or a Buckingham Palace drunkard. I believe the next ten days are very critical, especially after horrible news from the north, which is Canada if you are in the 'western' hemisphere.

Plenty of horrible apostacy news has already occurred in the United States since they current leaders of government continually REJECT the message delivered by the men and women who fled England's pro-Christmas regime because they studied the Scriptures and did not want scriptural truth  abolished.The Christmas plague is like an infestation of cockroaches in houses that rather defend and worship Prince Harry's  unholy marriage mate than study and defend the intent of the for-prophet Constitution of the Uinted States. The United States governing body is without excuse since it's foundational documents included pro-Creator and anti-Christmas paperwork as well as a proper rejection of the British king and queen system, something Canada never has done.  News from Canada is not easily obtained except face to face from Canadians, especially while Canada's chosen colored man (all colored humans have a tattoo problem which stems from an anti-Yehovah problem which is correctible by an actual miracle; uncolored people have no tattoo) Justin Trudeau and the USA's chosen, possibly uncolored man, Donald Trump are both developing their own apostacy ways away from Truth and away from a good and holy Life system while spreading Christmas parades and similar anti-Yehovah parties. Canadian government systems want to have the power to divide children from parents (remove them from parental custody) if a minor child wants to get his gender altered and the parents know the child shouldn't get their gender altered.  What Canada tries to do with 'minimum wage issues is not wise either, and if the Canadian economy gets worse, it won't be because I didn't conribute enough to Michigan's neighboring territories. My 'Canada' flag went down today, and is no linger in my kitchen due to the horrible report of 'gender change upon demand' by juvenile creatures in Canada'.

A couple names Todd and Cheryl Dugard also delivered horrible news in Canada via newspaper articles, and their non-Philadelphia  'church' position is nothing like the apostles because their anti-Yehovah message, like so many others, rejects the only way to BECOME a legitimate believer in Yeshua and the prophets.   I did scoop up another internet site (Treasured Inheritance Ministries, International which has some verbal ties to Brad Scott of Vernal, Utah) that is much better to learn from than donating even one more penny to Todd and Cheryl Dugart or their French counterparts, the anti-prophet Christmas tree pushers of the  Rachel Snyder Hendrikson bunch. Why would a couple who studies the Bible decide to title their daughter after the son of Ham and the brother of Nimrod, 'Havilah'?  Havoline or Vavoline would have been better pro-lampstand choices than the Ham line.

'Non-turkey drumstick' news: It does seem as though I might be able to tag up with Carl Allen Jr, in Lansing rather than in Ephraim, Utah based on the timing of Allen's appearance in Michigan, unless he cancels his Michigan display of talents like Michael Rood  has for some very unknown and possibly some very perplexing or cowardly reason. When entertainers are vague, people observing their forms of entertainment do not have to be as vague.

An upcoming post  ( The Richard Belmore Line #12) will seriously compare my 'veteran copper' actions when a known  sometimes violent adult male suspect who owned and had access to guns and who had committed one business felony and then intended to commit another financial felony and intended to commit adultery, gained  access to   my house  to the actions of a veteran female Wayne county (Michigan) deputy sheriff who shot a killed a suspect after he only got as far as criminal damage to property before questioning his intent or seeking a less violent way of escape. I will delay this comparison until the 'zayin' series.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Give Mickey Redmond a Chance To Replace 'Karen Newman'

The above Indian' from Mosinee has a mother who tried her best to teach him the value of obeying the commandments, including the ones involving the 7th day sabbath, keep him on a healthy diet and on a decent exercise plan. I don't think his current wife even cares about his health as much as I did when I was still considered his mother and he respected that fact to be true. He is now at a location in France  unknown to me, most likely no longer playing hockey or football, and no  longer honoring his mother like the God of the Israelites instructs  those who trust in Him.  Do not confuse Richard Isaiah Hendrikson with Andrew Brunette, Dany Heatley, Bart Starr, even though their numbers match in jersey wear known as the '15th hole'.  His Mosinee high school football coach was known to be a Minnesota Viking fan, for those following the April 4/15 rule of Krivorkrasov or Ortiz ethics or those studying the Jagr 15/2 Calgary codes.  If Franco Harris or some other '32' goes on his right side, he could could come up with my badge number in a combo!   His anti-commcandment wife and all of his anti-commandment 'father figures' , including his Catholic godfather, Jeffrey Zillner, have NOT  encouraged to have a good relationship with me, his pro-Yehovah mother, so he doesn't. I would have told the same thing to any family counselor, but I thought I'd save some money and just report more bad news from the realistic and persevering remnant of YShRAL I obviously do not have dementia, and refreshing the memory ACCURATELY is healthy, even if the memories are sad.

Interesting 'anti-PINK' church' broken family note: The above Mosinee Indian had also been seen in Chicago Blackhawk gear, not in St. Louis Blues gear, Florida Panther gear or Wisconsin badger gear when he was being misled by Baptists in Wausau , Wisconsin at a pink church in Rib Mountain. Such facts might be interesting to the Jerzy bunch at St. Joseph's of Stevens Point or at UWSP, where trivia matters more than surfing with a Kariya.  I was wearing a St. Louis Blues gear, but I gifted a Joseph 31 jersey and a Blues 16 jersey to a couple of young men at a passover evening at Indianhead golf course because I did not want those jerseys to end up with Richard's father,  who an anti-commandmentist and a liar .  I do not regret gifting the Blues 16 jersey, but that 'Joseph' jersey was beautiful and hard to part with at the time.

Obesity is actually a larger problem than cancer in the United States. How many people will be over-eating in the next 6 weeks in the United States?   Will  the owner of 'Little Ceasars Arena'  tell people to start eating a healthy meal and then exercise at  the stalag-type facility of your choice rather than paying to support men that are already healthy enough to get a job at 'Chipotle' when the no longer want to represent the 'pork palace' pack of puck shovers?

Silence does not prevent cancer, but eliminating pork from your diet and reduction of sugar intake (  Milwaukee jungle dome code #3)  can reduce the chances of cancer occurring, which is something 'Little Ceasar's' doesn't want to tell the Detroit 'fans'.

Someone should tell the overpaid 'cake-face' Karen Newman that she looks extremely artificial, is in the 'skunk line' production crew if she lets her natural hair color get loose, she is not on the  natural blonde Viktor Koslov crew but most importantly, tell her not to mock the good anthem,  'O Canada'.

Karen Newman sang 'HO Canada' which is very wrong, and would lose to a mute LiBRa in an honest Nick Suzuki style#37 talent contest.

Check these lighter and heavier burdens, such as PIScEs @ 187

CaNCEr= 101

LiBRa= 96

PIScEs= 187

PISCeS = 143

Do any of the above Thomas Jackland combinations appear to be lighter than SNOOPY=95?

Hey, Russian 5 fans,  how about starting a petition to let Chris Osgood and Mickey Redmond sing a duet of 'O Canada' and see they  can represent a good effort as well as a bottle of Coffin Ridge's finest wine bearers?

 Remember these 2 G-men in the 9th month:

Brian Elliott of Newcastle, Ontario, with a 2.43 GAA in the NHL along with 38 tie games

Johan Hedberg of some city in Sweden, with 161 wins and only 22 tie games.

The 9th round is a serious Hebrew tet matter, just as it is to any boxer in Rocky IV or Bevent, Wisconsin. Issachar means 'one who wrestles' according to Nehemia Gordon, which might be why I never felt like I was part of the tribe of Issachar. I rather do Tae Kwon Do moves against unseen demonic spirits than wrestle with them.

 Important Day 1335 COULD be this weekend. If not, it could come up next year at about he same time and in that case we are at about day 975 or 573.

The Retired Copper Workout

This is a new workout designed especially for me by me which anyone who is not afraid of me or my method of operation can try. It could take about 90 minutes or even 120 minutes, but that time goes by whether you are doing this workout or not.

Each time a (*) appears it means that 5 minutes of aerobic activity should be accomplished such as  a stationary bicycle, jogging in place or  doing the polka at a good pace. DB is short for dumb bell. and I will be using 10 and 15 pound DB's, but if you are weaker than me you can start with 2 or 3 pound DB's.  If you are as strong as LeVeon Bell or John Jerry, you might want to use 25 or 30 pound DB's.



DB Full Moons : start the DB's side by side and in front of your thighs, then  raise both of them straight up over your head, and divide and lower the DB's to your sides forming the shape of a circle in the downward motion.  Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Front DB Flies:  Extend the DB's at chest level and them move them horizontally toward each side as if imitating the motion of the wings of a duck in flight. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.


Push ups - do 1 push up for each year you have survived, even if you have to do 1 at a time and them rest. I do 3 sets of 20 push ups. If you are 20 years old, 20 at least 20 push-ups.


DB Clean and Press : Squat down to start the DB at ankle position and then raise up your body to an upright position. Once upright, continue to lift up the DB's over your head, then safely lower them back to the ankle position. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Lunges - check a book or website to do these properly. Keep you feet aligned as on a tightrope. Do 3 sets of 10 reps on each leg.


Sit-ups/abs. Do the ab exercise of your choice, 1 abdominal exercise for each year I have survived so again I do 3 sets of 20.


DB Bicep Curls: Make sure you try to keep your elbows close to your hip, and the raise and lower the dumbell by bending only your elbow; your arm should go from 180 degrees to just past a 90 degree position. Do 3 sets of 10.

Front DB Lift: Keeping your arms straight, lift the DB's up toward shoulder level in front of you, and then lower them back to the front of your thighs.  Do 3 sets of 10.


Squats. If your legs are weak, just repeat sitiing on a chair and then getting up from the chair up to 60 times, 1 time for each year you have survived. I will do at least 56 of these, since I am 56. You have a whole year to build up to one more rep!!



You will get 35 minutes of decent aerobic workout time on a stationary bicycle or some other indoor equipment you might have such as a treadmill, but set the treadmill at the highest incline you can manage safely.  Of course, try to avoid a stroke or a heart attack and start off with less reps if you are not in as healthy as me yet. If you keep trying, you will get stronger and healthier. This workout also combats arthritis before you have it, which is the best time to combat arthritis or any other disease.

I hope this  retired copper workout is as beneficial to me as it might be to Phil Milosz or Dave Schildt.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Rodney Weary, Wisconsin Badgers and I9 Minneapolis Money Vs. Carl Allen and Snow Badgers

Don't confuse Allegheny Badgers or Wisconsin Badger alumni with Snow Badgers games in Ephraim, Utah on  former Anaheim Duck Sean Hill'a birthday.

I have seen and heard many people totally go the wrong way from time to time, but Carl Allen is more likely to say that Chris Mack is his personal lord and savior instead of John Mack. From a 'name' investigation point, you can assume that Carl Allen is something like Colin Kaepernick and nothing like   me.  Allen is probably wealthy and doesn't really appreciate the 'white' people' in his high school who tolerated his arrogance for so many years.  I would be ashamed to neglect the good influence and support I got when I was part of the Milwaukee Tech Jazz ensemble, but Carl Allen has a confusing way of going crooked not straight from 'church' to Ephraim, Utah in 2018.  When Carl Allen is drumming up money in Lansing, Michigan in April of 2018, I doubt if I will be there, but if it is not an unleavened bread  time for tbe end times Church of Philadelphia bunch, I won't be in Lansing. It might be worth to go to Lansing just to tell Carl  Allen that the Yellowjackets, Bride ( Dog the Nine) and the band Chicago have  much better drummers, and that the band Orleans has a better spirit than he does. I might remember the perfect 9th that Richard Lapham came up with long before Carl Allen came up with a way to tie himself to  Beatles idolatry on his 'Track 6' of his 'Work To Do' junk recording. Carl Allen's God is not Yehovah, so be careful when people claim they were brought up in a church instead of in a CITY or a home that had a decent father in the household leadership position. No father, more than one father or a step-father in a household often gives people the impression that a father is meant to entertain them, not discipline them . As a consequence, then then pray to or seek a 'god' that will entertain them but not discipline them and they do not choose the God of the Israelites as a natural result of them seeking entertainment such as the Carl Alllen provided in Milwaukee church settings rather than stern correction. Rodney Weary, as a fromer USA Marine and an actual friend of mine, understood correction, was a reliable police officer when I worked with him and was not trying to entertain those who hired him.

Bill Bell and Will Kennedy actually have a better drumstick line and incredible talent,  'Animal' the muppet is in better physical condition than Carl Allen is, but maybe Carl Allen eats pork or hasn't had any good coaches to inspire him because he didn't play high school sports.  A keyboard player in the Yellowjackets, Russell Ferrante, also seems to have a better balanced memory when it comes to remembering Ann Penner and words other than 'church' and 'god'.  I certainly remember Marian Gibbons, but church music is not a necessity on saturdays or sundays. If the reading of the history or Joseph or the battles that Elijah faced do stir up your emotions properly, you will know the truth and not need Carl Allen's Mack Records to lull you toward the son of perdition who might be in Ephraim, Utah, since Allen's anti-defensive skills would only lead you astray without the right cats toward other lukewarm church musicians.

Donald Trump's  turkey named 'Drumstick' didn't need a pardon because 'Drumstick' didn't sin against his creator. This is not a good time to be carrying on with childish routines with living turkeys, and certainly is a time to decide just which Mack team is smart enough not to get tripped up by a Xavier Musketeer line that intersects with Stevens Point Pointers records. A Mack truck hauling Old Milwaukee NA is more important and helpful to pro-sobriety earthlings than the faceless fictional beings mentioned in 'Eleanor Rigby' .

What the 'Detroit Free Press' reports about Allen and Whitaker is about as important as comparing the quality of the quality of cotton candy at Superamerica Store #4026 to Dan Danson's Wausau cotton candy.  There is something about Carl Allen that seems anti-White.  Thrasher Todd White, resting saint Reggie White,  trumpeter Doug White and Rodney Weary and I should have no problem being anti-Allen and anti-Brodeur. You don't learn defense playing with drumsticks your entire life, in or out of anti-Yehovah anti-Israelite churches. Brodeur went the wrong way with his 'Enterprise' commercials pushing expensive car purchases to gratify a mid-life lust problem, a mistake Darnell Nurse or 'Carmen' the dog of Russell Ferrante, has not yet made. If my opinion about Carl Allen is wrong, he can seek me out and correct me, but I won't be as wrong as a judge named 'Vincent Howard' in my evaluation of a situation involving people I have met before but never really knew.

James Bradley Jr. might be a better 'drumstick legend for the Verbie Swanigan allies to consider when thinking about buying a Klondike bar to stay on the cold and decent 'Hill Where the Lord Hides' teams when trying to stay aligned with the holy Locusts who work in bands without a king instead of the 'Beatles' who worked in bands with an unholy queen.

Hey, how about trying to match up Carl Allen's drumstick with Travis Tritt's guitar pick?? Next year, Donald Trump can try to find a turkey named 'Guitar Pick' to sent to Virginia Tech!!

Real Horrible News From Macomb Town Hall Center

Article A:When I went to see what anti-biblical heathen evil Janet I. Dunn and those under her authority came up with this November, I didn't have to look very far. A horrible, ugly display of artificial lights has been erected for no good and certainly no logical reason in Macomb, Michigan. The display is as ugly as the junky meta displays in Macomb Corners Park, and certainly does not reflect a pro-naturalist but does reflect decisions made by unwise and financially evil stewards of available funds. The ugly outdoor display might attract the spirit of 'Queen Tut' but certainly will not attract the Holy Spirit of the Living God to gawk at it or compliment it. There were no sighting of 'Santa Claus' figures in the Macomb Town center today, and the fake turkeys were not offensive nor defensive.

Article B: I entered the interior of the Macomb Town Center building in  my finest New York Islanders #81 hockey jersey since I did not want to go in dressing like a anti-Yeshua anti-biblical character. I saw plenty of fake poultry that looked as useless as Tom 'turkey' Wahl in case of a serious problem. The serious problem occurred when I paid my water bill and it said some imaginary person names 'Marie Henderikson' paid my water bill, but the check the town received clearly identified 'Marie Hendrikson' as the payer of the water bill. The very grouchy and rude Macomb employee who was not Karen Goodhue told me she did not have the authority to correct the payee's name and that I had to go over to 51700 card Road to get my information corrected. The foolish woman at the treasurer's window stated that a spelling mistake did not really matter, but she is incredibly WRONG and should be fired for thinking that spelling of names and accuracy in records does not matter.

Article C) The women working at  51700 Card Road at the Macomb Department of Water Works did a much better job of receiving accurate information from me and correcting their error in the spelling of my legal post-divorce name. The were much wiser than the woman at the Macomb Town Hall center who said she believed in Santa Claus but did not know who Jay Cutler is, mostly because they had plenty of common sense when handling my proposal that their environment remain neutral in decor rather than having them go the way of the foollsh Janet I. Dunn's anti-biblical ideas. They rightly agreed that spelling IS important and then promptly corrected my name on their records even though they had my address correct.  Article C is real decent news.

Article D) Some federal judge named 'Orrick' is a son of perdition determined by his pro-lawlessness position. There may be many other sons of perdition, but repealing federal funds from areas that are harboring felons against FEDERAL laws s exactly what should occur in addition to tossing the mayors of those cities or governors of those states into a federal prison while they await a speedy trial for sedition and treason.

There is a very big difference between an R at 5th down and an E at 5th down in any name, and people who are working in a TREASURER's position should be just as serious about the details of every report as a police officer, the scretary of transportation or the secretary of state. If an error on their part if identified, they should THANK the person that showed them the error of their ways rather than present a careless and haughty attitude while dressed like Trisha Noble while trying to 'hook' Ted Knight in a restaurant scene.

I will now return to my regularly scheduled viewing of an NHL game before revealing my new exercise plan good enough for any natural brunette but not intended to be used by obviously fake blondes such as Mrs. Tappen who periodly perches next to Brian Boucher like a typical anti-dove representative of the department of very unnatural anti-saint resources.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Bowl Judgment Miroslav Klose Game: Watchtower 115, Rhino 114

In a non-practice round of bowling, there is not a fine Vincent Howard line between  a Watchtower team and a Rhino team, even though 'Watchtower' people move around in cities like Detroit with as much freedom as 'Rhino' the Joy Street mammal does if National Geographic channel documentaries are accurate. Since 'Rhino' has not done any harm to me yet and two different mammals names ' 'Vincent Howard' in Wausau, WI have done me harm in the past, I thought maybe a 'Rhino' team could change and improve sooner than Judy Garland  or Lorrie Morgan can.

When games are labeled 1,2,3,4 and Total, but there is no Game 4 included, I suppose it is possible to communicate to other people or unseen gods with the score you get and which games you get a point or 2 in. At least one of the 'Lincoln Ladies' on Lane 10 claims she does not trust St. Peter because she does not KNOW him. Maybe she would trust Henry Galas of Milwaukee if she got to know him and the Polish National Church leaders as well as I do. The 'Lincoln Ladies', anchored by 'Chris' won games 1,2 and total pins by 22 points when outnumbering me 4 to 1. I rolled a Rhino and came up with  a win in game 3, so for anti-argument sake I will call game 1 a Yod, game 2 a Hey, game 3 a Vav and game 4, a different Hey than game 2 that cannot be determined by Total pins, which I lost by 22 points. Losing total pins by 22 points is about equal to losing track of an orange 'Titanium' jacket team headed up by a Wittenberg Nazi-type not by a sinless orange roughy. Winning by 22 points is about equal to being able to start up a Pabst code out of Chippewa Falls, which is very far behind a LIGURE figure. I had the least offense in game 3, with 144 points, which seemed like a Curtis Strange moment. I couldn't even win game 2 with a score of 175! Thankfully, my oversized but comfortable as a tunic 'Ben Sheets' attire looked better than anything Justin Verlander would allow his family members to wear in public, since Mrs. Verlander is just as unholy and under the wrong 'god' as Beyonce and Bruce Jenner.

I planned my licensing decisions carefully, because I understand how difficult of a job it is to be a reliable, honest and intuitive person working in any type of transportation department. When I go back and forth between Canada as a law-abiding rather than law-breaking North American, I am not ashamed to be affiliated with the MIlwaukee Brewers rather than the Milwaukee Bucks. Choosing a license plate is as serious a matter as choosing a password in a computer system, and many people do not even know their license plate number because it was assigned to them, not chosen by them. LIGURE figures are exactly what "Kid Rock' will never be, because 'Kid Rock' represents a foundation that is unreliable even though very 'popular' with certain sects of anti-Yehovah people. Being popular with liars, whoremongers and the greedy majority is exactly what accurate prophets never were. The 'Lincoln Ladies' weren't greedy, but if the game analogy changes to Yod Shin Resh Aleph Lamed, with Aleph being like the unplayed game 4, that would be a significant code change that even AJBC bowlers might like to keep a Weston Lanes vs. Shelby Lanes eye on or a  Shelby Lanes vs. Point Bowl eye on.  My bowling team is just as important as the Prince Albert Raiders and the Green Lanterns with Ron Soreanu in strategy, course of action and legal anti-drug therapy sessions made available for a reasonable cost to the athletes involved.

I am rejecting 'Thanksgiving' in the United States because the United States might be under a 'god' as so many proclaim, but if the entire population does not agree what the name of the god over ther United States is, there is no good reason to stop working on a regular Thursday in November. I am not thankful that United States shelves are stocked with violent movies, whorish music produced by musical prostitutes who get paid for their fornication sessions, deranged fiction and pornographic magazines every day of at least the past 40 years. I am not going to have a 'happy Thanksgiving' under orders from some person who should have said 'Be careful, Larry Emory (based on a radio audible) escaped from the Pontiac jail.'  November 23rd in the United States will have  many felonies occur, many divorced parents arguing over children and one of the most unholy, pro-idolatry parades in New York sponsored by Macy's, not a decent Pilgrim family who actually did have proper respect for students of the holy Bible, including the stone cold testament involving those led by Moshe, Yoshua and Caleb and hot testament winners described in a fiery furnace situation involving a Meshach.

The end of the 8th month has arrived, and how many people are still as lukewarm as Anthony Evans, Jr.?

 A day is as a thousand years, 8.6 months is indeed as a minute according to Simon Peter's recollection of  timeline  analogies.  It seems like only a minute ago that I deployed myself to Canada and was studying the 'M.O.' of Mike Clayton in Markham, Ontario but it actually was 8 months ago!!!  Isn't that even more remarkable than a '97.1FM' advertisement along the boards of the anti-humble pork palace known as 'Little Ceasar's Arena'?

New moon sighted in Macomb, Mi at 5:27 PM, EST; blowing of shofar followed. The sighting of a new moon will always be better than fiction, fake blondes and falsehoods Naomi Campbell's 'PINK'  non-Badger outfits that load into an expensive truck labeled  with an Army logo and a MIchigan '8LEEO' mix... or was it 'LEEO8'  and Chef Pierre's not in there now?

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Is It Easier To Save A Rhino Than To Meet My Grandchildren?

If you want to see an example of the typical 'missionary' evasive vague 'God' site, go to :

The above link has contact information in Charlotte, but would it make any sense to let them know that Rachel Snyder Hendrikson and her husband don't believe in the primary God of the Bible who led Hebrews out of Egypt?

How about trying to watch 'House Hunters International, season 38,episode 3' to see exactly how the saints of Yehovah would never seek shelter?  This episode is too old for me to watch, but I have never seen the son of the couple in episode 3 yet. 5 years has gone by and seriously, I would have a better chance of success trying to get a Detroit gangster nicknamed 'Rhino' to have a reasonable discussion about his ability to change his lifestyle and get 'saved' than trying to get United World Mission  or any fool in a 'Santa Claus' hat in or out of a Walmart store to decide which 'god' they are working with or for in France or elsewhere. Certainly, a red and white 'Santa Claus' hat is not a robe o white and the seal of the most high Adonai.

Frustration with anti-grandparent and anti-commandment mothers can lead to more than flippant remarks. What Roy Moore supposedly did 40 years ago should have been reported at least 33 years ago to have any credibility. What Rachel Snyder Hendrikson has plotted over the years in her anti-Israelite fashion will actually end up being a bigger trouble for her before a righteous and compassionate Elohim than the method of operation my grandchildren might have to use someday to unravel all the anti-Yehovah lies they've been told and taught by their parents. It isn't a good sign when an impregnated female who claims to be a Bible-believing Christian missionary plops the mark of Molech on her head and then flaunts it on 'Facebook'.

If i didn't write this post, I might not be able to have a good night's sleep before I go to represent 'Made In Milwaukee' ministry in the United States, alongside the kind and very decent 'Lincoln Ladies' rather than escargot and mediocre  French confections. Again, make sure you take the time to examine the extremely vague content of 'United World Vision' and see if there is any indication that it is not just a front for an extremely lukewarm, anti-truth BUSINESS endeavor. If 80% of the people in France have never seen a Bible, it's because they don't WAnT to see a Bible, not because they can't go buy one in a store. How, when and IF Rachel Snyder Hendrikson and her husband are put to shame or persecuted to the point of repentance I do not know, but without a properly functioning conscience, they are in fact worse off than a Rhino in a bowling alley.

What my grandchildren don't learn from me will hurt them eventually, and they should eventually be very angry at their parents for deceiving them.  Of course, 'should means it is a probability with the assistance of a pro-Yehovah miracle, but not a guaranteed occurrence.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Antipin Heads Notice ________________.

Arm%Hammer,Dove, Mitchum, Tom's of Maine, Jason's and Secret service people stock deodorant shelves with options.  The United States Secret Service only defend who they want to defend, so be cautious when black lies are worse than Whyte lies.  Tom's of Maine and Jason work better  for me on a cost/results basis than any Secret service.

Good will toward women does occur from time to time, but good will does does come from a petitioner in a divorce who has intentionally broken his vows.  Good will occurred when an agreement reached verbally several months ago as completed on the corner of 25 Mile and Estates Lane in Macomb, Michigan. The HOA board accepted my 'plea bargain', because I was actually pleading for understanding and mercy in a situation I am probably outnumbered in yet. Reducing 'offense' is not the same as defense, but it can being peace to an area if the person on defense is confident their defense is holier and stronger with Yehovah than without Yehovah, a word that some people should be afraid to use in vain.

I fed my neighbors, some of which I refer to as friends, with good sharp cheese and wonderful apples from Wisconsin. Bavarian sausages are what the enemies of GOOD WILL deserve, since they should reap what they have sown. If I try to educate my neighbors toward ways that are less offensive in a community where people worship different gods and have different lords in their life, there will be a better chance of peace, and both the anti-neutral HOA and I, an Israelite by choice, kept our word regarding our compromise. As it is in all areas, a change in leadership can improve or worsen an existing battle, whether it is purely spiritual ( no costs involved) or whether it has obvious non-spiritual components which involve money and spending that which has been entrusted to certain people.

The Judy Garland plan does not really work out well if you are trying to continue in a sanctification process after you have decided to b more than just  'anti-witch'. Wizards, magicians and witches are evil in every form because their intent is to deceive. An obvious 'mark' of the wrong 'Michael' in your hand or on your forehead is 'Michael Jordan' products. For those who are  not convinced that 'Air Jordan' signs are tied to a Michael who is not only contrary to Israelites but is also NOT the Michael the archangel who is going to stand up for Israel, you lack discernment, not funding.  For example, 'Reebok' or "Adidas' or the insignia that the University of Wisconsin Badgers football team has FINANCIALLY aligned with does not represent a particular idol, beast or spiritual enemy of decency. The former North Carolina basketball player and  NBA businessman known as 'Michael Jordan' is who the Michigan Wolverines decided they wanted to be under, and they financially bought the mark of an anti-Christ, namely 'Air Jordan'. Lack of caution in purchasing departments is as dangerous as accepting a tattoo that anyone with eyes to see knows is the sign of evil, harlotry and greed, not signs of good will and certainly not a Yod Hey Vav Hey sign.

The 'Playboy' insignia is about equal to an 'Air Jordan' insignia if you have ever been to a Charlotte Hornets game and seen Michael Jordan's strumpets and harlots put on a show worse than a blue LED light bulb ever could.  I didin't laugh when Peters#18 fell harder than Bernadette Peters in 'The Jerk', but with the "Air Jordan' mark on his chest and the buffoon Harbaugh as his coach, he did not choose that which is good. There are many Donald Brown types to sort through, and trying to produce a strong delusion is as bad as deciding to clone any animal.

What you wear can be and usually is a form of defense or a form of offense against an adversary or against an enemy, the latter being worse than the former; the chosen 144,000 won't be deceived, even if they were chosen by the tribe of Dan in the presence of unsealed  Ephraimites.

Would a pink 'O'Neill' waterski suit stolen from Shane David Hendrikson produced more offense and better physical defense for the Michigan Wolverines quarterback? How about if Peters was wearing the $99 bridal gown that I wore in the Minneapolis Metrodome in 1998?  The good angels of Yehovah aren't going to be in waterski suits or figure skating outfits.   There actually was a short and interesting  Shabbath midrash on the southside or 'West Park Estates' today with about 5 or 6 humans participating. Isn't thst wonderful news for WXYZ to cover instead of worshipping ugly outdoor DEAD Christmas trees in downtown Detroit?  Coffee ( Mitchell Park Jungle dome code 5) does taste better from a Waffle House mug than from a Detroit Lions insulated bottle.   Bon Soir !!! A good adonai loves the Chicago Bears attitude against anti-gospel gangsters!!!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Going From A Detroit Closer To a Pittsburgh Opener

I was joyful while in the process of closing out my affiliation with Comerica today. Even though the Comerica staff was given plenty of information regarding a crime against me in Wisconsin worse than a conundrum,  no good results from their financial world caused me to choose the name Pittsburgh and the PNC Bank team. Even Jerome Bettis knows that names matter.

Detroit's Comerica Park has chosen to be a Michael Jackson idolatry zone and Comerica chose to align with Little Ceasar's pork palace, including the nasty NBA 'dance' strumpet teams. Such unholy moves are enough to make an elderly softball pitcher want to close out one game and start up in another with a new team of potential living saints who will never have anyone named 'LeBron' rule or reign over them.

When I bought a 'Rhino' it was a legal golden-tone bowling ball, not a gangster who does evil on earth contrary to laws in Detroit. When I say 'Moussai', I do not mean Hedberg eye. Be caution in a 'rhino' zone, because a bowling ball is safer to buy and roll than marijuana which prevents the user from remaining alert while in the valley of the shadow of death or while among sons or daughters of the living unseen Lord, LORD, 'god' or God.

Time to study Malachi, not Dominic Hasek split ends! Thanks to Joan Cleaver and the PNC Park personnel in the Keystone State of Pennsylvania for providing cold water and shelter during an actual storm. Shalom to Simeon James Rice on this and every sabbath ahead. Illinois is a more important name in the Big Ten and Big Ben zones than the anti-Issachar Ilitch gang, actually.

The Torah Teaches Yehovah's People, Not Outdoor Light Displays

When questioning people, an answer might surprise you. When you utter your own statements, the results might be terrible even if you spoke the truth. Do not expect to hear the words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant' from the God of Israel or Yeshua of Nazareth if you've been stringing up obviously useless nuisances known as 'Christmas decorations' and anti-Yehovah 'holiday decorations' on land that you personally do not own, rent or lease.

Early in day, I asked a young man who claims to be a good Muslim what he would do with a Torah scroll if he had one and specifically if he would protect it or throw it in the trash. With no hesitation, he said he would protect it, after first sighting an image of it on his communication device at my direction to avoid any misunderstanding of my question. I told him that most people who party on Thanksgiving and continue their Christmas parties  through December and into January would throw the Torah Scrolls ( the Messiah of Elohim's people represents Truth contained within those Scrolls) into the trash rather than protect the Word of Elohim because by their works, they reject the contents of the Torah Scrolls. I then asked another young man ( a #970 in the Hebrew Strong's code) if 'Allah' has ever been made into an idol, such as a Buddha statue. He said 'no , it is forbidden to make idols', but said that Hindu people do make idols and I told him Catholics also make idols.

Our conversation did bring joy to Yehovah's ears but might not have brought joy to a typical American:

Adonay: Lord
Original Word: אֲדֹנָי
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: Adonay
Phonetic Spelling: (ad-o-noy')
Short Definition: Lord

Listening to Isaiah Chapter 9 can be confusing when you get to verse 17. The typical 'adonai' is a human who has control over land or money but not over Yehovah, who has offered the description of a LAMP to his people as the TORAH scrolls, not strings of electronic lights that please salespeople but will not please Yehovah, who is the God of the remaining remnant of YShRAL, a God who the United States government has rejected in works and who most people who claim to be Christians have also rejected by their works.

I have more than adequately advised my neighbors as seriously as I can that forcing "Christmas' projects into neighborhoods is not good for a nation and what people do on their their own property acting as their own adonai is what they will have to try to explain as offense or defense. I do not put any Christmas displays on my property because that is part of my defense which aligns me with Yehovah, not with an adonai who has rejected the teachings and instructions of the truthful prophets.  Unless i referred to the Hebrew texts, which men like Monte Judah have discouraged for some reason, I might have wrongly thought that Yehovah does not have joy in the 970's. A bad adonai wants to discourage Yehovah's people, are hypocrites and align with hypocrites and oppress the widow and the fatherless. Unnecessary spending on 'Christmas' type lighting actually does oppress community budgets, and those few who are like me do actually try to get our enemies to be less offensive by warning them verbally, ideally causing them to reconsider their idolatrous practices. 

My HOA leaders already know that I suggested a compromise to avoid a legal battle and to ease tensions, but I do not know if they fully understand that when the LORD of the Torah Scrolls returns, He is not going to be comforted but will be vexed and angry that people who have been using his NAME have acted contrary to his instructions and his Holy Spirit that is within the remnant of YShRAL, not in the Wal-Mart or Lowe's 'Chrsitmas' displays. I did take a walk in the darkness to deliver some clean food to a household which does contain adversaries of Israelites and only time will reveal if they are actually enemies of Yehovah.  It often does feel like the shadow of the valley of death since the United States is full of violence and evil yet. There are many times that friends have fed me, that adversaries have fed me and only very few times, while in prison or in hospitals, that my enemies have fed me while they were mocking Yehovah at the same time. I also have fed my enemies, but in whose hands dairy fudge and gorgonzola cheese from Rudolph, Wisconsin ended up in on day 970, I do not actually know. Tomorrow, I might know the difference by their actions with decorations that are adversarial to Yehovah but not to Wal-Mart, the Donald Trump units, the Macy's idolatry association or Janet Dunn's gangs of anti-naturalist politicians.

A great light is not the same as a good lamp, and only those who are willing to admit that there is a actual difference between an adonai, Yehovah and Elohim will rely on the Torah Scrolls and a lamp rather than trashing the instructions of Yehovah and propping up great lights that do NOT save lives or cash reserves. I will pray that no red bows are added to the crumbling walls of the entrance to my street, since the red bows are a sign of forced loss of virginity when attached to the typical Church of England wreath.

A good honest Muslim who knows that Torah Scrolls are good and idolatry is forbidden according to those Torah Scrols is better than a Catholic or Christian who has obviously rejected more than just warnings against idolatry and warnings against pushing their 'Christmas' agenda into places where it really does not belong. The above notice would not have been well received in certain households and would be well received by others who's comforter is not Santa Claus images and upright, obviously fruitless trees unnaturally lighted as winter approaches.  Even so, the above message has been delivered in a timely manner.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Who Has Misled Others Away From Justice?

A huge err occurs when humans tell other humans they want to bring sinners to 'justice'. This may not be easy to accept if you are in 'criminal justice' work, but the progression toward a point of justice is harder to achieve than a point of equilibrium in a war. Test the following theory of a post-sin repair process:

A= accused      C=complainant    M=mediator  E=Equilibrium   G=God  J=Justification (Point of Justice)  U=Unjustified  Y=Yehovah

1. C claims that a sin has occurred against him and  reports to M. M then seeks out A.
2. If A is never located, C has to admit any sin he did not atone for properly in order for C to start to pursue his own J. Very rarely is the C in any matter pure and innocent of any past sins that have not been brought to a point of E.
3.  Subject A will be located by another C eventually, even if the C becomes 'God'.  What A tried to hide from M is still not hid from G if you believe in a omnipotent G.
4. A and C can both reach a point of E just by admitting their past crimes and following the requirements of LOCAL, national and international  non-biblical laws to fulfill the penalty for the crimes they committed. For instance, if you were the A in a domestic violence situation and you followed the requirements that non-G humans demanded, you reached a point of E, but not a point of J
5. J is not achieved until M is a godly Messiah and the requirements of G are met. G's requirements are reasonable explained in the compiled books of Moses and the prophets in order to reach a point of J for those who believe in Yehovah rather than the Catholic pope system.
6. The more reasonable expectation for the typical anti-Yehovah C is to hope they can reach their own point of E, at which point they no longer worry about the status of the A, which might be better or worse than their status. The A has still not been proven to be a U in their past actions and in fact many C's are actually U by their actions prior to the incident that resulted in a form or war between A and C.
7. If you are found to be U due to a false complaint or actual commission of a sin that you do not want to go to a M or a G because you are too proud to admit your guilt, there is no chance even you will reach a point of E and certainly will never reach a point of J. Now you see why most people that are in the criminal justice system or in anti-Y law system will never reach a point of J, but will eventually be the A instead of the C before G.
8. Sinners who have become C's looking for A's will probably end up seeing each other in the presence of their chosen G but their G might be the exact opposite of Y and Y's people do not give up on the constant Yehovah form of HVHY=26. HVHY is a 4 point entity, not a 2 point linear G, since a 2 point linear G would have serious bi-polarity problems.
9. If you are a C or a A or a M, try to achieve a point of E which means you have started living an anti-sin life and have started seeking a process to achieve holiness via J. People who are clearly U can never provide J for you or any other living soul.
10. Only a JM (justified mediator) can go before a good G or an unknown Y in order to try to achieve J for a living saint or for the A group, not an UM ( unjustified mediator). UM can't achieve J for their C or the A even if they manage to achieve an E status because the UM hasn't properly atoned for their own sin or crimes yet.

Are you at this W=Word on November 18th, 2017?

Word 588:Aleph Nun Chet Resh Tav....... a narrow passage/a gorge/a narrow valley "yea, though I walk the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil'

Word 1326 (approaching 1335): Beit Tav Hey : DESOLATION , as in the term  'abomination of desolation'

Consider these words on November 19th, 2017, as the end of the 8th Israelite month (Foundation=Beryl, Seal=Levi Natural order=Asher) comes to a close:

589: Aleph nun Yod (I, Me, MIne) 'Vengeance is mine, saith Yehovah"
970: Beit Chet Resh (young, strong men NOT desolation); this happens to be the ESPN number of Simeon James Rice

1327: Beit Tav Hey ; to shatter/break into pieces
         Greek ' dee-ex-o-dos'  highways

2040: Hey Resh Samech  : throw down (french equilibrium word : jeter)

591 is a word for navy or a fleet of ships, which should interest any Zebulun or beryl minded person as much as word 971:  Beit Chet Yod tower

Since the public do not want to teach young people cursive, maybe they can start trying to test my reasonable theory of why most people shouldn't expect  to get to J without believing in and being obedient to HVHY's systems.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Don't become a Nashville Predators or Nashville Titans supporter this century if you understand Speedway #4027 serious anti-Halloween positions of defense. Nashville Predator fans are the most childish, ill'-mannered and verbally heathen of any I have ever heard in the NHL and they need to get the 'SUCK out of their immature and nasty anti-Yehovah vocabulary as much as others need to get the 'fuck' out of their vocabulary to improve their teams, schools, household and their neighborhoods. The Nashville Titans have as much of a pimp show in their 'home field' as the Dallas Cowboys or the Detroit Lions, so of course, God is not a Nashville Titan or a Nashville Predator fan and not a member of their teams.

I had a much longer and detailed post about the difference between rejecting a '98' and and accepting a '95' at Culver's at 15029 23 mile road, but by unintentional error I lost it by failing to press 'publish' and I can recall approximately 97% of it but only feel like typing about 3% of it now.

Do not use Sean Hannity and FOX as your 'spirit of prophesy' guide, keeping in mind 'SNOOPY' , Calgary Flames alumni and Ed Menard/Chelios 7 split lines  in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. As a fact. Honey Nut Cheerios are from Minneapolis, not from Detroit or Chicago. Clean food choices matter, especially if using Pittsburgh Steelers=20 and Black Pepper Code #2 from 524 S. Layton Blvd. in Milwaukee instead of Garfield=20 and True Blue=the 2 of billiard balls.

The above message was partially sponsored by Hershey's Almond Fudge codes and my unique international anti-wickedness press. 97% of the missing information might not have gone into purgatory.

The FIrst of the MoHICaN Code 42?

It has been made quite evident that sheriff's departments and politicians are most unlikely to try and correct their own wrongs. Once again, I am trying to work out Elmo Einstein type problems by using intelligence greater than anything Sean Hannity is capable of.

Sean Hannity is completely WRONG if he thinks boycotting products is not a good plan of action. Sean Hannity hired attorneys to try and fight off a verbal attack against him because Sean Hannity is filthy 'rich' and has decided to make attorneys richer rather than choosing to try to continue even though falsehoods have allegedly been spoken against him. I chose to rely on Yehovah to defend my name and my reputation that Shane David Hendrikson, Rachel Snyder Hendrikson and Stuart Rottier tried to destroy with false accusations which do not need to be mentioned again. However, it will be mentioned again that Richard Isaiah Hendrikson was once an employee of Culver's and had a decent reputation but he ruined his own reputation when he got a tattoo and then started believing lies uttered by his 'father' and wife instead of investigating allegations and finding out if allegations against his mother were true or not.

It should have been evident to Ashley and Eric Hendrikson that their mother wanted to be with her employer James Costa, Jr. before I showed up in their vicinity. Once children reach the age of adulthood, they do have a responsibility to 'double check' on what they may have been told in the past to protect them from family patterns of besetting sins.

A series of events happened today that were extremely interesting, and not that a plastic hockey figure of 'Jesus Christ' now appears in an upper room on the east side of my shelter instead of in a Mosinee Ice Rink, a 'legend' has actually been moved. Placement of ads in a hockey rink are actually legends, points that are set like codes on a map. As I walked into Culver's this evening, I went there to deliver some messages to the private sector rather than waste my time hiring attorneys to 'sue' my enemies. Once handed a '98', I rejected that number and was given a '95'. I rejected the '98' tag for a reason, and explained verbally why I did not want the number '98' to some soccer youth from a group called the 'revolution' who were trying to raise funds at Culver's alongside the regular Culver's crew. I noticed as soon as I walked int that the numbers 4/20/7 were lined up like Hitler's birthday and a 'Sharper' code or a Bill Barber progressive goal test for the Ed Menard team#68.

Culver's is less expensive than checking into a mental health center if I am not interesting in being alone 24 hours a day. Culver's is a better choice to buy a Pepsi product in than Hooter's if you are boycotting Coca-cola products like D.A.R.E. student should be doing based on Coca-Cola's pro-drug and pro-Santa Claus origins. Since I don't want anyone losing sleep over why I did not want a '98', it was because 1998 was a horrific year for me in hindsight, and more lies were told to me that year by Shane David Hendrikson than by my mortgage lender.  '98' is also tied to Chris Chelios if you are talking hockey like a few people can, and it was as easy to reject the number '98' as it was to reject a 'free' puck with a Redwing insignia on it at an Allstate office yesterday. I also easily rejected a bag from Fleet Farm in Stevens Point that had a Green Bay Packer logo on it. Start rejecting 'freebies' when they have a mark you do not want in your hand or in your forehead.

If I lose hope in the possibility that Fleet Farm people and Culver's people are incapable of solving problems that I am unable to solve, I would wrongly think that my messages do not have an impact and possibly result in an equal and opposite reactions from another. A neighborhood leader who I might as well call 'Tommie Gun' instead of Tommy Bedford, double checked with me to ensure that we still are at peace and are in agreement on a compromise we verbally made about 5 months ago regarding winter decorations. I mentioned to Tommie that I still would rather we had not Christmas type lights but that I did not want him to have to deal with 40 or more angry families who would act even more childish than   a Mohican if no lights were put up this winter.  It is the most childish, most anti-biblical and most wasteful spenders who insist on  Christmas presents, Christmas, Halloween and Mardi Gras parties and  Christmas lighting which interferes with a season that was intended to have natural darkness in the northern hemisphere but much natural light in the southern hemisphere at the same time.

I have a lot of excellent and honest conversations with a unique happily married man named Martin.  We have differences, but we are friends so we exchange information in a neighborhood were few are friendly and many dangerously refuse to stop at stop signs clearly seen.  We don't text one another secretly, we don't hide in offices like the Hillary Clinton types and we even openly talk about politics, health care and various religions without getting angry at one another. Martin is much wealthier than my youngest brother and has many of the same speech patterns, gardening patterns and smoke signal patterns as my younger brother has. What I learned to say today and Martin learned to hear today was 'Get the fuck out of your vocabulary but don't move out of the neighborhood.'  I suppose I might have said the same thing to Dan Boyle if he moved into the neighborhood and was as good at household defense as my friend Martin.

I listened carefully to Martin when he asked 'who goes to a gunfight with a knife?' I told him James Coburn did in 'The Magnificent 7', and later I though even Eric Lindros might because he went to Michigan with a knife but probably not a gun when he signed with Compuware.  #3979 is still a code I did not start, but here is a twister to consider with a 4207:
4/20 was was Hitler's birthday and the day that Shane Hendrikson proved he hated Yehovah.
Store #4027 is a very dangerous Speedway Station in Milwaukee that I used to be an assistant manager at a bit after Karen Carpenter dies of an overdose.  Young people working at a Culver's anywhere might not be learning as many survival skills as the Speedway workers, but the Speedway workers are still needed more because gasoline is required for most forms of transportation yet and the world can exist just fine without Culver's restaurants and without 'Scoopy'.

I was dressed in Jagr gear and a blue jacket, not as a Hedgecoke or a Riddler today as I went to check on the status of my auto mechanic. Eventually, I prepared my very old vehicle before it goes into cold storage and did not have to go to a car wash in Madison to get a fair deal from  Theodore 'Todd' Reynaud Jackson, my son's actual father.  Eventually I swooped into Culver's on a mission trip and discovered that my best #19 tooth, which is under my crowned #14, is damaged now and needs repair very soon. As I took my plastic '95' to a Culver's table at 15029 23 mile Road in Shelby, I shouted 'SNOOPY' as a reminder to other that the voice of anti-Nazi forces still exists and that James Staley influenced many people in a very good way before his past error was judged rather harshly by fellow citizens of the United States. 'SNOOPY=95' is a Thomas Jackland type legend just as a MoHICaN=123 is now a wise way to communicate a non-Jeep non-Cherokee message. Do not confuse a White Cherokee with Las Vegas signs on it with a natural Cherokee tribe member who might actually be holier than 'thou', because there are plenty of strong delusions occurring in the automotive industry and there are plenty of whorish men and whorish women that still 'love' to go in and out of Las Vegas and out of Christmas gatherings that are clearly defined as heathen by the Holy Scriptures.

Nashville Predators are currently pushing  'Halloween', and the Nashville Titans team is spreading whorish women in their brothel-type field; anti-Yehovah anti-commandment messages are spreading and causing spiritual cancer which are more dangerous than warts,vegetarian diets or arthritis.
The book of Leviticus has all the instructions a living saint needs to fight cancer, and plenty of instructions to fight fornication, fight adultery, fight against felons and fight against apathy.  Make sure you do not try to eliminate private business during spiritual battles.

The above article was sponsored by 'Citizen for a Holy Elohim', not by Piggly Wiggly in Mosinee nor by Hershey's Almond Fudge.

Hershey (Souray)
Almond (BYU)
Fudge ( The Pinwheel and tuna hoisters)

It isn't a requirement to get into the Hockey Hall of Fame before you able to enter the Kingdom of a Good and Holy God. What is required is the ability to understand occasional idioms and a willingness to accept the fact that legends and codes and the Revolution soccer team can be changed, but the requirements for the Church of Philadelphia mentioned in the book of Revelations cannot be changed, and it includes the ability to keep the commandments delivered to natural and voluntary Israelites.

Don't use Sean Hannity and FOX news as your 'spirit of prophesy' guide.

Oprah Winfrey's Gang Proves They Are Anti-Truth Again

Unlike Karen Carpenter's allies, no health-wise strong angel would ever say I'd BE healthy at 108 pounds of weak flesh, even though some drug-pushers might say I'd 'look healthy' at 108 pounds. The fact is I have been my healthiest between 150 and 170 pounds since I started weight-training in my 3rd decade of life on earth, which happened to be in the latter part of the 61st century, often referred to as the "1980's" by Greek radio teams. 

There is nothing funny or cute about a pair of parents that have to flee a government leader to prevent being MURDERED. It is an unforgivable sin to produce cartoon productions that try to make a flight for LIFE a joking or a 'cute' laughing matter.   Cruel, deceptive financial beasts such as Oprah Winfey's gang will not repent of their sins because their love of money is greater than their love of the Truth, and their wicked ways of trying to convince unbelievers to save heathen Christmas rituals will entrap, ensnare and deceive many.

The elect of Yehovah will not be found alive watching Oprah Winfrey's fake donkeys in a movie theatre so they also will not be found dead in a movie theatre, and it is a fact that movie theatres have become dangerous because they thrive on the incoming immoral majority.  Movie clips have ruined or lured more willfullly ignorant humans to an immoral and disgusting lifestyle than any 9mm Glock clip along the waistband of former  Milwaukee police officer Karen Dubis ever could.  Dubis might not have been in agreement with the book of Leviticus, but she also knew enough not to think it waa funny or comical to have any family or person have to flee their 'homeland' or their home city in order to prevent being murdered before even reaching adulthood.

A depiction of a pretend star pushed by the USA film industry might actually cause more damage to a nation and mislead more than the book 'Swimmy', just as the pushing of Christmas rituals has gotten our nation is to financial trouble so deep it is not reasonable to think the United States will recover from its own  version of spiritual cancer typified by the anti-Yehovah Christmas , New Year's and even regualr Sunday-keeping churches that have rose up from the earth like tares.

it is easier to escape the wrath or the lures devised by certain known gangs than it is for the typical anti-Bible character to be able to believe and then teach truthful facts. When trying to make some pro-Gadite or pro-Asher points against Monte Judah, the addition of some good humor might in fact cause him to repent of the errors of his anti-Nehemia ways, but in the most grave situations there is not room for humor, The elect of the most kind and patient Elohim ever to allow some to get saved in the time of Noah and Shem are rightfully sickened by the anti-Truth heathen venom produced by asp-types such as Oprah Winfrey's gang, and are saddened when they see how there is still a war going on in cities like Detroit, MIlwaukee, Chicago and Philadelphia often between men of equal height, weight and color divided by their tattoo affiliations, badge numbers and the serial numbers on their anti-Nun offensive weapons. their are times when a bit of humor can de-escalate a dangerous meeting of adversaries, but every actual believer in the truth of the bowl judgments knows that Oprah Winfrey is spreading more evil curses on the earth than a locust ever could.

 Pain and suffering does sometimes cause people to repent of their sins. If I had not had a bleeding colon I might never have decided to eliminate the consumption of animals never intended to be food for humans, such as oysters, pig or scallops. If the pain and suffering of living in a household with Shane David Hendrikson, an anti-commandmentist who not only hated me by wrote with his own wicked flesh that he was actively praying that his anti-Yehovah god would provide him with another female to mate with, I might never have fled to protect my own flesh as I did. Spending a few nights in jail as punishment for consenting to a legal abortion when I was old enough to read the Scriptures might have been a delayed punishment to prove even I could not 'get away with' destroying my first child, even though the United States of America government consents to the murdering of defenseless children in the womb and then shamefully incarcerates a man for 7 years for making 40% up front while another person is gambling with money rather than investing in 'Fruit of the Loom' and loosing everything like I did did due to horrible, anti-Christ bankruptcy rulings.

Indeed, the ruling boards of 'Shane's Interiors Department, LLC',  'Fruit of the Loom' and 'Chiquita bananas are more guilty of being wicked stewards of other people's investments than I or Jim Staley ever could or would be. Some very angry angelic force better make sure that the people who founded 'Whey Cool, LLC' and then convinced me to invest in their product is the next company to get indicted for possible intentional misleading of investors. If Cheryl Staley needs a place to flee to, I have room here at my women's shelter fondly known as 'Stalag 1' and true to Robert Clary's function of being anti-Nazi within it's walls. Her husband James Staley is a much better man than Thomas Wahl or Roland Hendrikson ever will be because he told the truth even when facing people who were gathered against him face to face while trying to enforce the most burdensome laws ever contrived by  haughty, overpaid Babylonian-type  congressmen and senators that are not the elect of Elohim but in fact mound of legislation that is usually so anti-Yehovah it makes it more clear each day that no one can really live on a prayer, but might be able to live on a prayer rug and get half-way throught the tribulatio period safely.

I do thank my Elohim if this post is made public and I do not get arrested for revealing the dangers of Oprah Winfrey once again, for revealing the problem with hypocrisy and possible wrongdoing of 'Whey Cool, LLC' board  and the actual immoral and obvious evil wrongdoing of 'Fruit of the Loom' and 'Shane's Interiors Department, LLC' once again who did not protect and defend people who had invested in it because it unbiblically restructured and kept selling their products to  the unwise, ignorant and foolish who were unaware of their financial SINS against me and others similar or maybe very different than me.

Make sure Donald Trump is forced to watch 'The Star' and see if he can disern between the apostacy and his own anti-Jeremiah, anti-Yehovah and actually anti-Abaddon position on December 25th rituals. Do not forget that Abaddon is a angel who is intelligently designed to be a leader prepared to go on offense while submiting to a perfect natural and spiritual Lawgiver, not creating an idol for himself out of United States congressional records or Oprah Winfrey's gang of unholy cartoon creatures.

Time to learn some lessons from some hearty, natural perennial flowers that do not fear me nor do they fear getting pruned back for the winter. With no living Messiah in sight, most people actually do view the spouse they chose as their personal Lord and Savior' until the married couple agrees to worship another form of a Lord of which their are many to choose from in a obviously pagan world view. Donald Trump is NOT my LORD; Donald Trump's model bikini citizen should regift his MIchigan prayer shawl  to a Yehovah-fearing man more worthy because he actually isn't going to say 'Merry Christmas' to anyone this century. When the type 'H is for Hitler' words 'Merry Christmas' are directed toward a sealed servant of Yehovah, the response you should hear something similar to this:  'I love Yehovah and the prophets of YShRAL so I am not going to repeat what you just verbally attacked me with. Have you prepared for the bowl judgments yet?'  Of course, if you are responding to an adversary rather than to an enemy, the sealed saints might only say 'I love Elohim and respect Abaddon so I will not repeat your last Vatican statement.' Your real friends will know not to blaspheme Yehovah so they will not say 'Merry Christmas' to those who have clearly aligned with Simeon or Zebulun at 8 and 9 or even at 2nd and 10 in a football game.