Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Typing Class: E as is JaEck, Ewe, BelmorE, GEskE Edwin, Ezequiel or Emery


If you still are in contact with the man from Germany who was present at your wedding AND if he is in flood trouble in Texas, please have him contact me by phone if possible so I can offer him temporary shelter if he needs it.  If you wanted me to know how you are doing, you would have written to me or visited me, so I am not going to pry into your personal life. I forget what the German's name is, I think it is Mark and as I recall he married a woman named Rachel. I know Mark's  name isn't Holton or Atkinson.

Yehovah does discipline and does protect those who trust in his Name and love Yehovah's instructions. I am still sorrowful at times, but my hope is in the Shepherd of Ysrael and has been since Dean Noonan started to correct me from the errors of my ways. You still have access to my blogs, which might sting like a scorpion at times but will not destroy those who love the Truth and are willing to align with one of the tribes of Ysrael.

I have been in many battles without you, and had been in many battles with you. Today is anniversary of the day the mother of Ronals Soreanu, who is a hockey defenseman and has been in Haifa, struggled to give birth to a son. His #18 matters, just as the number 23 I used to wear as a high school pitcher matters. When I was a pitcher in high school, we didn't generate very much offense, but we were a unique team that stilll know how to prepare  defend ourselves against or  learn to study an adversary's plans.  The day a healthy child is born, the mother of that child should be remembered for being pro-life. What the newborn child son ends up becoming ends up out of the mother's control.  In my area, many people who refer to themselves as 'Jehovah's Witinesses' have rightly abandoned Christmas trees but have not embraced the practices of their neighbors who in concentration camps with them. The JW.ORG people were assigned a purple triangle and those under rabbinic systems were assigned a yellow 6 point star. The only star I gave to Autumn Rayne was on a lampshade, and that lampshade was not meant for a child who I did not and do not know. That lampshade had a message with it, just like the rings I designed but eventually was not able to keep; 2 were stolen and the ring that Lee Ayers constructed was intentionally thrown away when I realized women should not be wearing pearls and I in the middle of a HUGE spiritual battle, leaning on my survival and anti-drug anti-witchcraft instincts.

Indeed, a 'wicked one' who snatches away a good seed that was not cared for properly is not going to waste the good seed, but will use it as food or drop it in a better location. When a wicked one learns to save a good seed, the wicked one actually ibegins doing good works and reveals just who the most careless farmers are. I am not sending any money to JJ Watt, since he exhibits bad judgment in his employment decisions.

I will post this on my blog, just in case you delete it, since the information in this email matters to people in Texas and maybe to a few other Soreanu family members.

Yes, even a robin , a squirrel, a rat or a raven will eat a good seed or wheat that has been left high and dry.


Go Straight V Addendum:  A certain holy woman walked through a Lowe's seeking some seeds for her small plat of mostly clay soil. When a good single holy male could not be found on the top or bottom shelves, she decided to request lesbian repellant. Aganst such requests, there is no law.


Marie, your mother inear Canada

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