Friday, August 18, 2017

A Mark of A Beast Entrenched in Michigan Local Laws

It is extremely difficult to report that KuKluxKlan rule and Nazi-style ordinances are still being selectively enforced in Detroit area suburbs such as Troy, Macomb and Shelby. I received a non-anonymous report of men being threatened with 'fines' if they did hired landscaping work on any Sunday in what I will refer to as Henry Ford anti-Semite zones while others are doing the same work or noisy tractor work on farmland on their own or other's property WITHOUT being threatened. Most of the hypocrites that refer to themselves as 'Jewish', often employed in attorney or banking offices, also have taken the mark of the sluggard by closing their offices on Sunday just like any other anti-Israelite who has deserted the faith once previously delivered to a few, not to many.

Now, many have access to what the few were given, but let me be rather bold now in my examples of  hard-hearted desertion.

A) In ASIAN China, I suspect that people are allowed to work as hard as they want to on Sunday, with or without pay. Michael Rood is playing reindeer games with oversees people when the people from his own HOME STATE still are suffering financially because of anti-Moses rules on their non-Confederate style books. Is every state that was considered 'Union' during the civil war now to blame that Michigan communities have anti-Israelite laws that they still are trying to enforce? Every survivor or soldier of the Civil war can't be blamed for the anti-Israelite laws still in systems who do not believe in the apostles nor in the son of the Israelite Mary and Joseph described in the books known as the 'new testament' but which in fact is a confirmation of the ORIGINAL older writings delivered to people who did not want to live in a society overrun with  Carrie Underwood pro-violence crime or Whitney HOuston's pro-adultery songs. Why won't Shelby or other police departments try to stop adultery in the communities and let people who want to work on Sunday do so with the consent of theie legal EMPLOYER?  Michael Rood should bring his battle gear and his Jewish trinkets along with his Marine credentials and start battling to get 'Sunday laws' erased from the books since Yehovah knows legalists like Sam Bernstein haven't had the courage to fight a good fight yet for Israelites.

B) In those areas where laws still exist prohibiting good works on Sunday, the political representatives have already taken the mark of a existing beast into their mind and hand. Citizens trying to gain their religious freedom and CHOOSE which day they want to rest on are in areas like a grain of wheat among tares. If we have chosen not to be employed by government systems that are contrary to Moses and 7th Day Adventist systems, we might be a light to a person who's mind has been darkened much longer than the sun will darkened on Monday.  To be honest, I do not recall reading any ordinance that prohibited work on Sunday in Milwaukee BUT for some reason selling items on WHEELS (cars) on Sunday is prohibited statewide in Wisconsin. When King David tried to move the ark on wheels, trouble happened to King David's allies.

C) The utmost hypocrisy arises when NFL men are 'working' on Sundays in Detroit but in the political domain of stupidity, Christmas elf land and worshipping of electrified trees such Macomb, Michigan and Shelby a good hard-working person takes the risk of being financially penalized for  believing Moses words and resting on Saturday THEN rightfully expecting to paid for the good works he does on Sunday just like any obese Catholic priest expects to get paid from his religious students for his lukewarm lecture and Italian pork side orders.

D) I tried to help the Shelby police department in the past, but for some reason they rejected a very good message a few years ago. We might agree that we both have a form of life, but when the Truth sets you free and you don't go the way of one of the twelve tribes of Israel, you missed the trifecta system completely and you end up praying to a box of Lucky Charms instead of knowing the sardonyx supremacy mindset of Joseph.

E) I did notice that the word 'sheriff' is in some English translations of the Book of Daniel and is tied to the NEBUCHADNEZZAR not to Michael the Archangel's system. I am now very thankful I never decided to be employed by any sheriff's department, and am even more sure that getting paid to play the organ on Sunday in various Catholic churches proved I always had a good desire to WORK on Sunday! I do see the name BUCH in there and the name BUCH is not even as good as the word venison in my family. Chad is also in there, but I do not see Hendricks or Bettis in NEBUCHDNEZZAR.  This  anti-BUCH point might only be of interest to Eddie LeBaron and Menasha students, but BUCHENWALD is also an area I entered and left from while a few Russian types might have been standing by in 1979. The spirit of Eliasir might have slipped in like Patrik Elias at this point E.

F) Flags do matter, and I now have to find out if towns like Sudbury or Johnstown, Pennsylvania prohibit people from doing legal work on Sunday, since both of those cities were not afraid nor ashamed to raise a flag of Israel. Camp Topaz in the United States might not have been as bad as the camps the Nazi's built in Europe, and those who felt they had the safest 'assignments' in Nazi-camps referred to their area as 'Canada', not Hollywood. Today, the image of Steve McQueen has been pulled down in my household, and a reminder of the place I have been treated kindly every spring has been raised in the form of Canada's flag. I will not be raising lesbian pride flags, and what the current colored president of Canada chooses to do will not eliminate the history of the flag with a sign that looks nothing like a Christmas tree on it.

G) The city of Chicago is an anti-Constitution disgrace now, but so are any laws that prohibit good employment on Sunday in the United States. The town of Macomb and other towns that prohibit work on Sunday for those who have chosed to believe Yehovah instead of Chris Benoit types are actually ENEMIES of the Constitution of the United States, so I would expect our own USA military to correct them as soon as possible.

H) Hope that I am correct on every point and suggestion I have made in this post. In the meantime, I have prayed to the God of my choice that the workload quadruples for employees of towns and cities that disregard and choose to approve of legislature contrary to Moses, and that includes the State of Oregon. If my prayers are ignored, I still must do my best to be obedient to the rules for Israelites not living near Jerusalem.  It would have been better for those who have been set 'free'  in this nation of Solomonians  (also known as Freemasons) to make or move plenty of bricks or stones on Sunday after resting on Saturday than for them to display complete contempt and hatred for Israelites who have been forced into or voluntarily set within their boundaries. From what I have heard, anti-Semite the Henry Ford line often expects their employees to work 7 days a week just like an Egyptian ruler who's army didn't have enough lifeguards from Pulaski to scoop their chariots out of the Red Sea, but the Henry Ford employees schedule is an unverified report.

I) I is not Y. If you get the first '10' wrong, you might have to choose between Iodine and Minneapolis at an I formation to avoid any anti-Ayin patterns. The letter Ayin is not the mark of the whore of Babylon nor is the Ayin meant to be tattooed on body.

J) If you just survived Jason Smith day, do not blame me. If you survived Jason Arnott day, good for you!

K) I do not intend to look at the eclipse on Monday, since the form of my redemption is not coming from solar panel experts nor from people who have ignored  shofar blasts or outlawed the keeping of Israelite feasts  on their property. Tropical forces 91L, 92L and 93L are more worthy of my earthbound attention, since I believe I still have a few friends in Saint Lucia.

L) Hey Vav Lamed Lamed Vav Tav = 477, not 666. Study Hebrew concordance word #1947 and recall that the end of World War II was not the beginning of peace on earth.

M) The plain where the obelisk was erected is mentioned in the book of Daniel chapter 3 verse 1. 'Beit Qoph Ayin Hey' is not the same as ten Gerabs. 5 is also not the number of completion, and people named Joshua might still be on offense in various places.

N) In a certain count since the year of my first exposure to serious curling clubs in London, Ontario, day 881 coincides with the eclipse in Nashville,TN. I might watch the ducks behavior during the solar eclipse, having noticed they are getting lazier and lazier due to a continual source of free corn being fed to them.  Taking away a undomesticated animals instinct to go and seek food according to natural food chains when food sources are plentiful during the non-winter seasons  is not actually doing the animal any favors.  What Sheldon Souray thinks of this point, I might never know but he probably knows his ESPN number is 881, not 477.

0) Here's an alternative song for Calvinists who don't trust the Coolidge administration messages. With the flair of a former UW-Badger amateur singer, this song should only be sung when you are not officially anywhere in Wisconsin:

    Off Wisconsin, Off Wisconsin that is where I am
    On the earth there's lots of trouble
    Often due to Ham!
    Off Wisconsin, Off Wisconsin
    Mosquitoes exist
    Repent before you choose how you will persist!

P) Mind your pey's and qoph's and expose your neighbors to good manners and exercise your freedom to choose your form of paid or unpaid work on the first day of your week if at all possible if you want to get from a Pergamos mindset to a church of Philadelphia mindset which includes accepting rather than rejecting Moses, Yeshua and the prophets who represent Yehovah.

Q) Thankfully, I just reduced the tension in my own household but I was not trying to decrease the tension in the homes of hypocrites and anti-Israelites. I usually choose the picture I add to a post after I present a written attitude toward any or no existing readers, so be sure to look up at the picture again.

R) The Philadelphia Eagles football team is in no way represents the church of Philadelphia described in the Book of revelation, and the very brown Reggie White #92 would agree with me on that correct point. The typical professional athlete is not even likely to understand why being surrounded by cheerleaders on turf you claim to have control of isn't considered 'good works', even on a Sunday afternoon. An eagle is an unclean fowl, by the way, and is neither as wise as a serpent or as gentle as a dove. A maple leaf is clean, a duck is clean, a walleye is clean, a gamecock is clean, and a canuck or twins might be clean since very few people know what a canuck is or what species of twins Minnesota coach Paul Molitor is leading right now.

S) The more society tries to correct the mindset of people that refuse to side with unholy and morally revolting anti-Moses filthy and wealthy Hollywood swine-minds such as Denzel Washington or Morgan Freeman or October Gonzalez, the more probable Light-skinned people might be redirected toward the mentality of a actual Israelite such as Reggie Howard White, who will end up holding a better position in history than Shirley Temple Black supremists or Matt Damon's demonic disciples.
T) Check your T is for tackle' line and remember that going to a lakeshore to try to catch a bluegill on a Saturday morning with wise and faithful father is a blessing. Watching drag races is as useless as watching the Egyptian armies try to perfect the their vehicles not knowing that they would soon fail  against Joshua and Caleb's in fresh water testing areas.  Technically, T is the 20th point of the English aalphabet but to a few it is a short version of the 9th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It might also be the last  letter 'Chet' point you will notice in a Ulickey  or pivotal Lefty Lemon position. HOly women with a understanding of a virtuous woman system aren't going to play playing rugby or wrestling with other females to entertain zombies and the unholy majority.

U) An undercat sometimes need to observe what the fools are doing in 'Clifford the Big Red Dog' sections  order to let other felines be a bit more careful in 'Snoopy' or 'Tom And Jerry' lines, since Tom Landry and Jerry Jones anti-Moses unholy angles might be trying to lure more pro-blasphemy humans to their Dallas Cowboy way. 'Tom Kitten' wasn't always chasing the same mouse according to Beatrix Potter and it's time to admit that 'Underdog' is as much of an incredibly weak delusion as 'Superman', 'The Incredible Hulk' or 'Mighty Mouse' .  I don't know which real and strong delusions the enemies of 'Team Abaddon', the ruler of the mysterious '5 Hole' possibly by default, will face,  I know I am not a strong delusion, neither will I ever be a cowardly lion, a scarecrow, a flying monkey or a tinman.

V) The upcoming Darious Hillary shows should be better than Peter Bergman's purple tie games,  contrived 'Victoria Newman' dressing room secrets and 'The Hilary Hour' of anti-Truth power being ejected from morally deranged CBS teams more ignorant about valedictorian, Vav and vanadium facts than a Srixon golf balled named 'Patrick Lebeau'  or a Faxon named 'Brad'.

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