When a 'kind' approach does not get people to turn away from a pattern of sin, it does hurt the soft-hearted saint whose prophesies were ignored. Animals that were not 'stored' in houses as pets usually have a better escape and survival plan than FEMA can offer them, unless a loose German Shepherd crosses into your homeland and crushes the neck of a shitzu such as occurred at 1602 Mary Lane in the toen of Knowlton, Wisconsin many years ago. An animal that is trained to kill is as dangerous as the typical military veteran when food sources are getting low and there is no good God to retrain and restrain them properly.
Some people rather walk 500 miles than read the same readings that Yeshua would have listened to in a synogogue on a Saturday. While 'The Weather Channel' has some person that says ' miwions' like Brad Scott of 'Wildbranch MInistries' instead of 'millions', I am not sure if the Greg Forbes group is trying to mock the group (including me) that had once gathered overlooking the Jezreel Valley.
I've been mocked by Shane David Hendrikson, who was ready to lick his Dick Peterson plates and also wanted to "lick" Tom Wahl at Slade Enos Hendrikson's wedding area; in this case, 'lick' is an old fashioned term for physically fighting another person. Robin Michael Ortiz, who is over 61 now and certainly not 'Shaner' the Detroit Tiger, chose to give me a divorce and eventually the silent treatment rather than mock me or try to 'lick me' after I sought medical help at the Mayo Clinic in 1995. The equal and opposite reaction to evil sometimes occurs hundreds of miles away from where evil occurred, because when too much evil is concentrated in one area it is better to seek peace and safety elsewhere.
Terminology often misleads people with limited vocabulary skills. The memory bank also needs to store certain information to clarify Cleary lines now. Certainly, Beth Cleary does not represent the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders, and if she does, she lacks a good moral code at an old age. Beth Cleary might know where Fulton and Atkinson are, but she may never have been terrorized by Janine and John Cleary on Scott Street as a child like many of the St. Matthew's Greyhounds were.
When you consider your lot on earth right now, you might want to avoid helping in an area such as Texas that has rejected the commandments of Moses, has accepted millions of White Federal loads and may be locked into a 428 bar code starting line that is worse than seeing what behing the Pabst glass in a 220631 bottle. Texas has bragged about the amount of guns they have for decades, and both of their NFL teams are whorish and unholy. For those people who have sang the song words 'I'm gonna walk 500 Miles', but then won't walk as many miles as the peaceful Indian tribes who were ejected from land that they OWNED and occupied, it is better that an area get humbled than get a haughty spirit toward people who are not going to Texas or Louisiana to try to save the flesh of people who had more time to get out of their area than the Marathon County Sheriff gave me to get belongings out of of my former house when a Nazi-type lied in courtrooms, on court documents and appeared to have 'won' in an unholy courtroom.
If I was offered space in the Dallas Cowboys whore field, I would reject it, just as I never went into the Mormon Tabernacle on a Labor Day weekend wasting my time with the Amberlee Holman bunch. Sometimes, you do not know that you wasted your time and effort on a project until you see the long term results of the people who intended to help. If, after this flood, the Houston Texans decide to become a decent team, they will follow the lead of the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Cleveland Browns, the New York Giants and the Chicago Bears. If not, not only will they have lost plenty of sleep and housing in the Texas, they also will have lost an opportunity to be more like real saints and less like obvious intentional sinners such as the Detroit Lions, who have gone the way of Jezebel instead of the way of the REAL Mary Ingalls or Almonzo Wilder. Yes, I am not very far from a concentration of horrible, anti-Bible sports teams, but enemies of Yehovah are plentiful on earth yet.
There once was a billboard on US Highway 39 near Irma, Wisconsin a bit west of Lincoln Hills juvenile prison facility. I had designed the billboard to represent a figure known as 'Jesus Christ' as a hockey goalie, not a NFL cheerleader. That was before I was properly exposed to Hebrew and the proper term of endearment for the Holy One of Ysrael. Now I might have labeled the goalie as 'Simeon' or 'Joseph' rather than 'Jesus Christ'. I also remember my friend, Irma Deleon and her brother Hector who isn't a Delgado. I can assure you no one ever forced my friends to do 'cheerleader splits' or cartwheels and in the 1970's, Catholic school cheerleaders dressed more modestly than the typical Jehovah Witness does in 2017! Skirts 'just above the knees', turtleneck sweaters and of course, no stomach showing was the 'cheerleader' protocol in the Ken Werner and Ruben Burgos era of St. Matthew's history. Ma took this and Pa took that....... but now I don't even want my LSU jacket unless I properly label it as 'Leroy Shaw Uniform' division revisions.
'Claudette' is the name of a crippled lady who bowls in Shelby, but Claudette also is very proud about her pork, shrimp and anti-Moses diet; it also is in the Allison line, and of course, Theretha Allison became a King, not a Smith to my knowledge. Keep in mind it was wheels on the cart that got Solomon's daddy in trouble, just like doing cartwheels gets non-virtuous women in trouble.
Will Overton's magazines soak up more water than a sponge in the new Texas wetlands? My dead dog 'Elmo' could start swimming classes sooner than an Canadian Ojibwa submarine would be able to pull people out of Cameron, Louisiana. Now, maybe the scene of St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans will seem much different than the scenes of Patrick Roy's exit strategy from a bad morning after a Montreal loss.
Oh, have some Ellington fan tell Elaine Duke it is NOT a good morning for anyone that is willing to speak the Truth about the conditions on the fact of the earth. 'Duke' the Clampett dog has better instincts than the typical political group who has clearly not yet embraced the concept of obeying the commandments delivered by Moses to people who had avoided flood waters. I am thankful that I can use a piece of chalk to try to solve other ongoing problems that have not yet been solved or corrected properly; I intend to use my skills in a better way than Clark Gable used his skills before, after and during World War II. I intend to use my skills better than the Macomb Boy Scouts Troop 149, who are only trying to protect Coca-Cola machines instead of trying to sell something better like tattoo-repellant or carrot juice!
If you could choose to have bar of soap or an Italian opera today in flood areas, but not both, which would you choose? I would choose a bar of soap which might have to be inserted into people's mouth who keep uttering obscenities instead of Psalm 25.
If I force you to think about what words you chose, what squad 69 position you chose and what form of defense you chose in the past and in the present, good. I am not trying to drug anyone to death. What I did not intend to discover today was that the Macomb Corners Park Staff decided to align with pro-divorce protestant Tom Wahl instead of a saintly approach to a Bobby Orr method of thinking, and that proves that when accurate public information is released, guilty parties want it 'covered up' and erased. The facts remain that E. Dan Danson and the Wausau Jewish synagogue did witness me treating my enemy, Shane David Hendrikson kindly, but kindness was never returned.
I rather find out now that the Macomb Corners Staff rather rely on a rusty Calais and a perverted statue of a topless for their 'god' now. Cowards like Tom Wahl are plentiful, just as pro-divorce ungodly judges are plentiful in the United States. Macomb lost it's chance to be part of a remnant sneak, and all that remains is a topaz line going back to #2, without an unmanned Ford. No, the Macomb Parks staff is not even good enough to make a Reuben line, and it's days like this that I really miss what I experienced in Sudbury, Ontario. It will be another bad morning on earth, and my angel isn't weak.
When fools get into a #17 line without knowing what their 17 on the outside of the Macomb Hockey rink represents, the honest citizen's laundry line often tells more of the condition of a mindset than a piece of plastic hanging outside of an entrance. What a person wears does matter, including badge #1532. It's no better in Macomb parks than it was on 9th a Greenfield in Milwaukee when a riot started breaking out and USA occupants decided to start throwing bottles at the police officers, including me and others in District 2. Such battles are not forgotten, and no one from Chippewa Falls or Gratiot was there to back me up then. 'Sir Duke' is in fact part of a lying Wonder team, and what information my neighbors, adversaries and enemies were not allowed to see might ruin their chance to get into the proper 'Hey Yod Hey' line.
I'll still get my exercise on my bicycle without breaking any laws, and I have NO intention of trying to save or protect the Macomb Corners staff from the errors of their ways because the decided to try to prevent a good outcome for people like Martin Biron. The name Biron is better than Janet I. Dunn. The grandfather of Robin Michael Ortiz, a Milwaukee police retiree who retired in Biron, WI, was a better man at mind and behavior than Virgil Smith, Kevin Smith, Ashley Maria Hendrikson, Roland Hendrikson or Thomas Wahl ever was or will be. Promise breakers are promise breakers and facts are facts right up to 804 in the middle of the Macomb zip code.
Just a reminder, I know that Robin Michael Ortiz is over 61 now, and I suspect he has less money than 'Shaner 61' because he did pay his child support and he did not steal money from his ex-wife like Shane David Hendrikson, but that does not mean that he isn't worth anything to the City of Milwaukee ERS team. My beloved aunt, Evelyn Biene, kept a picture of Robin Ortiz because she remembered him as being kind even if he wasn't faithful and true, but many on earth are as cruel,deceiving and wicked as Shane David Hendrikson because they choose to be evil rather than good as God.
I know this post isn't as clear as the paths on the Mitchell Park Domes, and once again I hope my enemies end up in derision or even with a curse because they did not align with Ysrael.
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