Sunday, August 20, 2017

How Many Good Rounds Does The Anti-Beast Have?

There is no doubt the Arizona Cardinals are not doing anything to disuade  morally corrupted parents from putting their daughters on a Lawrencia Bemenek path toward Playboy lines, o the Arizona Cardinals are not anti-beast. The rocks in the above photo look better, behave better and are holier than any of the females who romped with pompom and then rumped their way  around the Arizona Cardinal's unholy valley of decision.  Try to  keep in mind that the number '352' is pivotal in Coyle, Havelid, Joseph and Molitor lines. Laziness is not a part of holiness and godliness.

As day 881 is in progress without Sheldon Souray anywhere in my sight, let me try to refocus your vocabulary to being anti-Beast and let the anti-Christ people align with the Kim Crawford trash instead of checking out the wine of John Christ. It is HORRIBLE what I hear and see from what is now the typical high school freshman, and their parents ARE to blame when a high school freshman is not yet anti-beast.  If I would describe what the god of the USA military looks like, it would look like  the lifeless piece of metal trash just west of Macomb Corners park baseball field 6. Like any other beast of the USA Army systems, there is no sign of a truthful and living God in any kind of rendition of a topless woman in a 'cheerleader' type position, and the statue represents a form of a whorish beast not a saint or a potential hero able to save a life from heathen idolatry.

The Chicago Bears are anti-beast because they have a moral code built into their system. A wise daughter can direct her father into a morally decent position, while the atheist is only 1 indecent statue away from becoming an idolatrous heathen. The statues of elephants that the MInnesota Viking received many years ago, one of which was smashed by Keith Johnson, were far less harmful to the team than the MInnesota Vikings cheerleaders and their other NFL whorish pompom counterparts.

For those few who are trying to understand what Yehovah expects of them and why Jehovah Witnesses are often quickly rejected by pro-beast or anti-Bible people, let me try to explain how a pro-Bible person can try to improve the reputation of the typical Jehovah's Witness rather than being rude to a peaceful human being usually less harmful than a spider on your porch.

1. Ask the Jehovah Witness if they are trying to align with Israel or remain anti-Moses.
2. If they claim they want to align with Israel, tell them you want to know what statues, precepts, judgments and dietary laws a good Israelite is supposed to obey and practice in their daily life.
3.  Ask them if they eat pork and shellfish. If they say yes, tell them they are proving they do not believe Moses or Yehovah, and therefore you don't believe them since they do not represent Yehovah properly yet.
4. Example of non-kingdom hypocrisy:
    A heterosexual couple claims they want to move into Canada because they do not like living in France, so to prepare to accomplish their goal to live in Canada they start studying all the laws that Canadians are supposed to obey.  At the same time, they are not supposed to be keeping the existing laws in France. Eventually, when they are actually given a fair opportunity to reside in Canada, even for a few days a year during vacationa time, they decide to intentionally BREAK the Canadian laws, are seen by 'Jehovah's Witnesses' breaking Canadian laws they have been studying. As a result, the Canadian geovernment never  should allow the unjust tourists to become Canadian citizens if the believed the reports of the Jehovah's witnesses.

5. Example of 'Kingdom' hypocrisy:
     A man living in the United Kingdom who is a non-atheist decided  wants to be part of the  Israelite Kingdom that Michael the Archangel is a part of, which means he wants to be part of a system that expects to have a good King of Israel  under a God often names 'Yehovah' and at other times named  Sum God #26. While being stuck in England under an anti-Moses regime run by an anti-Moses queen, the man starts studying the statutes, laws and ordinances for the tribes of Israel but decides they are no good laws and has no intention of ever thinking they are worth obeying, so he keeps bowing to the anti-Moses queen and her spoiled, unholy and unclean descendents.  Such a man should never be expect to be sealed into the Kingdom that Yehudah is part of, and certainly can be labeled as an anti-Yeshua heathen.

6. Example of United States 'Christian' hypocrisy:
   Small groups of citizens in the United States says they are  'Jehovah's Witnesses',huge groups say they are 'Christians' and Roman pro-cruxifix groups say they are 'Catholic'. The few who do not want to spend time in jail choose to try to obey the millions of 'big picture' rules of the United States no matter who the ruling president, governor or mayor is, but they refuse to  obey the far fewer rules of Yehovah currently available to study in the first 5 books of the Bible. The first 5 bookd of the Bible do contain variations on the rules for people who want to exhibit their love for and trust in the God of the Israelites. Thus, by default,  the Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics and Christianss are  cast out of ( not allowed into) the' Kingdom of Israel's God by a judge of Israel, and they can keep being under Donald Trump or try to get under Justin Tredeau's nation for a period of time, observing what the people who trust Yehovah's Laws and chose to obey the instructions delivered by Moses actually do to prove they love the perfect Laws of Yehovah.  Yehovah's true, sealed saints know never to 'mate with' someone still part of the Jehovah's Witness system or any other version of protestant or Catholic systems since they are not willing to preach Moses nor rest on the sabbath of YEHOVAH and thus are not yet anti-beast in thought, word or deed. The people who actually want to follow the rules for good Israelites still have a few good bear tough Rounds in them as they continue to EXPECT the right to practice their good conduct and holy religion without being arrested or threatened by heathen goons dressed in cheerleader outfits, Macomb County Sheriff's gear, USA military gear or Catholic altar boy gear. Sometimes, heathen goons prove they are heathen goons and they try to enforce Nazi-type anti-Israelite laws that still exist such as  being pro-abortion or forbidding good men to work and get paid on Sunday and as a result, real saints of the Most HIgh Israelite God do suffer physically and financially for righteousness sake.  Any aborted child in the world has suffered for righteousness sake and is innocent, unlike pro-beast heathens such as the Detroit Lions organization, Detroit's Chief of Police, Barack Obama, Larry and Renee Mizewski, the Arizona Cardinals organization, Playboy product purchasers and Hillary Clinton. It is easy to come up with a list of obviously pro-beast people and thus avoid labeling too many people as anti-Beer or anti-Christ.

A beast system is anti-holiness, anti-modesty, anti-goodness and anti-Truth, therefore a pro-beas pro-Babylon system is unjustified due to their lack of faith in something as pure as the unchangeable constant order of the Beit, Resh, Aleph, Shin, Yod and a special  letter  of the Scriptures that is not the Vav or an English F and of course does not spell 'Beelzebub' or 'Bruin'.

In the beginning was the WORD that started with a Beit, and in the end, there is a final letter 'nun', the 14th letter and the end of the Book usually referred to as #66 by various Protestant book buyers and book sellers.  This report took quite a bit of work, but this report is not too hot to handle nor too difficult to read by an average Frederic Handel disciple.

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