Friday, August 11, 2017

Beware Of Cherie Cinalli Types In Office

'Rise up, O LORD! Let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate You flee before you." And when it rested, he said: Return O LORD to the many thousands of Israel.' If your LORD's name adds up to 26, you are like me. If the Lord of your Sabbath is referred to as 'Yeshua', you are also like me.  When the lost sheep are located, sometimes there is a problem with lost wolves not clothed like proper, Torah-observant Benjamites should be clothed.

Now for a stern warning against the Fifth Third 166.7% math clubs and Gentile groups with mediocre defense skills, Napoleon lines and weird commercials!

When a bank puts a hold on your bank card with a computer chip because  they did not get notice you were leaving your mortgaged house, it might test your patience but it is a good idea to check on a good customer's status. I am a good customer of 5/3rd bank and my debt load is still a burden which I must bear. I will not be bearing anyone else's debt load, especially if someone is using fraudulent means to continue on a path he or she does not belong on.

When I was questioned by an unknown person via telephone regarding my travel plans, they expected me to be very specific for some reason as if they were my parole officer rather than a bank just verifying my present location. However, FIFTH THIRD BANK employee Cherie Cinalli, listed as 'Assistant Vice President' at 30 West Bridge Street in Berea, Ohio, then refused to take important information I had obtained in a computer search regarding a woman listed as being in the Reno, Nevada area who had information and even a pet very similar to my own past legal information. Cherie Cinalli is as dangerous to her employer and my assets and Thomas Wahl of Chippewa Falls Police Department and the Marathon County Sheriff's Department because when I detected a serious problem with and adversary, they refused to take any type of preventive action to protect me due to their laziness, not due to their lack of power at the time.  By the way, Cherie Cinalli easily took control of a empty  Reece's candy plastic bag even though she chose to be an artificial blonde for some anti-good reason. 

Once a crime has been committed against a person who had asked for help, those who refused to help the victim are no longer even good enough to be called an adversary, but become an enemy of the victim. The Joseph Gabrish family might understand this better than Joe Juneau and fans of the number 425.  People who have participated in or enjoy watching crimes seem to flee and scatter like golf balls after a close encounter, and only in returning to the victim with a proper attitude can they have any potential of not being considered party to a crime or not being charged with obstructing/lying to a legal citizen's righteous desires.  

Later in this past irregular week, an extremely paranoid or uneducated female employee at a recycling center (11545 State Highway 82 east of Serpentini's car dealership) bore false witness against me, called the police and reported to them that I was confused and driving erratically. First of all, stopping into a public location and asking for directions means you are not yet where you intended to be but where you chose to be temporarily to seek assistance. A confused person rarely even asks for help in a logical place with actual maps to study, and an uneducated and improperly trained person does not ask reasonable questions to try to establish another human's status before they add more trouble to what already might be a less than ideal situation. The female employee could have asked me a few more questions and I could have reassured her I was 'off course' but not confused or behaving unreasonably.  Instead, she called the police and I was challenged by 2 more adversaries, namely by 2 police officers in 2 different police squads as I exited the BMO Iceland hockey rink. No human who has been mistreated so many times by police officers and sheriff's deputies and  civilian men with guns and  prior 'husband' status would take any encounter with a police call against them lightly until they are convinced that the responding officers are competent enough to prove the complainant wrong, at which time they should return to the complainant/caller and advise them not to bear false witness against their neighbor. I departed from the 2 police officers in a peaceful manner, but was very upset that once again my name came up as a 'problem', just as it had at the Macomb Ice Rink when I had been doing not only voluntary investigative work  in my community but had been trying to approach my own history and the history of others with a discerning spirit, not a dangerous spirit of lawlessness. 

In order to reduce my own anxiety after having another false report be delivered to a police department, I went to a golf ball driving range to launch golf balls rather than trying to book the next NASA flight to a place where no saint or wise human belongs.  Halle Berry and Mary Ellen Weber is not a hero and certainly not a person who's path I would want to follow nor be like in any way, and the outcome of men like Chris Chambers is still to be determined by people other than me.

I no longer am interested in seeing what high school principal Mark Smithberger or D.J. Woods impact or actual history is because I did not have an enjoyable experience when I was on my very best behavior in their community.  Indeed, one bad employee can prevent a good person from spending money or time in an area.  Larry Mizewski types are the same as the female employee at the recycling center, and the Johnstown, PA water department employees behaved as ministering angels when I was seeking a location I decided to deploy myself to in these times of real wars and rumors of more wars.

Before I return to my abused women's shelter in Michigan, let me leave some 'anti-New England Patriots' news slip into electronic media like a trickle of actual factual news. I no longer want to have any affiliation with Rick Hendrick's family for a very good reason, and my tour of the Bedford, Ohio area was refreshing, especially when the staff of Bedford high school actually helped my verify some information I had obtained from 'Wikipedia'.  Eric Beverly does exist, just as Mike Enos and Wayne Bloom do exist in history. Be advised, using names other than your original father's name, your married name or your post-divorce legal name not only causes much trouble for yourself eventually, it causes you to be labeled as a deceiver  with postible hostile witnesses against you eventually. I rather wanr people than have them end up like Eric Jordan who lost his common sense and labeled himself as 'Benet' when he had the blessing of a good and decent education in is younger years with his siblings Audrey, Jennifer, Steve and Lisa Jordan. 

Let me recommend the beef bologna special ($6.88 plus tax) at the Family Diner  a bit east of Doug White's Allstate office in northeast Ohio.  No Gatorade drinker of sound mound would pay $1.00 for a cooked brussel sprout unless they were trying to contribute to the foolishness of a former Coca-Cola employee now trying to sell wine. I also cannot recommend a place  who charges a customer  $3.99 more for requesting and receiving NO DEEP  FRIED POTATOES and asking for a reasonable substitution such as steamed vegetables, since such places are being cruel to those still fighting against the USA obesity epidemic. My brother John has led me to better places than Roland Hendrikson ever did or ever could at this point in time.  

As I get prepared to travel in an old car more comfortable than a brand new motorcycle, I am listening to 'Nehemia's Wall' programming, not a fool like Dan Patrick.  I am not much different than the entity WITH A FACE described in Isaiah chapters 49 and 50 as I wander about. Because of the sins of my adult son who claimed to trust Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, I eventually received a certificate of divorce and those who destroyed me in the past are not near me now. An adult son who claims to believe the Bible should try everything he can to prevent divorce and remind his father and mother of the vows they made in public and before many witnesses, but a foolish son rejects facts and continues in an anti-commandment path voluntarily. I am comforted knowing that the prophets realize than improper conduct by adult males often results in a woman being alone, and therefore my burden remains light since I know it was not my desire to be divorced from my son's Richard's father. The father of my son desired to be unfaithful, untrue and divorced from the mother of his child; such evil desires are not the desires of a godly parent or a holy father. I as am comforted knowing that my siblings and my parents had tried to deter my former spouses from destroying the household of my son, who had shown much love toward me more than a decade ago but now has gone the way of his unholy father, without signs of wisdom within him even if their are signs of wisdom in nearby households. 'Your destroyers and those who laid you waste shall go away from you.'....'Who has begotten these for me, since I have lost my children and am desolate, a captive wandering to and fro?'  'And for YOUR trangressions your mother has been put away' is not a French Mirage, but a fighter verse to use against sons who did not protect their mother nor challenge their father when he was departing from his own marriage vows and on a path toward covenant breaking.

The New Orleans Saints can go marching out of Cleveland Browns stadium to the area of floods and despicable Mardi Gras practices, for they have been tested and proven not to be real saints. It is unjust to refer yourself as a saint when your EMPLOYER does not even represent holiness, morality or decency in his or her own stadium. It also might be time to remove 'Hillary for Prison' signs if you are studying UW Badgers moves such as Darius Hillary and list up signs that say 'Shane David Hendrikson Is An Anti-Christ' or something more specific such as Hillary Rodham Clinton for Prison'.

It is now 2 months until the middle of the week of Sukkot, and I still only have partial recall not total recall of all the good I have accomplished in my mission trip to Pennsylvania and Ohio. I did not beg for money from Kevin Zeitler when seeing him face to face, nor did he ask me to pardon his past sins. I refused to eat in Yak's diner where the counter attack against me was a shirt that was labeled with the word "PINK' being worn by an employee since from such I will turn away to protect my eyes from the appearance of evil. I do not have fear of the number 26 or the tribe of Dan at second place in the foundations of the new and holy Jerusalem. Do you?

The last sighting of 2 orange, hard suitcases reminded me of a very gentle boxer named 'Lightning' who is buried in an orange suitcase in property taken over and then sold by Nazi-types in Wisconsin. I have no idea what the two orange, wheeled and hard suitcases contained that left ahead of me this day, but the ark of the covenant was not in them. Colors matter going all the way back to the Illinois State Trooper training areas, and there are many decent people who have chosen the right 'Mark' and have properly rejected the wrong 'Mark', Capitals matter in English, but in Hebrew, and upside down letter 'nun' end up looking exactly like a hockey stick prepared for proper action.  

In my next post, I will try to clarify why Steve Tuttle's accidental injury to an adversary is easily forgiven and why those who do not try to prevent divorce or ENCOURAGE it are in more spiritual danger than a locust next to a figure 8. I also will try to clarify what it means to eat the flesh of your enemy without breaking any laws in the United States of America.

'Yellow, orange green and red, I can't help you if I'm dead'. - Good cheer for the keepers of the Chicago Blackhawks gear

'Benjamin Bunny, Cleveland Brown, smoky quartz is not the wurst in town'. The Detroit Lions are as mush departed from the tribe of Judah as Tom Brady, so do not search teams with dance squads or pompom shows for a good leader or a 'messiah' figure unless you are planning to rescue them like Zeitler was rescued from the Cincinnati Bengals at much expense to his current employer. One good defenseman can do more good to a community than a whorish basketball arena filled up with unholy sightseers gawking at Lebron James rather than choosing a better man to refer to as your 'king'. 

Satan fell, Saul fell, Yeshua fell, and I fell many times. Flesh wounds can hurt, but seeking a divorce without just cause is worse and more dangerous to your future opportunity for salvation than an accidental flesh wound. Attorneys beware,  drug-dipensers beware, judges beware and of course, petitioners beware of your potential unredeemed and unprotected status. Respondents like me are difficult to find and should be rather easy to trust by now. There is a difference between then Greco title company and Jose Reyes and I rather try to bring peace to an area than a sword to an area. Who was it that said 'I come not to bring peace, but a sword'? It was a man from the tribe of Judah, not a woman from the tribe of Zebulun.

I now have good memories to take with me from an NFL football camp to overpower the horrible memories I NOW have of May 17th, 1998. My car is 22 years old, and is more reliable than Titannic fans or Disneyland characters. The 16 and 17th of the 5th month are now past this year, and I still want those who committed crimes against me to repent and return what they have stolen from me TWOFOLD rather than go to prison and spend time in a system that was never designed by the original Ruler of Noah's ark. There is a good time to give up a ship, and only you can decide when it is safer to be on sandy, rocky or even clay soil instead of accomplishing nothing good or useful while you are playing water ski and bikini games without a license or toting  guns which will keep you OUT of the the kingdom of Yehovah, not get you into it safely and securely.  Once again, the 'coppers' trusted me out of my original jurisdiction, and for that I am thankful. I told the truth, and they discovered once again why false witnesses are usually as evil at mind as a person with more than one house, since they often become double minded, do not even know nor care about who their neighbor is and eventually add curses and financial instability to communities.

How does this post compare to the length of the book of Sirach?

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