Sunday, August 13, 2017

Take An 'Anti-Kirk Cameron' Test For Righteousness Sake

I did plenty of good works to develop the above displayed landscape at 1602 Mary Lane in Knowlton, Wisconsin, but that did not prevent my current enemies, former friends and former family members from disobeying the holy commandments that were delivered to them at reasonable costs, not  nominal costs.

Day 1942 isn't the year 1942 for me, but watching the Smithsonian series delivering limited and often biased information of 'America In Color' has revealed only to a few where anti-biblical humanity has failed to REDEEM people from their sinful trends and instead continues to entrap people.

I do not have a dictator standing behind me while I challenge the few, not the wasteful former Marine like John Glenn or Kevin Hermening, to admit the following into their mindset as fact, not fiction:

1. The young people who were escorted into Little Rock public schools in the 1960's dressed like saints, especially when compared to Tom Brady's wife or Hooter's waitresses.
2. Many men, no matter what skin color they were born with, choose to put themselves in more spiritual danger playing for or working for teams such as the Los Angeles Rams, thereby negating the  effects of the good and courageous social works of women like Rosa Park or Malone Hood, former University of Alabama students.
3. If you are a married man or a man who claims to be a saved 'Christian', a good Israelite or a person who claims to be anti-Playboy and  a decent spouse, take the following 2 adult  leaps of faith to prove your holiness by your works:
  a) Stop paying to see any films in movie theaters or 'home' football teams that have cheerleaders after the Dallas Cowgirls' own minds to save your own mind and redirect your money toward decent rated 'G' sights.
  b) Let non-lesbian single females such as myself keep an occasional eye on the enemies of decency, morality or Gee men and continue to study the home games of the Pittsburgh Steelers, the New York Giants, the Cleveland Browns and the Chicago Bears for your safe study of trained men who chose or were by chosen by teams no worse than than the 1975 St. Matthew's Greyhounds of Milwaukee.
4. Keep in mind that teams like the Detroit Tigers have aligned themselves with Hooters and Kate Upton, not with Eldad and Medad. No matter how peaceful and racially integrated an audience  appears to be,  financially supporting teams that are still clearly aligned with cheerleaders who are dressed like expensive prostitutes or Hooter's waitresses is equal to purchasing Playboy products or Victoria's Secret items, which is even worse than being  ordered out of  Loran Livingston's anti-Israelite church because you desired to turn them away from the edible abominations.
5. The good words that became flesh is equal to Torah scrolls on sheepskins, not  a Wilson football or a Culver's basketball. Good words are truthful, even if sorrowful news is delivered. Bad words are deceiving words or words that lead you away from Truth and toward apostacy-driven teams such as the  Denver Broncos or Faith Hill and Tim McGraw.
6. Individuals of teams that are aligned with the apostacy do not expect or desire modesty from their employees or their 'followers'.
7. Kirk Cameron is not actually fireproof, and his productions and the workbooks he sold along with 'Fireproof' movies are not affiliated with the name Yeshua or even with Joseph Welch.  Some spouses try to remain attached to unbelievers too long instead of letting them leave and proving they are not saved due to lack of proper covenant-keeping procedures.
8. Consider this option as a possible explanation for what it means to eat the flesh of your enemies:
    ' A certain holy prophet enters a restaurant of a man selling scaled fish, oysters, pork, beef which has not been butchered according to the book of Leviticus. In the sight of the many abominations being sold and consumed by those who have NOT trusted in the Old Testament words, later referred to as the Word made flesh, the prophet orders broiled cod or walleye which is currently clean flesh owned by his spiritual enemies. He eats the fish which was the flesh that belonged to his enemy, and then pays the asking price for his enemy's clean fish flesh, which is now part of his flesh in the stomach area. the holy prophet cannot resell the fish he consumed ever again, and the man selling the pork and oysters is now only an adversary of Yeshua and operating contrary to the rules for Israelites not as enemy to United States rules and regulations for people who have rejected Moses and the prophets. Thus, once an enemy who has sold a sealed Israelite or Bible-believing angel  what is pleasing and acceptable in the sight of Yehovah, the enemy can be promoted to the status of adversary, may be considered your friend, but he should not be considered your God and Savior.'
9. Considering point 8 to be as complicated as Mark Messier's entire history, keep in mind that no one that understands the Torah would ever consume flesh which is unclean by definition, and the human body is unclean by definition. The flesh of animals OWNED by your adversary and enemies is sometimes a clean animal that deserves to be purchased with a price.
10. The Chicago Bears chose a Cohen who is not Sidney Cohen for some reason. If Mr. Cohen of the Chicago Bears is like Levi Hendrikson being raised in France, he has not been instructed to obey the rules delivered at Mount Sinai by Moses, he might be no be just as much as a snare to an anti-Smart trail  as Xavier Rhodes. Mr. Cohen has an advantage because he was chosen by a team who is pro-decency.   Dietary practices have consequences and do prove who you believe when it comes to eating various forms of flesh. Faithful and true witness is better than 'Smart'  by definition. 'Smart' is not the same as holy and good.
11. LeBron James,  Shane King, George Strait or Elvis Presley, will never be my king because they are all anti-Leviticus at mind.  Be cautious at Chuck Mangione lines,polka units and Chuck Feiger lines, lest you go the wrong way at the Boys from Polonia which is near Arnott, Wisconsin.
12. Wasting opportunities to prophesy is worse than spending 7 USA dollars for 7 brussel sprouts near Berea, Ohio.
13. If your 4th year Hebrew day count is 1231, 1290 is ahead not behind you like Patrick Kennedy might be.

If you read through this post and still think Kirk Cameron's approach is better than mine for purification and sanctification while still on earth filled with violence and adulterers,  make sure you evetually compare Doug Cameron to Michael Cameron and compare Shane Hendrikson to Darren Sharper  to see how they have done while keeping commandments or intentionally disobeying commandments and breaking local lawd.  If your teacher or angel is corruptible, you need to deploy yourself to a leader,  a teacher or an angel who is now incorruptible and sealed with the 144,000 if you can locate him or her.

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