Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Hot Case For MIroslav Satan On *8 and 1! to Go

Good after Nun is Samach.  Now it's time for the second period.

After you have revealed the Truth to people and they have rejected what you revealed, they rejected you and the Truth. I'm going to share at least 20 true statements you can easily utter to strangers, enemies or a Friend or utter to yourself if you have had good English teachers such as Elizabeth Cummings of Milwaukee, who taught me well and and is my favorite diagraming expert.

20: There are at least 4 possible ways to convert SATAN into Hebrew letters.

19. It is legal, not a sin and often true to utter 'Bad Morning' as a warning to others that you are realistic about the vile condition created on earth by idolatry, Molech and demonic spirits that disobey the spirit of Yeshua.

18. Hebrews recognize '81' as Argon, but English Tootsie role lickers see an interstate route through Nashville, TN.

17. Satan in some form was instructed to follow Yeshua wherever he went as soon as he said 'Get Behind Me, Satan.' Satan obeyed commands from Yeshua, so he learned to make PEACE with Yeshua.

16. Peter the apostle did NOT stay behind Yeshua and fled when the going got tough and Yeshua was imprisoned.

15. Satan made Yeshua an offer he could refuse and did not try to force feed him during Yeshua's time of fasting.

14. Miroslav Satan understands authority, and he is a good European model for Penguins, Devils and Islanders. Oh My Letter Nun!

13. The synogogue of Satan mentioned in book 64 ( since the Book of Hebrew and the  Book of Esther should get pulled out of your Bible, is not Lukewarm and is given time to repent of their deeds. Since Greek translations do not allow for the letter Shin, Miroslav Satan does allow for a Shin in Satan and a Samech in Miroslav. First names do matter.

12. If you are trying to lose or gain Weight, it's all about Doug and current head coaches.

11. It's better to be weightier than Lincoln Mercury and Freddie Mercury in literal battles against anti-Semites and anti-Israelites.

10.  Unmanned vehicles delivering pork products are far more demonic in nature than any hockey jersey on a human being. God hates cars with no drivers.

9. It's better to put Miroslav Satan in a car with  Sergei Krivokrasov driving than to put Danika Patrick on or in your vehicle.

8. If you go as low as initial battles, how many people will claim to currently have M.S.? Mark Strobel, Mike Strobel, Marie Swedowski, Miroslav Satan, Mark Sterle, Mark Sikora...... a lot of people have had to deal with M.S.  and have survived. This is more of a financial warning against people trying to get 'money' for some sort of disease control , so make sure if you or a family member has multiple sclerosis, you learn to say 'multiple sclerosis' and then see if calling on the name of Yehovah helps you improve.

7. Miroslav Satan is much wiser and better at defense than Kevin Hermining or Nicole Breton. Do not be afraid to tell your enemies that want to stay on offense against Yeshua to stay in a state of derision.

6. Benjamites such as St. Paul appreciate Satan since Satan does not reject those who reject Benjamite instructions.  I appreciate Satan for that reason.

5. Satan would not discard a sardius, a topaz, a chrysoccala, a malachite, a lapis lazuli, a diamond, a beryl, an onyx or a jasper unless he needed to cast the first stone at a drunken son who refused to be obedient to his mother or father in order to prevent drunk driving charges. Launching a stone at a knee cap is safer than using a tazer or firearms in sober first responder Good Samaritan offense.

4. Shin Tav Nun=750

3. Shin Tet Nun= 359

2. Samech Tet Nun = 119

1. Samech Tav Nun =469


On September 1st, go ahead and wear a 69 or a 96 if you have a jersey with those numbers in order to help those in the 6th month 9th day program to avoid staying on the 9/1 or 1/9 Gregorian time line. "Teach us , LORD, to number out days." Does Lord Stanley number your days? 'The Lord of the Rings' is deranged fiction  that will keep you in derision just like 'Harry Potter' filth will prevent you from 'going clean' like Joshua is reminded to by some entity referred to as 'Satan'.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Haftorah #49: Isaiah Chapter 54: Bad Staff At Macomb Corners

When a 'kind' approach does not get people to turn away from a pattern of sin, it does hurt the soft-hearted saint whose prophesies were ignored. Animals that were not 'stored' in houses as pets usually have a better escape and survival plan than FEMA can offer them, unless a loose German Shepherd crosses into your homeland and crushes the neck of a shitzu such as occurred at 1602 Mary Lane in the toen of Knowlton, Wisconsin many years ago. An animal that is trained to kill is as dangerous as the typical military veteran when food sources are getting low and there is no good God to retrain and restrain them properly.

Some people rather walk 500 miles than read the same readings that Yeshua would have listened to in a synogogue on a Saturday. While 'The Weather Channel' has some person that says ' miwions' like Brad Scott of 'Wildbranch MInistries' instead of 'millions', I am not sure if the Greg Forbes group is trying to mock the group (including me) that had once gathered overlooking the Jezreel Valley.

 I've been mocked by Shane David Hendrikson, who was ready to lick his Dick Peterson plates and also wanted to "lick" Tom Wahl at Slade Enos Hendrikson's wedding area; in this case, 'lick' is an old fashioned term for physically fighting another person.  Robin Michael Ortiz, who is over 61 now and certainly not 'Shaner' the Detroit Tiger, chose to give me a divorce and eventually the silent treatment rather than mock me or try to 'lick me' after I sought medical help at the Mayo Clinic in 1995.  The equal and opposite reaction to evil sometimes occurs hundreds of miles away from where evil occurred, because when too much evil is concentrated in one area it is better to seek peace and safety elsewhere.

Terminology often misleads people with limited vocabulary skills.  The memory bank also needs to store certain information to clarify Cleary lines now. Certainly, Beth Cleary does not represent the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders, and if she does, she lacks a good moral code at an old age.  Beth Cleary might know where Fulton and Atkinson are, but she may never have been terrorized by Janine and John Cleary on Scott Street as a child like many of the St. Matthew's Greyhounds were.

When you consider your lot on earth right now, you might want to avoid helping in an area such as Texas that has rejected the commandments of Moses, has accepted millions of White Federal loads and may be locked into a 428 bar code starting line that is worse than seeing what behing the Pabst glass in a 220631 bottle. Texas has bragged about the amount of guns they have for decades, and both of their NFL teams are whorish and unholy. For those people who have sang the song words 'I'm gonna walk 500 Miles', but then won't walk as many miles as the peaceful Indian tribes who were ejected from land that they OWNED and occupied, it is better that an area get humbled than get a haughty spirit toward people who are not going to Texas or Louisiana to try to save the flesh of people who had more time to get out of their area than the Marathon County Sheriff gave  me to get belongings out of of my former house when a Nazi-type lied in courtrooms, on court documents and  appeared to have 'won' in an unholy courtroom.

If I was offered space in the Dallas Cowboys whore field, I would reject it, just as I never went into the Mormon Tabernacle on a Labor Day weekend wasting my time with the Amberlee Holman bunch. Sometimes, you do not know that you wasted your time and effort on a project until you see the long term results of the people who intended to help. If, after this flood, the Houston Texans decide to become a decent team, they will follow the lead of the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Cleveland Browns, the New York Giants and the Chicago Bears. If not, not only will they have lost plenty of sleep and housing in the Texas, they also will have lost an opportunity to be more like real saints and less like obvious intentional sinners such as the Detroit Lions, who have gone the way of Jezebel instead of the way of the REAL Mary Ingalls or Almonzo Wilder.  Yes, I am not very far from a concentration of horrible, anti-Bible sports teams, but enemies of Yehovah are plentiful on earth yet.

There once was a billboard on US Highway 39 near Irma, Wisconsin a bit west of Lincoln Hills juvenile prison facility.  I had designed the billboard to represent a figure known as 'Jesus Christ' as a hockey goalie, not a NFL cheerleader. That was before I was properly exposed to Hebrew and the proper term of endearment for the Holy One of Ysrael. Now I might have labeled the goalie as 'Simeon' or 'Joseph' rather than 'Jesus Christ'. I also remember my friend, Irma Deleon and her brother Hector who isn't a Delgado.  I can assure you no one ever forced my friends to do 'cheerleader splits' or cartwheels and in the 1970's, Catholic school cheerleaders dressed more modestly than the typical Jehovah Witness does in 2017! Skirts 'just above the knees', turtleneck sweaters and of course, no stomach showing was the 'cheerleader' protocol in the Ken Werner and Ruben Burgos era of St. Matthew's history.  Ma took this and Pa took that....... but now I don't even want my LSU jacket unless I properly label it as 'Leroy Shaw Uniform' division revisions.

'Claudette' is the name of a crippled lady who bowls in Shelby, but Claudette also is very proud about her pork, shrimp and anti-Moses diet; it also is in the Allison line, and of course, Theretha Allison became a King, not a Smith to my knowledge.  Keep in mind it was wheels on the cart that got Solomon's daddy in trouble, just like doing cartwheels gets non-virtuous women in trouble.

Will Overton's magazines soak up more water than a sponge in the new Texas wetlands? My dead dog 'Elmo' could start swimming classes sooner than an Canadian Ojibwa submarine would be able to pull people out of Cameron, Louisiana. Now, maybe the scene of St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans will seem much different than the scenes of Patrick Roy's exit strategy from a bad morning after a Montreal loss.

Oh, have some Ellington fan tell Elaine Duke it is NOT a good morning for anyone that is willing to speak the Truth about the conditions on the fact of the earth. 'Duke' the Clampett dog has better instincts than the typical political group who has clearly not yet embraced the concept of obeying the commandments delivered by Moses to people who had avoided flood waters.  I am thankful that I can use a piece of chalk to try to solve other ongoing problems that have not yet been solved or corrected properly; I intend to use my skills in a better way than Clark Gable used his skills before, after and during World War II. I intend to use my skills better than the Macomb Boy Scouts Troop 149, who are only trying to protect Coca-Cola machines instead of trying to sell something better like tattoo-repellant or carrot juice!

If you could choose to have bar of soap or an Italian opera today in flood areas, but not both, which would you choose?  I would choose a bar of soap which might have to be inserted into people's mouth who keep uttering obscenities instead of Psalm 25.

If I force you to think about what words you chose, what squad 69 position you chose and what form of defense you chose in the past and in the present, good.  I am not trying to drug anyone to death. What I did not intend to discover today was that the Macomb Corners Park Staff decided to align with pro-divorce protestant Tom Wahl instead of a saintly approach to a Bobby Orr method of thinking, and that proves that when accurate public information is released, guilty parties want it 'covered up' and erased. The facts remain that E. Dan Danson and the Wausau Jewish synagogue did witness me treating my enemy, Shane David Hendrikson kindly, but kindness was never returned.

I rather  find out now that the Macomb Corners Staff rather rely on a rusty Calais and a perverted statue of a topless for their 'god' now.  Cowards like Tom Wahl are plentiful, just as pro-divorce ungodly judges are plentiful in the United States. Macomb lost it's chance to be part of a remnant sneak, and all that remains is a topaz line going back to #2, without an unmanned Ford. No, the Macomb Parks staff is not even good enough to make a Reuben line, and it's days like this that I really miss what I experienced in Sudbury, Ontario. It will be another bad morning on earth, and my angel isn't weak.

When fools get into a #17 line without knowing what their 17 on the outside of the Macomb Hockey rink represents, the honest citizen's laundry line often tells more of the condition of a mindset than a piece of plastic hanging outside of an entrance. What a person wears does matter, including badge #1532.  It's no better in Macomb parks than it was on 9th a Greenfield in Milwaukee when a riot started breaking out and USA occupants decided to start throwing bottles at the police officers, including me and others in District 2. Such battles are not forgotten, and no one from Chippewa Falls or Gratiot was there to back me up then. 'Sir Duke' is in fact part of a lying Wonder team, and what information my neighbors, adversaries and enemies were not allowed to see might ruin their chance to get into the proper 'Hey Yod Hey' line.

I'll still get my exercise on my bicycle without breaking any laws, and I have NO intention of trying to save or protect the Macomb Corners staff from the errors of their ways because the decided to try to prevent a good outcome for people like Martin Biron.  The name Biron is better than Janet I. Dunn. The grandfather of Robin Michael Ortiz, a Milwaukee police retiree who retired in Biron, WI, was a better man at mind and behavior than Virgil Smith, Kevin Smith, Ashley Maria Hendrikson, Roland Hendrikson or Thomas Wahl ever was or will be.  Promise breakers are promise breakers and facts are facts right up to 804 in the middle of the Macomb zip code.

Just a reminder, I know that Robin Michael Ortiz is over 61 now, and I  suspect he has less money than 'Shaner 61' because he did pay his child support and he did not steal money from his ex-wife like Shane David Hendrikson, but that does not mean that he isn't worth anything to the City of Milwaukee ERS team. My beloved aunt, Evelyn Biene,  kept a picture of Robin Ortiz because she remembered him as being kind even if he wasn't faithful and true, but many on earth are as cruel,deceiving and wicked as  Shane David Hendrikson because they choose to be evil rather than good as God.

I know this post isn't as clear as the paths on the Mitchell Park Domes, and once again I hope my enemies end up in derision or even with a curse because they did not align with Ysrael.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Typing Class: E as is JaEck, Ewe, BelmorE, GEskE Edwin, Ezequiel or Emery


If you still are in contact with the man from Germany who was present at your wedding AND if he is in flood trouble in Texas, please have him contact me by phone if possible so I can offer him temporary shelter if he needs it.  If you wanted me to know how you are doing, you would have written to me or visited me, so I am not going to pry into your personal life. I forget what the German's name is, I think it is Mark and as I recall he married a woman named Rachel. I know Mark's  name isn't Holton or Atkinson.

Yehovah does discipline and does protect those who trust in his Name and love Yehovah's instructions. I am still sorrowful at times, but my hope is in the Shepherd of Ysrael and has been since Dean Noonan started to correct me from the errors of my ways. You still have access to my blogs, which might sting like a scorpion at times but will not destroy those who love the Truth and are willing to align with one of the tribes of Ysrael.

I have been in many battles without you, and had been in many battles with you. Today is anniversary of the day the mother of Ronals Soreanu, who is a hockey defenseman and has been in Haifa, struggled to give birth to a son. His #18 matters, just as the number 23 I used to wear as a high school pitcher matters. When I was a pitcher in high school, we didn't generate very much offense, but we were a unique team that stilll know how to prepare  defend ourselves against or  learn to study an adversary's plans.  The day a healthy child is born, the mother of that child should be remembered for being pro-life. What the newborn child son ends up becoming ends up out of the mother's control.  In my area, many people who refer to themselves as 'Jehovah's Witinesses' have rightly abandoned Christmas trees but have not embraced the practices of their neighbors who in concentration camps with them. The JW.ORG people were assigned a purple triangle and those under rabbinic systems were assigned a yellow 6 point star. The only star I gave to Autumn Rayne was on a lampshade, and that lampshade was not meant for a child who I did not and do not know. That lampshade had a message with it, just like the rings I designed but eventually was not able to keep; 2 were stolen and the ring that Lee Ayers constructed was intentionally thrown away when I realized women should not be wearing pearls and I in the middle of a HUGE spiritual battle, leaning on my survival and anti-drug anti-witchcraft instincts.

Indeed, a 'wicked one' who snatches away a good seed that was not cared for properly is not going to waste the good seed, but will use it as food or drop it in a better location. When a wicked one learns to save a good seed, the wicked one actually ibegins doing good works and reveals just who the most careless farmers are. I am not sending any money to JJ Watt, since he exhibits bad judgment in his employment decisions.

I will post this on my blog, just in case you delete it, since the information in this email matters to people in Texas and maybe to a few other Soreanu family members.

Yes, even a robin , a squirrel, a rat or a raven will eat a good seed or wheat that has been left high and dry.


Go Straight V Addendum:  A certain holy woman walked through a Lowe's seeking some seeds for her small plat of mostly clay soil. When a good single holy male could not be found on the top or bottom shelves, she decided to request lesbian repellant. Aganst such requests, there is no law.


Marie, your mother inear Canada

Aleph Beit Yod Lamed Vs. Beit Beit Lamed

It does get difficult to know precisely how to steer away the few from the proud, but I will still try to steer the few away from the Matt Stafford proud anti-apostle palaces. Babel has 2 'house' letters before 1 staff letter, and that is the err of Babel thinking. I know how very wrong Joel Richardson is when he claims and blames Saudi Arabia for being the source of corruption in Washington, DC. If Joel Richardson know anything about what a 'source' means, Washintgton political DC's roots are the cause of it's corruption and if the United States had proper leadership in place, even Saudia Arabia could not PROVE how corrupt our system is. When Yeshua stated 'He who is not against us if for us', 'US' represented the small church of faithful Israelites and Christianity actually does preach AGAINST the faith true Israelites, starting with thir push of Sunday as the sabbath and continuing on to the Easter Ham lines. As soon as the few faithful to Yehovah can admit that protestant Christian and Catholic missionaries are against Israelites, they will stop trying to defend or 'prop' up' various forms of Christianity. Joel Richardson might SEEM as knowledgable as Muslim and Islamic sins, but he is denying that all forms of Christianity are also actually against Yehovah.

When a living Christian or a living Muslim props themselves up NEXT to a faithful Israelite, the  faithful Israelite will not chop down the spiritual tare next to him or her. The faithful Israelite will try to survive as wheat next to a tare while clearly wanting to remain clean, bold and courageous in output.  The Israelite can survive safely between peaceful Muslims and peaceful Christians, but will not become a Christian or a Muslim ever again, since the seed within the faithful Israelites is a good seed that has not been snatched away by a hungry dove.

The 'seed' swap is supposed to occur in the northern hemisphere's springtime during the feast of Passover, but if the spiritual seed deposited in you is surrounded by a lukewarm spirit, the seed will not produce good fruits. The lukewarm spirit might start off at some 'Holy Thursday' type setting, fast on a Friday, then move quickly to a pork meal 3 days later. The lukewarm spirit will then neglect the next 5 feasts/appointed special sabbaths for Israelites and he or she remains as a tare. I do wonder just how many people in the Houston area had kept the 7 feasts of Ysrael last year and where those people are now. For those in southern United States who claimed to be 'Bible believers' but did not trust in the instructions for Ysraelites ( I'm using a Y  to break away from Detroit's 'Mr. I' society) might now experience a situation of being under a female police chief in Dallas rather than agree with and submit to a much better system designed for humans who are not ashamed to be aligned with  Moses, Eldad and Medad and who want to get away from Beit Beit Lamed systems which will fail. The number 34 does not represent YEHOVAH mathematically. Did I just RUIN the thoughts you had that needed tp get ruined? I hope so, and I do not place any of my good hope in Matt Stafford or JJ Watt or the next chief of police of Dallas, because such people are easily corruptible when money and sideline LITERAL harlots in NFL cheerleader attire are steered their way.

Since I now will try to remember to best translate the people of Yeovah as Ysrael, here is 2 different vertical progressions to compare, study and think of as an anti-Babel logical descension from evil to good:

The Spirit of Err: Yoda/fiction/Osmond/Mormon/"Save the Tiger"/Jack Lemmon/Las Vegas/Jack Galezewski/Jack Snow/Dallas Cleary/Jack Abbott and the 'All My Children' gang/Playboy/Jack Klugman/Jerry Jones/J-Train/Kirk Franklin/Jack Nicholson/'The Bone Collector'/Jezebel/Jehovah/Jesus/Isus/Billy Joel/Joel Brietizman/Joel Richardson/Reprobates

In order to be aware of what the spirit of err looks like and sounds like, it ends up next to a person with a diserning spirit from time to time but the discerning spirit can identify and then refuse to IMITATE the spirit of err. I will now try to illustrate how a completely different good WORD association study is not a game you can eat, but is a sight you can study like a Berean:

BeEr/68+4/72/Anti-Nike/FISK/ Past Hasek/ District 3/Red/Y=Yitrium/Current Garrett95/District 5/ Orange/JagrYamaha/Yam/Yeungling/Ysrael/Anti-Tattoo/Exodus/92/26/2 Blue/ London Topaz/Simeon/Lapis Lazuli/Dan/Reuben/Sudbury/Sardius6//the letter Vav/Dark Green6/Coffey/a matter of Righteousness based on new or renewed trust in a GOOD HOLY  KING of YSRAEL system

Bathsheba left her first love, who should have been Uriah and at least one king of the earth did comit fornication with Bathsheba.  Yoseph did not commit fornication with Potipher's wife, Yoseph resisted the 'devil' and she fled, but then her false accusations caused Yoseph to suffer for righteousness sake. I suppose it is not too hard to know Yod starts the word typically typed as 'Joseph'; a gimel does start Gad, not Yoseph orYitrium.

It's about 39 days until the beginning of the next Feast of Tabernacles, preceeded by YOm teruah, which no sealed Ysraelite would set the date for in advance, since no one knows the day of the hour of the new moon sighting in the body of Ysrael. Which tribe of Ysrael rock did you choose to build your 'Beit' on? If you know you have erred, which tribe of Ysrael rock did you reject  that may have now left you surrounded with in as much sin, leaven, flesh of swine and moral trouble as Matthew Stafford and the typical disgusting anti-Rightouess NFL cheerleader's offense ?

The 46th word that was set in alphabetical order has not gone from order to disorder. Aleph Beit Yod Lamed=53, so please consult Psalm 53, an anti-Ilitch Ayin formation or     if Mark McCarrier and Jimmy Ortiz are not nearby to advise your next intrepretation of  either of the following Zayin partions:.

Salmo CXIX verse LIII: "Indignation has taken hold of me because of the wicked who forsake your Law. "

Psalm 34, verse 7: "The angel of Yehovah encamps all around those who fear _________".
               Which choice  is best to fear?
               1. Yehovah
               2. Him
               3. Her
               4. The angel of Yehovah

Please be aware that 'New World Translation' ignored the 'Vav' in their version of 'Psalm 34. The people in flood areas have as good of a chance of survival as I did after I was released from working in the Milwaukee City jail to go back into the streets of sometimes very violent Milwaukee as a police officer,  or when i was released from Marathon County jail  after being mocked and abused by jail personal, or when I was released from divorce court as a female freed from slavery to an unjust, unthankful, unholy  husband. Flood victims will have to seek out family and friends if they are poor and lack shelter. If they have friends or family who are better than Thomas Wahl of Chippewa Falls or Richard (Dick) Peterson of Mosinee, Wisconsin, they will have a reasonable chance of survival spiritually and physically.

Monday, August 28, 2017

A Good Stomach Coach or a Virtuous Man?

People who are paying too mach attention to abundance of evil and anti-virtuous head coaches will miss the importance of a finding or being your own good holy stomach coach. A good holy stomach coach will give you Levitical advice on what goes into your mouth, and will not want your stomach or breasts to be uncovered in public if your coach  knows your body has embraced the Word of Yehovah.  There is no use to avoid facts such as the term 'head' often refers to the tip of a male penis in American slang and rarely does the typical paid head coach really care about the lessons of literal Israelite HEAD COVERINGS discussions.   A good stomach coach might suggest you strengthen your abdominal muscles because your back coach knows that the abdominals help support your upper body and spine. A good stomach coach will not tell you to try to get a male to ejaculate in your mouth, and neither will a good head coach.  Now you know there are many more evil head coaches and  many evil stomach coaches in your neighborhood, in the NFL, in high schools and colleges and in the typical movie production team.

Right now, I took advice from a stomach coach who told me to abstain from animal flesh for at least a month. This man is not as famous as Troy Aikman, but he might have as much potential to become a saint as Troy Aikman. No, I can't type as fast as Troy Aikman, but if I were to question him or my son regarding his role as a father I would ask him the same questions I would ask any other person who has joined forces with extremely evil men in the past.

If you have heard the word 'Q-Dog', it is as vague as Phil Quigley  off of 'Paw Patrol', but if you as a human answer 'yes' to any of these questions you are not a virtuous man and certainly are not a good father or a good son:

Q1: Is 'American Assassin' or any movie rated 'R' a good movie?
Q2: Is it better to desire to investigate homicides than to prevent homicides?
Q3) Would you want your granddaughter, daughter, your boyfriend or your wife  to dress down like a 1992 Dallas Cowboy cheerleader or similar to a 2017 Detroit Lions cheerleader for your funeral or when going  to public school, home school, or Saturday school or a job interview, even  if your daughter is named Miranda Stroik, Ally Aikman, Autumn Rayne Hendrikson, Amy Head, Jordan Aikman, the strumpet of Fort Leonard Wood or the whore of Fort Sam Houston?
Q4) Would any mother or father who really believes the book of Amos want her child to work in a movie theatre that is continually selling tickets to anti-Yehovah productions and violent, whore-filled anti-science films?
Q5) Is a paid or unpaid sports team who has won only 1 game and lost 15 games  without cheating and without any whorish Cris Collingwood cheerleaders a bad team?
Q6) Is Sr+O+K = Be+U+Er+Li+Ne?
Q7) Will a virtuous man utter falsehoods or work for a team that wants to be surrounded by women in bikinis, Playboy products, Carrie Underwood, American Idol or Shania Twain products?
Q8) Will a virtuous man file for bankruptcy instead of becoming an honest slave to his lender until his lender decides to 'forgive' the original loan?
Q9) Is winning a sporting competition more important than getting rid of whorish cheerleaders from your sidelines, your household and in your audience?
Q10) Is Marie Elizabeth Using the words 'the Lord rebuke you' to family members, strangers and friends worse than Shane David Hendrikson using the words 'Get the fuck out of my house!' to his wife when the house first was owned by his wife and then became jointly owned in Wisconsin?
Q11) If there would be a warning 3 days and 3 nights days ahead of time that 12-50 inches of rain was coming your way, would you refuse to seek a different location and then start teaching people in flooded areas how to water ski while telling them to prepare to 'have fun' during the flood?
Q12) Can a man actually to be a good father is he has proven to be and currently is a bad son?
Q13) Can a man actually be a good grandfather if he has declared himself, in writing, to be 'Mr. anti-commandment Man'?
Q14) Are any of the above questions significantly different than the type of questions you might get in a deposition from a female angelic force of the Cleveland Browns?
Q15) Would you be willing to ban the reading of the book of the prophet Nahum to people who have flood insurance but still had their  housing damaged due to a flood?
Q16) Who foolishly did not buy a flood insurance policy but  did buy computer equipment, pork, liquor and cigarette purchases, totalling more than $500 per year?
Q17) Should the movie 'American Assassin' be viewed by saints and virtuous people who do not want to risk taking the mark of the beast?
Q18) Do you want your mother, husband or wife to be a fake blonde when he or she really is a natural black, a natural brunette or a natural red head?

If you answered 'yes' to any of the above questions, you have the mindset of a typical demon-possessed human, are unsaved due to you anti-holy nature, are unjust and are an unrighteous human being rather than a virtuous man or a good holy stomach coach. I suggest you study the holy Scriptures long enough to be able to answer 'no' to all of the above questions except for #16.

My next post should be very interesting if you like to study the premise of the 2nd law of thermodynamics as it applies to  Donald Trump's quarterback Doug Flutie, as well as the numbers 2 and 22. As you should be able to discern, I am trying to convict sinners of the consequences of their anti-commandment choices and urge them to change their mindset to be more like Eldad, Medad and the good angels of the Chicago Bears. I haven't had nightmares about my shoes not fitting, but I did have plenty of other nightmares that did not stay in my closet. I also have had some very decent and good dreams that have not 'come true' ......... yet.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Giraffe, Giroux, Giguere, Gionta, Gehovah Girah?

This just in and out form the newly formed department of Natural Napthali Resources:

Detroit's Outer Drive E still is part of Detroit's problem, not the angel of the Church of Philadelphia's problem. If you have Benn14 in and out of 'puzzle palaces', Jamir Benn might go in and out of them like I go in and out of anti-Napthali turf.  Yes, I have heard many times that the group that labels themselves 'Jehovah's Witnesses' are a cult, but they are actually not a cult because they do not really care if you leave them. The typical insurance salesman usually does a better job of trying to get you to stay 'with' him than against him and also is less likely to offend an honest Israelite.

I'll start with the extremely bad news I heard at a JW.ORG Saturday assembly, just so you can determine of you want to be with them tomorrow or next Saturday. I'll finish with better news at point 13 for the  Powerhouse Gym and Ruth people who are trying to decide why Life magazine is different than Life cereal, regardless of whether or not their names are in the Book of Life.

1) I heard a male make a negative reference to facial hair on men, but there is no law against facial hair on real saints other than to keep their hair a reasonable length and of course, horizontal trimming is allowed with or without a Wahl clipper. Are people who are speaking against facial hair going to shave their eyebrows next since the eyebrows are part of the face system? This might be why males like Mr. Brad Scott of Vernal ,UT, husband of Carol Scott, and a multitude of hockey players have become bearded wonders, since that makes it less probable that they would resemble a USA Jehovah's Witness. The male who suggested that facial hair is not what  JW.ORG recommends left before the 7th day assembly was complete so he was not available for me to cross-examine.

2) A soft 'g' is in giant squid problem sometimes  and can be as misleading  as  Giselle, Gemini, Genesis, Geronimo Allison and Germany and Jesus Colon. There is a 'Yod' (Yood or Yud) not a Gimel in the name of the God of Gadites and Asherites. JW.ORG is trying to imitate some religion, but they are much more like Martin Luther and Mormons at attempts to control the mindset and behavior of themselves and others than like real apostles who would never serve themselves or their elders the flesh of swines or clam strips.  There is no soft G in Yagr or Jagr.

3) I noticed there were even fewer pale-faces in the Detroit's anti-Israelite hall today that last week when I paw-patrolled my way in with a 'Joseph'jersey. If the Detroit assembly is so confident they have peace and safety, why is their parking lot gated like the Donald Trump estate? PINK ball warning coming up at 4, just like Jennifer Harvey might be going down to a cotton candy line.

4. The JW.ORG people did not learn their lessons properly during WWII in the Nazi concentration camps when they actually had time to be close to the scattered sheep of Israel.  I asked a pro-Jesus elder if he rejected Christmas and he said 'yes'. I asked him if he accepted the Feast of Tabernacles and he said 'No', so he openly denied the faith of YESHUA the Israelite. Being 'anti-Christmas' is only a very small segment of what would have been heard by the yellow star group in Nazi-camps, and of course, the mishandling of TORAH scrolls  and the perfect words within them is what  pro-Nazi, leagues of Martin Luther King, Jr groups and paid 'Christianity' pushers are experts at.  It was a disgrace to hear that the same people who are reading from the books of Isaiah and lifting up the name of Ruth have totally rejected the instructions for Israelites and therefore they despise the fiath of Paul the Benjamite just like the Vatican people do.

5. After my 'squad 86' type questioning of the male leaders and them not even knowing if and when the tribe of Gad gets sealed, a few people inside claimed they wanted me to return next week and they were not as frightened of my questions as the Thomas More High School staff in MIlwaukee County. It seems as though the JW.ORG people rather not call the police just because question are asked by w person who is investigation them and testing their spirits. Honestly, the Catholic priests at Saint Bartholamew did a better job at handling information and biblical geology signs than the JW.ORG group which seems to treat all their people like public school 1st graders, loading them up with pamplets and computers but rejecting the reading of the Book of the Law for some Legion type reason.

6. Once in the parking lot, 2 other men who claimed to be affiliated with JW.ORG but who were not part of the Saturday assembly told me to leave when I did not want to argue or get into a fight with them on the Sabbath. Of course, I snuck in the phrase 'the LORD rebuke you' and very clearly told them that the 7th day sabbath is NOT the mark of the BEAST!!  Now, do I try to remember what the people on the inside told me, suggesting I return next Sabbath to try and reason with them OR do I reduce my own risk and leave their whole group in the hands of James Craig?  I will leave them in the hands of James Craig, in which case they would have learned more if they were turned over to Miroslav Satan. If I had male back-up such as Mrs. Scott Dykes usually has, I might  be more willing to  be their holy adversary, but as it stands, I rather be like the church of Philadelphia than the synagogue of P.K. Subban.

7. A certain hypocritical man stated that imitation is a form of flattery, but that statement is not always true.  The people of JW.ORG are certainly not trying to behave as Yehovah's people or people that are as trusting as Ruth concerning Boaz, and the Jehovah's witnesses indeed  have created their own anti-Israelite non-Catholic version of religion which might as well be spelled Gehovah or Jellyfish Women with or without a Jonah in their midst.  Vice squad people sometimes try to imitate drug dealers and prostitutes hopefully while they are trying to trap them not FLATTER them.  Donald Trump imitated a man with physical disabilities and I don't think he was trying to flatter the crippled man.

8. If you were given a copy of a 'New World Translation' and know enough to believe in the Beit Resh Aleph Shin Yod Tav or Tet system, I suggest you pull the maps and temple-type information that starts on the Hebrew side (appendix B) and toss out the rest or write 'Anti-Yehovah sCRYPTures on it to warn any passer by in your car windows sustem, even if it is Lexus windows 1995. The prophet Elijah might want to help me or U-guys to discern spirits, but I have seen and heard enugh denials of the Gof of Zebulon to withdraw from the JW.ORG sabbath meetings and possibly only keep investigation their demeanor on weekday meetings when the regular sabbath rules are not a factor.

9. I once received a very short note from a young man who said I provided for him, so he' loves' me. Now that same young man does not respect me, has become as unjust as Mr. anti-commandment man, he is not providing for me,  and is by his works he is denying Yeshua and me even though I am still his mother. Do the people who were released from German Nazi camps love the Germans who operated in the concentration camps because theu provided them meals of maggots and bread, lice filled bedding, clothes that did not keep them warm and gave them plenty of laws to follow while in their anti-Israelite nation?

10. It is now 06/04 or if you put the day before the month, 04/06. I do recall recording number #604 and the 'God's Great Outdoors' recordings, but JW.ORG is really very much like Mr. anti-commandment Man, since they are trying to convince people to behave contrary to the good and perfect laws from Yehovah to Moses and to other Levites who don't yet know if or when they will be sealed in the 12,000 spots allotted to them in the 8th round of sealing.   The sealing process occurs long before the laying of foundations occurs.

11. The word for  day 1954 was Hosea. the word 'Eleph' came up again, and it is tied to oxen, cattle, sheep and goats, not to 'Pig and Whistle' diners in Milwaukee. Aleph and Eleph are very close, so those little dots do matter in proper translation to English. It would be better if every time a  HebrewQoph appeared it would be translated to a Q as in EZEQUIEL, but there are still a few confusing areas in Owen Sound, Ontario even more curious that a very decent image of Andrew Brunette.

12. For Russ Freeman's Rippintons 'Brave New World' Books encyclopedia bunch and Hymn 405 'Rock of Ages' competing musician's interest, the hymns the JW. ORG Saturday group chose were #12 and #150. I did not stand up to sing either one of them because I did not see anyone that looked like the Son of Man present. It seemed like more of a Wausau Horace Mann Middle School area where uniforms were not required and where St. Ann's fish fry menu was not available.

13) I hope this report helps people like Jeff Zillner, Jeff Point, Jeff Sonnentag, Tally Blakeman, Kale Lepak, Blake Lewis, Jeff Pucel, Viktor Koslov, Paul Coffey and Timothy Severud decide which way they want to go at Exodus chapter 33 after Mount Horeb decisions were made regarding 'ornaments' on people. Lynn Swann Highlands aren't that far from Swan Valley, Idaho after all!

14) A Shiner Bock is smarter than a 'Shaner"61 or a 'Hendrikson42', so let a Shiner Bock' be an anti-Hooters sign unto Joshua and the Nun lines. 'Shaner" is what Linda Maria Meyer of Wittenberg, Wisconsin might have called the father of her children before she opted for a Coavette man. At 45, it's easier to make it to 46 than from 42 or 61. The 46th Hebrew Word in the Strong's concordance system is not 'joker' and certainly isn't 'Army' even if it is pronounced like' a BeEr'. Sometimes evil people do win 'Fun and Games' but eventually should lose at 'Bellavia'.

15) The most dangerous utterance came from a male at the Detroit JW.ORG meeting who stated that 'Jehovah' ended the covenant with Israel because Israel wasn't keeping the 'law'.  Those who believe Yehovah KNOW that Yehovah did not break his promises or His covenant with Israel, instead He has given  VOLUNTEER  Israelites (humans who volunteer to keep the laws for Israelites to the best of their ability)  an opportunity to act according to the TORAH and not according to the corrupt rabbinic laws and certainly not become heathens practicing lawlessness and certainly Yehovah is not going to align with sects who claim they can reject the commandments. It was when I heard the JW.ORG group falsely claim that Yehovah is a covenant breaker that JW.ORG blasphemed against the God of Israel.  For those men who were not circumcised in the flesh by the 8th day of their life because their parents did not obey the TORAH, I do understand why 1st century apostolic leaders did not force the adult male population to get circumcised in the flesh; the early apostolic leaders did instruct them to start obeying other commandments and to keep gathering on the 7th day of the week in places where MOSES is read rather than trusting in Catholic bulletins or little pamphlets from JW.ORG.  The 15th of the Aviv is as important as the 15th of TIshri , and that is a '15 for 2' cribbage type reminder.

16) The JW.ORG and other people who read and distribute various versions of a non-Hebrew bible oftn claim how much they wantt to serve their Lord , their God or serve Jehovah. When I asked a JW.ORG person just what he would serve for a meal to God, he had no good answer. I asked him if his God would want a pork chop supper, and he seemed dumbfounded at my question. I asked him if Jesus would eat pork chops, but he said Jesus wasn't God. I told him that Yehovah would reject a meal of swine and he said that  Jehovah is not a a human in form, that Jehovah does not exist in the flesh like their Jesus does. However, he totally missed the point that whosoever REPRESENTS Yehovah on earth in the flesh will not eat any flesh of animals that have been designated UNCLEAN' animals. Since Jehovah's people do eat the flesh of unclean animals, I know that Jehovah is not the LORD GOD ALmighty, but the name YEHOVAH and those who are willing to represent YEHOVAH on earth will know that they should never serve YEHOVAH or YEHOVAH''s disciples unclean flesh at mealtime even though unclean living animals might be in the vicinity. Now I have proven that YEHOVAH is not Jehovah and Jehovah is not the name of my LORD and MESSIAH.  Let this be a Martin BIron buffalo burger and a Speed Queen Barbecue sliced Turkey point to help you learn the difference between Joseph Pavelski and  Joseph Cannan's J lines andthe Chris Chelios Y lines that split between Gus in Bevent and Bluemound Road exits in Waukesha off of I-94..

The above  16 points of reference should fully cover upper jaw dental students better than the whorish Denver Bronco team covers Ripkowsk while they are arguing over Savage Arms in their stadium that looks as bad as a Playboy Club in the 1970's. There is a Christine Harris that graduated from Milwaukee Tech that probably is now smarter than Chris Harris and his sidelines Bronco cheerleader strumpets. Let Joseph Harris of St. Lucia Jeter and Teeter Totter without Tretter lines as long as he wants to, since it has been over 10 years since Joseph Harris rejected a warning message from me. Maybe the Church of God 7th Day unit has convinced  Joseph Harris, Jerry Harris,Peter Dylan Campbell of the error of their ways by now. When 3 and 17 is only the bottom of your dartboard, you might miss the Patrick Lebeau 8th round and 167th Holy Hill  point sooner than you'll miss your next ice cream cone from the cheese factory i Rudolph, Wisconsin.

Friday, August 25, 2017

While I Was Awake, Not Sleeping.....

Here are questions I know the answer to, and you will find out the answer eventually:

1. Will the Dallas Cowboys defense stop Hurricane Harvey?
2. Will the Dallas Cowgirls align with the Philadelphia Eagles cheerleaders and help rebuild parts of Whitney Houston or Houston, Texas?
3. Which divorce petitioner and human,self-proclaimed to be 'Mr. Anti-Commandment Man', went to San Antonia to visit his daughter, Ashley Marie Hendrikson in the USA army, and was spending funds stolen from an injured MIlwaukee Police officer ?
4. Are the serious consequences that get delayed to areas who protect criminals rather arrest criminals?


If you want quite a bit of interesting information, listen to the most recent 'questions and answer session' by Monte Judah ( August of 1027).  I know heard a much better explanation about the unreliability of the book of Hebrews, and if the gospel of St. Thomas was put in it's place how much more information would we have?  Covenants do matter, and multiple covenants do exist at the same time.

1. The covenant with Adam included a just punishment, but humans who earn their money gambling in casinos or buying and selling stock-market products are NOT working the earth and producing swear, so they do not even desire to be part of the covenant that Adam was offered. If you choose a profession where real bodily work is required,  you will be making a wise choice that is consistent with what Yehovah desires for people who want and need correction after past lack of good leadership. Adam's family did not starve or get completely destroyed by a flood, ut Adam was not playing with computers in TEXAS during his work-release program.

2. Of course, no one should TITHE sttolen money, since the crimiinal should get return 200%, NOT 90%,  to the victim, of theft if and when he lets heaven open up like a scoll. When you are able to study authentic TOrah scrolls, the heavens are revealed to you on earth.

3. Winter in Australia is NOW, so trying to set a start of a tribulation in December is 'king of the north' thinking, not someone who keeps Australia and New Zealand in mind.

4. In the most natural state of a lion and a lamb in the same vicinity, the lamb would be IN the lion's belly, not on some oversized painting sold by anti-Moses scammers in Oklahoma. Michael Sieve's 'Night Vision' is a good reminder that natural animal instincts are not going to disappear when the Messiah shows up to rebuke the people in history named 'Jerome'.

5. I do have a beautiful piece of artwork where a ram is next to a lamb (not contrary to natural branches) and another find drawing by a little child where she depicted me as a pink and purple turtle following some huge predatory fish. 'PINK' alone is as bad as a swimming pool near a Cutler statue in Wausau with a severe chemical imbalance. The Marine City Mariners mind find this 5th point to be very important.

6. My new moon feast was not at 'The Riviera' in Marine, City, Michigan because the owner decided to allow his staff to wear 'Victoria's Secret' outerwear. For that reason, I lost my desire to eat at 'The Riviera' and informed the staff why the sight of 'PINK' made me lose my appetite. I then had my 6th month new moon feast at Pepe's PIzza, where the cheese pizza was delicious and the staff was dressed decently and they also spoke English extremely well.  I was told the 'poppers' were not penguin chunks and as usual, I cannot recommend the pork, clams or shrimp options due to my belief in Yehovah.

7. Did Mark Sanchez repent of signing with the Dallas Cowboys and now he is behaving as a wiser Trojan with the Chicago Bears? Now that Sanchez is the 'new' 6 for the Chicago Bears and Cutler's Miami affiliation is not good for his soul, try to watch the NFL's program about MIchael Vick, since I know MIchael Vick ended up with a better team than he started with.

8. The whole earth will not be flooded, but certainly many parts of the earth are being flooded while other parts have drought and still other parts are being protected. I hate Mardi Gras and I hare Halloween because it is evil to try to hide your FACE and your true identity from your neighbor. Even in Egypt, Joseph's face was not hidden from his brother reuben, he just was forced into a different uniform division for awhile. If the police or military men in your area are wearing MASKS over their face when it is not extremely cold, they are no better than the KuKlux Klan in mindset and their leaders should not be trusted.

9. I choose to recall the occupants of Rhinelander squads 1 and 12, as well as Toledo squad 99 in my good memory bank, since the men who I spoke with on those squads treated me kindly, and did not seem to be opposed to the Truth.  The Toledo squad 99 exhibited extreme wisdom in denouncing 'fake police officers'  such as Tom Selleck or some 'McGarrett' buffoon pretending to be a cop form Hawaii. Garrett 95 on the Clevelnad Browns is smarter than any actor pretending to be a president, a cop, an elf, Snata Claus,  a spouse of a person they are not actually married to or a child in a family really are not ACTUALLY RELATED TO .  FICTION in all forms is hazardous to your opportunity to be saved and being an actor or and actress for a living most likely disqualifies you from ever becoming a real saint or aligning with Yehovah.

10  Of all the marriage covenants I entered into voluntarily, the 1st one was broken by Theodore R. Jackson who is the BLOOD father of my son; the second covenant with Robin Michael Ortiz was voided by him,  the divorce petitioner.  The third covenant was broken by Shane David Hendrikson who is as unjust  and evil as the father of Richard Edwin Xavier. Covenant breaker #1 and #3 were both good swimmers and attracted to beaches. I was actually a better swimmer than my second spouse, and if he needed shelter or protection I still would still honor the covenant that he should to make void due to his lack of faith in me. I know remarriage to Robin Ortiz is not an option, but I also know it is not safe to reside in the household of a person who smokes cigarettes and some people do void a covenant to protect their own flesh. Failure to tell the trut about your past sins  prevents proper repentance and  eliminates your chance to get  SEALED as one of the 144,000 Israelites before Abaddon gets to go on a holy offensive plan more pure than a Miami Dolphin spy from Vanderbuilt!

11. If I would give legal advice to my son in France, I would tell him to go back to his original name of Richard Edwin Xavier and give all his legitimate children a new last name better than than the HENDRIKSON name he currently carries.   His mother, who is still known by a few as Marie Elizabeth Xavier, wasn't a good student of the Bible. Richard Edwin Xavier's mother decided to believe Moses, be pro-commandment and as a result has a dangerous enemy self-titled Mr. Anti-Commandment Man', and of such I still have written proof that probably was also seen by many postal workers in area coded 28210. Codes matter at the 11th commandment and in Meeks#3 ball games.

12. I agree with Monte Judah that Yom Teruah is about 29 days ahead or about 11 months behind us. I also agree that the Book of Hebrews is not the WORD OF YEHOVAH now that Monte Judah presented a more definitive argument against the 'Book of Hebrews'.The 66 should now become the 65 and in my subdivision, I'm pretty sure there is only 1 empty lot (no house on it) out of the original 66 lots.  I will take a sabbath's day walk to verify my assumption.

13. I  now have photos of 7 of my favorite hockey players, fully clothed in proper uniforms, in my sleep therapy room. They all look beautiful to me, just like a painting of the Cape Hatteras lighthouse and one of the hockey players is ME!.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

'Witholding' Can Be a Declaration of War

Today, I found the Hebrew word for 'porcupine' at the Qoph section,not to far from Qeset and QIQI(37085, the word for tattoo). Attacks against people do not always come  toward them; the most cowardly attacks occur when people 'draw back' or withhold what a person really deserves.

Look up Hebrew word #7017 for examples of the lack of action of information infuriating humans and some God formations.

1) When I paid for a fireplace to be installed and I did not receive what I paid for from Vincent LoCicero, LoCicero declared was against me, and followed up with physical threats as he withdrew from the area WITH my stolen assets. When the Macomb Co9unty Sheriff filed an incorrect and false report AND then failed to arrest LoCicero, they chose to be allies of the thief and enemies of Truth that I told them in person several years ago.

2. When I helped pay for wedding costs for my son's wedding and he subsequently decided to start witholding information and LOVE from me, he declared war against me. He declared war against Yehovah when he got a tattoo, a practice prohibited by people who trust the instructions of Moses delivered to Israelites.

3. If I withhold information that I have that could help a person make a better covering choice than  a Potipher coat, it could hurt the person choosing to wear clothes affiliated with evil logos more than it hurts me HOWEVER there are times when people need to do their own research before they align with a Leo type instead of a Asher type while they are free to do so. I have already pointed out to many people that the Detroit Tigers aligned with Hooters in their training camp, which is consistent with the Verlander lusts,but is a gisgrace to many of the players in the past who might have represented the team in a much better manner.

4. The word 'Trinity' does not save lives, and as a matter of fact the bomb production site in New Mexico proved that an unholy 'Trinity' is what most people have foolishly trusted in rather than at least trying to upgrade their mindset to a 4 cornerstone rectangular system for thinking like Joseph Schobert.

5.  Withholding reasonable punishment that a minor person in your custody deserves also can be extremely hazardous to their outcome. For instance, if I as a parent did not try my best to discipline my children or my step-children and they ended up in jail for crimes I did not try to deter them from, I would be a terrible parent. This fact makes many judges and lawyers guilty and party to the crimes they helped minors POSTPONE eventual punishment, since I know that there is an eternal punishment for people who practice lawlessness.

6. If your F word is Atlanta today, you have currency on your mind instead of fish. If you withhold child support or proper disclosure of assets and funds in the process of a divorce, you have declared war against Yehovah and against the spouse you lied to or withheld marital assets from. Now you know there are millions of wars that have still not been settled on earth which men and women dressed in black have allowed to progress rather than force the people in their court to tell the truth and be honest and then INCARCERATE them if they provided false information.  Shane David Hendrikson provided FALSE information not only to my family but to Marathon County deputies when he said my S-Corporation did not exist and he should have been arrested for that offense. Because he wasn't, he lost a good opportunity to be CORRECTED rather than allow him to continue in his sin and reduce his chance of getting 'saved'.

7. Of course, withholding payment for work that was completed in a reasonable manner by a legal worker means you declared war against that person, and if that person leaves you behind with your full burden of guilt and your temporary 'riches', do not think you will not be miraculously protected from some sort of demonic or even gang-style attack for cheating your neighbor out of the salary you agreed to pay.

8. The opposite of war is not always peace with Yehovah's people. Sometime the opposite of war is raw, and raw foods can start a war against sickness. I bit of Paul Perkins attitude means there are Flowers that shouldn't be eaten by humans, but sharks, snakes,pigs, vultures, cats and dogs often do try to take a bite of flesh at food chain time trials.

9. If the Storm you fear is a fake boxer from 'Build-A-Bear', you have a fear of recording devices. If the Storm you fear is a bowling ball, try to keep your Storm in control.  If the Storm you fear is like a hurricane, why didn't you put more pressure on the nasty Houston Texans and the nasty New Orleans Saints owners to get rid of the nasty whorish cheerleaders to prevent a low pressure system from ruining your weekend plans? If the Storm you fear is the Central Wisconsin Storm, a juvenile hockey team, go face your fears and see if they are justified.

10. Some prophet or saint should inform Donald Trump that it not good to hate a living oyster but it is just fine and tribe of Dan dandy to HATE and reject any meal with oysters in it. The word 'HATE' should also be used against other forms of sins and it is legal to say ' I hate evil  laws that do not properly punish adulterers, liars and criminals but of course I love GOOD commandments!  I also hate any culinary recipe that contains unclean beasts, and I declare war against recipes with unclean flesh by withholding myself from such anti-Leviticus menu plans. (The spirit of Elijah might have helped me with this example of proper ways to use the words 'love' and 'hate'. ) I know Donald Trump did not have Christ for an English teacher, so he does err frequently in his speeches and computer tests. I doubt if Donald Trump's wife's English skills are good enough to even notice how many English errors President Trump is making.

Now that you know that people who speak the truth to you are most likely not your worst enemy, listen to audibles from people who are at least dressed up in decent attire since they might be your best adversary who wants to steer you away from the error of your way.

While the peaceful Muslims are starting their 12th month and I am eating not on a stupid 'Leo' program or a Detroit Lions program, I am still at war against evil and anti-Yehovah people who decided to hate me first. I do not want to end up like Twiggy or Karen Carpenter

The Hendrikson Bunch Still Begging For Money?

I find the above picture far less  disturbing than  a situation comedy rated PG-13. When groups of so-called 'Christians' led by a man who has rejected his own mother  wants to take in another mother's child by legal adoption, that child will not learn what it means to be a good child nor a good parents.

The toughest messages might come like a spiritual punch for which no one will get arrested but which might alert another to an ongoing battle.  Some grandparents would gladly pay an attorney to get the 'right' to see their grandchildren, but I am not going to waste my time or assets to see people who are currently part of a very hypocritical bunch. If my grandchildren's attitude is a refelction of their mother's leadership, they would come and go like trick-or-treaters and then be led to another location where their parents can continue to beg for money rather than work hard for an honest living and a fair wage

Here's the only link I could find when trying to establish the condition of my grandchildren I have never met,  a site with a somewhat recent update of what one of many families who has rejected me as well as the teachings of Moses currently looks like:

Of course, I do not recommend that anyone donate to the growth of a family that is doing less good than the typical legal immigrant from Mexico who is gathering crops in the United States and actually has developed a proper work ethic. If you already contributed to their anti-Moses organization, it is probably because you believed a lie, not because you wanted to make a foolish decision with your money.  I know it would be better for my son if he were waiting on tables in Shelby's fine restauarant 'Little India' , if he spent a few weeks in prison for being party to Shane David Hendrikson's crimes or if he tried to put the millstone around his neck that is in a Berea, Ohio park than continuing on the French broad 'anti-mother' path' he has chosen. A tiny metallic crucifix is not the mark of Yehovah, so buyers and sellers beware!

The church 'The Hendrikson Bunch' might still be attached to, Woodlands Church of Plover, has a very 'closed' rather than open computer sight like I do if you want to get information from it. I do not track who my visitors are because who I see face -to-face is more important to pay attention to.  Yes, I do have friends that are closer than my brothers now!  As my actual friends and the a few loving family members know, I am not actually a Hendrikson anymore, and never will be again, even though legally my name is  still recorded as 'Hendrikson' in post-divorce legal paperwork and some computer work. I am a servant of Yehovah, I prefer to align with the tribe of Zebulun or Napthali not with 'Taurus' or 'Virgo'  and I am a Swedowski who is not ashamed of my father's name.

Loneliness is sometimes next to godliness.  Suffering servants often have no family or friends nearby to comfort them and their source of strength is not 'one-dimensional'.

I now will try to establish the meaning of 'Nun Chet Mem' compared to 'Nun Hey Mem', for such letters seem to after the 'RA' the name 'RANHEIM. Without the RA in front, the words Nehemia and Nahum might be tied to 'NHEIM'. I study what I love, and at times I work as if I was still in the Missing Persons Bureau of the Milwaukee Police Department, which means I am not shackled up like a dog to a mat, nor do I have a supervisor who does not trust me. 360 goals? Maybe that's as valuable as sighting a Milwaukee Police van parked on 4th and Locust with the number '360' on it on Yom Kippur,  just before speaking with my friend and possibly another suffering servant,  Thomas Stigler.

My enemies shall be put to shame, but will shame lead them to repentance?  I hope shame does lead some to repentance because feeling ashamed means your conscience is not totally seared.The words of a rejected mother about her son and his household should be more true and reliable  than the words of a politician or a religious hireling trying to raise money from the spiritually dead in order to avoid learning how to do real good works.

I will look for the new moon tonight, and respect the beginning of the 6th month of Israelites as much as I respect and believe the book of Joshua. My God has not forsaken me, but my son and daughter-in-law have due to their fearful and unbelieving mindset.

By the way, I don't believe the great swelling words that Donald Trump spoke in Arizona yesterday either. Donald Trump is starting to remind me of David Joseph Snyder bragging about his swine-filled Italian meals plan before brain cancer 'shut him up'. George Harsh realities, the book of Jude and real historic facts are more important to ponder and learn from than  the fake address (1632 or 1432?) used on a stupid television show called 'Mama's Place' which I never have bothered to watch.

Monday, August 21, 2017

A Sharper Point For Richmond, Virginia, Minnesota and Biron

V I S I O N answer Tom Jackland Style:



In a nation of idolatrous fools, it is common to see history repolaced with stupidity and vain babblings. Since I have been to Richmond, Virginia more than once, I desire to prophecy against the people who want to increase the offenses is Richmond rather than pointing out what defense might look like.

The 'Defense OF God' is not going to be some hip-hop artist or musician who stages himself for financial gain. If you already signed a petition to replace a student of the Bible with the female image of a vain babbler, you are not on the side of Yehovah and what happens to Virginia since the Yankees took control is now totally to blame of an anti-Moses spirit.

The only way you could improve on Robert E. Lee's image might be to bring in  Jamie Sharper or Darren Sharper to deliver a message on the consequence of sin and the err  of attorneys. Jamie Sharper never represented a 'dove', but he has represented a Raven. His brother Darren did not get in trouble when he was with the Green Bay Packers, but got into trouble after he signed with teams that had whorish dance and pompom teams. A few members of my family still try to defend the Green Bay Packers like they once defended me on the sidelines of Saint Matthew's grade school, but those days are long gone and today's events occurred about 20.83 years since I sought peace and safety and a possible place to move my son to in Idaho but was rejected and falsely accused by a religious cult and the Mosinee School District. More likely, 21 years ago I was in the emergency room at Mount Sinai in MIlwaukee struggling to breath and stay alive because I did not want my son to be AN ORPHAN, which he would be if I did not have the willpower to remain alive for him.

In Macomb Corners Park, it looks like little stones are being painted with smiles on them , and these stones are abou the size of the typical aborted baby in the United States. No infant is smiling when they are getting murdered, so I am not sure if some pro-abortion group is trying to make a joke of some sort of stone game rather than repent of their evil desires and pro-murder position. I did not take any of the glasses with the NASA mark in my hands or on my forehead today, because NASA has become a financial beast not a sign of good life. I also know that seeing a butterfly emerge from a cocoon or sighting the new moon is better than seeing an solar eclipse  if you have ejected yourself from sun worship as I have.

Nearby, illegal dumping is going on in 'Pheasant Run' just to the west of the town hall because fools in the area rather pollute and ruin the earth's surface with illegal dumping on property. If the owner cares about his "Pheasant Run' property as much as I cared about the land that I owned in Knowlton prior to it being taken over by men much worse than Robert E Lee statue, he will clean up what has been dumped there and then block off the entrance to make it more difficult for motorized vehicles to go in there with their broken large electronic pieces.

The highlight of my day was taking the very expensive cup I had purchased for about $14.00 with the Detroit Lions logo on it out of my household,throwing it onto my driveway and intentionally smashing it to pieces, followed up by a few extra good legal stomps on it with my  select footwear. I then took it to the Macomb Corners park in a Meijer's trash bag and inserted it into a garbage can, where it belongs. Real actions against teams who have used their freedom to increase the appearance of evil and sin in an area can and should include ejecting them from your household with as much violence as you want to deliever against the evil object. The elimination of the Detroit Lions cup was even more exciting and spiritually uplifting than tossing Leroy Butler's jersey into a small crater on earth, knowing full well that the other members of my household idolized Leroy Butler more than they studied Krypton bulbs.

Tropical depression 92L might be about as disorganized as a Tim Thomas English muffin split between Pat Ceislik of MIlwaukee and some other younger Pat Ceislik who appearred on a hockey roster in western Wisconsin.  The solar eclipse was not a sign of peace and safety, so the most knowledgable people know it is the dark of the moon tonight and possibly the start of the 6th Biblical month tomorrow evening. it is perfectly safe to try to sight the new moon, but not perfectly safe to be in Macomb Corners park due to all the extremely loud blow jobs (noise pollution is a threat to the human body's ear drums) going on over there without my consent.

If the United States continues to remove only select statues from public areas, it will reveal more unjust scales and more idolatry than ever existed on the moon that was defiled by the UNITED STATES, not by Israel. I highly recommend that once a statue is removed from a location, it is replaced with a garbage can with or without an image of Oscar the Grouch so fewer people are tempted to litter the earth like a common swine OR it is replaced with a copy of the Bill of Rights, since our nation has already rejected the Law of Moses more times than Sitting Bull or the tribe of Dan.

If you tell others the earth is 4.6 billion years old, you believed a lie and are repeating a falsehood. Maybe someone should ask Timothy Severud how old he thinks the earth is if you can find him in the Snake River Canyon after he got scattered like a golf ball out of Minnesota.

In the spirit of my orange Springfield, IL DARE program team, go ahead and sing this to the popular Southern Pines Baptist song 'What A Friend We HAve in Jesus':

What a Friend there is in Pittsburgh
He's much wiser than Woodson
Watt is wearing number XC
Not  an I.C Light good beer
When the Browns are next to Giants
It's should be a good decent game
Now the deeper Hue is Jackson
Not a dwarf from Notre Dame!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Trouble With Wittenberg Chargers Isn't A Buckeye

Without being as obviously arrogant and ignorant of proper manners in public as the typical anti-Friend society, I will now post a real example of outside information that will become INSIDE information to be tried, examined and considered as information as important as any report I turned over to Ramon Galaviz, John Dorsey, Ronald Quackenbush or Dennis Drazkowski about suspected anti-Good gang activity in my squad area.

The following is a true account of an observation of a possible pattern of behavior and team associations that the USA military won't respond to but the Department of Homeland Security should track to see if there is any connection between the license plates citizens are issued, numerology and  only 1  rubber orange bullet in an area that can hold 6 rounds divided up for 12 teams.

This is a non-random sequence of information, all on a group of people who are as dangerous to society as James Costa, LInda Maria Costa, Stuart Rottier, Vincent LoCicero,an expensive prostitute and any other person who thinks that  biblical prophesy is some sort of fiction or a laughing matter.

Z) A group of people usually described as 'white' were partying after a baseball game on playing field 5 in Macomb Corners on the evening of August 20, 2017 AD. The leader appeared to be someone labeled 'Hambino60' and the name on the front of their jerseys wasn't as good or as strong as James Harrison#92, who actually IS much stronger than the child he was next to with cancer. Once television commentators learn to relay facts rather than fiction, they might get a better clue as to what the 7th strong angel is all about.
Y) The 7th strong angel in the book of revelation is not going to have cancer or any other disease.
X) Also in the unholy trinity group with HAMBINO 60 was 'THE BEAST 21'  and SQUINTS 1.
W) The group listed in point Z and point X had a mode of operation similar to Shane David Hendrikson's family gatherings.  Their language was vulgar, disgusting and typical of any person who does not have a good spirit or a conscience that operates properly.
V) A vehicle check of an expensive dark colored Dodge Charger still parked in the Macomb Corners lot near the ugly heathen metal figurines had a Michigan plate DHE-2043.
U) Ever USA citizen knows that in case of an emergency, the United States military is usually a last responder, a destructive responder and  full of humans that use vulgar language, have taken tattoos and who rather carry heavy burdens of guns to kill people than carry a light burden and study the method of operation successful  Biblical characters had.
T) The person who was wearing THE BEAST' and the number 21 was probably as educated as Matthew Stafford but was not as well educated as Joseph Jacoby when it comes to understanding and displaying good manners and a willngness to learn to be a decent citizen, a wise man and the kind of neighbor you would trust as a teammate in an emergency situation.
S) Melissa Sue Anderson pretended to squint in her acting career when perched next to Michael Landon, so the male wearing  'SQUINTS' 1 is equal to Melissa Sue Anderson now in a simple 'label' comparison.
R) In no way, shape or form is a Macomb Mavericks jersey nominal value, and the license PLATE labeled DHE-2043 is not nominal value since the owner paid About $200 for that license plate. Consider the driver of that car to be equal to Sandra Marcus in attitude, mentality and financial decision making.'
Q) Team 'SOURAY243' has no affiliations with any player involved in the HAMBINO 60 group, and the letter Samech is not tied to or affiliated with 'HAMBINO 60'.
P) Men who are running around like L. Tomlinson need to start admitting that there are so many free black men,black women, white men and white women who have as evil of a spirit as whoever is now claiming to be  the actual father of my 2nd child, Richard Isaiah Hendrikson, are so plentiful that the free and string males who decide to sign with NFL teams that have no cheerleaders have a better built in moral compass, and money or Hall of Fame BUSTS is not the path away from a lifestyle of sin that hurts a nation more than honest, hard working, very tough slaves who often survived better conditions than European Israelites in the 1930 and 1940's. Consider this the Junction City County Trunk P=Poland point and let Tomlinson's doctor tell him his intestines are full of 'shit' so he is reminded of typical inferior education languages that abound in the United States.
N) The intent of a good squad 50 team is not to try to find a spot for my enemies in the Kingdom of Yehovah, but to try to maintain enough non-electronic surveillance skills to be considered as wise as a serpent and as gentle as a dove when near people who obviously are not GOOD neighbors nor GOOD citizens. If your conduct is not GOOD by definition, you are a danger to yourself and to others and eventually deserve to be locked up for up for at least 24 hours or up to a 1000 years maximum term of incarceration.
M) MIke McCarthy, Michael Redmond and Michael Bennett  are to be considered absolutely incapable of being archangel  material. However, Michael Strobel, Michael Korducki, Michael Tomlin, Michael Vick, Michael Richter and Michael Singletary have not yet been disqualified from potential archangel or the 'prince who stands up for Israel' status due a pattern of wise decision in this century,
L) In case you get nervous because outside information is being compared to inside information, it is only because you probably are doing something illegal. Observing human tendencies is what attorneys, the FBI, demonic beings, scientists and HGTV advertisers do without warning you and often without showing their face because they also are doing anti-good and anti-holy activities..
K) Tim Stout is not Robert Swannell, so if you didn't even graduate from UW-LaCrosse and you think Stout is the easy way out, you probably are as ignorant as the Marathon County Sheriff's department in the way you ignore or totally mishandle facts coming from victims of felonies.
J) If there is something wrong with my inside information, I do not know how to react to it now. I possibly have a condition known as ' ice hockey adversity ' and do not know how long this condition will exist. As soon as it doesn't exist, someone will see me in full hockey gear and in a ice hockey rink again.
I) Watching the Cleveland Browns and the New York Giants with my DARE bear should be much more enjoyable than watching 'THE BEAST' and the HAMBINO bunch in the Macomb area of horrible useless metal statues.
H) After observing so many apparently 'happy' couples make absolutely stupid and wasteful housing decisions, there are times I think it might be better to be a single woman who is apparently unhappy at times but who knows enough to stay within driving distance to her parents and brothers, thereby never relying on airplane travel in case of an emergency. I do understand completely why it is nearly impossible for any extremely wealthy person to get 'saved' since recreation and purchasing much more than an actual saint would ever desire seems to be a behavioral curse that sellers of expensive toys and expensive trinkets do not want to reverse.
G) There are 3 sets of outdoor information regarding Ephasus, Resh, Joseph_31,Chelios40,Freshies14 and ApolloPA 66 just to see if humans on earth know anything about history, maps, Badger hockey and legal board activites for bored good angels not in heaven yet.

Time to see how many lies and moral corruption is emitting from the United States government area and the Washington Redskins. I am sure that my time at the 'Kingdom Hall' yesterday actually was entertaining angels, but even I know enough to continue to study the behaviors and patterns of my enemies which I sometimes watch from a distance and sometimes watch in very plain clothes.

Dangerfield37 and Berea Bagley Road Angelic Locust Code 882: It is a  good hot or cold fact that Jaroslav Spacek is better and smarter than 'THE BEAST' in every way, shape and Carolina Hurricane form. Real. powerful God-delivered hurricanes such as Hugo, Sandy and Camille do not have an eye that squints.

How Many Good Rounds Does The Anti-Beast Have?

There is no doubt the Arizona Cardinals are not doing anything to disuade  morally corrupted parents from putting their daughters on a Lawrencia Bemenek path toward Playboy lines, o the Arizona Cardinals are not anti-beast. The rocks in the above photo look better, behave better and are holier than any of the females who romped with pompom and then rumped their way  around the Arizona Cardinal's unholy valley of decision.  Try to  keep in mind that the number '352' is pivotal in Coyle, Havelid, Joseph and Molitor lines. Laziness is not a part of holiness and godliness.

As day 881 is in progress without Sheldon Souray anywhere in my sight, let me try to refocus your vocabulary to being anti-Beast and let the anti-Christ people align with the Kim Crawford trash instead of checking out the wine of John Christ. It is HORRIBLE what I hear and see from what is now the typical high school freshman, and their parents ARE to blame when a high school freshman is not yet anti-beast.  If I would describe what the god of the USA military looks like, it would look like  the lifeless piece of metal trash just west of Macomb Corners park baseball field 6. Like any other beast of the USA Army systems, there is no sign of a truthful and living God in any kind of rendition of a topless woman in a 'cheerleader' type position, and the statue represents a form of a whorish beast not a saint or a potential hero able to save a life from heathen idolatry.

The Chicago Bears are anti-beast because they have a moral code built into their system. A wise daughter can direct her father into a morally decent position, while the atheist is only 1 indecent statue away from becoming an idolatrous heathen. The statues of elephants that the MInnesota Viking received many years ago, one of which was smashed by Keith Johnson, were far less harmful to the team than the MInnesota Vikings cheerleaders and their other NFL whorish pompom counterparts.

For those few who are trying to understand what Yehovah expects of them and why Jehovah Witnesses are often quickly rejected by pro-beast or anti-Bible people, let me try to explain how a pro-Bible person can try to improve the reputation of the typical Jehovah's Witness rather than being rude to a peaceful human being usually less harmful than a spider on your porch.

1. Ask the Jehovah Witness if they are trying to align with Israel or remain anti-Moses.
2. If they claim they want to align with Israel, tell them you want to know what statues, precepts, judgments and dietary laws a good Israelite is supposed to obey and practice in their daily life.
3.  Ask them if they eat pork and shellfish. If they say yes, tell them they are proving they do not believe Moses or Yehovah, and therefore you don't believe them since they do not represent Yehovah properly yet.
4. Example of non-kingdom hypocrisy:
    A heterosexual couple claims they want to move into Canada because they do not like living in France, so to prepare to accomplish their goal to live in Canada they start studying all the laws that Canadians are supposed to obey.  At the same time, they are not supposed to be keeping the existing laws in France. Eventually, when they are actually given a fair opportunity to reside in Canada, even for a few days a year during vacationa time, they decide to intentionally BREAK the Canadian laws, are seen by 'Jehovah's Witnesses' breaking Canadian laws they have been studying. As a result, the Canadian geovernment never  should allow the unjust tourists to become Canadian citizens if the believed the reports of the Jehovah's witnesses.

5. Example of 'Kingdom' hypocrisy:
     A man living in the United Kingdom who is a non-atheist decided  wants to be part of the  Israelite Kingdom that Michael the Archangel is a part of, which means he wants to be part of a system that expects to have a good King of Israel  under a God often names 'Yehovah' and at other times named  Sum God #26. While being stuck in England under an anti-Moses regime run by an anti-Moses queen, the man starts studying the statutes, laws and ordinances for the tribes of Israel but decides they are no good laws and has no intention of ever thinking they are worth obeying, so he keeps bowing to the anti-Moses queen and her spoiled, unholy and unclean descendents.  Such a man should never be expect to be sealed into the Kingdom that Yehudah is part of, and certainly can be labeled as an anti-Yeshua heathen.

6. Example of United States 'Christian' hypocrisy:
   Small groups of citizens in the United States says they are  'Jehovah's Witnesses',huge groups say they are 'Christians' and Roman pro-cruxifix groups say they are 'Catholic'. The few who do not want to spend time in jail choose to try to obey the millions of 'big picture' rules of the United States no matter who the ruling president, governor or mayor is, but they refuse to  obey the far fewer rules of Yehovah currently available to study in the first 5 books of the Bible. The first 5 bookd of the Bible do contain variations on the rules for people who want to exhibit their love for and trust in the God of the Israelites. Thus, by default,  the Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics and Christianss are  cast out of ( not allowed into) the' Kingdom of Israel's God by a judge of Israel, and they can keep being under Donald Trump or try to get under Justin Tredeau's nation for a period of time, observing what the people who trust Yehovah's Laws and chose to obey the instructions delivered by Moses actually do to prove they love the perfect Laws of Yehovah.  Yehovah's true, sealed saints know never to 'mate with' someone still part of the Jehovah's Witness system or any other version of protestant or Catholic systems since they are not willing to preach Moses nor rest on the sabbath of YEHOVAH and thus are not yet anti-beast in thought, word or deed. The people who actually want to follow the rules for good Israelites still have a few good bear tough Rounds in them as they continue to EXPECT the right to practice their good conduct and holy religion without being arrested or threatened by heathen goons dressed in cheerleader outfits, Macomb County Sheriff's gear, USA military gear or Catholic altar boy gear. Sometimes, heathen goons prove they are heathen goons and they try to enforce Nazi-type anti-Israelite laws that still exist such as  being pro-abortion or forbidding good men to work and get paid on Sunday and as a result, real saints of the Most HIgh Israelite God do suffer physically and financially for righteousness sake.  Any aborted child in the world has suffered for righteousness sake and is innocent, unlike pro-beast heathens such as the Detroit Lions organization, Detroit's Chief of Police, Barack Obama, Larry and Renee Mizewski, the Arizona Cardinals organization, Playboy product purchasers and Hillary Clinton. It is easy to come up with a list of obviously pro-beast people and thus avoid labeling too many people as anti-Beer or anti-Christ.

A beast system is anti-holiness, anti-modesty, anti-goodness and anti-Truth, therefore a pro-beas pro-Babylon system is unjustified due to their lack of faith in something as pure as the unchangeable constant order of the Beit, Resh, Aleph, Shin, Yod and a special  letter  of the Scriptures that is not the Vav or an English F and of course does not spell 'Beelzebub' or 'Bruin'.

In the beginning was the WORD that started with a Beit, and in the end, there is a final letter 'nun', the 14th letter and the end of the Book usually referred to as #66 by various Protestant book buyers and book sellers.  This report took quite a bit of work, but this report is not too hot to handle nor too difficult to read by an average Frederic Handel disciple.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

34 Day Plan To Change Pergamum & JW.ORG

If you or I fail this 34 day plan, it could negatively affect the next 7 year time span between solar eclipse. As usual, I will try to keep this plan reasonable for anyone who actually wants to reject the  theology of theVatican or Mormons and want to realign their body with a tribe of Israel they prefer so they do not become an enemy of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

A) I was directed by a healthy Muslim to abstain from meats, including the chicken they make available at their spiritual physical health care center.  This will not be 'easy' for me, but it is possible for me. It seemed as though I was given a 'test' by him, and I do like to pass physical and spiritual tests. It will not hurt the typical Israelite to abstain from flesh so that some of their poultry and goat flesh can be saved for other pro-Moses customers.

B) Acknowledge that Rachel, the 4th mate of Jacob, blasphemed when she said God vindicated her with the birth of Dan. Dan is not Rachel's child and Rachel's two sons actually did suffer quite a bit, possibly because of the sins of their MOTHER and FATHER.  If you cannot admit Rachel is a liar and a deceiver, you refuse to believe the facts of the maternal lineage of Dan presented clearly in the Scriptures.

C) Continue to resist the adversary who goes about LIKE a lioon but does not represent any good lion associated with Israelite prophesies. For example, choose to watch baseball games instead of the defiled Detroit Lions or any other team where their home stadium has joined themselves to the pompom girl plague. Switching what you view is as important as walking out of a Twisted Kilt once you realized there was no bagpipe show and only unholy women in their uniform division.

D) If you are already adhering to the non-Vatican non-Mormon sabbath, which means you rest on the 7th day of the regular week (Saturday), try to find a non-Jewish assembly that meets on Saturday to pass on valuable and correct information to.

E) Once the 7th day assembly of your choice allows you in, continue to go there as long as you are welcome. Keep in mind, this is a 34 day plan, not the 7 year plan. All you need to do is state that you are there to confirm the day of Yehovah's true sabbath, and encourage them in their anti-Vatican anti-Mormon chosen gathering time. The E-series is as important as the city of Richmond, Virginia since you should be going to a place where they desire peace, not riots, on the sabbath or any other day.

F) If you have been forced out of of other mission fields such as hockey rinks, a marriage to a spouse who rejected Moses and you, Thomas More high school and their Catholic affiliates or similar anti-Israelite units, do not return to them. It is unknown whether those who rejected you will repent, just as it is unknown how many of the JW. ORG people will repent of eating flesh of abominations, leaning toward the Pope's sabbath instead of Yehovah's declared day of rest or their missing 'VAV' in psalm 34.

G) Make sure you point out what the people in your mission field are doing correctly, such as rejecting Santa Claus figures, rejecting Christmas tree figures, accepting Satan  figures if they need correction after rejecting the message of the typical faithful Israelite, rejecting the flesh of swine and other unclean animals, celebrating anniversaries with an anti-divorce attitude, modest attire, rejecting people who swore allegiance to a name other than Yehovah such as sheriff's deputies or humans in the military as elders, and of course, acknowledging the J of Jehovah should  be a YOD with a Y sound if people seem mature enough to handle that audible fact.

H) Do not be afraid to use the phrase 'The LORD rebuke you' to a JW.ORG person who insists they want to side with the Vatican, the Mormons and Martin Luther regarding the 'sabbath ultimatum'. If you do not use this phrase like a weary archangel, the stubborn Jesuit  types will either bore you to death or provoke you intentionally for some anti-Israelite reason I cannot explain.

I) The Hebrew work for 'who' seems to me Mem Yod, which adds up to 50. If 'Who' is on first, look for people willing to wear a '50' and act like a good NUN to possibly lead you away from anti-israelites such as the Detroit Lions Lebron James gang affiliations and Michael Jordan's anti-Shavuot  female broods of indecent exposure practitioners.

J) A reminder that the J line I started with is split between Joseph Pavelski and Joseph Cannan, but J is not a letter in the name of the God of Israel. 'J' is more like a Shantytown hook that MIGHT get you to a better starting point of reference such as a Beit ( the 2nd letter became the first letter of the Books of Moses) or to a Yitrium versus Yod comparison in areas where I-39 and US 10 intersect. Since I know that YSRAEL starts with a Yod not a Ayin and Yehovah starts with a Yod not an English fish hook, I do have the same advantage as the tribe of Yehudah has, at least for now.

K) Remind the assembly you have chosen to attend on the 7th day that you are there to test them regarding their knowledge of the expected practices of a kingdom led by a ruler from a tribe of Israel, not to join them to the Vatican, Nazi, Martin Luther King Junior, Elvis Presley, or Mormon systems.

L) Pray for yourself, since at this time you are your own enemy. If you were not your own enemy, you would not have to make any changes in your life. A perfected saint is NOT an enemy of Yehovah, and if you need to lose some weight to be a healthier and stronger, angel to the church of Pergamum or other church that needs to repent of some of their anti-Moses deeds, you are not yet perfected in matters of the flesh. A honest person knows what a healthy weight is for them, and being too skinny is not healthy.

M) Remind the JW.ORG unit that  they were persecuted in Nazi camps alongside Jewish people and that is a common bond in our anti-Nazi history.

N) As the 6th month is the chosen month for the above plan, keep in mind Reuben and the sardius in foundation talk, Napthali in natural order talk, Vav in Hebrew letter talk to avoid too much vanadium discussions, Menasha in seal order talk and of course, the dark green billiard ball and the Paul Coffey connection.

O) Open your eyes toward the night skies and do not get pulled into  sun worship on or off  beaches or  in  any other sand trap areas.  It seems that the constellation sig'htings around September 23rd will be very close to the feast of Trumpets this year.

P) Remember the phosphorous point of 536.9 as a constant in your level 15 Andrew Brunette type 'Sudbury' brain. Do not think that 'Donny Most' is the Most HIgh God since he is most likely to lure you toward the wrong MIlwaukee Marshall plan. Don Granato is less more likely to have better discernment than the 'Happy Days' cast.

Q) If you can, wear a number of the days remaining on your 34 day plan; this might leave your adversary in derision but will help you keep focused on the beginning of the Hebrew 7th month coming up sooner than Oklahoma will evolve into the candy known as 'Now and Laters'.

R) If you want to extend this to a 44 day plan all the way to Yom Teruah, it is still a perfectly legal plan of anti-riot action. I just decided to go with the '44 day plan' right up to Yom Kippur for my own good.

I fully expect this plan to help, not destroy, me or the church of Pergamum!