Sunday, September 25, 2016

Remember the Y in COFFeY To Avoid a '34' Scheme

Since I realize I am still at war against real people who have USED me when I was very confused, now that I am functioning much better  than a blue truck with a MI BVV-7545 ever could, it's time to agree that I should be able to own a fireman, but I would never want to conceal it FOR MY OWN SAFETY. News of a man contesting his' lifetime sentence' of being mentally unstable is as wrong as someone else saying' once a lesbian, always a lesbian'.   Time rather than chance can create huge changes in a person and there are many extremely deranged, mentally ill humans creating movies like 'The Accountant' or 'Code:Black'; I happen to abhor people who act in or 'create' movies or television shows that teach nothing GOOD an only intentionally cause people to forget that there really are a few who can and will defeat the proud some point in time.

Outside information can help or confuse you depending on how much you trust the person who left outside information for you. I happened to notice a small piece of paper in a roller blade rink that said 'used'. 'Used' is part of refused, confused and 'not new testament' as I view it, but it was a piece of litter that might have FRIGHTENED the Eisenhower Eagles Hockey Team. I added a bit of information to the penalty areas of the hockey rink in temporary chalk lines, not using tar lines since North Carolina barely squeaked by Pitt 37 to 36.

Here are some hard and Slow19 Charlotte Bus Route suggestions:

A) Do not mourn over a Miami pitcher who was wreckless with a expensive toy. People who are in pleaseure boats at night are not really contributing anything good to their community and I doubt they were fishing to get food on Jose Fernandez's mother's table.

B) The Green Bay Packers '34 Scheme' won't get farther than Lot 34 in the Knowlton, WI 34 scheme of a team lead most likely by Virgil Smith's Eisenhower jacket goons and State Farm Insurance criminals. There are criminals who work in the insurance industry, even if they commit their crimes while they are 'off duty'. For this reason, I would avoid wearing a red bow or only red that does not tie in an ark and animal mascot into it. Shane David Hendrikson packed plenty of my property into HIS attorney's team that vio;ated my 5th amendment rights, and now the 2nd amendment is very serious. 34 also happens to be the number of people who sided with Vitale's gang to get me off my local homeowner's association board, but 32 voted for me. Such a number matters a Franco Harris, Jerry Harris and St. Lucis's Joseph Harris splits.

G) Winston73 is in no way, shape or form as good of a leader as Robert Skaradzinski. If crime scenes are reproduced in areas to figure out 'Who Dunn or Who Brooks It?, it is better than coming up with fictional crimes and giving mentally ill people more terrible, ghastly ideas of how they can disobey the rules for humanity contained in the Bible that hasn't been watered down by idiots like Max Lucado. Steve Martin will end up in a pile of Navy trash sooner than Steve McQueen will based on movie that people can LEARN from.

D) The 4th letter of my family name matters, and my legal name is only useful to prevent a complete loss of ties to my grandchildren's last name.

H) The O''s get the ogygen point here,not the the little r line of Hendrikson.  Use Code: Burgos Goose if you like the Paul Coffey Greyhound methods and use Code: Perfex Goose if you appreciate talented honest machinists and clean fowl more than Playboy Cologne purchasers.  Remember I was 1st of 545 and bought my Lot 1 before the 5457 lukewarm neighbors brought in their unfriendly pompom girl mannerisms. I tolerate some of my neighbors but I do not want to become like most of them.

V) The Philadelphia Eagles are as disgusting as the New England Patriots based on their lack of rater 'G' sidelines. I don'r gamble for a holy reason; plenty of my family members do and I used to gamble but never to the point of an addiction.  V can still be for valedictorian,  Vick, Virginia Military Institute, for 5, for 6 or for Vanadium but V can't equal  2. Something is going to have to give when the 2 on 2 lines throw Caleb Sturgis out of contention for anything more than a typical unsaved male entertaining the New Jersey Devils but not entertaining Michael the Archangel.

Z) Y is a Bevent route, not a Yzerman route. A 1996 Detroit Redwings shirt happens to be a legend but not Scripture, so be careful if you are a golf pinhead that might recall a puck left in Quebec with the numbers 243 and 262 on it.

C) Free puck drop sones have been covered by me in Rhinelander, WI and Charleston, WV. The pucks were not nominal value. A free safety pin is not even nominal value since it has more resale value than a used piece of dental floss.  Low C level is like the difference between Urlacher and Bettis. High C level is like the difference between Eric Lindros and Michigan Spartan 'London28'. It is not always easy to 'play 60' in the middle of a chemistry table , but it is possible.

T) T-Mobile is equal to the mark of the beast in my holy opinion. Just as a mule, a burro, an ass and a donkey are sometimes mislabeled, sluts that advertise for T-Mobile are as plentiful as the disgusting Harbaugh duo. You are more likely to learn from Daniel Sedin moves and more likely to get confused and unrealistic watching or studying the Bourne Ultimatum's stupid Marie character 'play fake' .

Y) What you study at MSOE matters.  If an employee quits for a good reason, it is better than getting fired. People who declare in a courtroom that they 'quit' working for 'The Interior's Department, INC' and then continued to steal, use and abuse all my company's equipment should be arrested, not awarded more than 50% of the family's assets and then allowed to own firemarms. Shane David Hendrikson committed  a felony, I did not commit any felonies, yet Shane was allowed to keep all our families firearms. The Wisconsin Judicial system is at fault, and a 24 point win over Michigan State doesn't make the State of Wisconsin 'good'' since their representatives in black robes became party to Shane David Hendrikson's crimes against me and against my entire family. Such sins and such crimes are not erased by a football game, nor is any game ball a substitute for a functioning brain. A ball does not generate light, so remember that the most you can take on my hole 13 is a 39. Some computer tests and game systems are intended to sift people rather than turn them into zombies that cross into Canada from Montana.

Just because I don't like either team in a competition (Lions and Packer game, for instance) doesn't mean I don't watch them as though they were the Latin Kings against the Spanish Cobras, especially when it gets to tattoo level.  Sturgis South Dakota is an area that tends to work against rather than with the Locusts because it attracts  Hells Angels and Outlaws that are as disgusting as Cindy Crawford out of a swimsuit and covered with nothing at all.  Perfect citizens are not swimsuit models for Sports Illustrated covers.

K) A kicker is like Product 19. Too much K and you forget about County M and Portage County E. Kangaroos kick much harder than the typical pitcher in a softball game. In order to stay well grounded at 11, take a long, hard listen to Chuck Mangion's version of 'The 11th Commandment' and forget that Charlton Heston was 32 in Ben Hur. Audibles came from Mount Sinai when Joshua was nothing like Josh Norman and when goats were as good as locusts at 8 AM. God never made silent movies, humans did.  If you go the wrong way at 11, you will end up too much like Klink and not enough like Kevin Lopez and the Milwaukee Fire Department heroes, which sometimes came from South Division in Lester Hutchins lines. I suspect Wisconsin will no longer be ranked 11th and they might move into the Zirbel 8 Ice&Tice game players.

L) The 30th point is on the far northeast corner of my current area of civic and civil responsibility, not on the southwest corner where a picture of my enemy has already been buried legally. At L, you should decide if giving a Bible to a stranger is more benefial to giving them a backpack filled with anti-Nahum school trinkets. This is the 'Last Dance' point I can make from a Milwaukee Tech Trojan Homecoming perspective. I remember my high school JAZZ ENSEMBLE when I pick Mangione tunes, not my high school prom date that used me for awhile and then went his queer way to warship Michael Jackson and Carla Derringer. Indeed, searching for tunes on a jukebox is as tricky as looking for Jungle Juice in South Carolina.  Angels of Gad communicate in various ways and do not limit themselves to English, German and French school splits.

M) Since I have a vav symbol right next to a lamed symbol, the Michigan State team seemed to get stuck against Robert Scott Smith  '32 touchdowns' The number 32 was not used in the Mormon's  ' spider and the waterspout comercials.  The number 32 has not been seen in the perverse Viagra commercials. This is not unusual, and in Shirley Brockenborough style, decent teams have time to regroup and try to defeat any and all teams that have cheerleaders in slutty indecent apparel. My current doctor was a Wolverine but a former doctor of mine was a Badger who was highly flawed in some of his last reports. Indeed, it will be like KAOS in the 'Big Ten' next weekend, and I always think more like Cheryl Yoast than the Denzel Washington 'Pass the pig' gut consumers.

N) If your N is 7, you are a unpaid chemist. If your N is North, you are still on an Andy North vs. Anthony North cooler prince line. If your N is 50, check out the game of BANDY. The name Randy or Nancy is not as good as the name Nun and Napthali, so don't put all your Brown deer emotions into a sheriff's department basketball game.

Samech: My 'One' Way isn't a Dallas Cowboy way since i have to agree with  me Elohim and even He has seen Hur way go the wrong way at times.

Ayin: Remember Rib Mountain Lanes is not Weston Lanes, neither is the 'Berlin Marathon' anything an angel of HVHY would be part of.  Marathon John bars might now have a serious Preston and Linda Hallas problem rather than a Dandy77 problem.

P) Pey is never really 17, it is either 15 or 80.  At 15, you better admit that Barry Church is only worth a Penny Marshall or you won't even make it to a Reggie White team safely.  Crawford98 is about equal to Shannon Wahl in effort, but still not wise enough to have gone to the proper defense team. Howard24 is a Genuine Draft reminder of Reggie White's Middle name, not a 'Happy Days Cunningham' UNiroyal scam and spam lines. The Halas family is like the salt of the earth, and part of the few that have Holy Family values instead of Free range swines disguised as Cowgirls.  Bailey is not even good enough to make a Jay Meverden team in the era od reality checks and Roy Banks balances.

Tsaddi) Play 90, not 60. Arnold Palmer did not even make it 90. Do not confuse 91.224 with a Pa before U line. If I don't sing the USA National Anthem, it will be because I do not want to mention the name of number 68 on the Dallas Cowboys , since I have been oppressed by hypocritical 'Christians' that look just like Jerry Jones, Loran Livingston,Bethany Snyder, Rachel Snyder and Jesse Jackson, Jr.. The reason you do not do something matters when defending your anti-bomb position and God's anti-tattoo position.

Q) 'Who's Phil Quigley?' is the question when going the special Qoph way at Michigan BMU-9055. It is a constant 1618 fervent fact that Ezequiel DelFino and Brian Elliott are both better than Richard Elliott and Ezekiel Elliott, since Richard got his sax stuck in the Judy Garland trough and the OLD TESTAMENT Ezekiel would rather milk sheep in Sandy Morris's barn than play football for the Dallas Cowboys. The 100 Degree rule usually is not in the deoderant aisle, but where Dove is near Skor, the Biene lines are tough, rugged and rough like Old Gus Haramis.

I hoped this helped you retain a Indian Trail painted turtle-type perspective rather than trusting a Miami Dolphin game. Parker and hart is on Comics, just like Linus and Sally or Lucifer and Wendy in a Casper book.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

A Town of Galloway Breaking Point

Remember the humble Catholic priest Michael Costello of Quebec if you can't remember that a SHORT term marriage is considered to be 7 years in most divorce courts. Michale Costello was kind enough to trust me with the keys to his beautiful church and of course I would never want the keys to Las Vegas, Nevada.  Galloway Wisconsin is about where huge Elderon side to side switches result in problems just like  'My Maria', Samaria Drive, Maria Drive (54481) and 'Say MARIE not Murray'. Uttering  certain words often cause serious fear for parents, step-parents and grandparents but spelling errors in records is a more serious problem. When in doubt, throw your dogs, cats and Barbie dolls out of your house, not your children or your wife or your husband if you managed to be decent enough to keep your vows so far. Men like Dennis Stanchik might be more clever than the average Harvard graduate when it comes to avoiding 'The Sound Of Music' traps or 'red shoes and Budweiser rice games.

Joey Galloway is not as important to me as Joey Deleon. Let the Hebrew Vav be a hockey player sign unto you, not a Helmet with 'Santa Claus' on it. Cutler might have a concrete statue problem after all.

Lt. Toth Of Wisconsin Represents Evil and Unjust Scales, Not Law and Order

Anews media headline was very close to:

"Former Seasworld San Diego manager sentenced to 30 months in prison for embezzling $8K..." In this case, K usually means a factor of 1000, which is neither a Roman system nor a Hebrew system so $8000 would have been a less confusing text on One America News. Maybe they should have written $MMMMMMMM . I do now know how to spell embezzle because of their  text report which is much different than the Detroit press release that troubled me when I read 'employee murdered' and of course that was not my fault that an employee was murdered in Detroit tavern. Blame John Nicholson and the UNited States paid military if crimes are committed against our own citizens if you'd like , but be advised that their aren't any 'Nicholson 9' or Watt42 on my  holy Justice team.  The Spartan image is not a Greyhound, a Trojan or a Badger image. Separate an unequal bowling balls might be part of my legal anger release in another lawful, profitable, peaceful protest and part of an orderly assembly of fellow USA citizens on day 1818 in my post-divorce therapy.  As you get oder, you realize cheerleaders with pompoms are not an asset to a good sporting venue.

Now, what will the State of Wisconsin do to help me PROSECUTE my former employee who embezzled $50,000.00 while the Marathon county officials helped him violate my 5th amendment rights since most of my property was sized without proper compensation by a DIVORCE PETITIONER who is a liar and very dangerous?

If they do nothing, they are guilfty with him, especially Lt. Toth who claimed I was 'nothing but difficult''.

It has been 1618 days since I uttered the words 'not in this venue' when it came to an understanding that I would never again be in family court facing any of Wittenberg's escaped felon Shane David Hendrikson's legal team of hypocrites, felons and liars. the 1618th Greek word listed in James Strong's system  means 'constant; fervent' and those words do represent my friend and ally, Lorraine Mielke, who housed me when Marathon County government acted worse than  many of the Nazis in Poland time and time again.  If $8K gets a man sentenced to 30 months, what should be the outcome of a man who enbezzles $50K FROM HIS OWN wife and children's potenital inheritance, claiming he lost it all in a casino?  My God would say ' Pay Marie Elizabeth Hendrikson $350,000 dollars, and then go and sin no more, lest you receive a more harsh punishment and your children become fatherless.' That amount would not compensate nor cover the sins of Stuart Rottier's blasphemy when he stated that $30K in hard assets is nominal value to any person on the face of the earth, so another  $21K would be expected to come from either Stuart Rottier of Shane Hendrikson in order to compensate for their courtroom lies. Such a demand is not extortion, since neither of the male cowards is in any sort of confinement while trying to bribe their way out of of into a better position in the war they started against  me and my truthful and GOOD forces, whether my forces are seen or unseen.

Problem solving is rarely done face to face against the most dangerous criminals that have been aided by evil servants such as Lt. Toth of the Marathon County Police Department. On occasion, it has to be done to humiliate the guilty when their cash settlement is settled out of court and they still find themselves lacking the ability to receive grace after they finally obeyed one of Yehovah's laws.

Many people are getting tested by me, many people are being served by me and many people are also TRUSTING me in unusual circumstances and various venues. I am thankful for those who are willing to pass on reliable information in a very old-fashioned 'Moscow Mule' kind of way which helps to keep me safe while I remain on offense against blasphemers, liars, thieves and unrepentant adulterers and at the same time remain on defense of self, fellow decent citizens  fellow LIVING saints and fellow servants of the Most High Elohim.

The number 551 also means something important to me, since the year I spent Passover in London, Ontario means more to me than any wedding ceremony and subsequent divorce ever will   A scar on the bridge of my foot is a reminder of only a fraction of the pain and suffering that the Holy ONe of Israel endured due to Roman cruelty in order that someday I would repent and be forgiven for disobeying the commandments of Yehovah, the perfect 'I Am'. It is no difficult to reject sinning, and that was proven agains when a self-proclaimed 'rotune teller' approached me in a large diner and offered her unholy serviced for 'free'. I rejected her offer and told her to read the book of Nahum, rather than telling her to trust Mel Brooks.

Tome to keep an eye on Badgers and Spartans, knowing that wars of the flesh do not cease on the 7th day of the week, and entering into rest becomes a state only a few properly enter into.  I would never condemn a person for exercising and facing real opponents  on the 7th day, since it is better than buying and selling Playboy cologne. What becomes a serious salvation issue is what you are surrounded by visually as you 'exercise', and for that reason, keeping an eye on college sports programs is no different than keeping an eye on a homosexual tavern in MIlwaukee on or off duty as a police officer. It is important to avoid becoming a brown recluse spider type and choose to be more like a snow owl, a thrasher or honey badger observing nearby turf.

Bon appetite and Bon Jour!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

First and For Few

Most people might go the wrong way at Elijah Craig, but a few understand codes like $36.96 as well as they understand codes like 50-14 is  Jerome Bettis bus line.

A few people appreciate getting facts rather than fiction. Most people will reject the following facts, but a few will accept it and be saved because they have the mind of Christ rather than the mind of Judy Garland types:

A) Attacking a squad car which is government property is equal to bombing Pearl Harbor Navy ships. Why did Navy let uncontrolled enemies get to the Charlotte Police department when they have made so many boasting claims on the commercials? The Navy is not protecting out nations peace officers enough and re-evaluate their recruiting messages to make them  more realistic.

B) Kerr Putney made an err when he stated that cameras are installed to protect communities. It is afact that a camera might only protect a community if you a huge Nikon to club an attacker over the head before you make a good escape and plan your counter-attack against your attacker in a different venue. Real saints and good angels are still your best line of defense in everyday situations; cameras don't save lives.

G) If facts are passed onto you in a locker room rather than in an interrogation room, be thankful but be careful that you do not accuse the information who is using non-paper and non-competerized methods of communications of being dangerous, mentally ill since the person relaying facts is a form af an angel,

D) If you live in the United States, consider Mexico 'Neighbor 1' since they are independent and Canada 'Neighbor 2' since they are not independent of a unholy queen system. Once you accept these broad definitions of a neighbor, how our neighbors treat us is as important as how the person in the car nect to you in a parking lot treats you.

H) Give a decent stranger the benefit of the doubt over a past acquaintance or former friend who decided not to defend you at a defining moment in time. For instance,  USA Army offenseman who calls himself 'Dano', driver  of a teal pick-up with Michigan plates DBZ-5288 is a former acquaintance of mine who failed to defend me when I was working on a local community safety plan that affected me as well as many others.  I had thought he was wise but I was wrong about him; I had treated him kindly and with mutual respect until he chose the way of the county sheriff's method rather than a better way of team work and problem solving. Such a man is just as dangerous to me now as my former spouse, Shane David Hendrikson and for such reasons I use extra caution to avoid him since I know he  is more likely to do harm than good to me BASED ON HIS SPIRIT. An unholy spirit is not hard to identify if you have a holy spirit, but MOST people still have an unholy spirit which is why their are so many wars, tensions and unpeaceful households in the world.

V) The humans who attacked the squads in Charlotte shoule be charged with TREASON because it is an act of treason to destroy government property or attack our own governments defensemen in uniform. Disorderly conduct charges against  people who attack our nation's officers in any venue is  NOT going to put fear of the LORD into our communities. It is not the decent police officers who should be going to their next shift in fear, but many of the do because of anti-Christ leaders like 'Barack Obama the Horrible'.  Letting people defect to another nation is better than tolerating riots in our cities any longer.

Z) War in heaven might be as unnoticed as battles you create in your own squad or your own provate car. Remember, it is fine to destroy your own private property as long as you do not try to make insurance claims based on the results of the outpouring of your own wrath on objects rather than on people. Aaron Rodgers is now as despicable as Carrie Underwood in the very wrong messages he is getting paid for by State Farm. This ia a serious Gad type point equal to putting a picture of Colin Kaepernick in a urinal and letting yourself piss on his picture rather than write something useless on Facebook or Twitter.

C) If you know where 10 North and 31 West is, be very careful at the number 17. Orange cats do exist in the form of bengal tigers, but there are better legends at orange such as 'Orange roughy' or the 5 of billiard balls.There are huge difference between Cunningham lines and Cleary lines, so let your C be Clear as 166 or go and check yur Amana numbers at Berean level 549.

T) Some people will never get a second chance, will never be able to get out of jail free and will never eat oysters or scallops again.  Even in Yahtzee, you only get one 'chance'. A few people will be saved just as Noah was saved because he believed the WARNINGS he was given and started to work instead of playing stupid games like Eli and Peyton Manning.  It really does matter at the letter "Tet' if you go to Neon the dead Milwaukee black cat trail or go the way of Chad Pennington, or even play it safe and stay at a Cal Ripken Jr. mentality just to think like a Oriole instead of getting stuck on Bed Light like a round Robin or being a terible role model like 'Shane' the disgusting hireling.

Y) If you burned calories but lost a game in the process, rejoice. If you put on muscle but lost a battle against a stronger adversary, see if you can agree with the adversary that defeated you in some area so you do not become bitter enemies,  John Tortorella is a not a good coach and the entire World Cup of Hockey games are nothing more than a huge game of knuckles without Coburn and without Bronson. A few realize that Pacioretty is too good of a Montreal Canadien captain to be willing to make Carey Price look bad or cause him injury.

K) Be suspicious of people who switch teams to just to gain more money when they alrteady had a very comfortable income with a decent company or team. Greed and Coca-cola does cause more serious spiritual problems than drinking one and ONLY one bottle of Pabst per day.

L) The first pitch can win a ballgame for the batter if he gets the only home run of the game but never wins the game for the pitcher. Being on defense is tiring at times. There is a prophesy involving power being given to a beast for an hour, but this hour could be as long as 42 years if you remember Peter's analogy of a thousand years being as a day a a day being as a thousand years.

M) To the wise, first might be the Hebrew letter 'Beit', first might be Abel, first might be jasper in prophetic foundations,sardius in the original breastplate stone age 12-guage system or Judah in the sealing process.  Myrrh low systems are much different than Merlot lines.

N) If people are angry but cannot take their anger out on the person that really caused their anger, they should go bowling or take a long hike with a small group of orderly people to take a flying leap into the Cumberland River.  People who want to survive mentally, spiritually, physically and financially do not disobey laws nor walk around  like mentally ill zombies in streets intended for vehicles that are less intelligent than a blade of Kentucky bluegrass.  The United States elected officials have a tendency to break more of Yehovah's laws than the typical alley cat, so it would be no surprise if our entire nation fails due to disobeying the holy and perfect laws delivered via Moses, Eldad and Medad types. The N word might be the National Guard now, and there is a time and  place for the National Guard and local police to win an all out brawl even if the cowardly NASCAR drivers and the cowardly Michael Jordan basketball goons won't help defend their city 'turf' against rioters.

S) Whether it is day 167, 550, 1618 or 907 to you does matter in this 61st century. What you wear matters more than your skin color and only the most willfully ignorant keep using the terms 'black people' and 'white people'. People who hide their identity by masking their facial features are equal to witches in this common era. (Sports helmets do not mask facial features). The typical college graduate probably won't remember a 'champagne gold' 1969 Ford Station wagon or what 'fast yellow, fast red and fast green' mean to a person who buys and sells SEM paints. The Samech is more pivotal than the 'Menards car' or the Canadian Tire Center in Ottawa when it comes to Psalm 119 .  Perilous times have come to us 60 seconds at a time, and who knows just who will survive the next 60 minutes? Protect your body as if you were carrying a child in the womb during the 6th month and you SHOULD become more conscience of the times, seasons and situations around you and within you.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Detroit Lions Went Lukewarm Like Pimps Instead of Hot as Meshach or Cold as Fresh Water

Once again, I get to rid my house of certain symbols that do not represent goodness, holiness and a virtuous woman. The Detroit Lions HAD been decent, but have gone the way of Henry the 8th instead of St. Luke with their addition of Wittenberg Charger  type  pompom slobs rather than keeping their reputation as good as Elisha and the Chicago Bears. Sadly, I now dislike the Detroit Lions as much as I dislike the New England Patriots and any other team who doesn't know how to play football like men instead of pimps in a Donald Driver line.  The Detroit teams are as unholy as the Seattle Seahawks now!  I guess real lions that are part of the tribe of Judah are tan, maybe even Dodge copper colored or Benjamin Moore 'Wheat' colored.

UNholy decisions on the sidelines lead to loss of archangel protection, and sadly even Ameer Abdullah couldn't prevent the Detroit Lions Field from turning into just another JOhn Gruden Hooters subdivision. Good thing I have a big pair of scissors  to sut up my Detroit Lions doormat  and my Detroit Lions t-shirt, since I do not want anyone to be clothed with the 'skins' that won't protect them.

Now,  my God can't even be a Detroit Lions fan.  Hopefully, Pittsburgh Steelers don't go the way of the Playboy Bunny sideline mix so real saints can still watch some NFL  football games in stadiums that keep the hookers in the bleachers instead of next to their players on the field.  The transition game is easy for me, but not simple. I already cut the blue lion out of my doormat as if it were no better than a Macomb Maverick, I took a scissor to the only 2 Detroit Lions shirt I had and can use them as rags in my garage since the Detroit Lions logo is not suitable for a real saint anymore. I easily peeled the Lions sticker from my onlny blue hockey bonnet so that only the Pabst remains AND even managed to get the Detroit Lions logo off of my 5 foot dashboard just under Toyota Windows 2004.  All that was completed before I heard the name LeBeau today! I guess I will never forget the day the Detroit Lions played the Titans, since the Detroit Lions went the way of Georgia Bulldogs and whoremongers instead up upping their reputation to Snoopy level in the principalities and dominion of Marth Deavers and Martha Osterhaut types. Is it true Henry Ford was anti-Semetic?  There now will be less conflict of interest when I visit my parents, since my family can still all be Pittsburgh Steeler fans!

Do the Buffalo Bills  have a 'no pompom' zone? I'll have to keep an eye on Buffalo home games to see if they are going  'Apostle friendly' .

The ESPN hockey set looked much better without Linda Cohn next to Brett Hull, by the way. Anyone ready for a game of regular parking checkers with Doreen Schildt's team?

Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Serious Day 545 Issue Now Involves Alexander Love

Aceessing information is not the same as stealing i, so I wouldn't be too quick to misuse the word 'stealing'. Shane David Hendrikson accessed and stole actual assets of my company, and if my company wasn't protected by the United States government systems, should they really complain if someone with some sort of diability  accessed but didn't actually steal some of their information? Hypocrisy of political leaders and military forces sometyimes trickles up like a brown recluse spider out of a KOhler sink hole and becomes dangerous and visible to those that are not blind.

When is every person on the face off the earth going to realize that too many secrets leads to too many lies, which leads to loss of any chance of redemtion and a major sin problem? I realized many years ago that trying to hide facts or plans is about as useless as trying to lie about having an abortion. Eventually, an enemy or a friend will have or get information you or your 'nation' might have been trying to keep 'top secret'.  There is a huge difference between keeping your thoughts to yourself and entering plans into computer systems, since what is retained in your mind is still the most secure place to retain strategies for survival, defense or necessary offense.

When morally ill sportcasters from ESPN think that Tom Brady is like 'god', they reveal just how depraved they are in their assessments of  extremely shallow, carnal situations.

Ben Affleck is a form of Lucifer and is not even as wise as MIroslav Satan. Once you can accept that fact, you might be able to accept thee following reality:

Sports such as boxing are not a good way to try to release anger  caused by another person. It is discraceful for a woman to become a boxer or a wrestler that gets into a fight with another person that has not been the original cause of her 'anger' or desire to injure others. Throwing a Leroy Butler jersey into a fire pit is better than hitting your neighbor. Accepting money to hit your' neighbor' is called professional boxing, and people who live or die by this method are not what my God seeks or desires in his kingdom strategies or tribulation forces of goodness.

Learning self defense is good BUT many people quickly go from self-efense to disgusting offense without the Holy Spirit within them. The prior post was an illustration of how non-boxing matches often look, and disputes are sometimes settled by looks, assets or intellectual comptetions, not by trying to murder one another.  Sometimes you can choose your oppnent, and sometimes you cannot. Opponents and adversaries are a result of cause and effect.

For those people in the process of being sancified , to release stress with boxing gloves and go punch a wall that won't break or a tree that won't bend rather than punching your neighbor for filthy lucre or advertising contracts. Go ahead and chop pictures of former in-laws or step children into dozens of pieces rather than ewear a short that says 'Black LIves Matter' or a shirt that doesn't cover your entire upper body properly. For those who know they will never again be able to tolerate a former spouses's attention or companionship because they have committed too many crimes you, go ahead and bury their picture in your yard or  donate their picture to Waste Management, Rizzo or MGM garbage dumps.

Jonathan Toews is wearing number 16 on this 16th dau of the 6th month, and it seems that he knows that fighting is sometimes part of self defense, but that it is better to win a battle against a felon than try to destroy a police officer trying to start peace in an area.

There is a large amount of people who would never have had an abortion if it was not legal in the nation they lived in. Abortion is sin whether or not a human beast legalized it in his or her political area, and I know I would never have had an abortion of it was illegal in the United States when I was young, foolish and afraid.  Indeed, those who changed the laws are more guilty than those who believed the strong delusions attached to government systems that legalized sin.

It is not easy trying to rebound after believing the lies pushed by nations that fail to protect their own citizens from gang warfare, medical practitioners who sell that which does not heal and which fail to protect their citizens from visual abuse which is sold in the form of violebt and whorish magazines and television commercials. It is possible to be surrounded by sinners and not sin, but unless the people around you are willing to stop sinning, it is better to abandon them then to be ruined by them. It is a fine line to observing the enemies tactics and becoming just as evil as they are.

I am only one of 545 people who graduated in 1979 from Milwaukee Trade and Technical High Schooll. Every person in my graduating class is part of my history and much more important people  to me than people such as  David Kohn, Linda Cohn,Thomas Wahl, Leah Obama or anyone from the Shane David Hendrikson family  because muy 544 Trojan classmates never tried to eliminate me from their life or forced me from my family surroundings.

The God I understand is nothing like Tom Brady at mind  and a holy God  has to reject liars, thieves,rapists, adulterers and those who have produced laws, statutes, judgmnents and ordinances that are contrary to what was delivered to humaninty long before Moses  departed from Egypt and received a hard copy  for Israel's basic retraining .  There will be a point where His wrath will no longer be restrained, Abaddon goes on offense and can attack those attached to Lucifer lines.

Maybe someone should rewrite a old Steve Perry song to be something like this:

Holy wrath will face you, and correct or embrace you
You know God will saves a few
That repent and learn to be true
If I barely hurt you I'm just like holy residue
It's a part of being true blue
God's not a wolverine crew

In  hindsight, being in the D.A.R.E. training program was a lot more helpful to me than being forced into divorce courts, having drugs forced on me when I was feeling confused or anxious and forced out of areas I was actually trying to defend with my own life.

Bill Lindsay Isn't Milwaukee Tech's #544

I have watched people like Richard Isaiah Hendrikson and Nancy Peterson of Mosinee hide behind video cameras rather than face their best and most honest adversary in person at a time when condemnation becomes the opposite of a strong safety. When a very suspicious skunk line is lead by Linda Cohn, I would recommend that you look at the following match-ups that are more like  a real world crisis situation could bring about:

1. David Kohn, Wittenberg Charger vs. Linda Cohn, ESPN 2 fake blond, which makes her totally unreliable as a witness in spiritual warfare. I wouldn't trust either of these people in my dressing room, even if they asked to demanded to go their.

2.Linda Maria Costa vs. Chris Chelios both of whom can't seem to make it clear just whom it is they are or have been married to in the   visible  wedding ring and tavern games. These 2 people are both typical of the types who get more protection than they deserve on most days since both have decided to go on offense against the Holy One of Israel far more times than they have decided to believe Psalm 1 and the prophets of Yehovah to redirect their method of operation.

3. Sheldon Souray vs. Brett Hull. This is as even aof a match up as I can see in an 'all men area created equal'  when it comes to , Rudolph, Flowers,Peterman, Dane Jackson and boat props.

4. Me ( do exist and don't rely on M&M teams for my information) vs. Robin Michael Ortiz at an ''ability to discern the times' and represent the spirit of a MIlwaukee Tech Trojan properly after being rebuked and corrected in historic spiritual warfare match-ups.

5. Paul Douglas Coffey vs. Shane David Hendrikson in a test to determine the start or finish of a Napthali line, with Coffey getting every anti-Las Vegas advantage.

6. Curtis Shayne Joseph vs. Randy Wolf in a 'Sardius Wolf' tribe of Rueben leader type test. to break up the Abdullah 21 vs. Lowe 21 conundrums that occur when wise people know that Detroit isn't almighty and can't beat everyone and they certainly won't beat the church of Philadelphia saints.

It is a fact that huge wars are sometimes settled too often behind closed doors and that small windows of opportunity often occur in an area as humble as a decent hockey locker room which is good for passing on information from shift to shift WITHOUT any danger to any other person.

As Yom Teruah approaches, I am glad I returned to a venue for sabbath in Troy, Michigan that is safer and more deeent to learn in than almost every existing 'church' I have been in over the years.  The Troy Police department has proven to be very reliable in the few years I have been in Michigan, and for thie sake I will pass on this squad 16 joke to my readers who understand the word 'flippant':

After being informed that the ice conditions at the Suburban Ice Macomb rink have been 'too soft', I told  one of their supporters to suggest they add Viagra to their ice rink water, and maybe then it will get harder for them.  I hope the conditions at all their rinks have problems since they caused so many for me, and that means I can show my enemies no pity at this point in history.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Exit Strategy Necessary To Avoid All Ties to Blige Trash Talk

Draw plays happen. Just as a seller of shoes might send you a card to get a discount on your birthday, so too do less than ethical 'church leaders' bring in 'big names' to fill the seats on occasion. Sad but true, another person has been used by a  hireling.

Nehemia Gordon was the the 'draw play' at the small church at 9 mile and Linwood back in June of 2016.. I had continued to go to the small group with the hope that they the leader was genuine in his pastoral duties. Instead, after several weeks of giving of my time and money, I have no more tolerance for the vulgar language that spills over into the late hours. I don't go to synogogues or churches hoping to hear Mary J. Blige garbage being PROMOTED rather than identified as just another whore of Babylon tour.  If a pastor can't clearly identify Mary J. Blige as a filthy whorish opposite of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, he won't lead me anywhere safely and i won't protect his Detroit area church even if they do meet 'on the 7th day'.

I expect to hear from James Hunt eventually, and will tell him exactly how vulgar and unholy his speech is and why I once again had to 'exit' a church that failed too many tests when it comes to color charts and topic selections. There was a time when Reggiw White was a 'draw play' at churches that were nothing like him at heart, and eventually Reggie  Howard White could no longer bless the earth with his attitude. The children at Anthony HUnts church will lose the benefit of my presence, just as my grandchildren and former step-children have lost the benefit of my presence and my perspective.

As the 157th day of the biblical year starts, once again I am saddened by the humans who intentionally leave toxic waste on the sidewalk in my town, saddened by the filthy trash the=at Detroit brings into its concert halls and saddened knowing the name 'Eric Smith' is going to be just as useless as Dennis Drzkowski in a world where there are more evildoers than holy saints. Even with a family name, you sometimes fight alone. Many T-shirts have bigger lies than page 16 of the Wall Street Journal.

A new bowling team - 'just 4 exercise' is a better investment of my time and money than an stupid  movie called 'Jack Reacher' distributed by humans that have a mind incapable of doing good works or pleasing the true God. Time watching a hockey team struggle like the 12 sons of Jacob is better than watching female swines like Mary Blige represent beasts tied to Paris whores and Nazis, making her unworthy of my money should it have gotten passed onto Anthony Hunt.

I do not like being wrong about people when I gave them the benfit of the doubt and the benefit of my time, but admitting I have to exit a place that I thought was safe is extremely important for my reputation.  The 'Church of Christ' on Linwood and 9 mile rd is NOT SAFE, even though some day they might be sorry for their vulgar speech and unholy behavior on the sabbath.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

September 11, 2016: Enemy of UNited States Drops Toxic Waste in Macomb, MI

After a visible warning was placed in a 'no litteing, no toxic waste dumping' zone, a hate crime occurred in front of 55027 Estates Lane, Macomb, MI while disabled homeowner was in nearby park doing physical therapy according to her doctor's advice. The speedy destruction of the ' toxic waste  dropper and candy asshole' has been prayed for but it is unknown how long my (the disabled person) prayer will be answered. In the interim, an evidence collaction area has been established which now includes several intentional toxic waste droppings by an unknown suspect  that most likely lives in the area. 'Breathsavers' type candy was also intentionally dropped by someone who might be very insane and possibly thinks this is some 'Paul Blart' game, which it isn't.   Intentionally targeting and breaking any laws on any person's property is actually a hate crime even if local cowardly sheriff' deputies and local city and/or district attorneys are not properly charging citizens who insist on breaking the laws, possible just before someone decides to break their jaws with a baseball bat in a matter of self-defense against toxic waste. It is time to stop believing that people who litter are not enemies of their own nation which they inhabit; loitering is less of a serious problem than littering, especially when you become homeless or bored due to lack of  holy, good and courageous teammates in the area..

In Macomb mercy news, known actor intentionally kicked over a suspicious can of liquid in the bleachers of the 3rd baseball diamond at Macomb Corners Park. The can, which looked like a Coors can, was unattended for a period of time, so actually would not even have been safe for the female who left it there to drink IF she is aware of how quickly people can put drugs into a opened beverage container, with or without her consent.  Once unknown claimant of the toppled beverage identified herself, the known suspect offered to replace it, but the unknown female did not choose the 'replacement value' offer and chose to take the loss of dangerous beverage. This act of mercy upon the known actor might have made up for being improperly charged TWICE for the same orange juice beverage in a Minnesota hotel several years ago. Known actor thanked the beverage claimant for showing her mercy and the matter was settled without violence or attorneys.

 Increased urveilance plans have been made to contact the town supervisor to see what a paid professional would recommend in my case of trying to combat enemies of the United States, enemies of the State of Michigan and people who are committing hate crimes against me because I am not a colored person or a Protestant. IN a non-emergency situation, the local sheriff's department will be called for advice and/or evidence collection, if they even know how to collect evidence before there is bloodshed on their hands again. If they can't handle a small case properly, it is no wonder the Sheriff's department of Macomb, MI  has chosen to be party to the hate crimes against me by the staff and owners of of the Suburban Macomb Ice Rink as well as totally 'fucking up' (local 228 or Jim Harbaigh type translation of failing to be correct in their report) the reports of the hate crimes of  Vincent LoCiciero against me.

Local news is sometimes more important than news from the middle eastern nations where the enemies of Israel just can't seem to get along for some reason.

Suggested prayer of the day or prayer of the century:
" Most Holy Abaddon -  even though you are not the most high God, may you vindicate your name and your authority by taking swift offensive actions against those who choose to break laws and disturb the peace in my area after knowing the LAW exists for a specific reason. May the forces of Michael the Archangel be with me and with your Abaddon spirit. Selah.'"

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Declaration of War Against Homeowners is Serious

An unknown suspect has started a war against me for an unknown reason. Wars are started by people who refuse to obey reasonable laws that are good for a community. In a similar case on Hollyday Court in Charlotte, NC.  Charlotte police ended up shooting and killing a man who was not the PROVOKER in a situation of war against him by 'local youth' that were trying to provoke him. At a certain point he tried to defend his own property with a gun, and I may decide to do the same if I have to. Since I do not want to end up losing my life or a war started by a person intending to provoke me by ATTACKING MY PROPERTY WITH THEIR GARBAGE, I have a few options that will be embarrassing to the entire block if no one else in my subdivision is willing to correct, rebuke or identify and fine the suspect who is causing a form of criminal damage to my property.  Here are some facts and options to consider:

A) Throwing any garbage on a person's private property is equal to toilet-papering their house or similar act of aggression which escalates to a form of war until the immature, terrorist-minded law breaker or mentally ill suspect is apprehended and detained or retrained to litter only on their own property. Some people would rather be killed when a war escalates than retreat or become a good citizen for some reason.

B) I do have a temper breaking point just like any other human being, but it is not simple to mentally of physically  defeat or deal with a 'chicken shit' enemy who only chooses to do evil rathe than good in an area. I have been provoked by the Shane David Hendrikson family many times, and eventually he lost the best family PROTECTION he had since I tried to protect my family rather than destroy it.

G) I intend to put a sign out indicating that littering on my property is a declaration of war against me as well as against local ordinances. I will indicate that a mentally ill or person with criminal intent person has been  harassing me by leaving hazardous waste on my property; disaeases can be spread even by a piece of chewed up gum.

D) Possible messages that could be applied to combat the form of harassment and declaration of war against me. " If you are mentally ill, retrain yourself and put your chewed gum on _________. (some sort of paper, plastic or wood target area will be provided for the mentally ill person on my block)
     If you are not insane  , take your mouth trash and litter back to your own property or to the nearest trash container.

E)Acts of litter ruin an entire neighborhood's reputation and can even ruin RESALE value if no one is willing to help me identify the 'chicken shit' that keeps attacking my property intentionally.

F) It is humiliating to the entire subdivision when a few people rather break laws than help their elderly or disabled neighbors maintain their property for the good of the entire community.

G) The signs I put up wouldn't be necessary if people started getting a conscience ratherthan aiding and abetting other terrible citizens.

H) If I end up with a mound of chwing gum on my driveway, ay some point I will ask the sheriff to get DNA tests done on the saliva and will pay for the tests myself if i have to. If the pikle ends up as big as statue, it won't be MY FAULT.

I) One day it's intentional gum throwing,and the next day it could be intentional drive-by shootings in an area. I seen decent neighborhoods on the south side of Milwaukee  become full of gangsters and do not think that the same pattern could not happen in the north suburbs of Detroit. I certainly would rather resist the enemy in some form of peaceful protect which becomes an embarassing eyesore caused by the GUM CHEWER, not by me. I have no desire to take the saliva of a probably Nazi into my household anymore.

J) If my non-violent plan to shame the enemy and cause them to repent does not work, I suppose my last resort will to call in  'intentional dumping of hazardous waste' complaint, properly identifying chewed gum as hazardous waste.  MOst of the people in my area already ignore the stop sign on the corner so an increased presence of sheriff's deuty might help.  The deputy can collect the gum as ecidence, and might eventually decide to cite the person trying to provoke me.

K) If I rightfully claim the dumper of hazradous waste is a threat to me, I expect the deputies to advise them to avoid my residence or get arrested, just like theyordered me off the Macomb hockey rink property even though I had not committed any crtimes against them and certainly did not deserve such a ridiculous order.

Indeed, there are escalations of declarations of war that I cannot prevent if my enemy cannot repent or  have the courage to admit they have trying to provoke me rather than be kind to me. Ican accept an apology, but I cannot start some form of defense against people who think little acts of disorderly conduct or damage to property do not lead up to bigger battles and even to literal wars sometimes.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Beware: Hypocritical Thomas Wahl Type At Lot 24!

It's not easy getting outside information without bribing people these days, but I tried my best to get sone outside information. I found out that the Macomb Sheriff's Deputy on lot 24 in my subdivision is a male who does not care if crimes are committed or laws are broken while he is 'off duty'. That is exactly the problem that every  hireling has: they do not really care about protecting and serving their community, they only want a steady paycheck. A later follow-up indicated the male in lot 24 doesn't work for Macomb but for some other police department, but he states only  that he was 'off duty' not out of his jurisdiction. Not providing the proper additional information that conflicted the first report would be as bad as the Macomb County Sheriff not correcting their own errors after I informed them that their report was wrong regarding Vincent Locicero's felony against me. Wither way, they male on lot 24 had a 'I don't care about preventing criminal activity' attitude which I really consider  to be a despicable attitude on his part.

Thomas Wahl became party to a crime and party to the sins that his brother-in-law committed against me when Wahl failed to take corrective actions against Shane David Hendrikson even though he had limited state of Wisconsin authority to at least try to prevent a misdemeanor or arrest his brother-in-law for a felony after finding out he stole money from his employer's  business account and did not use it for company purposes.

There is no sense trying to hide from or protect cowards like Thomas&Shannon of Chippewa Falls Wahl or the deputy on lot 24, since they do not have courage, they are fearful and unbelieving of the fact that what they failed to do becomes sin.  The typical Thomas Wahl and 'lot 24' deputy attitude is as bad as their leader's attitude. They are no different than a paid pastor such as Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson Jr. who don't even care when people are breaking laws right in front of their eyes and the have no concern that the spiritual tables will be turned against them someday. If the  law enforcement officer on lot 24 would become the victim of any crime, I certainly wouldn't pity him because he wouldn't even WARN the juvenile that was operating a very questionable vehicle on our street  after an older and wiser neighbor pointed out a possible violation. He only muttered 'I'm off duty' and the unspoken message was ' I don't care if people don't obey the laws near me.'  I'm glad I wasn't that cowardly and apathetic when I possibly prevented a friend of John Luckey from sacking a woman that wasn't his wife in a northern Wisconsin tavern a few years ago.

I also do not want to be stupid as stupid as Hillary Clinton and forget what I have seen, what I have done and what codes I intentionally started to leave my enemies in derision and keep me laughing from time to time.

Real saints should not be afraid to check the balance of  spiritual powers in their neighborhoods just as good law abiding citizens should not be afraid to correct or rebuke overpaid or lazy, uncaring underpaid public servants. Real sealed Israelites care, they warn people and they sometimes exit areas that they know are so far out of control that the area does not need to be blessed or protected by them and the whole area needs to get a plague through it to clear out the continual sin and lawlessness problems. The male on lot 24 should be ashamed of himself and certainly failed a very serious test when a reasonable act of defense was requested of him.   Before an emergency occurs, it is good to know which households have reliable and courageous leaders in them or the corrupted leaders will try to coerce you to defend or protect them in times of civil disorder which often can start from something as harmful as a divorce request.

For contrast purposes, I did receive a good report about defenseive actions taken by the 'Mike' who lives on lot #33, possibly a friend of Phil Sosnowski types,  even though he has a Michigan flag up and is next to Spartan fans on lot 32.   For those people who can't stop littering, why don't try throwing your chewing gum and various other unwanted items on lot 24 and see of the deputy there cares enough to at least warn people that that littering is illegal, unless you are an untrained animal like a alley cat. Outside information would suggest that another 'toad stool' aka a  Wickersham brownir lives on lot 51 or 53, but I cannot verify that information.

In case it's  my last day on earth, I'd also like to compliment the Secretary of State of Michigan, Ruth Johnson, for having public facilities that are very well controlled and often a better place to sit around with your neighbors than the local American Legion of the local Sunday church gangs. C138 might be a classified number to people who like Bumblee chicken salad and Guy Carbonneau types as much as I do.

Maybe I should write in chalk on my driveway: ' f you want to try to break laws, go ask the family on lot #24 if you can break them there. Do not break the laws on or near lot 1 or 33 because if you are cursed even if you are not 'caught'..'  Flippant is still better than apathetic and useless when it comes to remaining on defense. INterestingly enough, the far north corner lot is 29 on my side of the street, so it doesn't take a chariot, a Disneyland animated character, Hungry Howie or Lona Long to go from the plastic orange roughy zone to Rocky Corners to Copper Corners.  I just hope the FBI knows how much good is being done on lot 1, even though I have plenty of enemies yet for some trial and tribulation reason.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Back-Checking Requires Caution

Whatever referee in thr pathetic Denver Bronco stadium thinks jumping up and down is 'taunting' out to be charged with obstructing exercise routines.

On occasion, it is not possible to keep going forward alone, so at times a real saint needs to check what or who is behind them in real spiritual and real physical battles. I certainly cannot recommend that anyone go the way of NASCAR in their numerology systems. I also realize that shifting the name 'Furyk' from 3(Golf magazine  Florida listing) to 17 could affect a Wisconsin Sheriff's line. I returned to a restaurant named 'SAI Sweets' on Rochester Road in southeast Michigan, and I have made a decision never to return there for the following reasons:

1. Although the food was tasty, the shows on television were as disgusting  as a Hooters line.
2. The suspected HIndu place was as dangerous as being in the Pulse in Orlando based on my perception of lack of good soiritual defense.
3. It would be better to see 70 bulls getting butchered than watching the disgusting Dallas cOwgirl type of displays on the SAI Sweers television sets.
4. If I do not restrain myself from going there, I will lose grace since I have given the employees planty of complaints regarding the disgusting television programming in the restaurant.
5. Going into the SAI was not more enjoyable than going to a Detroit Piston game; I am too holy and too good to put anymore of my money into places that reject the complete Word of HVHY so blatantly.
6. Red dots on foreheads is not a signs of peace and safety, it is only a sign that of a team that is not part of Israel by choice, just like any person who has chosen to get tattooed.
7. I wondered what a serious practicing Muslim or similar  religious sect might think of the SAI place, and decided if it was too immodest for me to be seen in, to feel comfortable in, it also might be a targeted place by forces who are more likely to go on offense than just use self-restraint and leave like I did.
8. The SAI is just as much of a spiritual debacle as the past few NFL Superbowls, which means it has a terrible anti-Christ and extremely unwise leader in charge of its surroundings and its overall atmosphere
9. Topaz tip of the day: No Denver Bronco quarterback is part of the Vav line, and a Koslov13 line is a much better than a Trevor the anti-Simeon way.. It is not simple getting sealed into the tribe of Simeon, and there are not 13 foundations in the book of Revelatin for those who need reminders at a Dinah and Sardonyx 5th dimension perspective.
10. Paying to produce or see the movie 'Sullu' would be even more stupid than paying for a clean meal and choosing to tolerate a zone that is as bad as any Hillary Clinton fund raiser area. This is a major Zebulon point to consider when refusing to go into areas that are so obviously full of anti-Moses positions.

Self-restraint is like issuing a restraining order against yourself before some legal buffoon tried to make you appear to be 'the bad guy'. When it becomes obvious that a place is an area is continually rejecting opportunities to believe Moses and other prophets like him that have been sent, defending yourself is like shaking the dust off your sandals and going back to an area which exhibits signs of lawfulness and improved understanding of the positive instructions for Israelites, saints and basic decent 'rated G' areas.

Greek word 535 means 'finish'; Greek word #536 is 'aparche' not 'apache'.. If at the last passover season you chose to stay with the Greek system of mythological gods  rather than heading toward the ephod7 and book of Ezekiel system, it is likely you will be designated as 'a shame' not a wise fish that ends up in the right 6875  Hebrew net system. Small idioms do not always go a long way.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Create A Valley of Decision Along Tough Borders

Facts and probabilities regarding border control:

1. A wall between Mexico and the United States will be too pricey. 
2. Walls prevent being able to see what potential enemies are doing so it isn't the best defensive strategy. 
3. If one side does not prevent people from getting to the top of a wall, it is easy to drop in on the opposing country side.
4. Walls are ugly.
5. A better choice than building a wall would be digging a dry moat similar to what zoos do to keep animals apart from humans.
6. A moat can be steep and deep (at least 20 feet deep) and does not prevent viewing the neighbor's outdoor property.
7. It is easier to contain humans trying to disobey rules in a moat area than on top of a wall. 
8. If people have survived jumping into the moat area,  having barbed wire attached to the wall on the United States side would prevent most humans from scaling the wall; the ugly barbed wire would not seen by most people even a short distance from the moat. Local animals would have to train themselves not to go into the moat area.
9. Soil removed to dig 'the valley of decision' is easier to relocate in natural landscaping  than hauling in overpriced concrete blocks and masons.
10. A large deep moat would look more natural than a wall.
11. Vehicles would not be able to cross the deep and steep moat area.
12. It's  easier for criminals and terrorists to make breaches in walls quickly than trying to fill in a moat quickly without getting stopped.
13. The Mexicans have bulldozers and can easily help with the 'trenching' needs.

I hope this helps the Trump supporters be more realistic and offer to split the bill with the Mexico on the very wise 'moat' compromise. It is much easier to move away from a bad idea if a better idea is presented to all parties involved.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Hard Cabbage Heads UP From 'The James HIggins Invitational' To 'Stock Day'

In hard count lines, post-divorce day 1602 will also be day 151 in a proper Hebrew annual count. What I do to keep alert, remain anti-drug and behave like a saint that occasionally gets taunted or provoked by evil minded humans is not astounding, but at this point in time I would not rely on Judy Dowling to be on defense with me. Some people lose a lot more than skill in thirteen years, such as good muscle mass. There are time that even people like me need to be inspired by good fighters that are energy efficient and not controlled by the United States  Air Force pilots.

Here is a sample of a basic hard count:

Tuesday, September 6, 2016:
Israelite 4th day of the 6th month
James Higgins Invitational Golf Outing; Cedar Glen Golf Course  Non-shotgun start at 11:30 am. Predicted High Score for 18: Marie Elizabeth Hendrikson
Predeicted Low Score for 18 : Me
Hard count day: 150, 890, 533, 1601

Wednesday, September 7th, 2016
Day 151, 1602, 891 and 534
Drop-In Not Drop Dead Glacier Pointe US 151 Badger&Dove Street Game
Remember What Your Enemy Wanted, Illegally Withheld and Then Used As A Weapon Against You Day ; such days require carefully selected unifrom additions or uniform divisions( in order to survive until day 894 (This helps fight forgetfulness of serious laws broken by Shane David Hendrikson at 1502 Mary Lane in zip code area 54455) .
Regular St. Clair LIbrary& Euchre Card Inspection Day

Thursday: Israelite 6th day of 6th month
'Wear your favorite 6 day'or prepare for a day that feels like Nine/Ten
PJ Jacobs 5th Day of the Central Wisconsin Weak; this is not PJ Stock Day

Good Gordon King Friday the 153rd (It isn't the 13th)
Remember The Pachniak Family Day; eat less than but not more than 153 clean fish to celebrate the life of Eddie Pachniak and other area Wisconsin Highway 153 survivors of a temporarily broken leg, arm or mind but who still have a heart that never really failed yet..
MIlwaukee Kim Stack Association KSA-536 Day; This is only for 2nd year Holy Exodus Count UPS and remembering your 1st squad is as important as remembering your license plate, your last squad number or golf cart number

Saturday, Spetember 10th
'Avoid a Pig and Bacon Fest Find An Ox Roast Day'537
The 3rd Day Since Day 151 not the Night Before Christmas Stupidity
'Joseph In the MIddle' Ultimate Human Fighter Day 894
PJ Stock Complimentary Day Of Rest (Make sure you mention PJ Stock's good fight against Eric Boulton)
Tricky Guy Carbonneau's Ottawa Tower Bumblebee Belmore Communucations Day
 M6 and D8 Consolidated Combo Day (Wear a nifty Carbon Oxygen jersey  Day OR wear an Oxygen Carbon jersey 86).

Sunday, September 11: Try To  Completely Ignore Your Grandparents Day; sometimes grandparents are too overbearing and need to be completely ignored or avoided on real work days such as Sunday through Friday.  My grandchildren certainly do not know Yehovah or anyone from the tribe of Judah yet as their realistic Lord and Savior but with the assistance of their anti-Elijah and anti-Moses parents they have become juvenile experts in unjust scale keeping and excel at unintentional lack of balance in extended family relations. Bad parenting leads to as many family troubles as bad teachers, bad in-laws and bad politicians.

Monday, September 12: I complete 55 years of life on or near earth, and begin my 56th year.
Shelby Lanes North American 6th Month 10th Day Bowling Unit #539 Revival Day

As you can see, I have  a very full week, and bowling season has not even started. Unlike needy and greedy women, I have learned to survive without getting very much attention from other people but do not want to forget how to give attention to other  decent people in history.

As an added Plant Manager Family Square bonus, here is a recipe:

Trojan Smart Purple Knight  Cabbage Salad

Coat the interior of a bread pan, deep baking pan or grill-proof casserole with a small amount of  olive oil. Empty 3 to 4 cups of chopped PURPLE cabbage into the baking pan. Sprinkle cabbage with additional olive oil, ground ginger, lemon and orange spice blend and paprika to your desired level of seasoning. Roast the cabbage in a closed outdoor grill or on your over, stirring occasionally but letting the cabbage brown slightly and heat up thoroughly.

In a large salad bowl, place 1/4 cup of  creamy goat milk cheese  or creamy cow milk cheese cheese, 1/2 cup of dried coconut (sweetened or unsweetened) and 1/2 cup of raisins or fresh fruit of your choice such as pineapple bits. Dump hot cooked purple cabbage into the salad bowl  and stir until the cream cheese is melted and well distributed

Do not put any type of  Stock in the cabbage salad.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Six Hole Project: Devil Your Least Favorite Historical Figures

I don't want to end up with diabetes, so loading up with Pepsi or Coca-cola products and then beating up  candy-filled 3-dimensional caricatures of people that I dislike  is not a good way to use my budget. Here is an idea you will never get from the Martha Stewart types but might have already gotten from the Bill Watterson types:

1. Buy a t-shirt from an impoverished area such as a 'Salvation Army' store.
2. Customize the shirt by deviling a character or all characters. Duke and New Jersey people might be confused at your horned figures, but the real historical figures you didn't devil or horn will be even more important in history.
3. Characters that should be deviled are Buzz Lightyear, Star Wars characters and similar unrealistic entities but in those cases you are better off boycotting the entire lines of unreal characters.
4. Choose a shirt that is very historic, such as a 1996 Redwings team t-shirt. On Labor Day weekend in 1996, I was relocating under much pressure from Milwaukee to Mosinee, so 1996 was a historic year for me. Once I arrived in Mosinee, I was threatened by a terrible school district for wanting to home school my son.  It seems  like about 1/2 an hour ago, but a day is as a thousand years to people who rather study the Acts of the Apostles rather than study their poker chips and most professional sports extreme err lines.
5. Once you have chosen a shirt, cause a few 'black outs' or a few 'white outs' in order to integrate the shirt. I blacked out and 'deviled' Steve Yzerman, Dino Ciccarelli and Kris Draper and I only deviled Nick Lidstrom.
6. Turn some figureheads into pinheads by transforming the shirt into a golf-themed shirt. simply add a drawing of a golf flag coming out their fabric facsimiles. Ths most difficult part of this entire anti-candy project will be trying to wear the shirt on any day except Purim or Halloween without laughing too loud.

Now I have to try to understand Deuteronomy chapter 14, which clearly illustrates when tithing to  Levites (which still haven't been clearly established) or when  the 'Lord's' place is  too distant from me and therefore delivering my produce or my 'tithe' is not expected of me. What I do understand is that selling all my crops (if I have any) and fruits of my labors, keeping the cash and distributing it to myself and to MY poor brethren ( not to my enemies) is completely legal and thankfully not profitable to the local anti-Eldad religious wrongs gatherings.  As soon as my LORD tells me exactly where he wants me to worship 'in the land', I will be better advised about what Deuteronomy 14 really means.

No riddles today!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Hillary Clinton Proves She Is Ignorant

This short article will be important, will not be encrypted  and will be to the Mexican candy-container point.

It is more important to try and make peace with the president of Mexico than to be caught on or off camera cuddling up to the Beatles, Bon Jovi and Justin Timberlake spiritual imbeciles.  It seems as though some possible false accusations between Donald Trump and Mexico's president are being reconsidered and a relationship is being repaired rather than destroyed, proving Donald Trump does have the potential to be a real peacemaker. Clearly, Donald Trump is not a Nazi even if a real anti-commandmentist Nazi types like Shane David Hendrikson does not try to destroy Donald Trump.

If more stubborn, hard-hearted divorce petitioners would have been willing to meet with people they offended or falsely accused and try to reconcile differences, the state of the world would have been much better than it is now. Even so, it is clear that Hillary Clinton is a liar, a hypocrite of the most dangerous type and is only deceiving her fellow anti-Truth sectarians who can't identify the first 'D=4' plan in Genesis chapter 1,  won't even count up to the number 151 to find the first letter 'Qoph' in the Word of HVHY and certainly won't utter the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when it comes to admitting that the United States will be in better hands with Trump than with State Farm, Hillary Clinton and Tom Brady and the terrible and unholy remnant of Gerald Ford's football schemes at the University of Michigan.

If the first occurrence of the word 'face' includes the 17th letter of the Hebrew Aleph to Tav series, the 17th Hebrew letter 'P'  which looks more like an upside-down G when written in Hebrew,is special even if I am not special.

The 19th letter 'qoph' actually looks more like a 'P' when written in Hebrew, so even non-secret codes like I reveal can be wiser than encrypting messages because you are fearful of someone else finding out   that it is your thoughts that get tested long before the results of your thoughts get judged.

The president of Mexico had a good thought, and Donald Trump was wiser to be in his company talking about defense. Hillary Clinton dancing with overpaid stage performers is as bad as Calvin Johnson's decision to be on 'Dancing With  The Stars',but neither Calvin Johnson nor Hillary Clinton really are experts or even competent at real DEFENSE systems that are not tied to monetary funds.

Adios, mi amigos!  Time to avoid 'Baconfest' in Savannah, Georgia and pray for Donald Trump. Maybe he'll show up to receive a good message at the all-beef sausage picnic on September 3rd between 1500 hrs and 2100 hrs headed by the James Hunt congregation near 9 mile road a few blocks west of Gratiot Avenue.