If I have to try to describe what it feels like to be protected by the living God, I could only say it is like being in the eye of a strong hurricane and being unable to dent that disasters are occurring around me but not because of me. Moral and spiritual disasters are evident on shows like "Say yes to the dress' where foolish women display their folly and their unholy physical assets rather than their virtues, wisdom, financial discretion and holy spirit because people that are on TLC shows lack the holy spirit and discretion. Going from TLC channel 65 in Ottawa to A%E channel 66's Tulsa police shows is like switching from Big League chewing gum &coca-cola on 65 to bitter waters and harsh reality on 66. It is as difficult to try to convince the women on 'Say Yes to the Dress' that they are making fools out of themselves as it is to convince a Catholic church that their system is not perfect and they have to make serious pro-TORAH adjustments in order to be spared from the wrath of a God that has sent warnings to the world for centuries.
As I passed through more areas where mutual trust and respect for authority was exchanged without television crews invading reality, I took a long and serious look at the Parliament building in Ottawa n a day that I take more seriously than December 25th. Within well designed buildings, combinations of foolishness and wisdom seem to clash worldwide, and holy wisdom seems to be as rare as a 900 bowling series in a society that sadly lifts up Shania Twain types sooner than it would lift up the book of Nahum and read from the prophets aloud in public or in private.
The books of remembrance in the 'Peace Tower' have names of people that might be cnsidered martyrs by some and casualties of lukewarm faith by others. The people I remember have been put into lists too, but my lists flow like a waterway, unlike permanent records in civil government systems. I saw the name Bruce Hutchison tucked away in an upper corner, and recognized the name of a family that did good not evil by installing heating and cooling systems to my house. I noticed the carvings of 5 animals that were used in communications, including pigeons, a dog, a burro, a horse and a a lion which I called 'Barry Sanders' since it was the 20th day of the year. A concrete lion is not as stupid as a woman who spends more than one day's wages on a wedding dress, and if she is earning more than $1000 a day, she lacks understanding of what a fair maximum should be on her worth in a world that has too many underpaid people and too many overpaid people.
I do regret many of the times as dressed as though I had no fear of God and no confidence in my ability to look beautiful covered properly in modest attire. As a ate a meal alone in an small restaurant that served fine Indian cuisine at a fair price, I saw a woman who looked very said even though she was a decent looking young woman. I'm sure I looked even worse than her manytimes in the past, including times I was in Israel and imprisoned in the United States even though I had not broken United States laws. If I deserved a series of incarcerations for breaking certain commandments, i served my time unlike many others who never admitted that breaking any commandment is a sin and a crime against a perfect Lawgiver. The young woman who ate nearby me ate a small meal and she left, but I will not forget her. Other customers passedby, including a father and son combo supposedly from 'Sudan' who seemed very friendly, one of them with a name of Roland. They invited me to follow them but I chose not to, since I am not ignorant of possible traps that might be set to lure a traveler like me just as Elizabeth Smart got lured into an evil situation. Roland claimed there were only 3 left in their entire tribe, andI remembered that of 80 people who escaped from a concentration camp, 77 were recaptured, and maybe Roland and his 2 companions were like 78, 79 and 80. If so, they will keep going without me and if their kindness was genuine, they certainly had enough confidence to keep going forward as a team.
As the 21st day of a very harsh year has arrived, I can remember my police local #21, the letter 'shin' and the tribe of Simeon, sealed 7th by order and sitting in 9th place in the foundations of the new and holy Jerusalem, additionally recalling the fact that Simeon's incarceration with Joseph was probably very humane compared to the incarceration that the Romans subjected Yeshua of the tribe of Judah to about 2000 years ago.
I am thankful to be in a location where the pressure is very low, there are options such as crepe suzette in the 'unleavened bread' selections and that many people have been a light to me on the day of the word 'Goyim', set firmly in the Gimel order in the Strong's Hebrew 1400 series. It is a miracle every day that I survive without committing a sin and without having a sin committed against me, but that daily miracle cannot happen without believing that I am saved and redeemed by grace that is not contained in a bottle of hot sauce named 'GRACE', but because I believe that there is blessing and protection when I choose to respect the instructions for the Israelites. Seeing the bottle labeled 'GRACE' did remind me of a woman in Saint Lucia whose children had given me a tour of their house in the rainforest, and even though a Nazi-minded mand kept all the video recording of my visits to St. Lucia, he failed to keep the commandments of HVHY and as a result, he proved himself to be a heretic and a spiritual tare, not a fine grain of wheat. I believe it is important to remember what I have been freed from during this passover week, and I'm not sure the word celebration should be tied to it, but indeed the word 'memorial' and perpetual ordinance is tied to it, just as the books listing the dead are opened and on display in the Ottawa Parliament building for a memorial and a sober reminder that peace is often only as local as the eye of a hurricane in the midst of raging wars and unstable governments which have rejected the Word of 'Je Suis' and chosen the evil rooted tree rather than the tree of life that is guarded by real angels.
Another 5th of May approaches, and although Sudbury might not be important to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, it is important to me in history going all the way back to memorable days at the Wilson Park Arena in MIlwaukee, Wisconsin. If I do not hold onto past reality properly as an anchor in my life as well as retaining my faith and trust in Moses and the prophets, I will become a deceived fool believing lies that emit from politicians lips, from religious hirelings and from the staged shows of the entertainment industry.
It is still proper to weep when recalling the history of Joseph in Egypt and to understand that testing your own family is not always a pleasant task even though it might be required.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
'The Milestone' Staff Is Guilty of A Grave Sin
I did not expect April 28th to be a 'good day' and as it ended up, it was a mixture of good and bad, just like just about every family and nation on the face of the earth. If I start off with the bad news, it has to include the following:
Incident A) The Catholic Church still is very wrong in expecting any good God not to look upon their sins, and evil gods will allow them to continue in the error of their ways. Just as a holy family is willing to be looked upon as an example to a society, bad families hate to be notified of their sins. I did leave a free gift, a warning, for the church of Notre Dame staff in Ottawa and they might receievce or reject it, but I did my church of Philadelphia duty.
Incident B) After a very good conversation with an Ottawa POlice officer, I procededto site #29, a 'War Museum'. It was a disgrace to see images of naked and topless women in the museum, making it no better than a Playboy club. Also a disgrace was an intact Nazi flag being raised up thebuilding instead of torn in half and cast down like a good anti-Nazi museum SHOULD do. I gave the museum reasonable warning, and they might consider upgrading the museum to make it more family friendly and less like the Bill Clinton and MOnica Lewinski zone in its displays.
Incident C) After enjoying a very good meal at a restaurant called 'The Mill St. Pub', I took a long walk back to my vehicle. I had another good conversation with a local police officer, and stepped into a restaurant and bar area known as 'The MIlewstone'. I had a intelligent conversation with a man who had been in New york and Illinois, and then was refused to be served an alcoholic beverage by a caucasion male bartender at about 8:30 pm on April 28th. The bartender openly suggested I exhibited signs of drunkenness, although I was very sober. I informed him he was wrong, and let him know I had three cups of coffee and two small samples of beer earlier. He said he didn't care and that he would only serve me coffee. I informed the fool who is also my false accuser that serving too much coffee to a person is also dangerous, and I knew a shot of Hendrick's gin would be better for my system than another cup of coffee. Accusing a sober person of drunkenness is as bad as accusing a person of adultery when you have no real proof other than some bias or some false information. Accusing me of drunkenness was like accusing me of adultery, since drunkenness is an act that is contrary to what is permitted for real saints. The male bartender called up his female manager and she 'backed him up' as easily as Linda Costa backed up Jim Costa in Wittenberg, Wi. I rejected her apology since she publiclly accused me of a sin that I did not commit. Such an incident is more serious than Cam Newton being irritated by media personal, since offering stimulants to a person is also offering them potential trouble to the bodily functions; fortunatey, I know my body well enough to reject their coffee offer and suggested that the bartender might be under the influence of drugs. It could be that they did not like the color of my skin, namely a Philadelphia Flyer' Paul Coffey edition' and were trying to embarrass me rather than serve me one drink. Bearing false witness is a serious offense, and without being willing to accept proof of my sobriety I was 'judged builty of drunkenness' without a trial by ignorant employees of a restaurant. At least when GOOD police officers suspect you of drunkenness, they give you a chance to prove you aren't drunk.
The good news is.................. Ottawa is in fact a well designed city with beautiful architecture and I am still not ashamed to be affiliated with uniform police officers who most probably do know more about me and my communication methods than the typical arrogant bartender who probably would have served me if I had more cleavage showing and spoke French with a bit of a racial slur. Some atheist and ungodly people refuse to acknowledge that 'penguin' does start with a P and that Pittsburgh is just as important as Tel Aviv or Angarsk in past history and in the present 6th day of the Israelite holy week. There still are many offenses that have to be properly atoned for before there will be peace on earth and until then consider yourself blessed if you have stopped sinning because you believe in obeying the commandments and the local government laws.
Friday is a new day, and I intend to tour the inside of the Parliament building. Too many 'Vanderbilt' typesfailure to recognize that overbuilding for a family is as evil as not providing for your family due to laziness or denial of your family.
Incident A) The Catholic Church still is very wrong in expecting any good God not to look upon their sins, and evil gods will allow them to continue in the error of their ways. Just as a holy family is willing to be looked upon as an example to a society, bad families hate to be notified of their sins. I did leave a free gift, a warning, for the church of Notre Dame staff in Ottawa and they might receievce or reject it, but I did my church of Philadelphia duty.
Incident B) After a very good conversation with an Ottawa POlice officer, I procededto site #29, a 'War Museum'. It was a disgrace to see images of naked and topless women in the museum, making it no better than a Playboy club. Also a disgrace was an intact Nazi flag being raised up thebuilding instead of torn in half and cast down like a good anti-Nazi museum SHOULD do. I gave the museum reasonable warning, and they might consider upgrading the museum to make it more family friendly and less like the Bill Clinton and MOnica Lewinski zone in its displays.
Incident C) After enjoying a very good meal at a restaurant called 'The Mill St. Pub', I took a long walk back to my vehicle. I had another good conversation with a local police officer, and stepped into a restaurant and bar area known as 'The MIlewstone'. I had a intelligent conversation with a man who had been in New york and Illinois, and then was refused to be served an alcoholic beverage by a caucasion male bartender at about 8:30 pm on April 28th. The bartender openly suggested I exhibited signs of drunkenness, although I was very sober. I informed him he was wrong, and let him know I had three cups of coffee and two small samples of beer earlier. He said he didn't care and that he would only serve me coffee. I informed the fool who is also my false accuser that serving too much coffee to a person is also dangerous, and I knew a shot of Hendrick's gin would be better for my system than another cup of coffee. Accusing a sober person of drunkenness is as bad as accusing a person of adultery when you have no real proof other than some bias or some false information. Accusing me of drunkenness was like accusing me of adultery, since drunkenness is an act that is contrary to what is permitted for real saints. The male bartender called up his female manager and she 'backed him up' as easily as Linda Costa backed up Jim Costa in Wittenberg, Wi. I rejected her apology since she publiclly accused me of a sin that I did not commit. Such an incident is more serious than Cam Newton being irritated by media personal, since offering stimulants to a person is also offering them potential trouble to the bodily functions; fortunatey, I know my body well enough to reject their coffee offer and suggested that the bartender might be under the influence of drugs. It could be that they did not like the color of my skin, namely a Philadelphia Flyer' Paul Coffey edition' and were trying to embarrass me rather than serve me one drink. Bearing false witness is a serious offense, and without being willing to accept proof of my sobriety I was 'judged builty of drunkenness' without a trial by ignorant employees of a restaurant. At least when GOOD police officers suspect you of drunkenness, they give you a chance to prove you aren't drunk.
The good news is.................. Ottawa is in fact a well designed city with beautiful architecture and I am still not ashamed to be affiliated with uniform police officers who most probably do know more about me and my communication methods than the typical arrogant bartender who probably would have served me if I had more cleavage showing and spoke French with a bit of a racial slur. Some atheist and ungodly people refuse to acknowledge that 'penguin' does start with a P and that Pittsburgh is just as important as Tel Aviv or Angarsk in past history and in the present 6th day of the Israelite holy week. There still are many offenses that have to be properly atoned for before there will be peace on earth and until then consider yourself blessed if you have stopped sinning because you believe in obeying the commandments and the local government laws.
Friday is a new day, and I intend to tour the inside of the Parliament building. Too many 'Vanderbilt' typesfailure to recognize that overbuilding for a family is as evil as not providing for your family due to laziness or denial of your family.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Don't Be A Walsh Jennings Type 'F': First Edition
It gets much easier to identify the current versions of Playboy bunnies by their public attire. It is an embarrassment to any nation to let almost complete UNDRESSED women jump around on beaches playing ball games in a fashion that makes Vivien Leigh as 'ScarlettO'Hara' look a lady in comparison. If ESPN is pushing something, it probably is as wrong as trusting 'Star Wars' for your spiritual compass. The wrong kind of type '"f''s fail to realize they are terrible examples to a community and as despicable as Carrie Underwood and Tom Brady's wife no matter how many medals they acquire playing games.
Since ESPN was pushing Dan Boyle around after his attempt to rid an area of Larry Brooks types, sadly it is like trying to rid a police officer's newspaper of Larry MIzewski types. What Dan Boyle might have to learn is that in real life, people don't evacuate areas just because yiu are irritated by them. Maybe the New York Rangers doesn't want a Canadian trying to ruin 'freedom of the press' or the owners were trying to avoid a scumball like Larry Brooks to get rich via a lawsuit. Dan Boyle's request was delivered with more grace and tact that Shane David Hendrikson ever used when evicting my son Richard from our family home and later on evicting me from our family home because we weren't complying with all his unrealistic demands. Someone with a unholy spirit like the ' Ultimate Fighter' types might have fought to the death to remain in a family home, and others who rather have peace of mind and safety leave areas with many tears and sorrow, just as some Indian tribes had done when 'white man' got greedy and cruel.
Dan Boyle might have to learn a lesson from someone like Cam Newton and just walk away from media fools who are trying to instigate problems rather than solve them. The owrld needs more 'Ultimate Peacemakers' than 'Ultimate fighters' in order to de-escalate situations that most likely will lead to increased violence. Using proper or vulgar language usually won't expel a cockroach from a locker room, but quoteing Scripture and exitting a scene is often the most benficial power play a human can utilize in situations where they are outnumbered by observers with seared consciences that prohibit them from backing up a person making a reasonable request.
On a funny note, traveling to St. Jerome, Ontario is better than flying to unabel areas like the Phillipines, and if you think it is possible that my billiard ball legend has spread like IMperial margarine, it has spread Brett Favre pictures to a St. Jerome football field where I would expected to see a poster of Patrick Lebeau! Examining a Sioux headress in an Ottawa museam was better than sitting on a beach in France or anywhere in the Carribean Islands where modesty has become almost extinct due to too much unholy influence that has not been properly combatted by unholy religion groups. Most 'Christians' sadly still think that the Toronto Raptors winning a basketball game is 'a miracle' because too many Christians really worship pagan Olympic gods instead of studying the Scriptures and learning how to identify 'false lion' types, which abound worldwide and actually directly oppose the 'Lamb of God' introduced to middle eastern societies by his cousin, JOhn the Baptist.
I made a proper choice for my Issraeli-type spring training. It is actually easier making your car your home for a bit than emptying out all the products with leaven from your non-mobile home if you have one. Since the United States forced me to call my car 'my home' before due to their family court Nazi-type processes, extending my trust, friendship and financial blessings to the Canadian people is not against my religion. Even though it is not perfect in Canada, I still have nevere been mistreated in Canada. The hometown of dan Boyle has a lot more class than Disneyland, even if the local people do not yet believe Moses and the prophets yet.
Since ESPN was pushing Dan Boyle around after his attempt to rid an area of Larry Brooks types, sadly it is like trying to rid a police officer's newspaper of Larry MIzewski types. What Dan Boyle might have to learn is that in real life, people don't evacuate areas just because yiu are irritated by them. Maybe the New York Rangers doesn't want a Canadian trying to ruin 'freedom of the press' or the owners were trying to avoid a scumball like Larry Brooks to get rich via a lawsuit. Dan Boyle's request was delivered with more grace and tact that Shane David Hendrikson ever used when evicting my son Richard from our family home and later on evicting me from our family home because we weren't complying with all his unrealistic demands. Someone with a unholy spirit like the ' Ultimate Fighter' types might have fought to the death to remain in a family home, and others who rather have peace of mind and safety leave areas with many tears and sorrow, just as some Indian tribes had done when 'white man' got greedy and cruel.
Dan Boyle might have to learn a lesson from someone like Cam Newton and just walk away from media fools who are trying to instigate problems rather than solve them. The owrld needs more 'Ultimate Peacemakers' than 'Ultimate fighters' in order to de-escalate situations that most likely will lead to increased violence. Using proper or vulgar language usually won't expel a cockroach from a locker room, but quoteing Scripture and exitting a scene is often the most benficial power play a human can utilize in situations where they are outnumbered by observers with seared consciences that prohibit them from backing up a person making a reasonable request.
On a funny note, traveling to St. Jerome, Ontario is better than flying to unabel areas like the Phillipines, and if you think it is possible that my billiard ball legend has spread like IMperial margarine, it has spread Brett Favre pictures to a St. Jerome football field where I would expected to see a poster of Patrick Lebeau! Examining a Sioux headress in an Ottawa museam was better than sitting on a beach in France or anywhere in the Carribean Islands where modesty has become almost extinct due to too much unholy influence that has not been properly combatted by unholy religion groups. Most 'Christians' sadly still think that the Toronto Raptors winning a basketball game is 'a miracle' because too many Christians really worship pagan Olympic gods instead of studying the Scriptures and learning how to identify 'false lion' types, which abound worldwide and actually directly oppose the 'Lamb of God' introduced to middle eastern societies by his cousin, JOhn the Baptist.
I made a proper choice for my Issraeli-type spring training. It is actually easier making your car your home for a bit than emptying out all the products with leaven from your non-mobile home if you have one. Since the United States forced me to call my car 'my home' before due to their family court Nazi-type processes, extending my trust, friendship and financial blessings to the Canadian people is not against my religion. Even though it is not perfect in Canada, I still have nevere been mistreated in Canada. The hometown of dan Boyle has a lot more class than Disneyland, even if the local people do not yet believe Moses and the prophets yet.
Don't Be A Walsh Jenning Type 'F': Last Second Edition
Type F females fail to exhibit ladylike behavior and are actually as despicable as the Carrie Underwood types even if they accumulate medals by jumping around on the sand with balls like immature Playboy bunnies in Olympic games. That should be enough bad news for people who should have realized that a sand foundation is not recommended for wise saints.
Now, a bit of sound advice for Dan Boyle, whose hometown has more class than Disneyland or Wittenberg, Wisconsin. When surrounded by media scumballs with little or no conscience, it is better to quote Scriptures and evacuate the area until they move on to another area like a cockroach scatters when the lights go on. People like Larry Brooks get settled in their own garbage just as easily as Larry Mizewski got settled in his own anti-intelligent lifestyle in Rhinelander. Methods used by Cam Newton when he was provoked by the media are actually better forms of self-defense whether you are rich or poor than trying to answer often outright idiotic questions. Dan Boyle used far batter restraint in his request than Shane David Hendrikson used when he ordered my son out of house eventually ordered me out of our house because we did not submit to his unreasonable demands. Evacuating an area undeserving of your protection is sometimes necessary in order to preserve your own life and mind. It is sometimes necessary to abandon the enemy until they repent and choose to align with you or until they are destroyed by a force not controlled by you or by other longsuffering peaceful and patient saints.
Traveling to Canada during holy week is still a better choice than remaining in the United States, the nation that only allowed me to call my car 'my home' after an anti-Christ filed for divorce and stole huge amounts of assets from our joint estate. It is easier to call my car my house for the spring feast of unleavened bread than empty out every food item with leaven from my non-mobile house. I'm learning much about false lions who are adversaries to the sceptre of Judah and hopefully teaching good strategies in non-violent spiritual battles to some very kind Canadian citizens .The earth does not need 'Ultimate fighter' types, it needs more patient and persevering saints willing to be peaceful lights in a world saturated with indecency, infidelity and lawlessness.
On the funny side of billiard and ballgame life, I traveled to St. Jerome to see the home area of Patrick LeBeau, saw no posters or statues of him, but did see a huge image of my designated billiard ball #4 representative, Brett Favre. Good legends have to be true in order for them not to be replaced by a more deserving legend. 'Ne pas jeter ......the commandments of YHVH'. Do not throw down and discard the Law of God'. I now know what 'jeter' means due to free french lessons from waitresses and waiters.
Now, a bit of sound advice for Dan Boyle, whose hometown has more class than Disneyland or Wittenberg, Wisconsin. When surrounded by media scumballs with little or no conscience, it is better to quote Scriptures and evacuate the area until they move on to another area like a cockroach scatters when the lights go on. People like Larry Brooks get settled in their own garbage just as easily as Larry Mizewski got settled in his own anti-intelligent lifestyle in Rhinelander. Methods used by Cam Newton when he was provoked by the media are actually better forms of self-defense whether you are rich or poor than trying to answer often outright idiotic questions. Dan Boyle used far batter restraint in his request than Shane David Hendrikson used when he ordered my son out of house eventually ordered me out of our house because we did not submit to his unreasonable demands. Evacuating an area undeserving of your protection is sometimes necessary in order to preserve your own life and mind. It is sometimes necessary to abandon the enemy until they repent and choose to align with you or until they are destroyed by a force not controlled by you or by other longsuffering peaceful and patient saints.
Traveling to Canada during holy week is still a better choice than remaining in the United States, the nation that only allowed me to call my car 'my home' after an anti-Christ filed for divorce and stole huge amounts of assets from our joint estate. It is easier to call my car my house for the spring feast of unleavened bread than empty out every food item with leaven from my non-mobile house. I'm learning much about false lions who are adversaries to the sceptre of Judah and hopefully teaching good strategies in non-violent spiritual battles to some very kind Canadian citizens .The earth does not need 'Ultimate fighter' types, it needs more patient and persevering saints willing to be peaceful lights in a world saturated with indecency, infidelity and lawlessness.
On the funny side of billiard and ballgame life, I traveled to St. Jerome to see the home area of Patrick LeBeau, saw no posters or statues of him, but did see a huge image of my designated billiard ball #4 representative, Brett Favre. Good legends have to be true in order for them not to be replaced by a more deserving legend. 'Ne pas jeter ......the commandments of YHVH'. Do not throw down and discard the Law of God'. I now know what 'jeter' means due to free french lessons from waitresses and waiters.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Unleavened Bread Day 3way Split Ends
Colored (tattooed) men like Justin Trudeau are not qualified to be a good shepherd. Sadly, I do meet more lost sheep than Benjamite wolf types, and the sheep do trust rather than live in fear, even if they are not properly prepared leaders of what some might call the 'tribulation saints' and others might call those who are willing to uphold Moses rather than oppose the commandments.
Traveling alone does not lead to arguments when decisions have to be made on where to tarry and who to converse with. Once again, the Canadian Border patrol chose to trust me rather than put more pressure on me than was necessary, so that means that the Canadian border patrol has better wisdom and understanding than the parents and family of Shane david Hendrikson, a criminal and repetitive sinner even though he might not have a 'record' in Wisconsin legal sectors. Many guilty people never do get a criminal record because either have the courage to turn themselves in and confess, the local authorities do not properly do their duty in filing correct reports or the victims never report crimes due to lack of hope in a failed system.
I had access to history on Ontario soil, namely the Canadian Royal Air Force museum, well worth the visit but especially emotional on the anniversary of the day that Moses started leading millions out of Egypt. In the outdoor displays, a memorial to 'Jewish'/israel humans who served in the Canadian Airforce was a better sight than the thousands of graves in Normandy, France because the effect of courage and often a holy life rather than death was emphasized. The squadrons tied to wildlife was as beautiful as understanding the fact that humans do ned to look to natural creatures at times for inspiration when their neighbors are often deranged, socially immoral and refuse to aid other humans properly. Seeing a display that depicted facts regarding an escapes made from Nazi POW camp struck me once again and tears were shed again. seeing the word 'hospital block' at number 15 made me recall the day that the United States medical monkeys forced their trash into my veins after I tried to blovk their drugs that I knew would leave me defenseless again. I despise the experiments that were imposed upon me against my will, and am thankful that I know how to properly work through past trauma without even thinking of asking for drugs to make my memory fail. Once a person realizes that checking into a local decent restaurant and eating a quality meal alone can actually help fight depression better than drugs, the same person will understand that the basis of good heath care is good nutrition, not coca-cola and Bubba Gump shrimp.
Without a broken foot as I had lasy year, I have been able to see many beautiful sights in Ontario and Quebec in just 2 days. Going into hotels is not quite like it was going into St. Lucia hotels where I made many friends who now might be permanently left behind me or have forgotten me, but I have not forgotten walking through the streets of St. Lucia handing out bibles and meeting with people who have never heard of Basil Tanguay or Michael Costello. Michael Costello seems like one of those lost sheep who is not living in fear, has a kind a gentle spirit and is as blessed as any Catholic nun that taught in saint Matthew's grade school in Milwaukee. He shared some history about his domain with as much dignity as Dennis Stanchik briefed me on st. bartholomew. Michael Costello trusted me with the keys to his church building, and that trust was not taken for granted nor was it taken in vain. Since he states he turned 80, I reminded him that Moses started leading people toward Israel at the age of 80 as I noticed a framed picture of Karl Ratzingere. Quyon, Quebec is a much better place to tarry than Las Vegas Nevada or Dollywood in Tennessee is you desire more than sin, crowds and lasciviousness to occupy your time. A ferry trip and kind words from ladies working at the local Lion's Club were blessings that I will remember, and I have learned that video cameras and multitudes of pictures do no good when families are torn apart in divroce courts. The brain can retain memories that a camera cannot capture properly.
I doubt if the Canadian Parliament cares whether i view their facilities, just as I doubt if the Ottawa Senators care whether or not I saw their Tom Flood gates and an unholy date of January 15, 1996 mounted on their exterior. There's something about January 15th that will never attain the importance of the 15th day of the month of the aviv barley which established the feast of Unleavened bread. Of interest at The Canadian Tire Center was the word Palladium, exit 144 and roadway 88, as I recalled being led through Chicago by a kind squad that had 6246 on the rear; the number tied to 'Think' and as I remember it, in chemistry ties, SaPd.
The number 65 seems to be atickler for some people, and a statue of 'Jumbo the elephant', labeled as exhibit 65, was a bit more interesting than a banner of the Ottawa Senators captain, who had no name displayed. Don't bother with either Dumo or the Senators captain if you have never read the book of James or the Book of Jude. Dodge might SEEM to be a good to some, but Yul Brynner and steve McQueen might SEEM be good names to others. The funny quip of the week seems to be ' Is Yul Brynner following me?' as I fondly recall his exchanges with Charlton Heston in film footage that is actually more educational that watching george Peppard in 'the A-Team'.
April 29th still is important to me as a UW-Badger fan, and there is a place for the Ottawa 67's in Brian Campbell's memory bank, just as there will always be a place in my true blue Israel family for me, whether I am natural or grafted in. Word number 426: Aleph Lamed Hey, is one of the names used for the God of Israel, but that number is what I was assigned to as I had to take exit 124 to my non-Jerusalem destination this year. NO regrets, and indeed Canada is a better destination than France if modesty matters and you don't mind hearing English and French get mixed up from time to time.
I alos found out that there is more than one Brian Boucher, and that the older one was a banker in Alymer, not in Elmer, NJ. A double tree scenario was in the garden of Eden at one time, and only one them, the tree of Life, was guarded after humans failed to properly regard an official declaration. Facts are better to learn than wasting time soaking in treacherous fiction such as 'Harry Potter', Robert Young or Alan Alda pretending to be doctors or Detroit Lions . There are a few who rather earn wages in actual decent professions than earn money being professional deceivers and overpaid pretenders who seduce fools into worshipping them.
Day 400 or 756 might be where you are at if you are learning to number your days while you learn to less antagonistic toward good, holy commandments and more adversarial toward legalized murder and legalized suicide. No human really needs a hug from a chimpanzee to survive, and moany animla lovers never come to the point of loving their own creator as they should, even if they are atheists and only consider their mother and father to be their 'creator'.
Traveling alone does not lead to arguments when decisions have to be made on where to tarry and who to converse with. Once again, the Canadian Border patrol chose to trust me rather than put more pressure on me than was necessary, so that means that the Canadian border patrol has better wisdom and understanding than the parents and family of Shane david Hendrikson, a criminal and repetitive sinner even though he might not have a 'record' in Wisconsin legal sectors. Many guilty people never do get a criminal record because either have the courage to turn themselves in and confess, the local authorities do not properly do their duty in filing correct reports or the victims never report crimes due to lack of hope in a failed system.
I had access to history on Ontario soil, namely the Canadian Royal Air Force museum, well worth the visit but especially emotional on the anniversary of the day that Moses started leading millions out of Egypt. In the outdoor displays, a memorial to 'Jewish'/israel humans who served in the Canadian Airforce was a better sight than the thousands of graves in Normandy, France because the effect of courage and often a holy life rather than death was emphasized. The squadrons tied to wildlife was as beautiful as understanding the fact that humans do ned to look to natural creatures at times for inspiration when their neighbors are often deranged, socially immoral and refuse to aid other humans properly. Seeing a display that depicted facts regarding an escapes made from Nazi POW camp struck me once again and tears were shed again. seeing the word 'hospital block' at number 15 made me recall the day that the United States medical monkeys forced their trash into my veins after I tried to blovk their drugs that I knew would leave me defenseless again. I despise the experiments that were imposed upon me against my will, and am thankful that I know how to properly work through past trauma without even thinking of asking for drugs to make my memory fail. Once a person realizes that checking into a local decent restaurant and eating a quality meal alone can actually help fight depression better than drugs, the same person will understand that the basis of good heath care is good nutrition, not coca-cola and Bubba Gump shrimp.
Without a broken foot as I had lasy year, I have been able to see many beautiful sights in Ontario and Quebec in just 2 days. Going into hotels is not quite like it was going into St. Lucia hotels where I made many friends who now might be permanently left behind me or have forgotten me, but I have not forgotten walking through the streets of St. Lucia handing out bibles and meeting with people who have never heard of Basil Tanguay or Michael Costello. Michael Costello seems like one of those lost sheep who is not living in fear, has a kind a gentle spirit and is as blessed as any Catholic nun that taught in saint Matthew's grade school in Milwaukee. He shared some history about his domain with as much dignity as Dennis Stanchik briefed me on st. bartholomew. Michael Costello trusted me with the keys to his church building, and that trust was not taken for granted nor was it taken in vain. Since he states he turned 80, I reminded him that Moses started leading people toward Israel at the age of 80 as I noticed a framed picture of Karl Ratzingere. Quyon, Quebec is a much better place to tarry than Las Vegas Nevada or Dollywood in Tennessee is you desire more than sin, crowds and lasciviousness to occupy your time. A ferry trip and kind words from ladies working at the local Lion's Club were blessings that I will remember, and I have learned that video cameras and multitudes of pictures do no good when families are torn apart in divroce courts. The brain can retain memories that a camera cannot capture properly.
I doubt if the Canadian Parliament cares whether i view their facilities, just as I doubt if the Ottawa Senators care whether or not I saw their Tom Flood gates and an unholy date of January 15, 1996 mounted on their exterior. There's something about January 15th that will never attain the importance of the 15th day of the month of the aviv barley which established the feast of Unleavened bread. Of interest at The Canadian Tire Center was the word Palladium, exit 144 and roadway 88, as I recalled being led through Chicago by a kind squad that had 6246 on the rear; the number tied to 'Think' and as I remember it, in chemistry ties, SaPd.
The number 65 seems to be atickler for some people, and a statue of 'Jumbo the elephant', labeled as exhibit 65, was a bit more interesting than a banner of the Ottawa Senators captain, who had no name displayed. Don't bother with either Dumo or the Senators captain if you have never read the book of James or the Book of Jude. Dodge might SEEM to be a good to some, but Yul Brynner and steve McQueen might SEEM be good names to others. The funny quip of the week seems to be ' Is Yul Brynner following me?' as I fondly recall his exchanges with Charlton Heston in film footage that is actually more educational that watching george Peppard in 'the A-Team'.
April 29th still is important to me as a UW-Badger fan, and there is a place for the Ottawa 67's in Brian Campbell's memory bank, just as there will always be a place in my true blue Israel family for me, whether I am natural or grafted in. Word number 426: Aleph Lamed Hey, is one of the names used for the God of Israel, but that number is what I was assigned to as I had to take exit 124 to my non-Jerusalem destination this year. NO regrets, and indeed Canada is a better destination than France if modesty matters and you don't mind hearing English and French get mixed up from time to time.
I alos found out that there is more than one Brian Boucher, and that the older one was a banker in Alymer, not in Elmer, NJ. A double tree scenario was in the garden of Eden at one time, and only one them, the tree of Life, was guarded after humans failed to properly regard an official declaration. Facts are better to learn than wasting time soaking in treacherous fiction such as 'Harry Potter', Robert Young or Alan Alda pretending to be doctors or Detroit Lions . There are a few who rather earn wages in actual decent professions than earn money being professional deceivers and overpaid pretenders who seduce fools into worshipping them.
Day 400 or 756 might be where you are at if you are learning to number your days while you learn to less antagonistic toward good, holy commandments and more adversarial toward legalized murder and legalized suicide. No human really needs a hug from a chimpanzee to survive, and moany animla lovers never come to the point of loving their own creator as they should, even if they are atheists and only consider their mother and father to be their 'creator'.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
'Sumpter Forest' Isn't an Ideal Subdivision
If you say 'sub division' to a Navy guy, he might think 'Nautilas'. If you say subdivision to a homeowner, instant headaches might arise. As hypocritical Barack Obama claims he wants to lower 'greenhouse emmisions', owning multiple non-rental housing for temporary personal use contributes to global warmimg and is a symbol of greed, not thankfulness and humility required of true saints. In another revelation of hypocrisy, all the 'Christmas lights' in the 'Sumpter Forest' subdivision of Macomb don't seem to be picking up the ugly litter or garbage along the roadway on 25 mile, and as a result I see signs of rich, lazyAmerican trash problems not a beacon of hope and environmental protection when I drive by 'Sumpter Forest'.
"Chevy Chase Griswold syndrome' does contribute to lighting pollution and air pollution, so those people who go the route of Kwanza or Christmas bulbs instead of oxygen producing daffodils and canna bulbs are typical hypocrites who will not even pass a 'ground lamb test' because they failed to properly understand those who caused ' ground zero' to be a sign of worldwide disasters caused by attacks against what some might consider to be the beast ad others might consider to be a lukewarm Christianity problem. The azazel might be considered a 'ground lamb' situation if you do not want to think of Yeshua, son of Mary, as a 'lamb' but as a lion. Although I do not approve of murder or any other action contrary to the commandments delivered to the people or HVHY, if I refuse to try to understand the mindset that causes brutal attacks and criminal activity I might become a victim again rather than an example of how to properly and peacefully try to defend myself and my 'turf' without F-16's or 9mm Sig Sauer power.
I will try to remind board members of my subdivision that a spirit of neutrality in a residential area is seriously disturbed when a anti-bibical majority imposes their religion on a shared entrance. In order to remind them of the George Washington position that was respected and held as precious 240 years ago, I might get some more offense waged against me , and that will be the mistake of the offense. Groups such as the Audobon Society, 'Greenpeace' or the Sierra Club should start to pass along information that houses which continually overlight the exterior on a seasonal basis reveals signs of unintelligent life and the occupants usually are tied to false hopes that their Christian fish gods, Erech, Martin Luther or Nimrod are going to save them or try to correct them from the err of their ways. Fire departments should go on a campaign to actively discourage Christmas and artificial light displays in real or fake shrubbery to reduce fire hazards.
If the leaders of my subdivision wisely only install a permanent low voltage lighting systme to illuminate the gateway to West Park Estates, they will exhibit signs that they are wiser and more mature than Sunpter Forest types, and I will gladly keep an eye on keeping litter and trash off of the subdivision common area like a good environmental ed student. If individuals on a block want to reveal their antoi-Jeremiah stance and continue to light up their houses with artificial lighting, they have the freedom to do that so that the true saints can still know where the adversaries and/or of the Way, the Truth and the Book of Life are. The adversaries won't try to force their religion on an antire residential subdivision, but the enemies of Truth will try to impose their anti-Judah practices on their neighbors which often results in higher taxation and higher fees for maintenance.
I will send a letter to my HOA board rather than take the chance of ruining Sean Whyte's birthday on May 5th. If sound minds and wisdom prevails, there will only be small floodlights shining on brick walls rather than strings of lights ruining natural wonders called ' oxygen producing plant life'. I can hioe that the elected officials use more sense than Mike Duffy or Dwight Eisenhower by keeping our residential area common grounds 'non-sectarisn' and respect the earth's natural light show delivered by the stars and the moon year around..
"Chevy Chase Griswold syndrome' does contribute to lighting pollution and air pollution, so those people who go the route of Kwanza or Christmas bulbs instead of oxygen producing daffodils and canna bulbs are typical hypocrites who will not even pass a 'ground lamb test' because they failed to properly understand those who caused ' ground zero' to be a sign of worldwide disasters caused by attacks against what some might consider to be the beast ad others might consider to be a lukewarm Christianity problem. The azazel might be considered a 'ground lamb' situation if you do not want to think of Yeshua, son of Mary, as a 'lamb' but as a lion. Although I do not approve of murder or any other action contrary to the commandments delivered to the people or HVHY, if I refuse to try to understand the mindset that causes brutal attacks and criminal activity I might become a victim again rather than an example of how to properly and peacefully try to defend myself and my 'turf' without F-16's or 9mm Sig Sauer power.
I will try to remind board members of my subdivision that a spirit of neutrality in a residential area is seriously disturbed when a anti-bibical majority imposes their religion on a shared entrance. In order to remind them of the George Washington position that was respected and held as precious 240 years ago, I might get some more offense waged against me , and that will be the mistake of the offense. Groups such as the Audobon Society, 'Greenpeace' or the Sierra Club should start to pass along information that houses which continually overlight the exterior on a seasonal basis reveals signs of unintelligent life and the occupants usually are tied to false hopes that their Christian fish gods, Erech, Martin Luther or Nimrod are going to save them or try to correct them from the err of their ways. Fire departments should go on a campaign to actively discourage Christmas and artificial light displays in real or fake shrubbery to reduce fire hazards.
If the leaders of my subdivision wisely only install a permanent low voltage lighting systme to illuminate the gateway to West Park Estates, they will exhibit signs that they are wiser and more mature than Sunpter Forest types, and I will gladly keep an eye on keeping litter and trash off of the subdivision common area like a good environmental ed student. If individuals on a block want to reveal their antoi-Jeremiah stance and continue to light up their houses with artificial lighting, they have the freedom to do that so that the true saints can still know where the adversaries and/or of the Way, the Truth and the Book of Life are. The adversaries won't try to force their religion on an antire residential subdivision, but the enemies of Truth will try to impose their anti-Judah practices on their neighbors which often results in higher taxation and higher fees for maintenance.
I will send a letter to my HOA board rather than take the chance of ruining Sean Whyte's birthday on May 5th. If sound minds and wisdom prevails, there will only be small floodlights shining on brick walls rather than strings of lights ruining natural wonders called ' oxygen producing plant life'. I can hioe that the elected officials use more sense than Mike Duffy or Dwight Eisenhower by keeping our residential area common grounds 'non-sectarisn' and respect the earth's natural light show delivered by the stars and the moon year around..
Friday, April 22, 2016
A Cautious Comparison of Exodus 11&12 and Deuteronomy 16
Post 136: Is that still the number of stitches in a real baseball or a hard rosary bead count?
It is Friday, the 13th of the first biblical month as carefully as an Issachar feline or an 'anti-Wizard of Oz' lioness protecting turf. I am going to approach a very important topic, namely the keeping of a passover meal, only with the learning tolls the typical English reading 'Christian' has access to. If Chapter 16 of the 5th book is indeed like a white billiard ball, the 16th chapter seems to break up Messianic and Judaic theology studies into a variety of secondary opinions that still need to involve the concept of defense. In any billiard event, the white 16th ball actually transfers power to the other balls if used properly. If the white ball drops to the level of the other colored billiard balls 'below the top deck', you lose a turn, not your opportunity for salvation. Remember the color of the 7th and the 15th is easily described as healthy blood color, maroon or scarlet, not ' traffic ordinance stop sign' red as the 3 and 11 balls.
2nd Red 11 Ball Issue: The first red billiard ball is a 3, and indeed actual natural Levites are not the same as grafted in Gentiles. Exodus chapter 11, like a unique but similar part of a 15 ball billiard system, is addressing families that were still within HOUSES that were not in the land of Israel. Tents eventually were occupied after the Hebrews departed from housing supplied by their cruel taskmasters in Egypt which the LORD their God did not give to them. That being the case, if you have a house which you occupy, which was not given to you (you had to purchase) but which is a permanent dwelling that needs a mode of defense and you have respectfully and humbly accepted the name of the LORD within your house, I believe it is safe, proper and wise to keep the passover meal within your house, even if you are only able to purchase part of a previously slaughtered lamb. 'Within your houses' is not the same as 'in your tents' or 'within your gates', and gates were set up in traveling tent compounds just as they are set up in prison systems these days. Moving on to important Exodus 12, verse 13, the word #1004, pronounced 'bayith', is the same as the word used in Genesis 7:1 and is clearly not the same as the temporary dwelling described in Deuteronomy chapter 16. Word 1004 is a word that depicts a dependable non-temporary shelter or housing structure. No where in Exodus 12 does it mention that the LORD their God had given them the dwelling they occupied in Egypt, but it still does refer to their shelters in Egypt as houses, not tents.
5th Book (Deuteronomy), 16th chapter is not to be treated the same as the instructions given to God-fearing families in Egypt. It is possible that once the families moved from houses (word #1004) to tents (word #168) that some consideration had to be given to non-permanent dwellings and a secondary method of keeping the passover was instituted, NOT AN ONLY METHOD. The everlasting ordinance instructions in Exodus were not done away with, but since the evacuated Hebrews no longer had a 'bayith', word #168, pronounced 'o-hel' ,was used to describe the area where a passover meal shouldn't be kept. In the meal consumed by Yeshua and his chosen companions in a rented room, there is no indicator of any lamb being consumed and the meal was eaten in what possibly could be considered a 'bayith' or a tabernacle (#1004) but clearly not in a tent which was used to shelter humans and/or unclean and clean ANIMALS (#168).
Personally, I believe it is spiritually dangerous to 'play passover meal' on inaccurate days in hotels with Michael Rood's brood or in protestant churches such as is practiced by Catholics where they have rejected the rules and regulations of the God of the Israelites. It is possible to keep the feast without the leaven of hypocrisy to the best of your ability in your actual primary house that unfortunately is set in any nation that is still very unholy and very antagonistic toward the teachings of the prophets while they embrace and worship ungodly and unholy idols such as 'Lady GaGa' or 'Beyonce'. Men like Michael Rood seem to have neglected to pay attention to the instructions given at different locations to people in varied dwelling situations, but I choose not to neglect the obvious differences between the instructions for tent-dwellers who were not yet in the promised land and the instructions for house-dwellers who are not in the land of Israel. When I lived in a rental, I knew it was not my household and went to a diner named 'Saffron' in Charlotte, NC to keep the feast to the best of my ability. To completely ignore the instructions for the everlasting ordinance given in Exodus chapter 12 is reckless, so I intend to roast a small portion of lamb and consume a meal of Streit's obviously unleavened bread (even though the Streit's matza crackers claims it is not for passover due to some idiotic technicalities observed by the remnant of pharisee worshippers),hummus, bitter herbs and juice within my 'bayith' with sandals, on , staff in hand and my DARE bear named Sergei sitting quietly at tableside, just as i did last year on the evening of the 14th day of the first Hebrew month.
Completely disregarding official holy and everlasting ordinances can be as serious as being unfairly charged with disorderly conduct when you were only really defending yourself against an anti-commandmentist regime. The last time I roasted an entire lamb and consumed its parts in a 'bayith' not in a tent, it was on land that was given to me by my father, but that was eventually seized by a Nazi-like regime in Marathon County Wisconsin and taken over by an anti-commandmentist named Shane David Hendrikson. Shane David Hendrikson is probably not even worthy to wear a Henry Aaron jersey even though he might still own one, and sadly he is more like Tom Brady in his mentality, which means he is not as kind or as wise at real family defense as men like Thomas Stigler.
Secondary defense matters, even if we are still over-taxed slaves trying to survive in a very corrupt national government system. Compare Deuteronomy 16 with Exodus 12 and decide which instructions are applicable to you in your present non-Jerusalem situation.
It is Friday, the 13th of the first biblical month as carefully as an Issachar feline or an 'anti-Wizard of Oz' lioness protecting turf. I am going to approach a very important topic, namely the keeping of a passover meal, only with the learning tolls the typical English reading 'Christian' has access to. If Chapter 16 of the 5th book is indeed like a white billiard ball, the 16th chapter seems to break up Messianic and Judaic theology studies into a variety of secondary opinions that still need to involve the concept of defense. In any billiard event, the white 16th ball actually transfers power to the other balls if used properly. If the white ball drops to the level of the other colored billiard balls 'below the top deck', you lose a turn, not your opportunity for salvation. Remember the color of the 7th and the 15th is easily described as healthy blood color, maroon or scarlet, not ' traffic ordinance stop sign' red as the 3 and 11 balls.
2nd Red 11 Ball Issue: The first red billiard ball is a 3, and indeed actual natural Levites are not the same as grafted in Gentiles. Exodus chapter 11, like a unique but similar part of a 15 ball billiard system, is addressing families that were still within HOUSES that were not in the land of Israel. Tents eventually were occupied after the Hebrews departed from housing supplied by their cruel taskmasters in Egypt which the LORD their God did not give to them. That being the case, if you have a house which you occupy, which was not given to you (you had to purchase) but which is a permanent dwelling that needs a mode of defense and you have respectfully and humbly accepted the name of the LORD within your house, I believe it is safe, proper and wise to keep the passover meal within your house, even if you are only able to purchase part of a previously slaughtered lamb. 'Within your houses' is not the same as 'in your tents' or 'within your gates', and gates were set up in traveling tent compounds just as they are set up in prison systems these days. Moving on to important Exodus 12, verse 13, the word #1004, pronounced 'bayith', is the same as the word used in Genesis 7:1 and is clearly not the same as the temporary dwelling described in Deuteronomy chapter 16. Word 1004 is a word that depicts a dependable non-temporary shelter or housing structure. No where in Exodus 12 does it mention that the LORD their God had given them the dwelling they occupied in Egypt, but it still does refer to their shelters in Egypt as houses, not tents.
5th Book (Deuteronomy), 16th chapter is not to be treated the same as the instructions given to God-fearing families in Egypt. It is possible that once the families moved from houses (word #1004) to tents (word #168) that some consideration had to be given to non-permanent dwellings and a secondary method of keeping the passover was instituted, NOT AN ONLY METHOD. The everlasting ordinance instructions in Exodus were not done away with, but since the evacuated Hebrews no longer had a 'bayith', word #168, pronounced 'o-hel' ,was used to describe the area where a passover meal shouldn't be kept. In the meal consumed by Yeshua and his chosen companions in a rented room, there is no indicator of any lamb being consumed and the meal was eaten in what possibly could be considered a 'bayith' or a tabernacle (#1004) but clearly not in a tent which was used to shelter humans and/or unclean and clean ANIMALS (#168).
Personally, I believe it is spiritually dangerous to 'play passover meal' on inaccurate days in hotels with Michael Rood's brood or in protestant churches such as is practiced by Catholics where they have rejected the rules and regulations of the God of the Israelites. It is possible to keep the feast without the leaven of hypocrisy to the best of your ability in your actual primary house that unfortunately is set in any nation that is still very unholy and very antagonistic toward the teachings of the prophets while they embrace and worship ungodly and unholy idols such as 'Lady GaGa' or 'Beyonce'. Men like Michael Rood seem to have neglected to pay attention to the instructions given at different locations to people in varied dwelling situations, but I choose not to neglect the obvious differences between the instructions for tent-dwellers who were not yet in the promised land and the instructions for house-dwellers who are not in the land of Israel. When I lived in a rental, I knew it was not my household and went to a diner named 'Saffron' in Charlotte, NC to keep the feast to the best of my ability. To completely ignore the instructions for the everlasting ordinance given in Exodus chapter 12 is reckless, so I intend to roast a small portion of lamb and consume a meal of Streit's obviously unleavened bread (even though the Streit's matza crackers claims it is not for passover due to some idiotic technicalities observed by the remnant of pharisee worshippers),hummus, bitter herbs and juice within my 'bayith' with sandals, on , staff in hand and my DARE bear named Sergei sitting quietly at tableside, just as i did last year on the evening of the 14th day of the first Hebrew month.
Completely disregarding official holy and everlasting ordinances can be as serious as being unfairly charged with disorderly conduct when you were only really defending yourself against an anti-commandmentist regime. The last time I roasted an entire lamb and consumed its parts in a 'bayith' not in a tent, it was on land that was given to me by my father, but that was eventually seized by a Nazi-like regime in Marathon County Wisconsin and taken over by an anti-commandmentist named Shane David Hendrikson. Shane David Hendrikson is probably not even worthy to wear a Henry Aaron jersey even though he might still own one, and sadly he is more like Tom Brady in his mentality, which means he is not as kind or as wise at real family defense as men like Thomas Stigler.
Secondary defense matters, even if we are still over-taxed slaves trying to survive in a very corrupt national government system. Compare Deuteronomy 16 with Exodus 12 and decide which instructions are applicable to you in your present non-Jerusalem situation.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Demonic "Prince' As Deranged As Mike Duffy
Listening to 'The National', a Canadian news show, is often less informative and more dangerous to the mind than watching a plumber install a sump pump. Now that there is one less unholy 'Prince' to look to in prophesy, do not think that the Michael, Prince of Israel, is going to be anything like 'Mike Duffy', the untrustworthy Canadian senator. I'm giving out more free and good information than a struggling ballet crew, and I don't need a vault to hide my artwork, which includes some poetry from time to time.
Two notable days are on the threshold if your consider the Book of Numbers more reliable than 'Purple Rain' mythology. Day 755, which is Sunday April 24th, 2016 if you are starting your 3rd year as a Strong's number student, might make you remember a man named Henry Aaron. Day 396, a significant number for Paul Coffey, is Friday the 13th of Abib or April 22nd f you are starting your second year. It's time to realize that observing passover this weekend is more important than celebrating the birthday of pompous still unsaved queen systems and similar forms of idolatry and social greed tied to anti-Israel monarchy systems.
Corruption in politics is worldwide and only a few people can admit that the world needs more men like MInneapolis natives Mark and Mike Strobel than 'Prince' or similar bizarre, pimp-like stage musicians with unholy, carnal spirits that party too much, apply makeu[ worste than a good Shoemaker Funeral home and indulge in too much self-idolatry tied to electronic games. It could be argued that the Roaeau man, Dustin Byfuglien, presents a far better image of how a male should behave and avoid poverty by earning a living by taking calculated risks.
It is a shame that so many people are impressed with unholy, deceiving spirits and people who are as mentally twisted and as unrighteous as Al Sharpton. Indeed, television fools will report on the condition of other fools sooner than they will read the book of Ezekiel or the Book of Daniel in private or in public. It does take a lot more discernment than 'Simon Baker' pretends to have to make it through a day without sinning and without becoming the target of anti-biblical idiots who continually try to seduce the unrighteous,draw money to themselves by illegal or immoral means and who easily attract unholy crowds and the simple-minded world media sooner than they will ever attract a real saint toward them.
The Olympic flame is not part of the burning bush system or a lampstand system that is clearly defined in the Scriptures. Try to avoid getting on the wrong bandwagon and keep the ark in mind. A purple billiard ball and Robert Scott Smith is a better shallow purple martin method to keep in mind on Frday, the 13th of Abib, which has started already. If the book of James or the name 'Coburn' shakes your memory today, its still better to remember that Nazis were very popular in Europe to millions of people and those who tried to escape their propaganda did not always succeed on the 1st try.
Two notable days are on the threshold if your consider the Book of Numbers more reliable than 'Purple Rain' mythology. Day 755, which is Sunday April 24th, 2016 if you are starting your 3rd year as a Strong's number student, might make you remember a man named Henry Aaron. Day 396, a significant number for Paul Coffey, is Friday the 13th of Abib or April 22nd f you are starting your second year. It's time to realize that observing passover this weekend is more important than celebrating the birthday of pompous still unsaved queen systems and similar forms of idolatry and social greed tied to anti-Israel monarchy systems.
Corruption in politics is worldwide and only a few people can admit that the world needs more men like MInneapolis natives Mark and Mike Strobel than 'Prince' or similar bizarre, pimp-like stage musicians with unholy, carnal spirits that party too much, apply makeu[ worste than a good Shoemaker Funeral home and indulge in too much self-idolatry tied to electronic games. It could be argued that the Roaeau man, Dustin Byfuglien, presents a far better image of how a male should behave and avoid poverty by earning a living by taking calculated risks.
It is a shame that so many people are impressed with unholy, deceiving spirits and people who are as mentally twisted and as unrighteous as Al Sharpton. Indeed, television fools will report on the condition of other fools sooner than they will read the book of Ezekiel or the Book of Daniel in private or in public. It does take a lot more discernment than 'Simon Baker' pretends to have to make it through a day without sinning and without becoming the target of anti-biblical idiots who continually try to seduce the unrighteous,draw money to themselves by illegal or immoral means and who easily attract unholy crowds and the simple-minded world media sooner than they will ever attract a real saint toward them.
The Olympic flame is not part of the burning bush system or a lampstand system that is clearly defined in the Scriptures. Try to avoid getting on the wrong bandwagon and keep the ark in mind. A purple billiard ball and Robert Scott Smith is a better shallow purple martin method to keep in mind on Frday, the 13th of Abib, which has started already. If the book of James or the name 'Coburn' shakes your memory today, its still better to remember that Nazis were very popular in Europe to millions of people and those who tried to escape their propaganda did not always succeed on the 1st try.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Try Avoiding Creative ' Free Gift' Traps With Reality and Facts
Creativity can ruin a family and eventually ruin a nation. The worst leaders fail to disregard official signs such as the very basic and good free gift of the commandments, statutes and precepts of of a reliable Holy Spirit and are eventually pulled astray by creations of humans who have rejected holiness, purity and righteousness. 'Plants vs. Zombies, Garden Warfare' typifies stupid creations from vain imaginations that makes children become electronic puppets reacting to a form of a mirage rather than learning about natural law and self-defense of the holy mind.
The typical BIble reader does not believe enough to follow the instructions necessary to prove your love for and choice of a spiritual leader, and they start to follow doctrines that are contrary to those delivered to the original saints going back to Genesis. If you have the gift of discernment, it will not be taken away by a thief or a tornado or a hurricane, so it cannot be insured by corrupted systems like Progressive, State Farm or Allstate who easily force money from you due to local laws but rarely dispense money liberally and without bias once a disaster occurs.
Try to re-stablish a mindset by evaluating your own potential response to a natural disaster or an act of an anti-Christ by going through the following carefully:
A) If a gift was given to you by a friend or a relative, it cost them something to obtain the gift. Most gifts are insurable, but you will never receive according to emotional value, so start to worry less about the gift you received and appreciate the gifts while you have them.
B) Loss of a gift or legal purchase by theft means you are a victim of sin and a crime that should not go unpunished or the thieves continue to be thieves. First time offenders who have accepted the conditions of salvation understand that they have to pay back 4 or 5 times what they stole in order to be restored to a position of not guilty due to proper correction. Once proper correction is accomplished, there should no longer be a record of their sin. Since human sourts do not properly correct thieves, their sin remains on the records even after serving times of incarceration to serve false gods systems.
G) If you packed up all of your most important gifts in a treasure box in case you have to exit your house quickly, that proves seeing the gift does not mean as much as remembering the gift. Once you put yur most important keepsakes out of sight, you actually have learned to live without them already and the loss of them by natural disaster should not be grievous as long as you remember the kindness extended from the gift giver.
D) A foolish family got very upset when I accidently broke an overpriced trinket, namely a crystal idol, while I was doing free labor for the foolish Richard Peterson family of Mosinee. Even though I replaced their idol due to their angry disposition, when a marriage was breaking apart the Peterson's didn't seem concerned enough to try to prevent a marriage covenant from breaking. People who put more value on their family heirlooms than on their family marriage success rates value things more than they value character, integrity, love of God, love of faithfulness and holiness. Divorce petitioners who steal or force away family heirlooms from their spouse are guilty of more than hating God, they also hate justice and kindness due to their selfishness.
H) Keeping point D in mind, I have gifts that I have managed to keep even though a Nazi-type regime of attorneys and ex-husband unfairly and wrongly kept more than they should have from me. Those gifts might get blown away in a tornado or a war, but woe, plagues and severe agony should be directed toward any person that tries to steal from me again. Items such as Boyd's bears might be dust collectors to some and toys to a child, but certainly are not necessary to survive. My son gave me gifts in a period of time when he appreciated me to honor me, and since he has discarded the foundation delivered at Mt. Sinai to the Israelites, he also has stopped giving me any gifts. His spirit has changed due to too much dabbling in tattoos and other behaviors that are contrary to the directives for a real saint. My spirit of discernment helps me realize it is my son that has chosen to disobey God and as a result he lacks kindness toward me; without anyone honest enough or strong enough to correct my son, he is not going to be able to attain a label of ' not guilty due to proper correction'.
V) Selling or regifting items that were given to you in sincerity is terrible etiquette, but if a natural disaster destroys the possessions, remember the blessing that were given to the midwives who saved the Hebrew infants during the times of Moses. It is recorded that because they FEARED GOD and refused to destroy what the local government ordered them to destroy, they obtained favor in housing situations. Let this be a sober reminder to you as it is to me that ONE comfortable house to help accomplish tasks required while serving the true God is part of a reward system, not an undeserved favor. No person will ever be properly sheltered or saved by a medal or a jeweled crown, not matter who gave it to them or how they 'earned it'. It's time to trsh the whole concept of mythology and anti-holy creativity delivered by the writers and actors in 'The Wizard of Oz'.
Z) If you are retaining a gift given to you by a former friend who is now an enemy, make sure it is practical and usable, or else donate it to some charity. Wedding rings typify what can be done with gift from enemies once they have broken the vows attached to the gift; some people launch them into the garbage and others sell them for far below what it cost the vow-breaker.
C) Day 396 will be April 23rd, the 14th day of the first month of the Hebrew year and the day a passover meal is to be prepared for the elect of HVHY. As day 396 is approaching in the beginning of a day-by-day second year hard count, notice that Strong's bible word 396 is tied to food, and 396 goals by a hockey defenseman named Paul Coffey is a fact, not a created myth. The fact that he warmed up a plate of Chinese food leftovers for me will not be forgotten, just as any falsely accused prisoner might never forget a kind prison guard or the daily rations of clean food that might have helped them survive long enough to endure their time of personal trials and harsh tribulation. The gift of hospitality gien should be precious to the receiever, just as the gift of the instrcutions of HVHY to his people should be precious to the receiver. Footballs,bowling balls, baseballs,billiard balls, pucks and golf balls are easily replaced, not food, and are not required for salvation and therefore are not precious in the sight of the LORD, even though some fools iterally fight over them with more ferocity they they's try to resist the temptation to sin. The stones designated for the tribes of Israel are precious in the sight of the LORD, and investing in them is not foolish; be careful not to overpay for them however, since cut stones are actually less valuable than natural uncut stones in the sight of the LORD of the urim and thummim system.
Too much anti-commandment creativity leads to as much stupidity and ignorance as there is in any computer game which ultimately wastes time and seriously reduces your ability to accept reality and face real enemies or adversaries properly.
The typical BIble reader does not believe enough to follow the instructions necessary to prove your love for and choice of a spiritual leader, and they start to follow doctrines that are contrary to those delivered to the original saints going back to Genesis. If you have the gift of discernment, it will not be taken away by a thief or a tornado or a hurricane, so it cannot be insured by corrupted systems like Progressive, State Farm or Allstate who easily force money from you due to local laws but rarely dispense money liberally and without bias once a disaster occurs.
Try to re-stablish a mindset by evaluating your own potential response to a natural disaster or an act of an anti-Christ by going through the following carefully:
A) If a gift was given to you by a friend or a relative, it cost them something to obtain the gift. Most gifts are insurable, but you will never receive according to emotional value, so start to worry less about the gift you received and appreciate the gifts while you have them.
B) Loss of a gift or legal purchase by theft means you are a victim of sin and a crime that should not go unpunished or the thieves continue to be thieves. First time offenders who have accepted the conditions of salvation understand that they have to pay back 4 or 5 times what they stole in order to be restored to a position of not guilty due to proper correction. Once proper correction is accomplished, there should no longer be a record of their sin. Since human sourts do not properly correct thieves, their sin remains on the records even after serving times of incarceration to serve false gods systems.
G) If you packed up all of your most important gifts in a treasure box in case you have to exit your house quickly, that proves seeing the gift does not mean as much as remembering the gift. Once you put yur most important keepsakes out of sight, you actually have learned to live without them already and the loss of them by natural disaster should not be grievous as long as you remember the kindness extended from the gift giver.
D) A foolish family got very upset when I accidently broke an overpriced trinket, namely a crystal idol, while I was doing free labor for the foolish Richard Peterson family of Mosinee. Even though I replaced their idol due to their angry disposition, when a marriage was breaking apart the Peterson's didn't seem concerned enough to try to prevent a marriage covenant from breaking. People who put more value on their family heirlooms than on their family marriage success rates value things more than they value character, integrity, love of God, love of faithfulness and holiness. Divorce petitioners who steal or force away family heirlooms from their spouse are guilty of more than hating God, they also hate justice and kindness due to their selfishness.
H) Keeping point D in mind, I have gifts that I have managed to keep even though a Nazi-type regime of attorneys and ex-husband unfairly and wrongly kept more than they should have from me. Those gifts might get blown away in a tornado or a war, but woe, plagues and severe agony should be directed toward any person that tries to steal from me again. Items such as Boyd's bears might be dust collectors to some and toys to a child, but certainly are not necessary to survive. My son gave me gifts in a period of time when he appreciated me to honor me, and since he has discarded the foundation delivered at Mt. Sinai to the Israelites, he also has stopped giving me any gifts. His spirit has changed due to too much dabbling in tattoos and other behaviors that are contrary to the directives for a real saint. My spirit of discernment helps me realize it is my son that has chosen to disobey God and as a result he lacks kindness toward me; without anyone honest enough or strong enough to correct my son, he is not going to be able to attain a label of ' not guilty due to proper correction'.
V) Selling or regifting items that were given to you in sincerity is terrible etiquette, but if a natural disaster destroys the possessions, remember the blessing that were given to the midwives who saved the Hebrew infants during the times of Moses. It is recorded that because they FEARED GOD and refused to destroy what the local government ordered them to destroy, they obtained favor in housing situations. Let this be a sober reminder to you as it is to me that ONE comfortable house to help accomplish tasks required while serving the true God is part of a reward system, not an undeserved favor. No person will ever be properly sheltered or saved by a medal or a jeweled crown, not matter who gave it to them or how they 'earned it'. It's time to trsh the whole concept of mythology and anti-holy creativity delivered by the writers and actors in 'The Wizard of Oz'.
Z) If you are retaining a gift given to you by a former friend who is now an enemy, make sure it is practical and usable, or else donate it to some charity. Wedding rings typify what can be done with gift from enemies once they have broken the vows attached to the gift; some people launch them into the garbage and others sell them for far below what it cost the vow-breaker.
C) Day 396 will be April 23rd, the 14th day of the first month of the Hebrew year and the day a passover meal is to be prepared for the elect of HVHY. As day 396 is approaching in the beginning of a day-by-day second year hard count, notice that Strong's bible word 396 is tied to food, and 396 goals by a hockey defenseman named Paul Coffey is a fact, not a created myth. The fact that he warmed up a plate of Chinese food leftovers for me will not be forgotten, just as any falsely accused prisoner might never forget a kind prison guard or the daily rations of clean food that might have helped them survive long enough to endure their time of personal trials and harsh tribulation. The gift of hospitality gien should be precious to the receiever, just as the gift of the instrcutions of HVHY to his people should be precious to the receiver. Footballs,bowling balls, baseballs,billiard balls, pucks and golf balls are easily replaced, not food, and are not required for salvation and therefore are not precious in the sight of the LORD, even though some fools iterally fight over them with more ferocity they they's try to resist the temptation to sin. The stones designated for the tribes of Israel are precious in the sight of the LORD, and investing in them is not foolish; be careful not to overpay for them however, since cut stones are actually less valuable than natural uncut stones in the sight of the LORD of the urim and thummim system.
Too much anti-commandment creativity leads to as much stupidity and ignorance as there is in any computer game which ultimately wastes time and seriously reduces your ability to accept reality and face real enemies or adversaries properly.
Friday, April 15, 2016
The End of Lion Day 745
For some reason, a son named Archelaus swayed Joseph from Judea to Nazarth. For some reason, I sent a letter to a Protestant in France today, and it might get interecepted by an enemy, so I'll post a copy of it in public in a manner less disorderly than Martin Luther's posting to German Catholics.
The majority of a letter from me to my son, Richard:
"Tone: optimistic
I trust that your prayers were answered about Havalah's breathing and it has improved. I wanted to make sure that you know that my concerns about you are genuine, but to be honest I contemplate much and am trying to consider weightier matters. Since you do not really keep in somewhat regular contact or seek my advice, do you think that my prayers for your family would have mattered? I don't know the answer to that, and not knowing is better than praying with the wrong spirit, so it not a sin to refrain from a request from time to time and see just how a child reacts.
I know that my God rejects some of my requests to test me and to correct me from time to time. Parenting gets more difficult when there isn't a reliable and trustworthy 2-way relationship in order, which is why so many people have drawn back rather than pulled ahead in their steps of faith and in their obedience to instruxtions that were given as a free gift for us to apply to our daily life.
Today, a couple birthdays have come to mind. One is a baseball player by the name of David Justice (April 14th) and I earned a Justice jersey when a former friend offered it to me as a prize if I skied down a difficult slope at Rib Mountain, which I did. It wasn't a free gift, I did earn the small reward and the word 'Justice' is also the name of a person, just like there were 3 Marshall football players who played with Randy Moss named, Grace #4,Kelly (#84) and Love (#26). It is important to remember your past, and you may not believe this but it is more important to remember who your enemies than who your friends are because your friends won't try to deceive you or attack you, even if they have been distant and gone for years.
Birthdays on April 15th include on of my best memories, a special man named Sergei Krivokrasiv who I named my DARE bear after. Mixed memories come up because that is also the birthday of Nathan and Jarob's father, and even though I tried to mend some fences, if nothing else for my high school's history, even he did not want to pick up the ice box that his father worked so hard on when it was offered to him. Sometimes, I do not understand why people reject a free gift or the return of a family antique and other people such as me, have not been able to recover what has been stolen from us that really mattered. Those possessing that which was obtained with malice and cruelty and often in violation of the law is evidence against them in the heavenly places, even if the typical world court system doesn't care about the long term consequences of cheating families out of their proper inheritances.
Lastly, I spoke with a woman who has had a difficult life by the name of Audrey. She mentioned that she has two close relatives, one of them named Charise and one of them named Qeset, and of course I remembered your older sibling. She suggested that if I do not know what to pray for, just pray for 'God' perfect will' in a situation, but I already believe that will occur in the lives of his true sealed saints whether or not I pray for it. I will pray for your family, and although there is no need to share specifics, I will be praying very sincerely that certain situations get resolved according to my Father's perfect will.
I plan to keep the feast of passover at my home with sobriety and undoubtedly alone. Last year, I had a serious injury to the foot on the morning I was to travel away just as my Hebrew forefathers did, and ideallly this year's remembrance will be without any wounds. I then will travel ( ....) and that helps me never to get too attached to the locatinon of any house I dwell in . Circumstances can change as quickly as it did for Moses or Joseph. Peace in my home is not easy to achieve just because there is no one else in my household, but safety and peace are two very important goals in any household, no matter how many people reside in it. I believe that in keeping the passover feast that my fear of the LORD is firmly established and that although tragedy might occur nearby that my GOD will protect me as he has in the past so many times or will mercifully shorten my days if that is according to His perfect will.
I will try to write at least once month if I do not hear from you; there was a time that I wrote to Eric and Ashley (children of Linda Maria Meyer Hendrikson Costa and step children of Jim Costa of Wittenberg) many times and their lack of response lead me to believe they didn't appreciate my efforts to remind them that they were thought of. Some or all of the letters got intercepted, but I don't think our emails are getting intercepted even if they are being monitored. I sometimes wonder if now that you are both parents, if either of you will claim that the way your children turn out has nothing to do with either one of you. Untrue words spoken in haste do not just go away, just as every jot and yod in the TORAH has not gone away. Try to remember this truth: going back to the source of a problem is as serious as going back to a crime scene to collect evidence in order to convict the guilty or as serious as trying to understand how Joseph handled the situation with his brothers and untrue words uttered by Potipher's wife.
Get rest, and continue to pray for understanding and wisdom.
Love, Mom
tone: as calm as the eye of a hurricane, even though there may be turmoil elsewhere"
Tones can change during a letter just as a the weather changes in St. Kitts and Nevis.
The majority of a letter from me to my son, Richard:
"Tone: optimistic
I trust that your prayers were answered about Havalah's breathing and it has improved. I wanted to make sure that you know that my concerns about you are genuine, but to be honest I contemplate much and am trying to consider weightier matters. Since you do not really keep in somewhat regular contact or seek my advice, do you think that my prayers for your family would have mattered? I don't know the answer to that, and not knowing is better than praying with the wrong spirit, so it not a sin to refrain from a request from time to time and see just how a child reacts.
I know that my God rejects some of my requests to test me and to correct me from time to time. Parenting gets more difficult when there isn't a reliable and trustworthy 2-way relationship in order, which is why so many people have drawn back rather than pulled ahead in their steps of faith and in their obedience to instruxtions that were given as a free gift for us to apply to our daily life.
Today, a couple birthdays have come to mind. One is a baseball player by the name of David Justice (April 14th) and I earned a Justice jersey when a former friend offered it to me as a prize if I skied down a difficult slope at Rib Mountain, which I did. It wasn't a free gift, I did earn the small reward and the word 'Justice' is also the name of a person, just like there were 3 Marshall football players who played with Randy Moss named, Grace #4,Kelly (#84) and Love (#26). It is important to remember your past, and you may not believe this but it is more important to remember who your enemies than who your friends are because your friends won't try to deceive you or attack you, even if they have been distant and gone for years.
Birthdays on April 15th include on of my best memories, a special man named Sergei Krivokrasiv who I named my DARE bear after. Mixed memories come up because that is also the birthday of Nathan and Jarob's father, and even though I tried to mend some fences, if nothing else for my high school's history, even he did not want to pick up the ice box that his father worked so hard on when it was offered to him. Sometimes, I do not understand why people reject a free gift or the return of a family antique and other people such as me, have not been able to recover what has been stolen from us that really mattered. Those possessing that which was obtained with malice and cruelty and often in violation of the law is evidence against them in the heavenly places, even if the typical world court system doesn't care about the long term consequences of cheating families out of their proper inheritances.
Lastly, I spoke with a woman who has had a difficult life by the name of Audrey. She mentioned that she has two close relatives, one of them named Charise and one of them named Qeset, and of course I remembered your older sibling. She suggested that if I do not know what to pray for, just pray for 'God' perfect will' in a situation, but I already believe that will occur in the lives of his true sealed saints whether or not I pray for it. I will pray for your family, and although there is no need to share specifics, I will be praying very sincerely that certain situations get resolved according to my Father's perfect will.
I plan to keep the feast of passover at my home with sobriety and undoubtedly alone. Last year, I had a serious injury to the foot on the morning I was to travel away just as my Hebrew forefathers did, and ideallly this year's remembrance will be without any wounds. I then will travel ( ....) and that helps me never to get too attached to the locatinon of any house I dwell in . Circumstances can change as quickly as it did for Moses or Joseph. Peace in my home is not easy to achieve just because there is no one else in my household, but safety and peace are two very important goals in any household, no matter how many people reside in it. I believe that in keeping the passover feast that my fear of the LORD is firmly established and that although tragedy might occur nearby that my GOD will protect me as he has in the past so many times or will mercifully shorten my days if that is according to His perfect will.
I will try to write at least once month if I do not hear from you; there was a time that I wrote to Eric and Ashley (children of Linda Maria Meyer Hendrikson Costa and step children of Jim Costa of Wittenberg) many times and their lack of response lead me to believe they didn't appreciate my efforts to remind them that they were thought of. Some or all of the letters got intercepted, but I don't think our emails are getting intercepted even if they are being monitored. I sometimes wonder if now that you are both parents, if either of you will claim that the way your children turn out has nothing to do with either one of you. Untrue words spoken in haste do not just go away, just as every jot and yod in the TORAH has not gone away. Try to remember this truth: going back to the source of a problem is as serious as going back to a crime scene to collect evidence in order to convict the guilty or as serious as trying to understand how Joseph handled the situation with his brothers and untrue words uttered by Potipher's wife.
Get rest, and continue to pray for understanding and wisdom.
Love, Mom
tone: as calm as the eye of a hurricane, even though there may be turmoil elsewhere"
Tones can change during a letter just as a the weather changes in St. Kitts and Nevis.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
CIB 124 AuSTiN Crackers, Gail And Polly Read Alert
Read through to the end if you want a very interesting possibility not seem any more frightening than the Louisiana purchase.
Since I do not base my activities or thinking on the year of the monkey lines, this year or varied barley reports and varied sighting of the new moon reports has put a 4 way split on the biblical calender, and BIble tresulting people have a 25% chance of being correct on Shavuot, which is equal to a year of chaos. Actually, this makes it much more difficult for the enemies of the true HVHY to be very unsure of just who the elect of HVHY are, since the elect will not be deceived about important days such as Yom Kippur, Shavuot and the beginning of non-monkey calendars. This actually takes a lot of pressure off the people who are as accurate as an AuSTin cracker from a Charlotte, NC plant area.
When certain nams come up in my memory bank, they are resurrected for a reason. Today, I remembered a man named Russ who was married to a female named Katie, and Katie became the 'geirlfriend of' Kelly Oehler after going on a Christian mission trip to Louisiana. I would say that Katie and Kelly committed a more treacherous move than I have ever seen or been part of in the Illinois State Trooper School during a DARE program. Wise women do avoid becoming a concubine for a married man even though it is difficult to avoid tempation when you realize are unloved by your spouse or when you have unproven suspicions that your spouse has been unfaithful beyond a reasonable doubt. The act of kissing another person is not unforgivable, but indeed the act of mating with another person who is not your spouse is far less likely to be forgiven by a saint or a spouse with above average moral standards.
There is no reason that I should discontinue my warfare against those who have lied to me, stolen from me and abused me after I became a saint by definition, since it is only by proper warfare that I might cause the least guilty to repent sooner than the most guilty would try to seek my forgiveness and restore fourfold what they attained from me by criminal and anti-Christ means.
Area code 405 is not as valuable in my eyes as Jaromir Jagr, since an area code can be changed and only cause problems for those who have business cards and similar stocks of printed materials that have cost them about as muich as my 'Interiors Department, INC' cards cost me that were stolen by an employee/felony suspect Shane David Hendrikson, when he quit my company and set up another company with stolen materials, namely 'Shane's Interior Department, LLC'. The State of Wisconsin is party to his crime for allowing him to start another corporation without my consent after he filed for divorce. GUIlt of a state government does not go away easily, and the State of Wisconsin could have prevented a snowball effect of problems easier than Rick Snyder could have prevented troubles in the archaic Flint, MIchigan water supply lines. Often the people who are the most guilty point their fingers at the least guilty parties, but the elect of HVHY do know who to cast out of the 'trusted friend' circles and let them be examined by dogs like Jezebel.
Some idiot claimed that describing myself as sane, competent and unique was an arrogant description, but the same male also got angry when I called him a good Catholic after he listed himself as a Catholic. He might be one of those very guilty males who is sharp enough to stab someone in the back but not sharp enough to understand that there are people who are directly opposed to Catholics and Christians with lukewarm spirits who also tend to have cruel or ridiculous responses to facts. The fact is that according to the book of Exodus, the beginning of the year is based on 2 identifying natural factors, and in that case, the earth does help the true church to avoid being pulled back into the 'beast' system. I have chosen to believe the reports of a Kerite and a former Protestant leader, not MIchael Rood or a group of people on the internet who I never met in person. I have a 25% chance of believing the right report, and that is about how it goes when people accuse other people of any other crime or label them with a medical condition. What one doctor might refer to as 'Holy Spirit filled' nnother doctor might label as 'mentally ill', and then try to convince them that drug use will make them more acceptable in the typical unholy family.
There are no signs of hope for the United States on the presidential ballot, only choices of very unholy family members trying to rise to power in a very unholy and disgusting manner. Don't be too alarmed if a real war breaks out, a state of emergency is declared, and as a result Barack Obama and Joe Biden remain in office while they keep trying to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling, since they probably would keep trying to avoid a Nazi regime taking over in the United States. Keeping Obama in the White House might be better than letting him loose in the United Nations and really ruining the state of 'status quo' he has attained with the wrong seal system.
'Missy Gold' is the wrong lining system for those who are trying to understand Tunnel King lines and absurd weather systems. If you have attained a state of safety, peace with HVHY is only attained by choosing to obey the commandments to the best of your ability in a state of sobriety. Remember, all drugs, whether legal or illegal, do prevent or severly reduce a proper state of sobriety to a degree far more dangerous than a single shot of Jose Cuervo.
People like Zak and Becky Alwin seemed to do no good when the unfaithful criminals in Woodlands Church kept entering their church doors and people like me had their pleas for help against a cheating and lying spouse ignored. Indeed, men like Win Parkinson are better suited for the kingdom of God than a Zak Alwin hireling type. Teachers of facts should be considered more valuable to society than religious cult people who clutch onto their Bibles and hymnals while they continually teach against the life-saving laws preached by Moses, Eldad and Medad types.
Since I do not base my activities or thinking on the year of the monkey lines, this year or varied barley reports and varied sighting of the new moon reports has put a 4 way split on the biblical calender, and BIble tresulting people have a 25% chance of being correct on Shavuot, which is equal to a year of chaos. Actually, this makes it much more difficult for the enemies of the true HVHY to be very unsure of just who the elect of HVHY are, since the elect will not be deceived about important days such as Yom Kippur, Shavuot and the beginning of non-monkey calendars. This actually takes a lot of pressure off the people who are as accurate as an AuSTin cracker from a Charlotte, NC plant area.
When certain nams come up in my memory bank, they are resurrected for a reason. Today, I remembered a man named Russ who was married to a female named Katie, and Katie became the 'geirlfriend of' Kelly Oehler after going on a Christian mission trip to Louisiana. I would say that Katie and Kelly committed a more treacherous move than I have ever seen or been part of in the Illinois State Trooper School during a DARE program. Wise women do avoid becoming a concubine for a married man even though it is difficult to avoid tempation when you realize are unloved by your spouse or when you have unproven suspicions that your spouse has been unfaithful beyond a reasonable doubt. The act of kissing another person is not unforgivable, but indeed the act of mating with another person who is not your spouse is far less likely to be forgiven by a saint or a spouse with above average moral standards.
There is no reason that I should discontinue my warfare against those who have lied to me, stolen from me and abused me after I became a saint by definition, since it is only by proper warfare that I might cause the least guilty to repent sooner than the most guilty would try to seek my forgiveness and restore fourfold what they attained from me by criminal and anti-Christ means.
Area code 405 is not as valuable in my eyes as Jaromir Jagr, since an area code can be changed and only cause problems for those who have business cards and similar stocks of printed materials that have cost them about as muich as my 'Interiors Department, INC' cards cost me that were stolen by an employee/felony suspect Shane David Hendrikson, when he quit my company and set up another company with stolen materials, namely 'Shane's Interior Department, LLC'. The State of Wisconsin is party to his crime for allowing him to start another corporation without my consent after he filed for divorce. GUIlt of a state government does not go away easily, and the State of Wisconsin could have prevented a snowball effect of problems easier than Rick Snyder could have prevented troubles in the archaic Flint, MIchigan water supply lines. Often the people who are the most guilty point their fingers at the least guilty parties, but the elect of HVHY do know who to cast out of the 'trusted friend' circles and let them be examined by dogs like Jezebel.
Some idiot claimed that describing myself as sane, competent and unique was an arrogant description, but the same male also got angry when I called him a good Catholic after he listed himself as a Catholic. He might be one of those very guilty males who is sharp enough to stab someone in the back but not sharp enough to understand that there are people who are directly opposed to Catholics and Christians with lukewarm spirits who also tend to have cruel or ridiculous responses to facts. The fact is that according to the book of Exodus, the beginning of the year is based on 2 identifying natural factors, and in that case, the earth does help the true church to avoid being pulled back into the 'beast' system. I have chosen to believe the reports of a Kerite and a former Protestant leader, not MIchael Rood or a group of people on the internet who I never met in person. I have a 25% chance of believing the right report, and that is about how it goes when people accuse other people of any other crime or label them with a medical condition. What one doctor might refer to as 'Holy Spirit filled' nnother doctor might label as 'mentally ill', and then try to convince them that drug use will make them more acceptable in the typical unholy family.
There are no signs of hope for the United States on the presidential ballot, only choices of very unholy family members trying to rise to power in a very unholy and disgusting manner. Don't be too alarmed if a real war breaks out, a state of emergency is declared, and as a result Barack Obama and Joe Biden remain in office while they keep trying to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling, since they probably would keep trying to avoid a Nazi regime taking over in the United States. Keeping Obama in the White House might be better than letting him loose in the United Nations and really ruining the state of 'status quo' he has attained with the wrong seal system.
'Missy Gold' is the wrong lining system for those who are trying to understand Tunnel King lines and absurd weather systems. If you have attained a state of safety, peace with HVHY is only attained by choosing to obey the commandments to the best of your ability in a state of sobriety. Remember, all drugs, whether legal or illegal, do prevent or severly reduce a proper state of sobriety to a degree far more dangerous than a single shot of Jose Cuervo.
People like Zak and Becky Alwin seemed to do no good when the unfaithful criminals in Woodlands Church kept entering their church doors and people like me had their pleas for help against a cheating and lying spouse ignored. Indeed, men like Win Parkinson are better suited for the kingdom of God than a Zak Alwin hireling type. Teachers of facts should be considered more valuable to society than religious cult people who clutch onto their Bibles and hymnals while they continually teach against the life-saving laws preached by Moses, Eldad and Medad types.
Friday, April 8, 2016
Practical Serious Response to a Request for Prayer
I just read your prayer request today, but had I read it in March, my response would have been the same. I do not want to try to 'pray away' any trials, suffering or difficulties you or your family is going through. The concept of prayer is very serious, but far too many people try to pray against the will of the LORD, and I am not going to take that chance.
Indeed, I do know what it is to suffer from shortness of breath, fear and trembling when doors were shut on me when I sought peace and safety. I suspect more people have laughed at me than have prayed for me in the past years, but a few such as Dean Noonan (back in 1995) and Herb Coussons, the doctor who performed my hysterectomy (after my only visit to France) with perfection and helped my problems with anemia to be eliminated, prayed with me and for me i earnest. Since math is my strong point, I did a bit of math involving Peter's epistles. it seems that if a day is as a thousand years, that about a half an hour of silence in heaven is about 20.83 YEARS, which is about how long it has been since we moved to Mosinee in the fall of 1996. I believe this is going to be pivotal year, and it often does seem like only about half an hour since we packed up and moved from Delaware Street to 1602 Mary Lane in fear and anxiety, not with very much joy or hope.
I do pray for many things, and because of that I have been blessed with the restoration of a sound mind, often a brilliant attitude toward my enemies and a very loyal love for my trusted companions and friends that have chosen to stand by me and with me in very difficult hours.
'How long. O Lord?' might actually be almost 21 years of patiently waiting for the dispensation of the wrath of my God on those who refused to believe men like Moses, Eldad and Medad and who have chosen to form their own religious systems. If I meet my granddaughter currently known as Havalah Hendrikson' in person, I will pray for her on that day without regret and without hypocrisy. Names change, and so do hearts that have been either softened or hardened by intentional tests that my God, , known as Yod Hey Vav Hey' or HVHY as a short right to left English translation, delivers to the nations in the time or the most crucial hour of testing.. An hour of testing to HVHY might be like 42 years on earth. Prophecy is not to be discarded just because it seems unfavorable at times.
I love you, and am very concerned about you, Richard. I continue to be God-fearing as a church of Philadelphia mindset should be, and thankfully I will never again be counted with the liars, whoremongers, fearful or unbelieving even though I might be surrounded by them from time to time.
'Plenty of Fish' Versus Sitting in a Boat Fishing
As it is in my family's fishing history, so it s now in date lines and reality. There used to be a time, about 40 or 50 years ago, when you could go fishing for a couple of hours, try to feed your family and end up with clean fish to eat for supper without wasting thousand of dollars on gear that eventually gets lost or broken. It was also easier to locate decent people 40 or 50 years ago who weren't abused, 'caught and released' in the very sad divorce games of chance that rarely are for the good of a family.
Since I am no longer tied to any arrogant fishing fanatics, who waste houra in an expensive boat to hook and damage some animal they do not intend to consume, occasionally I spend a couple hours on a free site called 'Plenty of Fish'. MOst of the people on those sights are not saints by any means, but it is no less risky and can be even more entertaining than sitting in a boat and ultimately acomplishing no good works, typical of "Bassmaster' type and fishing competition err lines. I might learn a few things about another human being by doing a short correspondence with them, and a lot of decent single people are 'just plain lonely, not stupid' on free dating sites.
The chance of a success story via a computer dating site is very slim, but if you use discretion, it still can be of more value in learning than sitting in a boat, shivering and trying to catch fish that you could have bought from a local store by someone trying to earn a living by being a real fisherman, just like a few of the old apostles used to do.
A real fish often is attracted to the available bait once and then disappears permanently, just like on 'Plenty of Fish'. A real fish might have been caught and released so many times it is no longer interested in your bait at all and is only looking around for visual entertainment, which can lead to very dangerous predatory methodists who have no interest in providing real food or money to contribute to your household. People who want companionship but do not want to mate often are mislabeled as 'no fun' or 'holy rollers' when in fact they should be called wise and singled out for some reason, either lack of like-minded potential spouse options or eventual lack of hope in catching a 'real keeper' that wasn't appreciated by another. A woman who keeps the commandments, keeps a neat and tidy house, cooks well and has intergrity is often discouraged when those who are the opposite of her seem to attract the rich, healthy and attractive men, but being the discouraged won't change the patterns of good behaviors of a virtuous woman, as described in Proverbs Chapter 31.
I saw the word 'primitive' on a short yesterday, and I remembered a class I volunteered to give to try to teach 'CHristian; women how to cater to their husband's decor tastes and I used various term including 'primitive' in a basic multiple choice test designed to try to bring two people to mutual agreement in decor. That work seemed to have been in vain for me, and I was only abused, caught and release by a group of people who proved they did not love me even thought they were willing to take from me what I had to offer.
Sadness is not a crime and is not a disease. Spending some time trying to find comanionship is a way to overcome discouragement, even if good results never arrive before your actual heart stops pumping. When you learn to be content telling someone or hearing from someone ' You are not someone I desire to tisk my emotions with' peace and safety to you'.' you have learned to be content with the truth and a way of life that is less risky than playing the role of a concubine or a hooker, only to end up used emotionally bruised and uncared for once again by a promise breaker.
Someone asked if I was 'normal' after reading my written 'bait' on 'Plenty of Fish'. Normal is 98.6 to some, but thankfullt I am sane, competent, brilliant and unique, even when I feel extremely sad. I am not impressed with report's from my son in his very unholy version of 'fospel spreading' and his report to me that my granddaughter, 'Havalah' is having breathing problems didn't affect me at all since I do not know her at all. Why would a son ask me to pray for his family when that son rejected me when I sought a place of safety wouldn't take the time to visit me when I was suffering, sad, lonely and a victim of a crime? I am not a false teacher or a paid pastor who will pretend to care about or be able to change a complete strangers situation by a token prayer. That's might sound lukewarm to some, but it actually either a very cold or very hot response to my daughter-in-law's family situation which happens to be a family I am not really wanted in or part of by their planning, not by a 'big bang' that sent them away from the Truth and the commandments of HVHY and into the deceptive but often lucrative grips of man-made religion systems and mythological extensions of idolatry.
My son has become a paid professional worker of iniquity, and that fact remains as hard truth for a mother whose love has been rejected to handle properly. I will not try to 'pray away' sickness, disease, trials and troubles from my son or his family's household, especially since he has not yet even chosen to obey the most basic commandments properly As the start of a new biblical year is only a day or 2 away, I, like a few others have to persevere to fight evil, fight hypocrites, expose liars and in the process continue to live by the rules for real saints who are not drawn offside by the the simple use of the word 'angels'. Now I must figure out a way to respond to my son's family, the self proclaimed 'angels' who are not really on the LORD of Israel's side.
Since I am no longer tied to any arrogant fishing fanatics, who waste houra in an expensive boat to hook and damage some animal they do not intend to consume, occasionally I spend a couple hours on a free site called 'Plenty of Fish'. MOst of the people on those sights are not saints by any means, but it is no less risky and can be even more entertaining than sitting in a boat and ultimately acomplishing no good works, typical of "Bassmaster' type and fishing competition err lines. I might learn a few things about another human being by doing a short correspondence with them, and a lot of decent single people are 'just plain lonely, not stupid' on free dating sites.
The chance of a success story via a computer dating site is very slim, but if you use discretion, it still can be of more value in learning than sitting in a boat, shivering and trying to catch fish that you could have bought from a local store by someone trying to earn a living by being a real fisherman, just like a few of the old apostles used to do.
A real fish often is attracted to the available bait once and then disappears permanently, just like on 'Plenty of Fish'. A real fish might have been caught and released so many times it is no longer interested in your bait at all and is only looking around for visual entertainment, which can lead to very dangerous predatory methodists who have no interest in providing real food or money to contribute to your household. People who want companionship but do not want to mate often are mislabeled as 'no fun' or 'holy rollers' when in fact they should be called wise and singled out for some reason, either lack of like-minded potential spouse options or eventual lack of hope in catching a 'real keeper' that wasn't appreciated by another. A woman who keeps the commandments, keeps a neat and tidy house, cooks well and has intergrity is often discouraged when those who are the opposite of her seem to attract the rich, healthy and attractive men, but being the discouraged won't change the patterns of good behaviors of a virtuous woman, as described in Proverbs Chapter 31.
I saw the word 'primitive' on a short yesterday, and I remembered a class I volunteered to give to try to teach 'CHristian; women how to cater to their husband's decor tastes and I used various term including 'primitive' in a basic multiple choice test designed to try to bring two people to mutual agreement in decor. That work seemed to have been in vain for me, and I was only abused, caught and release by a group of people who proved they did not love me even thought they were willing to take from me what I had to offer.
Sadness is not a crime and is not a disease. Spending some time trying to find comanionship is a way to overcome discouragement, even if good results never arrive before your actual heart stops pumping. When you learn to be content telling someone or hearing from someone ' You are not someone I desire to tisk my emotions with' peace and safety to you'.' you have learned to be content with the truth and a way of life that is less risky than playing the role of a concubine or a hooker, only to end up used emotionally bruised and uncared for once again by a promise breaker.
Someone asked if I was 'normal' after reading my written 'bait' on 'Plenty of Fish'. Normal is 98.6 to some, but thankfullt I am sane, competent, brilliant and unique, even when I feel extremely sad. I am not impressed with report's from my son in his very unholy version of 'fospel spreading' and his report to me that my granddaughter, 'Havalah' is having breathing problems didn't affect me at all since I do not know her at all. Why would a son ask me to pray for his family when that son rejected me when I sought a place of safety wouldn't take the time to visit me when I was suffering, sad, lonely and a victim of a crime? I am not a false teacher or a paid pastor who will pretend to care about or be able to change a complete strangers situation by a token prayer. That's might sound lukewarm to some, but it actually either a very cold or very hot response to my daughter-in-law's family situation which happens to be a family I am not really wanted in or part of by their planning, not by a 'big bang' that sent them away from the Truth and the commandments of HVHY and into the deceptive but often lucrative grips of man-made religion systems and mythological extensions of idolatry.
My son has become a paid professional worker of iniquity, and that fact remains as hard truth for a mother whose love has been rejected to handle properly. I will not try to 'pray away' sickness, disease, trials and troubles from my son or his family's household, especially since he has not yet even chosen to obey the most basic commandments properly As the start of a new biblical year is only a day or 2 away, I, like a few others have to persevere to fight evil, fight hypocrites, expose liars and in the process continue to live by the rules for real saints who are not drawn offside by the the simple use of the word 'angels'. Now I must figure out a way to respond to my son's family, the self proclaimed 'angels' who are not really on the LORD of Israel's side.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
'Mickey Mouse' Loses To Felix the Goalie
When trying to use good black CAT skills in a Redwing area, diplomacy is as important as the phrase:
Think Safety First.'
It is a fact that there is not yet peace on earth, but there are many wars on earth. I went to see a kind friend, Natalie, and lo and behold, there was Michael Redmond,, the man who erred in his speech but still a man that might be correctable. People stuck in a Detroit Redwing cult forget there are Redwing shoes and Redwing crocks that assist real saints more than the Detroit Redwings do in physical tests.
Mickey Redmond thought my Philadelphia Flyer Jersey was the 'Jeff Carter' edition, and I suggested he should wash his mouth out with a Dove bar since I was wearing actually the Paul Coffey edition of 'Philadelphia Flyers 77'. A Dove bar is similar to a tribe of Dan Hammond line, and indeed I did not suggest that he sin. Twizzlers would have been the wrong suggestion and Lava soap has a bad reputation. I found out Redmond is not Jewish with a few direct questions, and he was smart enough not to waste his money on an attorney before telling me he has a Scottish and had some Irish in his spring steps. Since he had mentioned some bar mitzvah ceremonies earlier in a televised interview, I am thankful he is not Jewish, because he still is falling short in some keystone areas.
Saying the Detroit Redwings 'kicked their ass' referring to the Philadelphia Flyers was an exaggeration. A 3 to 0 loss is not that huge of a victory, and I reminded him that Pharaoh also lost after winning a few serious battles against the Hebrews. I had to remind his that Yul Brynner pretended to be the Pharaoh I was referring to, not 'Mia Farrow'. The Philadelphia Flyers have a decent coach, and losing with a decent coach is better than winning with an arrogant or a spiritually inept coach who only thinks that physical games matter. If the Flyers will live up to the name of the churhc of Philadelphia, the Sylvester Stallone plan is not the path they need to remain on. Diligent attention to the 6th letter of the Hebrew law is as important as being able to recognize that 16 is tied to Karl Ratzinger, Tennessee, Abraham Lincoln and 1602 Mary Lane, but the number 16 is not as imprtant as the number 26 when fighting war beasts who have USA military backgrounds which cause them to left themselves up in their own mind rather than humble themselves and repent for the many times they used excessive force rather than fasting and praying for a nation that should have learned how to bless God by now rather than expecting God to bless America.
A 'Physical' game alone is only about as important as Olivia Newton John boys town games and the war of beer # 181026, but it is in the spiritual games that strong safety plans really does matter. If you can find a humans that admits that Bud Light is inderior to Pabst ot Schlitz, you will have heard the truth in a spiritual war. Big money and big corporations rarely will steer you toward holiness and the proper ship and Shore line that is not tied to Normandy, France anymore. There's people that pass physical tests and then fail to take care of their weaker family members properly as they build up their wealth instead of humbling themselves and trying to understand the dilemma of living in nations that really push more harmful products on television than a Bible ever could.
A few rules of UCLA, USC, NIT, LSU and VMI seem to be necessary to keep a Polly Read differentiated from a Jake Reed. If you read the history of Max Baer vs. Frankie Campbell, all it proves is that when people earn money to fight it is often much worse than receiving a disorderly conduct fine. The whole concept of boxing for anything other than necessary self-defense is deranged as Arnold Schwartzenegger films at mind and at heart. Boxing matches, usually promoted by swine-filled Las Vegas types, are as terrible as throwing 'Christians' into arenas with lions, and to a sanctified saint trying to injure another person to earn money is SIN, not the way to salvation. Real defense starts at the mind, and the head should be protected in order to properly know what to protect below the belt lines.
If you manage your own safety system knowing there is no peace int eh world yet because too many people do not believe in the method of operation delivered to the Hebrews after they were released from Egypt, you have a difficult task. On occasion, an enemy might try to get back into your safety system but only you know who is really on your side. Seeing a Army veteran who did not even have the courage to tell the staff the Macomb Ice rink that I was not a danger to anyone there and in fact knew more about sound defense than he did is not the same as seeing a real friend. I recognized the teal Ford pick-up with a MIchigan plate ending in 5288 and I immediately knew enough to think about my own safety and put out a 'enemy alert' on him. Turning the tables over on veterans who brag about their past but won't speak up and tell the truth because they might lose some priveleges in areas where they are wrongly idolized is fine. It takes more than an apology to correct every intenional sin,and failing to defend the Truth is a sin.
When you ask a person to strike you and you say they will receive a blessing if they do, the blessing is delivered when you choose not to strike the person who hit you. When a person chooses not to retaliate after receiving a blow to the body, the offense gets a temporary blessing that does not carry over into the next battle. When a person steals from you, it is not proper to 'let it go' according to Scripture because you are not helping your family and without warning the people who stole from you their sins become your burden. I have warned many people who stole from me that venues change, and a day divorce court is easy compared to facing real gang bangers in alleys at night or suffering through years while your own children choose a lifestyle that is contrary to biblical precepts, statutes and judgments because they believed a liar instead of believing the existing perfect Lawgiver, sometimes referred to as 'I Am'. The results of using excessive force against a spouse you do not love in divorce court is as evil as using excessive force and stealing from any other neighbor to 'get what you want', and what most petitioners desire in United States divorce courts is not equal to the pursuit of holiness and righteousness that might have been attained by working out their family salvation with fear and trembling by properly recalling their vows before many witnesses.
As it was with Aaron, we cannot always save our children from the errs of their ways, and then there are sorrowful fathers and sorrowful mothers hanging on to genuine faith and the hope that their children will get rebuked and restored before they commit another sin.
Mickey Mouse systems do not promote Truth; I suspect that Michael Redmond might be more careful in his speech, but sometimes the older they are, the sooner they fall for real lies among their circle of non-Israel friends. If I teach him something correct and good, I am delivering something better than a dead octopus to his 'turf'. Redmond did admit that the Penguins have a tough team, but I'm not sure they can yet be described as 'good' since good has to include keeping the commandments of HVHY on and off the ice. Defending your body is not breaking a commandment, but attacking someone else for a paycheck leads to ice folly typified by Tanya Harding types.
Why it comes to Dove bars, there is soap and there is chocolate, and both of those options in the mouth are better than a slice of porked pizza, Easter stupidity and a can of Coca-Cola if you are still fighting the 'Tophet' and Ham types like a holy prophet or sealed saint should. If Redmond is John Scott-ish' he's taking a wrong turn at 28, MOntreal lines and nickel, but that's his male adult step problem, not mine. A seventh inning Simeon stretch (seal order) is more likely to save you than 'baby steps' and movie lines that are often as blasphemous as George Burns. I refuse to eat pie when I feel sad and lonely so I don't end up as pathetic as 'Paul Blart' in heathen movie roles that shouldn't have been filled sooner than MIlwaukee County forced Todd Jackson to cough up overdue child support to me.
MIckey Redmond is not a danger to me, and I might even call him a friend, but 'Dangermouse' or 'Tom and Jerry' is still superior to 'Mickey Mouse' clubs in a comic card game which now includes 'Felix', a biblical name that is also tied to a wonderful CAT line.
Think Safety First.'
It is a fact that there is not yet peace on earth, but there are many wars on earth. I went to see a kind friend, Natalie, and lo and behold, there was Michael Redmond,, the man who erred in his speech but still a man that might be correctable. People stuck in a Detroit Redwing cult forget there are Redwing shoes and Redwing crocks that assist real saints more than the Detroit Redwings do in physical tests.
Mickey Redmond thought my Philadelphia Flyer Jersey was the 'Jeff Carter' edition, and I suggested he should wash his mouth out with a Dove bar since I was wearing actually the Paul Coffey edition of 'Philadelphia Flyers 77'. A Dove bar is similar to a tribe of Dan Hammond line, and indeed I did not suggest that he sin. Twizzlers would have been the wrong suggestion and Lava soap has a bad reputation. I found out Redmond is not Jewish with a few direct questions, and he was smart enough not to waste his money on an attorney before telling me he has a Scottish and had some Irish in his spring steps. Since he had mentioned some bar mitzvah ceremonies earlier in a televised interview, I am thankful he is not Jewish, because he still is falling short in some keystone areas.
Saying the Detroit Redwings 'kicked their ass' referring to the Philadelphia Flyers was an exaggeration. A 3 to 0 loss is not that huge of a victory, and I reminded him that Pharaoh also lost after winning a few serious battles against the Hebrews. I had to remind his that Yul Brynner pretended to be the Pharaoh I was referring to, not 'Mia Farrow'. The Philadelphia Flyers have a decent coach, and losing with a decent coach is better than winning with an arrogant or a spiritually inept coach who only thinks that physical games matter. If the Flyers will live up to the name of the churhc of Philadelphia, the Sylvester Stallone plan is not the path they need to remain on. Diligent attention to the 6th letter of the Hebrew law is as important as being able to recognize that 16 is tied to Karl Ratzinger, Tennessee, Abraham Lincoln and 1602 Mary Lane, but the number 16 is not as imprtant as the number 26 when fighting war beasts who have USA military backgrounds which cause them to left themselves up in their own mind rather than humble themselves and repent for the many times they used excessive force rather than fasting and praying for a nation that should have learned how to bless God by now rather than expecting God to bless America.
A 'Physical' game alone is only about as important as Olivia Newton John boys town games and the war of beer # 181026, but it is in the spiritual games that strong safety plans really does matter. If you can find a humans that admits that Bud Light is inderior to Pabst ot Schlitz, you will have heard the truth in a spiritual war. Big money and big corporations rarely will steer you toward holiness and the proper ship and Shore line that is not tied to Normandy, France anymore. There's people that pass physical tests and then fail to take care of their weaker family members properly as they build up their wealth instead of humbling themselves and trying to understand the dilemma of living in nations that really push more harmful products on television than a Bible ever could.
A few rules of UCLA, USC, NIT, LSU and VMI seem to be necessary to keep a Polly Read differentiated from a Jake Reed. If you read the history of Max Baer vs. Frankie Campbell, all it proves is that when people earn money to fight it is often much worse than receiving a disorderly conduct fine. The whole concept of boxing for anything other than necessary self-defense is deranged as Arnold Schwartzenegger films at mind and at heart. Boxing matches, usually promoted by swine-filled Las Vegas types, are as terrible as throwing 'Christians' into arenas with lions, and to a sanctified saint trying to injure another person to earn money is SIN, not the way to salvation. Real defense starts at the mind, and the head should be protected in order to properly know what to protect below the belt lines.
If you manage your own safety system knowing there is no peace int eh world yet because too many people do not believe in the method of operation delivered to the Hebrews after they were released from Egypt, you have a difficult task. On occasion, an enemy might try to get back into your safety system but only you know who is really on your side. Seeing a Army veteran who did not even have the courage to tell the staff the Macomb Ice rink that I was not a danger to anyone there and in fact knew more about sound defense than he did is not the same as seeing a real friend. I recognized the teal Ford pick-up with a MIchigan plate ending in 5288 and I immediately knew enough to think about my own safety and put out a 'enemy alert' on him. Turning the tables over on veterans who brag about their past but won't speak up and tell the truth because they might lose some priveleges in areas where they are wrongly idolized is fine. It takes more than an apology to correct every intenional sin,and failing to defend the Truth is a sin.
When you ask a person to strike you and you say they will receive a blessing if they do, the blessing is delivered when you choose not to strike the person who hit you. When a person chooses not to retaliate after receiving a blow to the body, the offense gets a temporary blessing that does not carry over into the next battle. When a person steals from you, it is not proper to 'let it go' according to Scripture because you are not helping your family and without warning the people who stole from you their sins become your burden. I have warned many people who stole from me that venues change, and a day divorce court is easy compared to facing real gang bangers in alleys at night or suffering through years while your own children choose a lifestyle that is contrary to biblical precepts, statutes and judgments because they believed a liar instead of believing the existing perfect Lawgiver, sometimes referred to as 'I Am'. The results of using excessive force against a spouse you do not love in divorce court is as evil as using excessive force and stealing from any other neighbor to 'get what you want', and what most petitioners desire in United States divorce courts is not equal to the pursuit of holiness and righteousness that might have been attained by working out their family salvation with fear and trembling by properly recalling their vows before many witnesses.
As it was with Aaron, we cannot always save our children from the errs of their ways, and then there are sorrowful fathers and sorrowful mothers hanging on to genuine faith and the hope that their children will get rebuked and restored before they commit another sin.
Mickey Mouse systems do not promote Truth; I suspect that Michael Redmond might be more careful in his speech, but sometimes the older they are, the sooner they fall for real lies among their circle of non-Israel friends. If I teach him something correct and good, I am delivering something better than a dead octopus to his 'turf'. Redmond did admit that the Penguins have a tough team, but I'm not sure they can yet be described as 'good' since good has to include keeping the commandments of HVHY on and off the ice. Defending your body is not breaking a commandment, but attacking someone else for a paycheck leads to ice folly typified by Tanya Harding types.
Why it comes to Dove bars, there is soap and there is chocolate, and both of those options in the mouth are better than a slice of porked pizza, Easter stupidity and a can of Coca-Cola if you are still fighting the 'Tophet' and Ham types like a holy prophet or sealed saint should. If Redmond is John Scott-ish' he's taking a wrong turn at 28, MOntreal lines and nickel, but that's his male adult step problem, not mine. A seventh inning Simeon stretch (seal order) is more likely to save you than 'baby steps' and movie lines that are often as blasphemous as George Burns. I refuse to eat pie when I feel sad and lonely so I don't end up as pathetic as 'Paul Blart' in heathen movie roles that shouldn't have been filled sooner than MIlwaukee County forced Todd Jackson to cough up overdue child support to me.
MIckey Redmond is not a danger to me, and I might even call him a friend, but 'Dangermouse' or 'Tom and Jerry' is still superior to 'Mickey Mouse' clubs in a comic card game which now includes 'Felix', a biblical name that is also tied to a wonderful CAT line.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Holy Heroes Versus Idols = Real Battles on Earth
The term 'hero' is so overused that it is often used in serious err. Carnally minded people often refer to people who did them favors as a hero when in fact the hero might have been the person that rejected their unholy requests. Taking real action to try to prevent sin (and prevent real crimes) takes as much courage as pulling a human being out of a burning building. If I try my very best to identify the differences between idols and holy heroes, you might be able to realize that a '243' is not a Grand Am.
1.Idols abuse systems they are in to their own advantage to gain popularity or unfair advantages. Politicians are examples of idols.
2.Idols do not try to prevent sin and usually regularly commit sin by failing to humble themselves.
3. Idols overvalue their worth and therefore demand fors of worship from others often in monetary form. A brand name often ends up as an idol, such as 'Jaguar', 'Rolex', 'Victoria's Secret', 'Oleg Cassina', etc. and those who have not yet conquered idolatry in their lives overpay for items and trinkets rather than seek quality at a fair and reasonable price in order to retain a spirit of modesty in spending no matter what your income is. If your income is extremely high, idoltry can be conquered by only living on 10% and giving the rest to genuinely needy SAINTS not compulsive sinners and try to view yourself as a unregistered church trying to live on 10% tithe to yourself.
4. Idols generally perform on stages and in front of cameras and their output is spiritually offensive to a pure and holy hero since they not teaching or learning real holy bodily defense to themselves or others.
5. Idols are temporary and will disappear from your life when they chose to or when you eliminate them from your ' hero' list due to confirmed facts about their anti-holy behaviors.
6. Holy heroes will avoid games that lead to stages, such as the Olympics but idols will be drawn into vain competitions for reward and do so in immodest attire. Activities such as auto racing, horse racing, boxing, dog racing, swimming, figure skating, cheerleading, track and field, dancing and sadly even volleyball are clear examples of anti-holy activities usually due to immodest attire that draw in the idoltrous types like a scorpion draws in a honey badger. The honey badger is wiser than the idolater.
Holy Heroes:
1. Holy heroes have committed sins and then decided to stop sinning due to proper knowledge of and subsequent proper fear of a non-idol true and Holy God.
2. Holy heroes prevent their own sin, and a holy hero will prevent a divorce if possible. A person who is tempted by a person who is not their spouse has the greater responsibility to reject the advances of the single person. In real reported cases of possible unholy attractions, men such as Rod BrindAmour (spelling might be wrong but its close enough not to be an alias) should have acquired a confession from his wife if she was guilty of adultery before choosing to fight over a unconfirmed suspicion. Soft-hearted spouses only stray when they feel unloved, but a hard-hearted spouse will disregard any warnings to keep their vows. If my warnings to a somewhat intoxicated male by the name of retired Milwaukee police detective Jimmy Hall in a Wisconsin bar helped him avoid divorce, he heard the spirit of the LORD warning him. Men like Wray Young and Jon Johnson don't always like to report the Truth and rather push' Dagon brained St. Patrick' into your mailbox. There's no sense protecting the identity of people who are no better than a professional hockey player and who did not appreciate my holy heroic actions trying to prevent a crime and a sin. There are real times when married people pursue weaker single people and only holy heroes turn away the advances from another person's spouse. Joseph turning away Potipher's wife is an example of a holy hero who's truthful report was not received by the unholy rulers.
3. Holy heroes do keep in mind and strive to obey the commandments delivered to them through the saints and prophets.
4. Holy heroes are hated by their enemies, namely idols who try to get you to imitate their style of unclean and unholy living rather than instruct you to follow the examples of the holy heroes. Marie Osmond, Oprah Winfrey, Rachael Ray and Martha Stewart is examples of an unholy idols, just as any other person who intentionally contradicts the holy and healthy biblical instructions for clean food intake.
5. Holy heroes understand that decorative medals are of no value and would rather receive gifts of clean food or decent clothing for their good works than receive a trophy or a decorative medal.
6. A holy hero understand that keeping fit is wise and does not expect to gain awards and useless trinkets such as trophies from their chosen form of DECENT exercise. If monetary awards are earned fairly, there is no shame in receiving the reward but shame often comes from how the reward is spent; a holy hero reinvests his monetary rewards according to a good conscience and does not spend his income on products associated with evil, such as Playboy products, purchase of indecent movies, overpriced brand names, etc.
6. A holy hero is trustworthy, honest, often unpredictable but always behaves in a manner that is not contrary to the Commandments; it is obvious the world has very few holy heroes. Just as the prophets of old, many of them actually do have to relocate to preserve and protect their life and continue to relay the testimony of Truth to sinners who might repent. They must meet the qualifications of a living saint in order to be a holy hero. The Vatican is NOT the unit that produces real saints since they have not yet fully submitted to the Laws of HVHY, but made p their own rules just like a city common council that chooses to reject Moses, Elijah, the apostles and the methods of Michael the Archangel.
7. A holy hero is not afraid to help a fallen angel get up and 'change garments' after they realize they have been trusting the wrong legion of angels due to false reports, false promises and false prophets. Fallen angels may have gotten tripped up on some stumbling block that they then realize is a cornerstone in the breastplate stones; keep in mind that the 'emerald ' is not a cornerstone in the breastplate.
Cornerstone rocks: Jasper, Beryl, Sardius, Carbuncle(probably turquoise and definitely not PINK). If you do not know the cornerstones, you end up in triangle and pentagon traps that were designed to pull you away from a good 4-corner defense.
Semi-precious gemstones come from the earth, the meek do find a way to inherit them rather than inheriting stuffed taxidermy animals and hog farms. An uncut stone is actually more valuable than a cut stone; it is only the idolaters or trinkets who continue to overpay for cut stones, just as they overpay for Superbowl tickets, guns and computer equipment that cannot redeem their soul.
My God knows I like to write, and thankfully my English skills are above average due to excellent teachers in my own history. Communication does matter, and evil communications often are delivered into the hands of a faithful spouse and real saint by an unholy idol. Anything that is not accurate and truthful is evil, and there are a MULTITUDE of times when marriages could have been reconciled but a hard-hearted unholy petitioner and his or her hard-hearted judicial companions chose to do evil rather than to do good to a real family tree. Evil communications also are sometimes recorded by heathens when a poor person states 'No contest' rather than waste finances on attorneys who do not really care about delivering proper results for their wage demands. Attorneys are often as evil as medical doctors who never relay the corrective words of Truth from the TORAH to you and ultimately are not that surprised when their clients remain sick and morally diseased. Unholy professionals profit from social diseases and therefore will not hear the words 'Well done, good and faithful servant'.
There are a few people who might fail that I perceive to be or who could have become holy heroes, but I will not be the reason that they fail to become sanctified and sealed.
1.Idols abuse systems they are in to their own advantage to gain popularity or unfair advantages. Politicians are examples of idols.
2.Idols do not try to prevent sin and usually regularly commit sin by failing to humble themselves.
3. Idols overvalue their worth and therefore demand fors of worship from others often in monetary form. A brand name often ends up as an idol, such as 'Jaguar', 'Rolex', 'Victoria's Secret', 'Oleg Cassina', etc. and those who have not yet conquered idolatry in their lives overpay for items and trinkets rather than seek quality at a fair and reasonable price in order to retain a spirit of modesty in spending no matter what your income is. If your income is extremely high, idoltry can be conquered by only living on 10% and giving the rest to genuinely needy SAINTS not compulsive sinners and try to view yourself as a unregistered church trying to live on 10% tithe to yourself.
4. Idols generally perform on stages and in front of cameras and their output is spiritually offensive to a pure and holy hero since they not teaching or learning real holy bodily defense to themselves or others.
5. Idols are temporary and will disappear from your life when they chose to or when you eliminate them from your ' hero' list due to confirmed facts about their anti-holy behaviors.
6. Holy heroes will avoid games that lead to stages, such as the Olympics but idols will be drawn into vain competitions for reward and do so in immodest attire. Activities such as auto racing, horse racing, boxing, dog racing, swimming, figure skating, cheerleading, track and field, dancing and sadly even volleyball are clear examples of anti-holy activities usually due to immodest attire that draw in the idoltrous types like a scorpion draws in a honey badger. The honey badger is wiser than the idolater.
Holy Heroes:
1. Holy heroes have committed sins and then decided to stop sinning due to proper knowledge of and subsequent proper fear of a non-idol true and Holy God.
2. Holy heroes prevent their own sin, and a holy hero will prevent a divorce if possible. A person who is tempted by a person who is not their spouse has the greater responsibility to reject the advances of the single person. In real reported cases of possible unholy attractions, men such as Rod BrindAmour (spelling might be wrong but its close enough not to be an alias) should have acquired a confession from his wife if she was guilty of adultery before choosing to fight over a unconfirmed suspicion. Soft-hearted spouses only stray when they feel unloved, but a hard-hearted spouse will disregard any warnings to keep their vows. If my warnings to a somewhat intoxicated male by the name of retired Milwaukee police detective Jimmy Hall in a Wisconsin bar helped him avoid divorce, he heard the spirit of the LORD warning him. Men like Wray Young and Jon Johnson don't always like to report the Truth and rather push' Dagon brained St. Patrick' into your mailbox. There's no sense protecting the identity of people who are no better than a professional hockey player and who did not appreciate my holy heroic actions trying to prevent a crime and a sin. There are real times when married people pursue weaker single people and only holy heroes turn away the advances from another person's spouse. Joseph turning away Potipher's wife is an example of a holy hero who's truthful report was not received by the unholy rulers.
3. Holy heroes do keep in mind and strive to obey the commandments delivered to them through the saints and prophets.
4. Holy heroes are hated by their enemies, namely idols who try to get you to imitate their style of unclean and unholy living rather than instruct you to follow the examples of the holy heroes. Marie Osmond, Oprah Winfrey, Rachael Ray and Martha Stewart is examples of an unholy idols, just as any other person who intentionally contradicts the holy and healthy biblical instructions for clean food intake.
5. Holy heroes understand that decorative medals are of no value and would rather receive gifts of clean food or decent clothing for their good works than receive a trophy or a decorative medal.
6. A holy hero understand that keeping fit is wise and does not expect to gain awards and useless trinkets such as trophies from their chosen form of DECENT exercise. If monetary awards are earned fairly, there is no shame in receiving the reward but shame often comes from how the reward is spent; a holy hero reinvests his monetary rewards according to a good conscience and does not spend his income on products associated with evil, such as Playboy products, purchase of indecent movies, overpriced brand names, etc.
6. A holy hero is trustworthy, honest, often unpredictable but always behaves in a manner that is not contrary to the Commandments; it is obvious the world has very few holy heroes. Just as the prophets of old, many of them actually do have to relocate to preserve and protect their life and continue to relay the testimony of Truth to sinners who might repent. They must meet the qualifications of a living saint in order to be a holy hero. The Vatican is NOT the unit that produces real saints since they have not yet fully submitted to the Laws of HVHY, but made p their own rules just like a city common council that chooses to reject Moses, Elijah, the apostles and the methods of Michael the Archangel.
7. A holy hero is not afraid to help a fallen angel get up and 'change garments' after they realize they have been trusting the wrong legion of angels due to false reports, false promises and false prophets. Fallen angels may have gotten tripped up on some stumbling block that they then realize is a cornerstone in the breastplate stones; keep in mind that the 'emerald ' is not a cornerstone in the breastplate.
Cornerstone rocks: Jasper, Beryl, Sardius, Carbuncle(probably turquoise and definitely not PINK). If you do not know the cornerstones, you end up in triangle and pentagon traps that were designed to pull you away from a good 4-corner defense.
Semi-precious gemstones come from the earth, the meek do find a way to inherit them rather than inheriting stuffed taxidermy animals and hog farms. An uncut stone is actually more valuable than a cut stone; it is only the idolaters or trinkets who continue to overpay for cut stones, just as they overpay for Superbowl tickets, guns and computer equipment that cannot redeem their soul.
My God knows I like to write, and thankfully my English skills are above average due to excellent teachers in my own history. Communication does matter, and evil communications often are delivered into the hands of a faithful spouse and real saint by an unholy idol. Anything that is not accurate and truthful is evil, and there are a MULTITUDE of times when marriages could have been reconciled but a hard-hearted unholy petitioner and his or her hard-hearted judicial companions chose to do evil rather than to do good to a real family tree. Evil communications also are sometimes recorded by heathens when a poor person states 'No contest' rather than waste finances on attorneys who do not really care about delivering proper results for their wage demands. Attorneys are often as evil as medical doctors who never relay the corrective words of Truth from the TORAH to you and ultimately are not that surprised when their clients remain sick and morally diseased. Unholy professionals profit from social diseases and therefore will not hear the words 'Well done, good and faithful servant'.
There are a few people who might fail that I perceive to be or who could have become holy heroes, but I will not be the reason that they fail to become sanctified and sealed.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Avoid Traps of Vain Repetitions
There is nothing more dangerous to a sound mind than repeating the same idle phrases as if you are a walking Hallmark birthday card. A small period of time listening to a televised show named 'The End of Men' revealed thoughts that were genuine and varied and MORE important to hear than some Messianic worship team performers singing shallow and sometimes very wrong concepts of just what a good God will do,.
Going in front of cameras for a television show might accomplish as much as writing if the writing is made public. It gives one or many a chance to compare their own mindset tot that of another. I never felt like my father was absent from home even though I worked 2 jobs for many years. 30 minutes a day with a real and loving father present in the flesh is more time than an unseen GOd I trut in has ever spent with me face to face. If a child complains about his parents that provided for their physical needs, remain faithful to each other or remained faithful to God after an unbelieving spouse renegged on their promises, and are law-abiding citizens, it is even worse than complaining about a 'God' who they have never seen and whom they refuse to believe in. I never felt insecure knowing my father was at work in a factory, and at night he was our family protector at home.
'Catch phrases' are what people who are dull of hearing repeat without thinking about the reality of their speech. Here are eammon errors that come out of the mouths of 'religious' people:
1. 'When a person is in need of assistance, do not say you 'lift them up'. The concept of 'lifting someone up in prayer' is useless. Better phrasing would be to ask God to descend into their situation and correct them. Maybe all the words referring to 'lifting up' is as bad a the theory of a 'rapture' where unrealistic people keep claiming they are lifting someone up and aren't close enough to them to help them out of a state of depression. Mark Biltz and Monte-Judah's bunch have fallen into these speech traps and ideally they learn how to go back to praying in their 'closet' at home instead of in front of cameras so that valuable time can be used to teach from the Scriptures.
2. Caling a person 'Joel Olsteen' a brother is not something that is going to come out of my lips. My spiritual brothers will be associated with living stone systems such as amethyst,agate, topaz, sardius, beryl and ligures. Olsteen is like Bill O-Reilly, which means he is more likely to try to remain popular and rich than to humble himself, start keeping the commandments and then sell what he has to give to the poor. Probability does matter in cases of 'should'.
3. Proper memory therapy can include identifying people in your history in the last state of mind you saw them. I keep a list of my enemies, I do not hide it and if their status changes it will be because of personal contact that proves their character is no longer exactly how I have identified them based on real experience with them.
4. If indeed everyone is going to 'heaven', it might be a very short stay for them after they meet the God of heaven. Is it is heaven or in hell that we get get judged? If we get judged in hell, I know not everyone is going to end up in heaven.
5. Another problem with lifting people up in prayer is the fact that they might be directing them to the Prince of the power of the air instead of the LORD of the Earth. If I recall correctly, was it Yul Brynner who lifted up his fake son into the hands of a statue of a dog? The concept of' lifting people up in prayer 'is not as sound as lifting up a snake in order that those below the snake get healed. My sister-in-law in doing more good lifting people out of bed and helping them get to a lavatory on the sabbath than some of the over-staged gathering that are occurring worldwide on the 7th day.
6. When the good and holy LORD properly descends on a situation, it will be cost-effective and not be cause debt to be transferred to those who trust in him. Outstanding debts are automatically in effect for people who have stolen from others if the judge on eartth did not order them to pay back four or five times the amount stolen. State appointed or elected judges often give guilty people a false sense of spiritual securtity after they have served time in an anti-TORAH system of punishment. Man-made laws and agreements cannot and will not override the constants delivered through the prophets of HVHY, or 'perfect sum body 26'.
7. If in fact no existing business offers me a decent job that I can do with my health restrictions in order to improve their business and save the City of Milwaukee some costs, Sure, it would be better for me if I could land some 7 year contract with a decent sports team and try to bring them into a state of hoiness, but since that has not yet happened, I am not ashamed to keep drawing a livable pension and keep earning that pension by doing as much work as possible to fight crime and behave as a good off-cuty police officer should. I still contend that I am doing more good than the typical paid anti-TORAH religious hireling does in the community because I remain very involved in areas that are more realistic as a missin field than a Sunday church gathering of anti-Benjamites. A good police officer warns others who might be ignorant of the ultimate consequences of their unholy and anti-HVHY actions and can choose to desert or detains others who do not respect good authority. It is not a crime for a saved person to abandon a mocker or an enemy in their time of disaster or injury, and merely let the mocker of the God of Moses seek another 'god' or bodyguard to help him out of his troubles. It is good to try ad solve or properly clear the crimes against me when other bad and lazy law enforcement officials didn't even try to detain the people who committed crimes against me even though I reported the crimes.
8. 'Never Give Up' is a statement that is contrary to a message delivered to the disciples mentioned in the gospel accounts from the St. Matthew era. Disciples were instructed to shake the dust off their sandals and desert eh epeople who rejected the message of repentance. There are times when it necessary to face reality and give up trying to convince heretics to change. If you do not know when that time is, circumstances will occur that will force you out of an area that no longer is receptive to a true, holy and necessary message designed to bring them to repentance and into a state of belief in the one true and very just God, who does get angry with those who despise his good Law system, since the purpose of delivering good Laws to be obeyed is to save those who choose to be holy from experiencing the wrath of HVHY after finding them guilty of intentional sins which they have not yet been punished for.
I9. I do hope the good and holy LORD descends upon my property very soon and that I hear the words, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant'. Of course the good LORD won't be descending down my chimney, since it is clear that the LORD stands at the door and knocks, never commits any crimes once entrance is gained to a husehold and never forces his way into ahouse where there is no emergency or criminal activity occurring, which is why he is much more trustworthy than the entire concept of 'Santa Claus' or any actor pretending to be a 'good copper'.
10. In the case of Ivan Dixon vs. Scott Dixon, it might be argued that Ivan Dixon's contribution to the betterment of society far surpasses the useless endeavors of Scott Dixon to entertain idiots wtth foolish risks. Maybe Felix Potvin has a vaulable opinion in the contrast between Ivan Dixon vs. Scott Dixon.
11. I'm pretty sure I understand why Philadelphia Flyer Ray Emery battled some real Washinton Capital Holtby character after losing a game that has a lot to do with chance. If I understand the mindset of Emery, there are times to reiterate the fact that not being able to stop a moving puck is far less important than being able to defend yourself against a real holy and good adversary who is not being taken seriously enough regarding his or her real body and spiritual defensive skills.
Going in front of cameras for a television show might accomplish as much as writing if the writing is made public. It gives one or many a chance to compare their own mindset tot that of another. I never felt like my father was absent from home even though I worked 2 jobs for many years. 30 minutes a day with a real and loving father present in the flesh is more time than an unseen GOd I trut in has ever spent with me face to face. If a child complains about his parents that provided for their physical needs, remain faithful to each other or remained faithful to God after an unbelieving spouse renegged on their promises, and are law-abiding citizens, it is even worse than complaining about a 'God' who they have never seen and whom they refuse to believe in. I never felt insecure knowing my father was at work in a factory, and at night he was our family protector at home.
'Catch phrases' are what people who are dull of hearing repeat without thinking about the reality of their speech. Here are eammon errors that come out of the mouths of 'religious' people:
1. 'When a person is in need of assistance, do not say you 'lift them up'. The concept of 'lifting someone up in prayer' is useless. Better phrasing would be to ask God to descend into their situation and correct them. Maybe all the words referring to 'lifting up' is as bad a the theory of a 'rapture' where unrealistic people keep claiming they are lifting someone up and aren't close enough to them to help them out of a state of depression. Mark Biltz and Monte-Judah's bunch have fallen into these speech traps and ideally they learn how to go back to praying in their 'closet' at home instead of in front of cameras so that valuable time can be used to teach from the Scriptures.
2. Caling a person 'Joel Olsteen' a brother is not something that is going to come out of my lips. My spiritual brothers will be associated with living stone systems such as amethyst,agate, topaz, sardius, beryl and ligures. Olsteen is like Bill O-Reilly, which means he is more likely to try to remain popular and rich than to humble himself, start keeping the commandments and then sell what he has to give to the poor. Probability does matter in cases of 'should'.
3. Proper memory therapy can include identifying people in your history in the last state of mind you saw them. I keep a list of my enemies, I do not hide it and if their status changes it will be because of personal contact that proves their character is no longer exactly how I have identified them based on real experience with them.
4. If indeed everyone is going to 'heaven', it might be a very short stay for them after they meet the God of heaven. Is it is heaven or in hell that we get get judged? If we get judged in hell, I know not everyone is going to end up in heaven.
5. Another problem with lifting people up in prayer is the fact that they might be directing them to the Prince of the power of the air instead of the LORD of the Earth. If I recall correctly, was it Yul Brynner who lifted up his fake son into the hands of a statue of a dog? The concept of' lifting people up in prayer 'is not as sound as lifting up a snake in order that those below the snake get healed. My sister-in-law in doing more good lifting people out of bed and helping them get to a lavatory on the sabbath than some of the over-staged gathering that are occurring worldwide on the 7th day.
6. When the good and holy LORD properly descends on a situation, it will be cost-effective and not be cause debt to be transferred to those who trust in him. Outstanding debts are automatically in effect for people who have stolen from others if the judge on eartth did not order them to pay back four or five times the amount stolen. State appointed or elected judges often give guilty people a false sense of spiritual securtity after they have served time in an anti-TORAH system of punishment. Man-made laws and agreements cannot and will not override the constants delivered through the prophets of HVHY, or 'perfect sum body 26'.
7. If in fact no existing business offers me a decent job that I can do with my health restrictions in order to improve their business and save the City of Milwaukee some costs, Sure, it would be better for me if I could land some 7 year contract with a decent sports team and try to bring them into a state of hoiness, but since that has not yet happened, I am not ashamed to keep drawing a livable pension and keep earning that pension by doing as much work as possible to fight crime and behave as a good off-cuty police officer should. I still contend that I am doing more good than the typical paid anti-TORAH religious hireling does in the community because I remain very involved in areas that are more realistic as a missin field than a Sunday church gathering of anti-Benjamites. A good police officer warns others who might be ignorant of the ultimate consequences of their unholy and anti-HVHY actions and can choose to desert or detains others who do not respect good authority. It is not a crime for a saved person to abandon a mocker or an enemy in their time of disaster or injury, and merely let the mocker of the God of Moses seek another 'god' or bodyguard to help him out of his troubles. It is good to try ad solve or properly clear the crimes against me when other bad and lazy law enforcement officials didn't even try to detain the people who committed crimes against me even though I reported the crimes.
8. 'Never Give Up' is a statement that is contrary to a message delivered to the disciples mentioned in the gospel accounts from the St. Matthew era. Disciples were instructed to shake the dust off their sandals and desert eh epeople who rejected the message of repentance. There are times when it necessary to face reality and give up trying to convince heretics to change. If you do not know when that time is, circumstances will occur that will force you out of an area that no longer is receptive to a true, holy and necessary message designed to bring them to repentance and into a state of belief in the one true and very just God, who does get angry with those who despise his good Law system, since the purpose of delivering good Laws to be obeyed is to save those who choose to be holy from experiencing the wrath of HVHY after finding them guilty of intentional sins which they have not yet been punished for.
I9. I do hope the good and holy LORD descends upon my property very soon and that I hear the words, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant'. Of course the good LORD won't be descending down my chimney, since it is clear that the LORD stands at the door and knocks, never commits any crimes once entrance is gained to a husehold and never forces his way into ahouse where there is no emergency or criminal activity occurring, which is why he is much more trustworthy than the entire concept of 'Santa Claus' or any actor pretending to be a 'good copper'.
10. In the case of Ivan Dixon vs. Scott Dixon, it might be argued that Ivan Dixon's contribution to the betterment of society far surpasses the useless endeavors of Scott Dixon to entertain idiots wtth foolish risks. Maybe Felix Potvin has a vaulable opinion in the contrast between Ivan Dixon vs. Scott Dixon.
11. I'm pretty sure I understand why Philadelphia Flyer Ray Emery battled some real Washinton Capital Holtby character after losing a game that has a lot to do with chance. If I understand the mindset of Emery, there are times to reiterate the fact that not being able to stop a moving puck is far less important than being able to defend yourself against a real holy and good adversary who is not being taken seriously enough regarding his or her real body and spiritual defensive skills.
Friday, April 1, 2016
Slipping A Different Constant into a Animal Code Mix
' If you ask for a fish, will a good parent give you a snake?' This idiom includes restaurant plating questions as it applies wrongfully substituting the unclean for the clean. When it comes to idioms, I suppose it would not be totally unjust to switch out sliced cat or dog flesh for swine flesh but it is extremely wrong to switch out cat flesh for chicken or duck flesh on the plate of a God-fearing person. If you choose to eat unclean animals, why complain about sauteed alley cat on your plate instead of caging the stray cats in buildings that could be better used to shelter battered spouses ? Riley Sheahan might need to see what its like to visit some battered spouses in hospitals instead of having too much sympathy for animals who don't break the law and still end up incarcerated on 'animal death row'.
After noting that there were exactly 95 different species of birds in a book written by Nancy Hejeski, some interesting constants can be injected into systems that already exist. There are some people who hate anything to do with the Bible, so using different codes for numbers is wise especially in neutral anti-conspiracy tests. There are some people who actually have fears of certain numbers, and getting them over their irrational fears can help them adjust to a proper and sound state of mind. I will share some of the most interesting bird numbers but first, I will address the concept of irrational fears.
There is a 3 way split in the concept of fear, and if you do not try to achieve the proper frame of mind when it comes to fear, you will fail in the sanctification process. This is like trying to establish a clear difference between Yale, Loyola,Kaplan and Dorsey school systems on 26th and MIneral Street in Milwaukee.
1. Fearless is equal to total ignorance of actions and reactions.
2. Fearful includes being afraid to counteract sin and crimes which leads to a state of mental depravity. Fearful also includes becoming afraid of systems and things which you should have control over but instead it is overpowering you. For example, paranoid people are fearful of government systems because that system has improperly overpowered them in some way rather than properly protected them. Going from 1 to 3 or 2 to 3 is not easy but possible with the proper God.
3. God-fearing is a proper state of mind which turns you away from a pattern of sin after you escape a state of IGNORANCE. You can only lose a state of ignorance by believing in and trusting a power system, also known as a God, that has proven to be true ( not fiction) and which remains constant in its intent to protect and preserve that which is right, true, just and good.
A) It is irrational to fear the Bible itself. People like Larry and Renee Mizewski are irrational in their fear of code systems and numbering systems used by brilliant people, and their fears caused them to attack me in a cruel manner rather than continue to befriend me. The Mizewski's and those that were afraid of my Bible are fearful, not God-fearing people.
B) An infant starts out fearless, but as soon as the infant is introduced to laws of actions and reactions , they start to have fears which they need to have in order to respect powers which are stronger than them and which can hurt them. Powers such as excessive heat need to be a power that an infant needs to properly understand and respect so that it does not HURT them. It is easier to predict the forces of nature than predict the behaviors of a person who is not God-fearing.
G) God-fearing people learn to respect natural forces and learn to hate sin as much as their God hates sin. There are very few God-fearing people on earth because they have chosen to believe that there will be serious consequences for every sin they have intentionally committed and every lie they have taught. Lies include telling children that fables and fictional characters are real or true and lies lead to genuine failure to educate them in scientific facts.
Here is a list of chosen facts based on another person's constants. There is no need to be fearful of the numbers but in fact it is necessary to have proper fear and respect of a real bird since it is a force that has natural actions and reactions. A list like this can get people away from a numbering pattern that has been intentionally created to mislead them, even though it is more random than the numbering system of a chemistry table.
2. Costa's Hummingbird / On a personal note, the name Costa is as bad as the name Hitler in my memory bank, and the existence of a hummingbird is much more important than a 'Hummingbird Fish Locator'. Boat parts seem to be more important to fools than their spouse, and they subsequently fight for their boats in divorce courts harder than they fought to keep their marriage vows, to their disgrace.
24. Baltimore Oriole
28. Purple Martin
29. Northern Cardinal
32. Robin / This is an interesting word and number at Milwaukee Tech Trojan history and St. Matthew Greyhound basketball history
33. Meadowlark / On a side sports note, the famous Harlem Globetrotter nicknamed 'Meadowlark' was number 36, not number 33 so this might help at Leroy Butler, Joe Nathan and Jerome Bettis splits in natural power struggles.
35. Mockingbird/brown Thrasher (page 86 and 87, for old school 'Get Smart' junkies)
36. Blue Jay
39. Mourning Dove
48. Roadrunner
50. Ring Necked Pheasant
52. Common Nighthawk
53. Mississippi Kite
58. Golden Eagle
59. Turkey Vulture / also the number that Max Baer wore in football gear on 'The Beverly Hillbillies'
62. Great horned Owl
64. Virginia Rail
66. Piping Plover/ Plover, Wisconsin is near Wisconsin route 66 so this might be a sign that intelligent life compiled the bird book information, not a 'big bang'.
76. Great Blue Heron
88. Common Loon
90. Wood Duck
95. Tundra Swan
~~~~~~Listing only 95 birds was Nancy Hajeski's choice, just like Martin Luther decided to stop at 95. Maybe she has a fear of ESPN NHL hockey number 96, which is Dan Boyle. A bit of humor does not affect the common loon, but might affect Eric Lindros and the Toronto Maple Leafs. I once had a common loon sweater that was a gift from Shane David Hendrikson after one of his many fishing trips to Canada; the loon sweater is innocent even though it is not very attractive to some. Shane David Hendrikson is NOT INNOCENT even though he is not very attractive to some. brushing up on your whort term memory is important, and 7 years is actually short term memory when you pass the age of about 35. You can use the bird numbering system safely to increase your memory skills without ingesting jellyfish parts.
You may also be interested in other anti-Oprah book selections such as Undercover:Rocks and Minerals, Katie Cotton or Don Nedobeck's numbering books.
After noting that there were exactly 95 different species of birds in a book written by Nancy Hejeski, some interesting constants can be injected into systems that already exist. There are some people who hate anything to do with the Bible, so using different codes for numbers is wise especially in neutral anti-conspiracy tests. There are some people who actually have fears of certain numbers, and getting them over their irrational fears can help them adjust to a proper and sound state of mind. I will share some of the most interesting bird numbers but first, I will address the concept of irrational fears.
There is a 3 way split in the concept of fear, and if you do not try to achieve the proper frame of mind when it comes to fear, you will fail in the sanctification process. This is like trying to establish a clear difference between Yale, Loyola,Kaplan and Dorsey school systems on 26th and MIneral Street in Milwaukee.
1. Fearless is equal to total ignorance of actions and reactions.
2. Fearful includes being afraid to counteract sin and crimes which leads to a state of mental depravity. Fearful also includes becoming afraid of systems and things which you should have control over but instead it is overpowering you. For example, paranoid people are fearful of government systems because that system has improperly overpowered them in some way rather than properly protected them. Going from 1 to 3 or 2 to 3 is not easy but possible with the proper God.
3. God-fearing is a proper state of mind which turns you away from a pattern of sin after you escape a state of IGNORANCE. You can only lose a state of ignorance by believing in and trusting a power system, also known as a God, that has proven to be true ( not fiction) and which remains constant in its intent to protect and preserve that which is right, true, just and good.
A) It is irrational to fear the Bible itself. People like Larry and Renee Mizewski are irrational in their fear of code systems and numbering systems used by brilliant people, and their fears caused them to attack me in a cruel manner rather than continue to befriend me. The Mizewski's and those that were afraid of my Bible are fearful, not God-fearing people.
B) An infant starts out fearless, but as soon as the infant is introduced to laws of actions and reactions , they start to have fears which they need to have in order to respect powers which are stronger than them and which can hurt them. Powers such as excessive heat need to be a power that an infant needs to properly understand and respect so that it does not HURT them. It is easier to predict the forces of nature than predict the behaviors of a person who is not God-fearing.
G) God-fearing people learn to respect natural forces and learn to hate sin as much as their God hates sin. There are very few God-fearing people on earth because they have chosen to believe that there will be serious consequences for every sin they have intentionally committed and every lie they have taught. Lies include telling children that fables and fictional characters are real or true and lies lead to genuine failure to educate them in scientific facts.
Here is a list of chosen facts based on another person's constants. There is no need to be fearful of the numbers but in fact it is necessary to have proper fear and respect of a real bird since it is a force that has natural actions and reactions. A list like this can get people away from a numbering pattern that has been intentionally created to mislead them, even though it is more random than the numbering system of a chemistry table.
2. Costa's Hummingbird / On a personal note, the name Costa is as bad as the name Hitler in my memory bank, and the existence of a hummingbird is much more important than a 'Hummingbird Fish Locator'. Boat parts seem to be more important to fools than their spouse, and they subsequently fight for their boats in divorce courts harder than they fought to keep their marriage vows, to their disgrace.
24. Baltimore Oriole
28. Purple Martin
29. Northern Cardinal
32. Robin / This is an interesting word and number at Milwaukee Tech Trojan history and St. Matthew Greyhound basketball history
33. Meadowlark / On a side sports note, the famous Harlem Globetrotter nicknamed 'Meadowlark' was number 36, not number 33 so this might help at Leroy Butler, Joe Nathan and Jerome Bettis splits in natural power struggles.
35. Mockingbird/brown Thrasher (page 86 and 87, for old school 'Get Smart' junkies)
36. Blue Jay
39. Mourning Dove
48. Roadrunner
50. Ring Necked Pheasant
52. Common Nighthawk
53. Mississippi Kite
58. Golden Eagle
59. Turkey Vulture / also the number that Max Baer wore in football gear on 'The Beverly Hillbillies'
62. Great horned Owl
64. Virginia Rail
66. Piping Plover/ Plover, Wisconsin is near Wisconsin route 66 so this might be a sign that intelligent life compiled the bird book information, not a 'big bang'.
76. Great Blue Heron
88. Common Loon
90. Wood Duck
95. Tundra Swan
~~~~~~Listing only 95 birds was Nancy Hajeski's choice, just like Martin Luther decided to stop at 95. Maybe she has a fear of ESPN NHL hockey number 96, which is Dan Boyle. A bit of humor does not affect the common loon, but might affect Eric Lindros and the Toronto Maple Leafs. I once had a common loon sweater that was a gift from Shane David Hendrikson after one of his many fishing trips to Canada; the loon sweater is innocent even though it is not very attractive to some. Shane David Hendrikson is NOT INNOCENT even though he is not very attractive to some. brushing up on your whort term memory is important, and 7 years is actually short term memory when you pass the age of about 35. You can use the bird numbering system safely to increase your memory skills without ingesting jellyfish parts.
You may also be interested in other anti-Oprah book selections such as Undercover:Rocks and Minerals, Katie Cotton or Don Nedobeck's numbering books.
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