Saturday, November 14, 2020

'Support Your Legal Thai Restaurant' Starting With Day 591

In order to avoid the Christmas nonsense, please take the time to purchase tasty vegetarian food from your local Thai chef's that are clearly better USA citizens than Governess Whitmer is because those chef's actually do want to serve their state population properly with dignity and a real work ethic.  Suppose it is only the 2nd year of the tribulation process? Then it's the bottom of the 20th month and another crescent moon is pending.  Keep doing what is proper in the sight of Yahweh's advocates and go ahead and use your credit cards only if you can pay off the balance in full at the end of each billing cycle.  Believe it or not, there are people who work in the banking industry that know how to 'UNDERSTAND' the purchase power and signals being sent through points of purchase; the bear who gets along with the cow eventually might be Persians and non-Hindu beef eaters. 

A calf is not to be cut in half but a 3 year old goat or 3 year old ram can be cut in half , and isn't it interesting to anybody other than me that this, the 397th Thanksgiving Day, will occur at about day 1336 of a 4th year in progress for some and the 50/50 split is mentioned near Strong's H1335?  It should be evident by now that supporting your local Sunday church is a waste of your 'tithe' and you are better off spending 10% of your income on businesses who are actually willing to stay open give you a 'clean meal' option rather than a tasteless wafer and vain repetitions from  Babylonian Sunday church stage coaches who haven't had the courage to resist corruption as Zechariah and Stephen the martyrs did during their era under Roman government systems that are not able to save even 8 souls during the month  sometimes called 'Bul' as in bulwark or IstanBUL.

I am unaware of what H591 is other than it is an Aleph word not a Beit word, and 948 is the word for 'fine linen' rather than sackcloth. "He who stops at 948 might have the strength of Asher within a Thrasher suit.'

How much Whitmer is contrary to the spirit of a virtuous woman has yet to be revealed, but thankfully in the lowly kingdom of Gadites, there won't even be room for Gretchen Whitmer types who mislead  entire states into poverty, unemployment and business failures rather than leading legal citizens into a improved way of surviving with or without Biblical values  taught to them.

H2054 is tied to the word 'shame'. It is a shame that so many people are being finacially abused by Democratic governors and sorcerers selling drugs that are more likely to harm the internal organs than tofu tossed into a pan of curry noodles. 

In other words, it's almost 'Jonathan' and Joseph' day for 8th year students of alphabetical Bible words who have stayed focused for over 3100 days and nights without even needing a Joe Bucher tail to follow. Even Esaac Israel wasn't afraid to speak about יונה's role in swim team history.


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