A group of several ducklings were being led by their mother who truly did care about them and desired to protect them; the father duck was no not anywhere in sight. From their nest area at 1475 Strongs Avebue in Stevens Point, WI in the shrubs alongside desolate 'Temple Bethel', made desolate due to lack of faithful occupants, the ducklings were supposed to cross urban street safely.... and they did with the help of some humans.
After crossing the urban street, only a parking lot was between the ducklings and the goal of the Wisconsin River for their 1st swim test. However, one ducking that was farthest from his mother was misguided and not protected by a non-duck because the human female was too caught up in some 'feel nice; moment and did not pay attention to the ACTUAL danger in the ducklings path as I had been doing. Indeed, one duckling who was nearest to the human farthest from thee duck's natural and real mother fell into a sewer and did not make it to the Wisconsin River with it's siblings and it's mother.
The course that the duckling that fell into the sewer is similar to the course of Christianity that has been led astray by Laodacea types and they are too far from their natural mother to have proper upbringing. The woman who did not deter the duckling from the sewer she was next to is like an adulteress woman who does not care about families remaining intact but did enjoy some temporary excitement around the offspring of another mother.
Only a wicked anti-commandment person would instruct or condone, in apathy, the offspring of a mother totally rejecting and neglecting the pleas and training of their natural caring mother to go off to a flock of vultures gathered in Sunday morning religious assemblies after carelessly being led astray by a human who was NOT protective enough like the duckling that fell through the sewer grates.
I cried for while thinking about that duckling, but there was nothing more I could have done than to shout out to the careless but EXCITED human about the danger of the sewer grate which she was not deterring the duckling from. I've also cried about my son who got too far from me to hear my serious warnings while he was lured by the voices of strangers away from his mother .
Which non-Philadelphia church the duckling that fell in the sewer represents is subjective, but the church of Philadelphia does attempt to honor their father and their mother if those people are willing to be accessible by letter, by telephone or by personal visitation.
Many people in Michigan are now adhering to the voice of Wormwood Whitmer rather than to the voice of the Creator of humanity and thus have stopped being naturally protected while masking up their snout, a behavior which neither best protects nor can it improve their overall health. I don't cry about those people adhering to Whitmer's voice because they are not as a clean duckling is to a clean mother duck.
The prophet Elisha aided a widow and revived a child left in his turf. Hotel rooms have been carefully set aside for current era messengers such as myself like a room was set aside for Elisha. equipped with a bed, a table, a chair and a candlestick. Blogspot has offered me over 1,300 vessels that I have stored my mind fuel into to shed light onto actual non-hologram hardships tossed in among many tiny moments of success during times of war in the heavens and on earth.
Elisha's ministry is still being recalled by men such as Esaac Israel, who in his coarse manner, is trying to do more good than Jon Payne and churches in central Wisconsin ever have done; unlike Esau, I won't steer people or ducklings toward BET network or toward hatred of decent police officers; Esaac has prejudices that need to get eradicated as others need to eradicate strumpet behavior from their dwellings and workplaces. The churches in central Wisconsin, typical of religions who reject perfect instructions as beautiful as setting aside the 7th day (Saturday), refraining from theft, adultery, idolatry and rejection (dishonoring) of parents are like the woman who let the duckling fall into a sewer rather than get that duckling to head quickly and safely toward it's real mother who has learned to appreciate Yehovah's provisions on earth and reject Jupiter as a destination. Such a motherduck might or might not have had a live father duck in the Stevens Point area while 1 duckling dropped between the sewer grates.
According to 'Acts of the Apostles' chapter 14, the idol Jupiter/Zeus whom is historically connected to garlands on city gates and oxen sacrifices. If you don't want your dwelling to look like the church of Jupiter or Zeus the deaf, dumb&ignorant, don't hang garlands on your house even though wicked politicians might have forced such stupidity onto your city, state, federal or HOA gates. I don't hang up garlands for an anti-Jupiter reason and my beef consumption is being halted for a spiritual fast reason that opposes Christmas' as prophet Yeremyah did and those who gathered for a Thanksgiving dinner 397 years ago did. I suggest you carefully tune into to the November 18,2020 Bible study from Esaac Israel and the Stone Mountain, GA 's UCI, then discern and compare his output to Rico Cortes, Adam Fink, Mikell Clayton and Gary Simons before you decide what it really means to 'go through much tribulation' with 'Saul/Paul' groups.
What then shall be a safe steeping stone toward Yehovah nd away from Jupiter , unbelieving fearful Christians and German Druid Protestants?
Every year you resist Christmas in your dwelling while still stuck in exile , it is as wonderful as going to the grocery store and choosing to purchase only that which Yah has declared to be food and refusing that which has been declared to unclean animal products. The baptism you hopefully have taken out of Christmas and Easter anti-Moshe assemblies was nothing like a duckling falling into a sewer.
The Tselios line isn't the same as the Damrow line or the Guerin track. I'll never rejoice about the duckling that fell into the sewer, but can be thankful I was able to assist 6 ducklings away from the sewer toward their caring mother duck and to a place where they would have an opportunity to learn survival techniques from other amazing ducks.
I suspect it is time to wait for another vessel.
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" Would you have learned more from watching Donna Douglas pretend to be 'Mrs. Draper' and "Gus Osgood' the grand larceny character have a battle of wits against Kent McCord and Martin Milner after filming an interesting 'Adam 12' episode than from watching Gus Chelios, Chris Osgood amd Kris Draper compete in a 'best USA occupant' test of truthfulness?"
- Anti-propaganda person of 3% interest
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