Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Christmas-Minded Americans: Sadly Not Nearer To Yah

 While I heard a female HOA 'president'  yelling rudely at her child to do his religious homework while she did her annual  Luciferian Vatican habit of attacking land she does not own with ;Christmas lighting' and outward signs of  Biden's facist Vatican and COSTLY England's anti-Puritan unholiness, I was reminded of how Linda Maria Costa would insist on her December 25th heathen gatherings after luring Jim Costa Jr. into an adulterous marriage.... and eventually the the father of her children continued on in the way of Linda and Ashley rather than  believe Ezequiel Chapter 14 or  the message brought by the Puritans to flee clearly heathen traditions and customs that the  wicked spirit of Christmas deploys.  

When the Puritans first observed a Thanksgiving feast 401 years ago, electric lighting was not an option. When I first purchased lot 1 in 'West Park' subdivision, there was no electric socket for anti-Yah people to force their Luciferian holiday lighting into turf that the TAX-COLLECTOR does not own. HOA president Ashley is a female tax collector who has followed the wrong lead of Frank Finney and openly is pushing THEIR anti-Puritan agenda in a manner as wicked as Biden and Harris will push wickedness rather than holiness into turf they did not purchase.

If you WILLINGLY partake of Thanksgiving dinners and and then partake of  anti-Puritan Luciferian Christmas activities, you are double-minded as a person who reads from the book of Exodus, claim you believe the Bible and accepted a savior from the tribe of Yahudah and then sit down to munch on roasted swine on yeasty rolls during the week when the people of Yah were designated to reject leaven.

'The Midnight Ride' on November 7, 2020 had a similar message, only they like many preachers seem to worship the tribe of Gd rather than Yah and Yehovah for some reason of possible spiritual treason. IN part, they delivered clips from the prophet Ezequiel, but whosoever it is the steered them away from the line of   THE ANGEL OF  יהוה  's  leadership toward worshipping tribe of G-d wasn't me.  David Carrico defined Freemasonry as benign, and he won't admit that the tribe of Gad is not equal to LORD יהוה . Doesn't 'benign'  mean it's not cancerous and exists but is not deadly as a toxic vaccine?

Finney's sins are in his own yard after being developed in his mind and spread unto his female presidential successor against HOA taxpayer's who should only have been chipping in for common defense not for common Christmas offense against the Creator of the earth. 

Resistance to the facist tyrants of Luciferian Christmas unholy days takes a little strength within your own household. Any holy  angel of the 144,000 elect should be abe to notice a distinction between those who pushed their Luciferian Vatican agenda into neutral zones and those who refuse to partake in such abominations in the sight of  יהוה  and representatives of  יה .

Warnings have been given in sincerity and truth, but mockers of the Puritans will be double-minded and insist on being unrighteous tax collectors who misuse that which they were entrusted with as a TEST of their allegiance.  

Unjust HOA tax collectors abuse the funds they collect by pushing their religious traditions on the entire HOA group as a dictator rather than as a righteous steward.  What a blessing it was that I got ejected  from the board of HOA tax-collectors so opposed to the message brought to North America by the Puritans! Folly and hypocrisy is rarely self evident, and it was clear than the young child who did not want to do his religious studies was a rude as his mother and her papacy  who is so opposed to the prophets such as Moshe Ben Amram that they have not hope of saving grace in their system of anti- יהוה    . 

It is  in your Adam Best interest and the interest of your neighbors of folly lured by Lucifer's Christmas corruption not to deceive others, thus do not pretend to be an allied with those who insist on not limiting their religious beliefs to their privately owned property. The silent treatment can include chalk protests designed to cause those with eyes to see to repent, lest they end up in the same place of wickedness that Catholic 'Sunday Law' Biden and Kamilla 'Evolution Gorilla' Harris are already enveloped within.

A cold spell is pending, or maybe a hot spell and real drought. What the world needs now is a worldwide flood, but that total cleansing process was only a 1X favor to save a few that will not occur again. Now  is the duty of the elect holy REAL saints in the line of Eliakim or the prophet Zechariah, like clean locusts, to resist evil and wickedness of  theVatican's  Mythra's Christmas who actually lured in lazy, lukewarm Protestants into their unholy December and unclean table practices.  Violence that is  increasing in not only Wisconsin WOODLAND areas but also in urban areas controlled by Democrats is emitting from people hate the message of  Hebraic Yeshua a student of the Torah scrolls and of the prophets not some contrived Catholic evolving doctrine of demonic spirits.

Many people do not infringe their pagan and heathen customs on public property, and such people are more worthy or mercy than those who DO infringe and defile land they do not own with heathen, vile, wasteful (sinful steward) and VAIN traditions as though they are some sort of  god or goddess of an HOA, a township, county of state.

You may now cautiously return to 'Triumph In Truth our of Texas', 'The Continuing Church of God' our of California , 'Parable of the Vineyard' our of Missouri or 'Esaac Israel's Georgia punch lines since as a woman, I do not desire to be your leader although I do care enough to deploy warnings that an F-35 can't deploy  or  that ' BG 30 Will gas' near Robert Vaughn the 2nd and David McCallum the 11th UNCLE people won't deploy.

Did you ever notice that the people that allow abortions, commit adultery, decriminalize heroine and marijuana, lie, steal, disregard stop signs and eat the flesh of swine are complying with an unhealthy mask ordinance when not wearing a mask does less damage than an abortion and is less dangerous than lying, committing adultery, stealing, playing violent video games. shooting heroine, smoking cigarettes, disregarding traffic signs and trying to call pig meat 'mock chicken legs  ?

What will Ryan Daisy and Kevin Pollock do?

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