Monday, November 30, 2020

Peter Salemi Amigo Fish Tailgating: "SEE or Hear Quickly"

The battle is directly ahead for those few or the many who don't DESIRE to get intentionally injured with a vaccine. Since true facts rarely roll in like 'Captain Midnight' and are usually objected to by habitual liars, here are some audibles I have heard which I do believe are facts and not fiction:

S) Justin Trudeau is a wicked and devious as Kamilla Harris and Gretchen Whitmer. Sometimes the most accurate YOUTUBE videos are only able to be seen for about 24 hours before the professional propaganda personnel disposes of that truth which is the same as aborting truth. I suppose those propaganda panda types are closely tied with China tyrannical viewpoints and obviously have no interest in noticing the difference between George Fuhr and Grant Fuhr in their  GFI formations.

L) Portugal has outlawed the horrific tests kits that the USA and Canada are still pushing into the nostrils of their experimental people because Portugal has evidence to substantiate the fact that the swab kits, due to inappropriate usage by those in a spiritual stupor, in error actually do  INCREASE positive results'.

E) Believing that a mask can deter a virus 1/3rd smaller than the holes in the tightest mask fabric that STILL ALLOWS OXYGEN THROUGH and some carbon dioxide out is as foolish as believing that an abortion does not hurt the infant that is murdered and that the mother and father of an aborted child are not innocent but in fact are guilty of being PTAC.

M) If indeed less than 200 people in Eastern Canada became dead while over 10,000 in eastern Canada became dead since the coronavirus lies began spreading from political lips, there has never been a good reason to try the plan of a 14=year old high school student that has DONE MUCH HARM to communities who have caved in and mandated masks at the same time they demanded legal businesses shut down while dangerous activities such as cigarette smoking, heroine use, abortions and non-marital intercourse WHICH CAN SPREAD DISEASES have kept flourishing in areas where the contents of the Bible are not believed but wicked Carrie Underwood 'Christmas acts' are believed and adored by the unfaithful majority of  'Christians'. 

B) I have probable cause to believe that all the swabbing of human DNA is either going to be used to try to set up a data bank to divide Shem, Japheth and Ham lines OR in the best case scenario and under the leadership of a decent reasonable leader such as Donald Trump, DNA samples might be used to solve a few crimes when a suspect has been unwilling to voluntarily roll out a full set of ten fingerprints to be tossed into an AFIS system. DNA won't reveal who the elect 144,000 are; even Herod was unable to dispose of Yeshua as a toddler because of his Egyptian location, location, location! 

A) Attention Rod isn't a tension rod.  I might have seen a 'Rodney King' in the Milwaukee Tech yearbook, but he was not Rodney Young nor Rodney Weary.  Alan Hamilton might want to check a BEACH line along his way to or from Bucky Badger's roster studies for possible collusion in the horrible world of college sports.

R) Adamson's BBQ in Toronto did less harm to the community than any heroine addict, rapists, than any sellers of violent video games than any thief dressed in a politician's clothing and any adulterous person since I suspect Adamson's BBQ didn't force people to pass the pig meat into their mouth. Toronto police department has become shameful under whatever chief has allowed them to have their conscience SEARED.

S) Referring to B, the Mormons have probably been trying to seek and destroy the true elect 144,000 with the DNA database solicitation and maybe that has also been the futile 'goal' of people who aren't as decent as Michael Lyons reteaching about Squanto who was forced to become the English student of monks. For those people who want to 'HATE the Puritans and blame them for the smallpox spread, they might want to find out if the Plymouth area Indians had been gobbling rabbit, squirrels and turtle flesh rather than turkeys and duck pierogis/ First of all, the Puritans had not planned on swinging to Plymouth and did not intentionally spread any disease as biological war machines do now.

K) I have probable cause to believe that the rather uneventful spread of the current weak COVID-19 particles is actually occurring at the TEST sites themselves, since only those with some symptoms (possibly contagious) are going to try and get proof of something they might already suspect is occurring instead of staying home unless near death like someone who is not a 'doubting Thomas'. I'm not Debbie McComber, but there didn't seem to be any outbreak of sniffles, deadly fever and head congestion after I went to vote in Macomb without a mask, knowing full well those wearing a mask regularly were more likely to compromise their immune system over time than people who choose to improve the quality of the air that they inhale by NOT masking up. 

I) The Barrington 50,000, who are actual doctors and not ignorant as the Matt Patricia have sounded an alarm warning those that HAVE BELIEVED A LIE that they need to repent of their ignorance. Demasking and refusing to go to work unless you are able to work without a mask is what intelligent employee groups need to do in unison to SHUT down places like politically' puppeted' police departments, banks, Walmart , Menard's and restaurants that have caved in to 'take-out only' which INCREASES pollution(carryout containers are not even close to being as eco-friendly as a  real ceramic dinner plate. ( It seems as though some  of Peter Salemi's videos got removed already in an attempt to BULLY truth seekers and conceal what is really occurring in Canada.)

R)  There are plenty of constitutional ways to say no to a vaccine, including saying 'It is unclean and therefore NOT medicine' if you are a registered Yahwehist or 'As a graduate of an actual  D.A.R.E. program, since I am old enough to decide if I am make or female, I am also old enough to refuse risky, potentially dangerous chemicals tossed into a vaccine that has been processed by drug dealers whom I am opposed to as a matter of my current belief.'  Also, mark your turf with a 'no solicitor' sign so drug pushers will be required by law to turn away from your private property, whether it is rented, owned or  shared with a mortgage lender.  Reporting that your biblical faith has some 'anti-piercing' regulation is also a good legal argument to use against vaccines but that argument MIGHT not be respected by government officials if you acquired tattoos after being baptized as an adult and such non-apostolic acts are evident to others. The contents of an epipen or a shot of magnesium are reasonable risk to prolong life,  but vaccines are too adulterated to be considered 'safe' by intelligent people who understand their own flesh and bloodstream needs  better than a mask and drug salesman labeled 'Fauci'.

O)  Various anti-Christianity USA governors and Canadian officials continue to try and forbid Sunday church gatherings and it has been appalling to see such impious officials prohibit 'drive in' church services, yet they continue to allow Tim Horton customers to gather around their Canadian bacon. Even though I do not desire to attend a Sunday church gathering, I do believe that people in the USA and Canada DO STILL HAVE THAT RIGHT and that it is being infringed upon in despicable ways . There had been a time when Sunday church was a better option for me than going to a Hell's Angels clubhouse or a Detroit cocaine gathering to alleviate stress and think about literature and lyrics.  Unless citizens are willing to  eject the anti-religion politicians forcibly from their turf, the anti-religion politicians and their hired gunmen will try and get people to shift away from the Sunday Christianity system such as is offered by Richard Close,  Adam Fink, Michael Lyons, Justin Best. your local bowling assembly, your golf buddies or an actual real holy father who teaches his children from the Scriptures in his own household on a daily basis and especially on the Sabbath. Such a shift may be exactly what hirelings and branches of the Vatican don' t want to occur.

S) I am going to dump my Fidelity 'Canada Fund' and try to invest in some European markets because of Portugal's recent improvement and because I am angry that I couldn't spend Yom Teruah in Kincardine like I wanted to.  Financial moves are sometimes tedious but interesting when you don't put more into the stock market than you can afford to lose.

I) Vertical holding is occurring because it's Henrik Zetterberg day 960, not Advil day in tribulation timeline scenarios. The Knowlton area is not quite 53563, but is closer to 544__ zip codes than 48428 is.  Gary52 isn't my team, but keep in mind that the Chicago Bears tied the Jacksonville Jaguars and that the 41st president really was Gerald Ford because of John Hancock, Sam Huntington and John Hanson.  

T) The toes of clay mentions in the book of Daniel have been supposed to be tied to Europe according to the Bob Theil's supposition, but if in fact it is a 10 toe issue, then I believe the clay toes are related to the current USA FEMA sections, since a horn is not a toe! As a is  not the lion the same as a wolf, a snow leopard seal is not a feline leopard. Bob Thiel's thought process is better than Joel Olsteen and Joel Breitzman combined, even if he is not comfortable using the name Yeshua nor Yehovah for some reason I do not currently understand.

A) Being 'Eh' Symptom Matick is like the start of a TOYOTA line; very educated people have been known to choose Toyota over a Grand Prix or a white Jeep Cherokee.  The A frame is not the same as the W club, and indeed there is no aleph in ירמיהו   .  When I was a child, 70% to 75% correct answers on a test was a D, not a C.  ' Captain Midnight' decoder rings might as well start with Hendrik Sedin now instead of Mary Tyler Moore, since Sweden code 46 is REAL and and more important that Molech and his Coca-cola point system that Jimmy Howard tossed onto his own head like an immature Catholic water boy who didn't know enough to resist  Kim Crawford's nasty wine line. I neither buy nor sell kitty litter, so be careful at A as in KITKAT.

X) Herbert Coussons has been a hero in my past, yet I do not know if he, like Ross Grimes, might have believed the false coronavirus reports vomited out by the media for the past 8 months. Roger Bushell basket cases might have had some fruit in them, but not all military veterans are actually supposed to be considered as a hero. That's something John Paul Beine and Jonah Forshier might want to consider before they suit up for their next hockey game without Jason Arnott in their line-up.

You may now return to the best male leader you can locate  online or offline in the current wars against COVID-19 lies, against illegal casting of votes against Donald J. Trump, against all liars who are have been corrupted into the image of Justin Trudeau and Stuart Rottier and against vaccines that are neither necessary nor good clean medicine according to reliable honest citizens, good Bible students and pro-health menu board operators not anywhere near Xavier Street in Detroit, which actually looked more like an alley when I drove through Detroit trash filled streets without a VISIBLE squad partner about 8 years ago. 

Whether or not I had a firearm in my possession then was my personal choice.

Brett Lindros now gets an honorable birthday mention, even if he, like many North Americans, really doesn't believe that Aaron Rodgers is 'king of the north' as stupid fake-blonde Kathryn Tappen and her unreliable NBC crew have suggested. 

To the true blue London topaz line........ Heads up! 🎣🎵🎶🎵🎷🎹🎺   oh bother, it's only a G clef 🎼 for Sheldon Souray now in the middle of the 46th month!

Citadel Monty Hall tip: Tune into 'Cool Hand Ojibwa'  Michael Lyons and 'MRBOOZHOO'  for refreshing opinions not only about grief and Thanksgiving, but also recently about bullying!. Audible medical treatments are a real option and typically a less risky choice than a vaccine loaded with dangerous toxins, formaldehyde, monkey DNA, swine DNA and sorcery potions made up from aborted infant parts. 

 What goes in 2 ears or into your eyeballs might exit from your mouth eventually. Indeed, those who keep pushing the 'lock down, mask and vaccinate' agenda are bullying their 'neighbor' contrary to the written  instructions of יהוה. 

By design, why does the USA symbolic eagle bear a quiver like Elam?

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