Saturday, November 21, 2020

Annual USA Murders: 800,000 USA Abortions+400,000 USA Cigarette Injuries

 A WICKED hypocrite running a health department will allow cigarette sales, allow abortion clinics to stay open and then close a restaurant that does not allow smoking and which does not attempt to injure their customers against their will as an abortion clinic does.  Each head of household is running some sort of health department and who they believe affects their bodily status.

Consenting politicians, the FDA and health departments who have made COVID into some kind of huge fear factor have been PTAC in every death that has occurred from cigarette sales, abortions and now, heroine sales in Oregon.

Plead with those you care about to stop fornication and adultery  to prevent an abortion request. Shop for food according to your religious beliefs of Biblical proportions at places like "Better Living' and thank them for not selling cigarettes and lottery tickets!

Openly object to those unrighteous POWER people who want to force the healthy into mask-wearing but won't make cigarette sales and abortions illegal in the USA or in the state you are stuck in, since cigarettes, drunkeness, suicide and abortions are far more deadly than a COVID particle that has less chance of killing you than a person wearing a 'Black Lives Matter' shirt.

Michigan Wolverines have POWER listed as 22, but unrighteous use of power is sin that rarely is repented of unto forgiveness. 

What's a Robbie Beydoun buggy?

Quartz at 7th and Naphtali is not beryl at 8th and Zebulun.  Watch the sign placement in hockey rinks, especially where the Marathon County Sheriff's Department isn't advertising as they did in Mosinee. Biblical geology isn't a laughing matter and should be taken seriously by those who desire to align with  the prophet ירמיה and against Easter swine, mythological Zeus, Jupiter, Frank Finney's anti-Puritan sect, the Vatican and other unholy and unrealistic entities such as 'Marvel Comics' has dispensed.

Haven't you ever heard of a placement test?  Where we have been legally placed or allowed to do business legally does matter and does affect our attitude toward those who continue to obtain their power and their money illegally.

The city of Detroit had more votes than people actually living in their city, and liar Jocelyn Benson claimed that the Detroit vote is 'good', when in fact the Detroit vote count was illegal, evil and deigned to take power and money away from decent, intelligent brown people such as John James.

Jocelyn Benson is dangerous, devilish and a wicked Michigan servant  because she claims that evil emitting from Detroit  is 'good'. Typical of Democrats such as Cheryl Lee Buttram aka Hendrikson, many people will be deceived by Jocelyn Benson's lying lips in comfortable places.

Does  Cornell's John McCarron vs. Michigan's Nick Granowicz make a difference in college rankings or only in Macomb's Wickersham  anti-royal  scams and nasty ground hog ham lines?

Be careful as a DTE employee while interacting with pure, potent power grids.  'Capital One' is not a good mark to take in your hand based on the  Smauel Jackson 'non-Becker ' faces that represent their ideology in commercials. 

Michigan isn't pure, Joe Milton is '5 hole' material and Chanel number 45 wasn't made in France.

Observation deck check: Mark Strobel is starting to resemble Victor French while he was near Melissa Gilbert and the Greenbush twins!

Resist sin to have faith with works and enjoy your 7th day rest if that has been the desire of your unmasked face and decades old heart. It's not every day I notice that my grandmother's wine glass has blue tulip designs no Tel Dan's  'Yellow' gasoline alley cats nor Jerusalem's ' Yellow Tulip' hotel signs on them. Actual partial recall is better than 'Ted Allison' the movie  amnesia faker when trying to retain a sound mind and prevent stupidity at the same historic timeline moment. 

Transgression of the laws from Yah are still defined as 'sin', though even in WisconSIN and odd in Mt. SINai, sin affects a community is horrid Mayfair Mall manner. 

What's in your casserole? Keep it  fishy, clean and kosher, vegan with seitan or try a halal  chicken slider mix if Bob Evans Turkey dinner isn't an option in your sect!

 Laura Mann #273735 didn't make Andrew Brunette's team, but she might want to study the NHL output of Miroslav Satan in her spare Huntington numerology research time. I might now listen to the voice of Robert Scott Smith's outlook on left I formations versus cornhusker's NE motion instead of trying to tune into Ivan Dixon's coffee pot.  

Will Jayne Cler or Jarob Ortiz want to listen to Brian Custer instead of Tilden and Heck?

Voice recognition is a safety matter, even to Andy Brandt, Wisconsin's tall college hockey coach.

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