Sunday, November 22, 2020

Go To Air Force Veteran Bob Thiel or Norman Alden/Namestnikov School

 Bob Thiel's 'BibleNewsProphecy' report, only about 13 minutes long and deployed on about November 7, 2020 has more correct information in it than the typical El Paso, Texas pork chorizo.  RT news channel out of Moscow is closer to rightly dividing the Word of Gad than ignorant Brian Stelter who isn't a 'David' but is more like a liberal Goliath who thinks he won't ever start bleeding out of his rectum.

Actually, bigot Joe Biden came to mind as the rider on a pale horse and indeed it is maybe about 25% of the USA that wants to shove him into his last power play without Brenda Angelo nor Brenda VanOose able to tell the difference between Flint's streets of trash and the trash tossed  about by wicked hired hands in Michigan in a Macomb subdivision that looks like plenty of lazy homeowners are moving in who don't mind being surrounded by piles of trash.

My son might not appreciate how I disciplined him as a minor, not sparing the wooden spoon but also rarely using such a defensive tactic against an unbelieving son who actually didn't believe my warnings about his behavior.  However, the Milwaukee area in front of 1003 S. 31st St. was cleaner than what I observed in  the subdivision of Pheasant seekers across from Macomb Corners Park because I insisted that my household care enough about our turf to pick up the trash that wicked wild beasts tossed around like illegal votes in 2020 Detroit.

It wasn't my son that got murdered due to gang problems, it was the son of the mother who caused trouble at the house NORTH of 1003 S. 31st Street. After the murder of her son, his mother decided that she cared about stopping violence but her prior actions caused horrid problems for my household for years. After realizing that "Bread and Roses' abortion clinic on Wisconsin Avenue was really a wicked political house of highly paid medical gangsters, I decided to work against that pro-abortion gang, which Joe Biden and Kamilla Harris are still part of.   I had been trying to properly protect my household and was employed by the city of Milwaukee to defend the INNOCENT..... or so I thought until I realized that pro-abortion states really don't protect the innocent and eventually I got paid to leave Milwaukee, after objecting to the abortions being permitted there.  

Since I do believe Donald Trump is a 'better man' when compared to Joe Biden, it is in part because of his childhood years. However, the best men to lead a remnant  away from the pale horse rider are going to be preaching the same Israelite messages that Yeshua of Nazareth preached against wickness such as ANTIFA and the majority of the Democrats who are in fact typically pro-abortion, pro-laziness and even anti Gad.

12,000 of Gad will be protected in a way I am unable to disclose, however, is it death of extraordinary holy living that protects a human from the wrath of Yehovah on people who were unwilling to even consider the messenger Bob Thiel as being more competent any other politician from Califronia than popular and too peaceful to want to be drawn into a street battle between Trump defenders and Biden's offenders.

Even a dirty alley cat  or lonesome dove won't go toward a pack of ravenous dogs and would rather seek temporary voluntary solitude and safety practices explained in the books of Moshe while the mongrel nd purebred dogs are fighting as unclean animals not allowed in the Holy od Holies often do fight..

Spurgeon the 46th isn't Joe Biden. Sadly, Esaac Israel of Georgia  can't seem to resist inner hatred toward people who are almond colored, no matter how much poverty and hard times we suffered through in urban communities.  If Esaac Israel thinks every tribe of  Ysraelites is dark skinned, he doesn't think very wisely and is as racist as Angus Campbell.  It is in listening to an adversary that you determine if he or she is more likely to be an enemy of  Stuart Levy or a friend of the tribe of Shimon, thus if you have ears to hear, go ahead and tune into Bob Thiel's lesson plans or even James Block's tunes while we wait to see what men like John James are willing to do if they are not a USA senator of  sadly, a state with a rather lousy reputation due to internal corruption that spreads like a disease and has to be countered as a plague is countered.

A spike in the head of a fornicator from the tribe of Shimon only protected Ysraelites from getting destroyed by their own apathy and carelessness. As a result of anti-plague actions thousands of years ago, 12,000 of the tribe of Shimon have been prophesied to be witnesses to the disasters occurring worldwide....disasters CAUSED by men like Joe Biden and Kamilla Harris who have failed to repent and believe the gospel of Moshe Ben Amram.

Did I actually see people in Kabul on RT television NOT wearing masks and not living in fear of a virus?  I don't think that oysters, bats, dogs, cats, swine, alligator and lobsters are in the typical Kabul casserole.


Whatever happened to Benjamin Purcell, Edwin Layton and Dusty Kleiss? I wonder if they decided to write as my friend and former USA Marine Richard H. Willer has and as I do for an educational and theraputic reason. 

Police memo books usually don't have to pass a Ron Quackenbush test and had plenty of records of wrongs included.   It is possible that Bruce Yarnell might know a bit about yams and now very many people have been falling and failing die to their own refusal to believe the medical protocal that faithful Ysraelites are instructed in so they can put proper plague prevention into action within their scattered households.

Gathering people who refuse to believe my testimonies does not seem to be  my area or expertise. Let the rider on the pale horse gather those who don't believe my testimonies nor the testimony of Richard Close.

Vlad Namestnikov is starting his 29th year of life today, and he was more polite to me than the people who formerly were covered by my city of Milwaukee medical insurance plan as a minor or as a  spouse. Thus, I am going to celebrate Vlad's birthday with a clean Armada  pizza!

Thanks for a few good memories, Vlad, back when you were only a struggling London Knight without Chase Brown nor Sydney Brown around to bother you.

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