Thursday, November 5, 2020

Is Donald Trump Starting To Understand Alphonso Morales Types?

 'Lolita League' J. Biden is like Phil Arreola because in reality, Joe Biden only cares about Joe Biden and does not really care about the USA; Arreola never really cared about Milwaukee but was interested in the income potential Milwaukee offered. Arreola was rather lazy like Biden and had no really interest in actually making Milwaukee a good and safe place to live..... Joe Biden and haughty Harris are Phil Arreola types.

Donald Trump is more like Alphonso Morales; I do believe Donald Trump actually does want the USA to be a safe and secure place to live, work and practice the religion of our choice, which makes him the opposite of Biden and Harris and whoever the female 'SQUAD' heathens are that are treacherous and nasty as Michelle Obama's uppity party goers. It's a tough dove that has to face the fact that the very people that they actually DID protect and keep safe didn't appreciate the tough dove, and I too know what it feels like to have the people I worked hard to protect, serve and and keep safe while in lived in Milwaukee and Knowlton decided they rather align with lawlessness, heathens and continue away from the teachings of Yehovah with their jovial heathen holiday party tables topped with abominations such as swine , calamari and  raw oysters.

Alphonso Morales cared about the city of Milwaukee enough to resist rioting rather than cause CRIMES such as illegal voting which the Democratic party typically 'embraces' as they spit upon the Constitution and worship their Oprah magazines. 

Illegal procedure and intentional deceitful ballots mailed in  during the recent USA elections is an unforgivable sin because it is a form fraud that those casting illegal votes will never repent of..... even when Biden and Harris try to make the USA as horrific as the state of California under it's current corrupt governor.

I do believe that  Chief Morales and President Trump desire TRUTH, lawfulness, peace and safety in rural and urban communities, but the heathen media and selfish  Biden and Arreola types will never be able to provide 'peace and safety' because like a bad neighbor, they prefer lawlessness, won't  actually even try  to defend the USA Constitution, won't defend an infant in or out of a womb but will play the 'Christmas' routines like every other professional heathen  who has no idea what it means to think like a Puritan, a good Baptist. any real apostle, the prophet Isaiah or how to be a keeper of the same commandments that were last seen in the Johnstown, PA municipal building. 

As H3120 came up in the Y letter series assigned to Chris Chelios in a non-secret code process, it certainly looks like the Jovanovski name has a Javan ( Greece) connection mentioned in Daniel, Ezequiel and Isaiah  66.  Chapters 8, 22 and 23 of the book of Isaiah seem like reading material that should be studied and contemplated by those who are mature enough to resist doing as the heathen do and choose to do what  the united  forces of יהוה  and אליקים should do.

The USA military forces better start thinking about the choices Germans had to make in the late 1930's and the Vatican  decided to align with Hitler.  I suppose all heroine addicts could get deported to Oregon where needles and masks are preferred to Torah scrolls and blue fringes. Vaccines? Try forcing an adult to get baptized and cleaned up in fresh water instead! The vaccines is UNCLEAN, like many products the FDA declares to be suitable for heathen consumption, so prepare your biblical anti-vaccine defense now by easily revealing that the contents of the vaccine are neither kosher, not herbs of the field nor products that a Yahwehist is allowed to enter into their flesh. If you have been living like a Yahwehist, your fellow decent American will allow you to obey your competent leader Yahweh and assume the risk that you might get some flu symptoms that might also require a short quarantine period as required by Yahweh.  If this argument is rejected, prepare to TRUTHFULLY say because there is more risk of dying or having organ failure by accepting the vaccination because of an allergic reaction you do not want to take that unnecessary risk.

From what I heard, enough vaccines are being produced for those who WISH to be vaccinated; I don't desire to be vaccinated and prefer to combat contagious disease by eating according to Yahweh's orders.

When the remnant becomes residue, it's time to consider what comes up from the soil like Navy seals after being planted among political selfish tares who HATE the truth, especially when the truth looks like   קשוט rather than a lesbian's artificial rainbow trinket.

John Hall (KY) of 'The Cutting Edge' seems to think the same government people who couldn't get a wall built between Mexico and the USA can force real Bible believers into taking toxic dangerous vaccines. I think legitimate doctors and informed intelligent  USA citizens will be physically able to resist  more toxic trash packaged as a DRUG that the USA allows to be bought and sold such as cigarettes, heroine and Better Made pork rinds with only a little strength.  Is the bi-polar statement the USA government hired mass-murderers  who prefer  Hitler to Yeshua going to be as follows" If you refuse to get vaccinated, we will have to kill you.'  Then, people of Yeshua should be prepared to be murdered quickly by the same unholy wicked pro-abortion government employees deployed by the same FDA officials who have taken the Luciferian mark of the BEAST.   Offer the anti-Constitution and anti-Yahweh murderers to repent of their sinful attempt to defile your body  and suggest the vaccine pushers then take their entire supply of toxic, unclean and clearly UNSAFE vaccines to Biden's  Catholic  Democrat shelters where drug dealers can, without any written consent, shove them up Biden's rectum after Kamilla Harris has gotten her fill of vaccines shoved  up her rectum and then see who want's to follow those wicked  Whitmer-type of  Democratic 'leaders'.

Remind the pushers of the vaccine that according to D.A.R.E. education programs, it is better to say NO to drugs in any form than to become the next idiot that believes  the same FDA liars that haven't even tried to stop the sales of cigarettes, chewing tobacco, Twizzlers and Coca-Cola which do far more damage than a typical  flu virus does to a reasonably healthy body.

Resisting a toxic vaccine from' Bill the Beast' should be about as difficult as resisting a tattoo or a heroine needle from a military anti-genius in your Marine platoon. As it was with Adam in the garden of Eden, if you really desire a vaccine that you think will make you wiser or improve the quality of your remaining day(s) on earth, go ahead and take it from your favorite deceived person  and then ingest it like a computerized zombie.

Did anyone see the serpent eating the fruit Eve took a bite out of?  How about this statement toward Communist Democrats posing as health care professionals with needles?

"If you're really a good decent health care professional, you will allow me to reject your dangerous unsafe FDA approved drugs and still allow me to work at the workplace of my choice, buy food at the store of my choice, live in the house of my choice and let you leave in peace.   . If you're an evil murderer and a wicked thief, you'll try to force your dangerous unsafe drugs' FDA approved' drugs into my body without my consent and if I say 'NO' to your dangerous needles you'll then, like a totally depraved demon, try to take away my right to exercise out of jail, you'll try to prevent me from buying food and other necessities so I die from something other than your vaccine and you might try to evict me from my house and even try to prevent me from dressing like a living holy angel without a mask. You decide what you want to be.''

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