Saturday, November 28, 2020

Perly Doors Vs. ISCORP Gates

 In case Steve Rice vs. Kevin Stevens isn't interesting enough for Kim, Barton and Jordan Zillner in a Doubletree Room 329  back check, how about comparing any of the following. The status quo constant is now the following FAIR comparison for Sarah Fuller rather than Ben Hur #32"

Mrs. Shane Hendrikson of Rib Mountain, WI ( AKA Cheryl Lee Buttram)= Joseph Biden the unjustified and unethical seeker of a 'president's office' ?

Does a Catholic 'godfather' really matter if his name is Jeffrey Zillner, an MSOE graduate or doe a flatware company in Chicago have more chance  of being a person to bust of 'status quo' corruption?

ISCORP is a non-secret company in Meqoun that seems to have only a 'Whitecloud' design like a Las Vegas Knight trap play.   For some reason, biomedical engineers should be able to do a DNA test on the real father of the Catholic 'godchild' in order to establish paternity and collect child support for their godchild's mother.... unless of course the godfather is too comfortable un his Tech ' speedo suit' Trojan apathy. 

Kim Barton is a totally different matter when 'mattress' trips go back to Navy lines/ There really is a Kim Barton who helped me purchase mattresses for a struggling family with a diseased father, but when healthy father skip town or keep making their criminal moves like Hunter Biden, can a 'godfather' like Jeff Zillner have some clout with his private intelligence to behead the current version of Goliath? Roger Bushell isn't 'Big Tech', so here are a few fair match-ups for the Kevin Pollock 33 NHL orange bands to investigate before Gajevic vs. Cler rises up again without Brian Custer in the middle.

544=HIP Check is the Roy W. Allen French 'Colette' WWII Crossword Puzzle Way

 ZOOM Out : Michael Paetzke vs. Michael Rood

ZOOM IN: Adam Oates vs. Rocky Lombardi

GROOM Out:  David Szymanski vs. Richard I. Hendrikson

GROOM In  : Robin Ortiz vs. Slade Hendrikson

Broom Street Out: Jay Cutler (Bear UP) vs. Sarah Fuller ( Team 0)

Broom Street In: Steve Kempowski vs. Brian Kemp

TANK In: Chad Hendricks vs. Frank Zillner

Toilet OUT: Marine City, MI  Squad 02 vs. Roland Hendrikson of Wittenberg

BOOM In: Adam Fink (Marine Veteran) vs. Coy Sawyer (WCLQ 89.5 FM Disk Jockey)

BOOM Out: Dick Wetzel& Barbara Ashley vs. Dick Heckel&Austin Costa , son of James Costa

US BANK Left WING In: Bob Theil vs. Jarob Ortiz

319 West Virginia Street Ball ROOM for Improvement Test : Michael Korducki (25) Vs. Thomas Kane(21) 

Humphrey Dome IMAX Rerun Grudge Match: Paul Lambert vs. William Hopper

DOUG Outfield: Doug Gilmour Vs. Doug Zaworski

Doug Infield : Paul Douglas Coffey Lines vs. Doug Weight and C Sectionals 

 Flint Stone Quarry Bar Exam: Tim Thomas (hockey) vs. Andre Rison (football)

Caution flag at Memphis Dykes 5 and Ivory 13 since that combo can't be the orange billiard ball team. Operation COBRA is kind of like NASCARDAD now.

Ultimate Copper Platform Challenge: Frederick Birts vs. Steven Fyfe

Ultimate Copper Socket 2Emily Bauer Challenge: Mike Vernon vs. Greg Szablewski

Basic 1 UWSP Pointer Challenge:  Amanda Nechuta (Indian winter club) vs. John Mack ( Purple Pasque Flower Power) 

( this is an anti-hologram RHUBARB  Berrian jam session)

 Attorney's guard rail splitter: Whitney Parker on 'Bonanza' easily defeated  Joyce Davenport in decency, humility and  conservative humanitarian television efforts without Josephine Glass nor Ron Glass in the film mixture.

Month 33 THIGH HIGH EXTRA POINT Guardian Angle Test : Mathieu Roy ( 2G, 11A) vs. Jamie Pushor

My Rogue Team  anti-Buttram team is: Tommy Bedford and Roy Benford since those 2 decent brown tone retired police officers are nothing like ' Mr. Haney' on Green Acres.

My 'Blue Billiard Ball' Team Constant is still Bryan Little and  Jaromir Jagr.

Make sure you add 3 to every USA President's position if you, in err, considered Geaorge Washington to be the 1st president of the 13 colonies. For instance, Martin Van Buren's team is now 11 and James Madison is 7.

The passcode for the 'Ultimate  Hip Copper Split ' is : H2783 . The new Gd factor of 64 is Steven Rice (329 Hockey Wars completed), which takes Wisconsin Badger Beach head 65 out of the 'game' since he isn't Jonah material . The FAIL code for this test is Zip code area 53563 since 356 is Slava Koslov's number in the middle of 5/3 Bank lines and 356 is still in the LAMPPA series as a PA route.

Learn to use Bible codes in case Biden gets as far as Cheryl Lee Buttram Brown Hendrikson in his unrighteous power trip to an office he isn't mentally fit nor morally fit to rule and reign in. We'll have to learn 'love speech' such as ' I love anti-liars' since Buttram and Biden will be too busy loving the liars and hating Bible codes, making them somewhat similar in immaturity to Larry Mizewski. Larry Robinson  is much classier than Biden&Buttram's unisex toy boxers.

Henrik Zetterberg is somewhat like an iceberg at 960 above ' Zero' compared to Tomas Tatar tots. and of course Precision Body in Schofield, WI  matters as much as Myles Garrett does in FEMA district X.

Wouldn't it be awesome if my son's Catholic godfather, Jeff Zillner, tried harder than Protestant money collection agency 'UWM.ORG' to convince his godson that spending time with and communicating with your real living  mother is important, no matter how frightening she may dress at times?

Maybe I'll have to take a trip to Richmond, VA to get in the Perly doors for a perfect meal. In the interim, the kerchief mentioned in Ezekiel chapter 13 might be similar to BANDANA 73. 

Don't forget the lyrics to Rocky Balboa track 17 since this is all about the 'A is my grade' school: 

"Renegade can't be SLADE'. 

Wow... it's the birthday of Spurgeon the 46th Wild man!

Were you expecting Roger Bushell vs. Noodles the dog? 


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