Various topics are going to covered in this post for a LAMPPA reason. (P is points, A is assists).
Colon cancer is not caused by good eating habits and once detected there is no hope for the rest of the body unless the cancerous section is addressed and changed rather than ignored. Wayne county's illegal vote output is equal to intentionally spreading a deadly virus to the entire state but then wrongly thinking the origin of the intentional crime will somehow be protected....but it won't be protected by יהוה . Only a certain day will declare (H962) if the entire state of Michigan can in fact be destroyed by allowing Wayne counties illegal votes or if some body parts ( other counties) stay protected because their county's voting process was conducted with as much honesty as possible in spite of currently having corruption stem from the most dishonest anti-virtuous female political figures in Michigan's short history 'represent' the Democratic party but who cannot represent people such as me.
Cheryl Lee Buttram Hendrikson also is like colon cancer that affected a household and only those that declared her dangerous demeanor in courtrooms. within cars and within houses she was USING but did not own were wise enough to distance themselves from her immoral attack toward spiritually WEAK men. Spiritually good and spiritually strong men would have told Cheryl Lee Brown that as a self-proclaimed 'Christian' she should not be pursuing a married man and his CHILDREN as she did, but apparently central Wisconsin lacks spiritually strong men and 1 household fell to Cheryl Lee Brown as Wayne county fell to Democratic corruption. Oddly, there is temporary excitement after turf is taken by the wicked, and I suppose the Back Devils of 1943, which included Joseph Dauphinais, suspected that the same Italy that sided with Hitler's military previously, somehow deserved to be 'rescued', even though few in 2020 would really appreciate the rescue of sections of Italy in 1943. I can't rescue people who aligned with Cheryl Lee Buttram Hendrikson nor her current associates of casino adoration societies; my abilities, loaned to me by יהוה , can protect or redirect some people before they enter into spiritual destruction caused by apathy, lack of true repentance or hypocrisy'. Rerouting humans toward spiritual correction before actual death of the flesh is a very serious goal that I undertake on a daily basis.
If Wayne County is like colon cancer, the sickness does start when wicked attorney's think that a broken leg is worth $ 1,000,000.00 in insurance claims even though the leg can fully recover within a year, unlike an aborted baby. Governess Whitmer, after only 2 months, is trying to abort, that is KILL OFF, many decent businesses in Michigan such as bowling lanes and some hockey rinks while Michigan's unrighteous, unclean and hypocritical 'health department' (falsely so called) unfairly allows even more dangerous sites to conduct business even though they sell pornography, hazardous cigarettes, murder labeled 'abortion' and lottery tickets to try and profit from unhealthy behaviors. What is the lesson that decent and honest business people worldwide are supposed to learn after loss of a livelihood but not loss of hearing and seeing?
First of all, if you do not prepare in 6 years to have no income every 7th year, you have not understand the reason for tithing to yourself in order to take care of your household as a good king should. Suppose you have been earning and surviving on $40.000 gross per year for 6 years. Setting aside $400 per month (not easy but possible to do after horrid various government taxation of up to 25% leaves you with $30,000 net income) , in 6 years you should have had almost $29.000. to get through a year of forced unemployment or voluntary rest with your family members.
Spending money on costly, water toys such as a jet ski, electronics, cigarettes, more than 1 gun per adult male in a household (venison rule) cars you financed or unhealthy meal money is not how you can save yourself nor your family from wicked Whitmer types. Desiring a 2nd home even though you only have 1 family becomes as stupid as having a spouse and a prostitute you have to pay for at the same time. 7 years is what Yakov 'paid' for Leah, not for Rachel. Maybe those of us who call ourselves 'conservative Yahwehists' need to do better in the next 7 years when it comes to preparing our finances to survive attacks from Democratic hogs who don't know when to stop and think like the Black Devils did in December of 1943 or the men who were in the battle of Sugar Loaf Hill had to do when people on their 'team' were diminishing in number.
Christian Financial Credit Union has a crucifix on the wall in one of it's locations; such a disgusting relic depiciting torture would be better off replaced by a copy of the BEAUTIFUL rules and regulations that Moshe received in stone while on Mt. Sinai to educate those who calm to be 'Christian' better than a silent maimed dead human body will ever be able to do. Mixing Thanksgiving with Christmas will result in a lukewarm, anti-Yahwehist position that far too many Catholics and Protestant Christians have allowed themselves to be immersed into due to lack of reading, UNDERSTANDING and then heeding to prophetic warnings.
By borrowing money from people who are not part of my family, I do believe 3% interest is fair and less than that becomes unjust to the borrower who is NOT part of your family yet is taking risk in lending.
What we see isn't always Kevin Pollock, especially when 4 people can eat at Windsor, Ontario diner tables 'zero' regular people can go from the USA to Canada , and no pro-Puritan people can gather at a buffet at St. Clair's 'Voyageur' this year due to Whitmer's attempt to abort more Michigan businesses than she ever was willing to personally invest in.
Who invested in 'Old Dutch' advertising in the Golden Gopher arena? Potato should be a David Clarke code 9 according to 'brown uniform' crop changers, which are very different than cop changers. David Clarke the 64th Milwaukee County sheriff, is more important to short term defensive tactics than an unopened can of 'Red Bull 55' which typically does more harm than good to the COLON of a real body.
Dennis Drazkowski failed and Larry Mizewski failed when an opportunity arose for them to do more good than harm to me and thus, they are worse than Brock Caufield's father and Jack Nedobeck's book in matters of spiritual warfare.
I don't worship nor desire ' artificial intelligence'. Real intelligence has to include proper discernment when forced to become an adversary of Wayne County, Michigan due to their hasty push of 16 delegates toward pro-abortion 'Joey Biden' Delaware's Catholic bigot. Economic sanctions against states who tossed their electoral college to bigot Biden or counties who voted heavily in favor of wicked Whitmer can occur if purchasers in those zones try to avoid buying from and selling those states or counties and take their Republican money to places that have Republican representatives in state or federal political seats..
Should I mention it might be day 1333 of the tribulation for those of Swedish mindset and I do not know if my next of kin is dead or alive due to his lack of GOOD communication skills? I don't know if my next of kin is dead or alive, and that's the way my next of kin has decided to 'declare' ( בור ) he is still against me and not for me on what might be his day 952. Bathsheba decided to turn against Uriah, and an infant died as a result of her desire to upgrade her income with a wealthier man.
Surnames are easily changed in courtrooms, but blood type is still a key indicator in family tree limbs.
Have a clean 'oneg', don't spend your money in Wayne County, Michigan and try not to evolve into a Democratic hog or Mr. Gary the 52nd 'Della Street Tweet' Packer who isn't a Dan Plesac at heart.
What's H953 if it's not a 'bush'? בוש
Bathgate isn't 'Watergate'.
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