Let's suppose you are not stupid enough to want to get a vaccine that will give you 'positive results' for a virus. When people are paying for FALSE records, they become purchasers of lies which they then might start spreading at 1621 Cleveland Avenue in Wausau for the beginning of their demise.
There is not possible way I am or ever will be related to Cheryl Lee Buttram, but how is it that Linda Maria Costa is now related to Richard Hendrikson according to 'Mylife.com' errors? Bearing false witness on a computer information site is sinful and commonplace, which is why many family trees will get hacked down to the roots eventually.
I have been asked to change or edit opinions and truthful viewpoints I have had about people who are now listed as related to Cheryl Lee Brown/Buttram and Linda Maria Costa who don't really have have any concern about my current status, including whether I am dead or alive. However, a real man who desires that the truth be MANDATORY should be demanding that the Peoplewhiz and Mylife.com correct the information they are selling as easily and sleazily as a heroine dealer because false information actually DOES DISORIENTATE a mindset and then affects behavior.
It's interesting that according to certain records. a list of people including David Ortiz, Barbara Ortiz and Cheryl Lee Buttram Brown lives at 1602 Mary Lane but my name wasn't included in that very inaccurate and corrupt site that uses 'key lime' ink tones.
It is frustrating to see so much wrong information and to see how property values in Michigan are dropping since wicked Whitmer has ruined the state with her idiotic mandates that prove her she is spiritually depraved. If the TRUTH does set people free, then Mylife.com and Peoplewhiz.com certainly gets names caught up in inaccurate bondage as wicked as a tabloid that intentionally mistrepresents reality.
Cheryl Lee Buttram (Brown) Hendrikson of Wausau, Wisconsin is listed as a Democrat, and I am thankful that in reality I am not related to her or her March 4, 1961 seedlings of tares.
It has been reported that Molly Brown is related to Cheryl Lee Hendrikson, and I suppose that might be her daughter rather than a former in-law.
Divorces eradicate the term 'related to' with the exception of children of the divorcees and certainly Acquine and Donald Jackson of Milwaukee is actually historically related to my son Richard as his great uncle than Shannon Wahl or Linda M. Costa..... even though the Jackson name isn't listed but Costa, Buttram& Brown is listed although they have no genetic connection.
Who of the following is more likely to desire to correct inaccurate records and is thus LESS likely to believe a strong delusion?
A) Robin Michael Ortiz of Milwaukee, WI, now about 64 years old
B) Richard Michael Hendrikson of Menomonie, WI, now about 80 years old
C) Joe Milton Middle School of 11
D) DDFence Emet closely related to the author of this blog
E) The Sharper brothers of Richmond, VA
F) Chris Allemon the UWSP Pointer
G) Mitch Dunning the NH; referee
H) Mertz the Wisconsin Badger
I) Ashley Maria Hendrikson the USA Army woman
If only people who list themselves as 'Christians' would actually be willing to defend the truth, emit that which is truthful and put forth physical effort to topple intentional liars. Lying is more difficult to correct and thus truly REPENT OF than vomiting up the last pork rind your bought. Does a person listed in the USA military decide they no longer need to defend the USA Constitution after they are done with their enlistment period? Could the Detroit Lions step aside from their stupidity and go try to determine how much disgusting fraud the city they represent has intentionally committed during recent elections? I suppose the Detroit Lions are hirelings as useless as Brian Berg and others who want paychecks but won't really battle against obvious injustice and criminal activities in their turf.
The weather in lower Michigan today is dangerous and gloomy, not sunny and safe. I'll never deny that Richard Edwin Xavier aka 'Hendrikson' is my son even if he doesn't currently believe the 5th commandment applies to his religious sect, because doing so would break the 7th commandment. A bear bereaved of her cub is unlikely to show mercy to the abductors of her cub. There was a time when I didn't think the 1st commandment applied to me so I didn't heed the following 9 justified 'starter' commandments to the BEST of my ability as a result of rejecting the name " יהוה " !!!!!
Peoplewhiz and Mylife 'owners' are breaking the 7th commandment continually and like an abortionist or a person who markets murder and adultery as 'entertainment' on Netflix or in theatres, are gaining wealth from their horrific sins that are spreading like a plague.
If the majority of USA people doesn't immediately start to desire to behave like people who believe the basic 10 commandments, the majority of USA people will be a bunch of Cheryl Lee Buttram's with the elect and sealed remnant of scattered ישראל unable to prevent the self-destruction of conniving, deceitful couples such as Cheryl Lee Buttram and Shane David Hendrikson.
A punted football isn't a strong delusion.
Planet X or a unstoppable meteor might be a welcome sight in view of the earth's current state of corruption. I suppose a Butterfinger is cleaner and safer to handle than a Cheryl Lee Buttner finger in each of their respective current conditions.
I would rather try to counter the falsehoods my grandchildren have been seeing and hearing in person, but those lying to them will not allow that. Thus, this venue is a legal option to openly expose troubling intentional carelessness and outright deception that is a common offense in secular circles and religious squares. This venue might be eliminated, but the dozens of viewers each day might endure until the visitor's end zone sign says " Lying to your neighbor is actual hate speech. Scotland is wrong."
My pensive, hard as ICE and very sober thoughts seem to be as scattered as Lee Elder balls today.
Could it really be month 8th and 28th day in progress to Ryan Longwell, the special K tech? Lunar cycles are not a strong delusion, even if NASA objects are costly useless delusions. I wonder what Matt Hebbe would do if Matt Nolan asked him to explain the past activities at 1602 Mary Lane ( currently Hollyhock Lane, 54455 ZIP) when David and Barbara Ortiz weren't actually residing there but Cheryl Buttram Brown was residing there with divorce petitioner Shane David Hendrikson 10 years ago but clearly without Daniel Teske's moral integrity in her DNA strands.
Gee, wasn't Linda Maria Hendrikson also a divorce petitioner while she was being seduced by Jimmy Costa rather than by Eric Lindros?
If you don't want to face facts, depart undearly from this site, go mask yourself so your can create carbon dioxode dangers for yourself and then beg for local Democrat for a COVID-19 vaccine like a weak and beggarly element which even the Benjamite Saul wouldn't approve in the sight of King Agrippa.
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