Monday, November 30, 2020

Peter Salemi Amigo Fish Tailgating: "SEE or Hear Quickly"

The battle is directly ahead for those few or the many who don't DESIRE to get intentionally injured with a vaccine. Since true facts rarely roll in like 'Captain Midnight' and are usually objected to by habitual liars, here are some audibles I have heard which I do believe are facts and not fiction:

S) Justin Trudeau is a wicked and devious as Kamilla Harris and Gretchen Whitmer. Sometimes the most accurate YOUTUBE videos are only able to be seen for about 24 hours before the professional propaganda personnel disposes of that truth which is the same as aborting truth. I suppose those propaganda panda types are closely tied with China tyrannical viewpoints and obviously have no interest in noticing the difference between George Fuhr and Grant Fuhr in their  GFI formations.

L) Portugal has outlawed the horrific tests kits that the USA and Canada are still pushing into the nostrils of their experimental people because Portugal has evidence to substantiate the fact that the swab kits, due to inappropriate usage by those in a spiritual stupor, in error actually do  INCREASE positive results'.

E) Believing that a mask can deter a virus 1/3rd smaller than the holes in the tightest mask fabric that STILL ALLOWS OXYGEN THROUGH and some carbon dioxide out is as foolish as believing that an abortion does not hurt the infant that is murdered and that the mother and father of an aborted child are not innocent but in fact are guilty of being PTAC.

M) If indeed less than 200 people in Eastern Canada became dead while over 10,000 in eastern Canada became dead since the coronavirus lies began spreading from political lips, there has never been a good reason to try the plan of a 14=year old high school student that has DONE MUCH HARM to communities who have caved in and mandated masks at the same time they demanded legal businesses shut down while dangerous activities such as cigarette smoking, heroine use, abortions and non-marital intercourse WHICH CAN SPREAD DISEASES have kept flourishing in areas where the contents of the Bible are not believed but wicked Carrie Underwood 'Christmas acts' are believed and adored by the unfaithful majority of  'Christians'. 

B) I have probable cause to believe that all the swabbing of human DNA is either going to be used to try to set up a data bank to divide Shem, Japheth and Ham lines OR in the best case scenario and under the leadership of a decent reasonable leader such as Donald Trump, DNA samples might be used to solve a few crimes when a suspect has been unwilling to voluntarily roll out a full set of ten fingerprints to be tossed into an AFIS system. DNA won't reveal who the elect 144,000 are; even Herod was unable to dispose of Yeshua as a toddler because of his Egyptian location, location, location! 

A) Attention Rod isn't a tension rod.  I might have seen a 'Rodney King' in the Milwaukee Tech yearbook, but he was not Rodney Young nor Rodney Weary.  Alan Hamilton might want to check a BEACH line along his way to or from Bucky Badger's roster studies for possible collusion in the horrible world of college sports.

R) Adamson's BBQ in Toronto did less harm to the community than any heroine addict, rapists, than any sellers of violent video games than any thief dressed in a politician's clothing and any adulterous person since I suspect Adamson's BBQ didn't force people to pass the pig meat into their mouth. Toronto police department has become shameful under whatever chief has allowed them to have their conscience SEARED.

S) Referring to B, the Mormons have probably been trying to seek and destroy the true elect 144,000 with the DNA database solicitation and maybe that has also been the futile 'goal' of people who aren't as decent as Michael Lyons reteaching about Squanto who was forced to become the English student of monks. For those people who want to 'HATE the Puritans and blame them for the smallpox spread, they might want to find out if the Plymouth area Indians had been gobbling rabbit, squirrels and turtle flesh rather than turkeys and duck pierogis/ First of all, the Puritans had not planned on swinging to Plymouth and did not intentionally spread any disease as biological war machines do now.

K) I have probable cause to believe that the rather uneventful spread of the current weak COVID-19 particles is actually occurring at the TEST sites themselves, since only those with some symptoms (possibly contagious) are going to try and get proof of something they might already suspect is occurring instead of staying home unless near death like someone who is not a 'doubting Thomas'. I'm not Debbie McComber, but there didn't seem to be any outbreak of sniffles, deadly fever and head congestion after I went to vote in Macomb without a mask, knowing full well those wearing a mask regularly were more likely to compromise their immune system over time than people who choose to improve the quality of the air that they inhale by NOT masking up. 

I) The Barrington 50,000, who are actual doctors and not ignorant as the Matt Patricia have sounded an alarm warning those that HAVE BELIEVED A LIE that they need to repent of their ignorance. Demasking and refusing to go to work unless you are able to work without a mask is what intelligent employee groups need to do in unison to SHUT down places like politically' puppeted' police departments, banks, Walmart , Menard's and restaurants that have caved in to 'take-out only' which INCREASES pollution(carryout containers are not even close to being as eco-friendly as a  real ceramic dinner plate. ( It seems as though some  of Peter Salemi's videos got removed already in an attempt to BULLY truth seekers and conceal what is really occurring in Canada.)

R)  There are plenty of constitutional ways to say no to a vaccine, including saying 'It is unclean and therefore NOT medicine' if you are a registered Yahwehist or 'As a graduate of an actual  D.A.R.E. program, since I am old enough to decide if I am make or female, I am also old enough to refuse risky, potentially dangerous chemicals tossed into a vaccine that has been processed by drug dealers whom I am opposed to as a matter of my current belief.'  Also, mark your turf with a 'no solicitor' sign so drug pushers will be required by law to turn away from your private property, whether it is rented, owned or  shared with a mortgage lender.  Reporting that your biblical faith has some 'anti-piercing' regulation is also a good legal argument to use against vaccines but that argument MIGHT not be respected by government officials if you acquired tattoos after being baptized as an adult and such non-apostolic acts are evident to others. The contents of an epipen or a shot of magnesium are reasonable risk to prolong life,  but vaccines are too adulterated to be considered 'safe' by intelligent people who understand their own flesh and bloodstream needs  better than a mask and drug salesman labeled 'Fauci'.

O)  Various anti-Christianity USA governors and Canadian officials continue to try and forbid Sunday church gatherings and it has been appalling to see such impious officials prohibit 'drive in' church services, yet they continue to allow Tim Horton customers to gather around their Canadian bacon. Even though I do not desire to attend a Sunday church gathering, I do believe that people in the USA and Canada DO STILL HAVE THAT RIGHT and that it is being infringed upon in despicable ways . There had been a time when Sunday church was a better option for me than going to a Hell's Angels clubhouse or a Detroit cocaine gathering to alleviate stress and think about literature and lyrics.  Unless citizens are willing to  eject the anti-religion politicians forcibly from their turf, the anti-religion politicians and their hired gunmen will try and get people to shift away from the Sunday Christianity system such as is offered by Richard Close,  Adam Fink, Michael Lyons, Justin Best. your local bowling assembly, your golf buddies or an actual real holy father who teaches his children from the Scriptures in his own household on a daily basis and especially on the Sabbath. Such a shift may be exactly what hirelings and branches of the Vatican don' t want to occur.

S) I am going to dump my Fidelity 'Canada Fund' and try to invest in some European markets because of Portugal's recent improvement and because I am angry that I couldn't spend Yom Teruah in Kincardine like I wanted to.  Financial moves are sometimes tedious but interesting when you don't put more into the stock market than you can afford to lose.

I) Vertical holding is occurring because it's Henrik Zetterberg day 960, not Advil day in tribulation timeline scenarios. The Knowlton area is not quite 53563, but is closer to 544__ zip codes than 48428 is.  Gary52 isn't my team, but keep in mind that the Chicago Bears tied the Jacksonville Jaguars and that the 41st president really was Gerald Ford because of John Hancock, Sam Huntington and John Hanson.  

T) The toes of clay mentions in the book of Daniel have been supposed to be tied to Europe according to the Bob Theil's supposition, but if in fact it is a 10 toe issue, then I believe the clay toes are related to the current USA FEMA sections, since a horn is not a toe! As a is  not the lion the same as a wolf, a snow leopard seal is not a feline leopard. Bob Thiel's thought process is better than Joel Olsteen and Joel Breitzman combined, even if he is not comfortable using the name Yeshua nor Yehovah for some reason I do not currently understand.

A) Being 'Eh' Symptom Matick is like the start of a TOYOTA line; very educated people have been known to choose Toyota over a Grand Prix or a white Jeep Cherokee.  The A frame is not the same as the W club, and indeed there is no aleph in ירמיהו   .  When I was a child, 70% to 75% correct answers on a test was a D, not a C.  ' Captain Midnight' decoder rings might as well start with Hendrik Sedin now instead of Mary Tyler Moore, since Sweden code 46 is REAL and and more important that Molech and his Coca-cola point system that Jimmy Howard tossed onto his own head like an immature Catholic water boy who didn't know enough to resist  Kim Crawford's nasty wine line. I neither buy nor sell kitty litter, so be careful at A as in KITKAT.

X) Herbert Coussons has been a hero in my past, yet I do not know if he, like Ross Grimes, might have believed the false coronavirus reports vomited out by the media for the past 8 months. Roger Bushell basket cases might have had some fruit in them, but not all military veterans are actually supposed to be considered as a hero. That's something John Paul Beine and Jonah Forshier might want to consider before they suit up for their next hockey game without Jason Arnott in their line-up.

You may now return to the best male leader you can locate  online or offline in the current wars against COVID-19 lies, against illegal casting of votes against Donald J. Trump, against all liars who are have been corrupted into the image of Justin Trudeau and Stuart Rottier and against vaccines that are neither necessary nor good clean medicine according to reliable honest citizens, good Bible students and pro-health menu board operators not anywhere near Xavier Street in Detroit, which actually looked more like an alley when I drove through Detroit trash filled streets without a VISIBLE squad partner about 8 years ago. 

Whether or not I had a firearm in my possession then was my personal choice.

Brett Lindros now gets an honorable birthday mention, even if he, like many North Americans, really doesn't believe that Aaron Rodgers is 'king of the north' as stupid fake-blonde Kathryn Tappen and her unreliable NBC crew have suggested. 

To the true blue London topaz line........ Heads up! 🎣🎵🎶🎵🎷🎹🎺   oh bother, it's only a G clef 🎼 for Sheldon Souray now in the middle of the 46th month!

Citadel Monty Hall tip: Tune into 'Cool Hand Ojibwa'  Michael Lyons and 'MRBOOZHOO'  for refreshing opinions not only about grief and Thanksgiving, but also recently about bullying!. Audible medical treatments are a real option and typically a less risky choice than a vaccine loaded with dangerous toxins, formaldehyde, monkey DNA, swine DNA and sorcery potions made up from aborted infant parts. 

 What goes in 2 ears or into your eyeballs might exit from your mouth eventually. Indeed, those who keep pushing the 'lock down, mask and vaccinate' agenda are bullying their 'neighbor' contrary to the written  instructions of יהוה. 

By design, why does the USA symbolic eagle bear a quiver like Elam?

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Perly Doors Vs. ISCORP Gates

 In case Steve Rice vs. Kevin Stevens isn't interesting enough for Kim, Barton and Jordan Zillner in a Doubletree Room 329  back check, how about comparing any of the following. The status quo constant is now the following FAIR comparison for Sarah Fuller rather than Ben Hur #32"

Mrs. Shane Hendrikson of Rib Mountain, WI ( AKA Cheryl Lee Buttram)= Joseph Biden the unjustified and unethical seeker of a 'president's office' ?

Does a Catholic 'godfather' really matter if his name is Jeffrey Zillner, an MSOE graduate or doe a flatware company in Chicago have more chance  of being a person to bust of 'status quo' corruption?

ISCORP is a non-secret company in Meqoun that seems to have only a 'Whitecloud' design like a Las Vegas Knight trap play.   For some reason, biomedical engineers should be able to do a DNA test on the real father of the Catholic 'godchild' in order to establish paternity and collect child support for their godchild's mother.... unless of course the godfather is too comfortable un his Tech ' speedo suit' Trojan apathy. 

Kim Barton is a totally different matter when 'mattress' trips go back to Navy lines/ There really is a Kim Barton who helped me purchase mattresses for a struggling family with a diseased father, but when healthy father skip town or keep making their criminal moves like Hunter Biden, can a 'godfather' like Jeff Zillner have some clout with his private intelligence to behead the current version of Goliath? Roger Bushell isn't 'Big Tech', so here are a few fair match-ups for the Kevin Pollock 33 NHL orange bands to investigate before Gajevic vs. Cler rises up again without Brian Custer in the middle.

544=HIP Check is the Roy W. Allen French 'Colette' WWII Crossword Puzzle Way

 ZOOM Out : Michael Paetzke vs. Michael Rood

ZOOM IN: Adam Oates vs. Rocky Lombardi

GROOM Out:  David Szymanski vs. Richard I. Hendrikson

GROOM In  : Robin Ortiz vs. Slade Hendrikson

Broom Street Out: Jay Cutler (Bear UP) vs. Sarah Fuller ( Team 0)

Broom Street In: Steve Kempowski vs. Brian Kemp

TANK In: Chad Hendricks vs. Frank Zillner

Toilet OUT: Marine City, MI  Squad 02 vs. Roland Hendrikson of Wittenberg

BOOM In: Adam Fink (Marine Veteran) vs. Coy Sawyer (WCLQ 89.5 FM Disk Jockey)

BOOM Out: Dick Wetzel& Barbara Ashley vs. Dick Heckel&Austin Costa , son of James Costa

US BANK Left WING In: Bob Theil vs. Jarob Ortiz

319 West Virginia Street Ball ROOM for Improvement Test : Michael Korducki (25) Vs. Thomas Kane(21) 

Humphrey Dome IMAX Rerun Grudge Match: Paul Lambert vs. William Hopper

DOUG Outfield: Doug Gilmour Vs. Doug Zaworski

Doug Infield : Paul Douglas Coffey Lines vs. Doug Weight and C Sectionals 

 Flint Stone Quarry Bar Exam: Tim Thomas (hockey) vs. Andre Rison (football)

Caution flag at Memphis Dykes 5 and Ivory 13 since that combo can't be the orange billiard ball team. Operation COBRA is kind of like NASCARDAD now.

Ultimate Copper Platform Challenge: Frederick Birts vs. Steven Fyfe

Ultimate Copper Socket 2Emily Bauer Challenge: Mike Vernon vs. Greg Szablewski

Basic 1 UWSP Pointer Challenge:  Amanda Nechuta (Indian winter club) vs. John Mack ( Purple Pasque Flower Power) 

( this is an anti-hologram RHUBARB  Berrian jam session)

 Attorney's guard rail splitter: Whitney Parker on 'Bonanza' easily defeated  Joyce Davenport in decency, humility and  conservative humanitarian television efforts without Josephine Glass nor Ron Glass in the film mixture.

Month 33 THIGH HIGH EXTRA POINT Guardian Angle Test : Mathieu Roy ( 2G, 11A) vs. Jamie Pushor

My Rogue Team  anti-Buttram team is: Tommy Bedford and Roy Benford since those 2 decent brown tone retired police officers are nothing like ' Mr. Haney' on Green Acres.

My 'Blue Billiard Ball' Team Constant is still Bryan Little and  Jaromir Jagr.

Make sure you add 3 to every USA President's position if you, in err, considered Geaorge Washington to be the 1st president of the 13 colonies. For instance, Martin Van Buren's team is now 11 and James Madison is 7.

The passcode for the 'Ultimate  Hip Copper Split ' is : H2783 . The new Gd factor of 64 is Steven Rice (329 Hockey Wars completed), which takes Wisconsin Badger Beach head 65 out of the 'game' since he isn't Jonah material . The FAIL code for this test is Zip code area 53563 since 356 is Slava Koslov's number in the middle of 5/3 Bank lines and 356 is still in the LAMPPA series as a PA route.

Learn to use Bible codes in case Biden gets as far as Cheryl Lee Buttram Brown Hendrikson in his unrighteous power trip to an office he isn't mentally fit nor morally fit to rule and reign in. We'll have to learn 'love speech' such as ' I love anti-liars' since Buttram and Biden will be too busy loving the liars and hating Bible codes, making them somewhat similar in immaturity to Larry Mizewski. Larry Robinson  is much classier than Biden&Buttram's unisex toy boxers.

Henrik Zetterberg is somewhat like an iceberg at 960 above ' Zero' compared to Tomas Tatar tots. and of course Precision Body in Schofield, WI  matters as much as Myles Garrett does in FEMA district X.

Wouldn't it be awesome if my son's Catholic godfather, Jeff Zillner, tried harder than Protestant money collection agency 'UWM.ORG' to convince his godson that spending time with and communicating with your real living  mother is important, no matter how frightening she may dress at times?

Maybe I'll have to take a trip to Richmond, VA to get in the Perly doors for a perfect meal. In the interim, the kerchief mentioned in Ezekiel chapter 13 might be similar to BANDANA 73. 

Don't forget the lyrics to Rocky Balboa track 17 since this is all about the 'A is my grade' school: 

"Renegade can't be SLADE'. 

Wow... it's the birthday of Spurgeon the 46th Wild man!

Were you expecting Roger Bushell vs. Noodles the dog? 


Friday, November 27, 2020

Touhy - The Erring Levites or Sheep Led to the Chicago Slaughter?

 Since the letter Y on the end of Hebrew word means a congregation or assembly of related beings, Roger Touhy has become a person of interest.  Not only did some Yeshiva school set up shop on 'Touhy', oddly enough the word in Hebrew, whether spelled with a   or a    as the T, means erring ones; misled and corrupted. I can recall passing an exit on I-94, Touhy Ave., but never new the Touhy family of Chicago was in fact very misled and erring in deed....

H2937 is defined as the liars and deceivers and it seems H8582 is described as the deceived and those who believed the liars, choosing unrighteousness other than holiness. Hmmmm.  Tav Ayin Hey Yod  or Tet Ayin Hey Yod . Should I bother to rewrite a code from letter of the Irish potato heads to Russian hockey heads?

H2937 gets recoded as  Ron  Soreanu+Fedorov+ Viktor Koslov+Chelios and can defer to Ezequiel 13 to check straying string lines.  H8582 gets a variation to  Daunte Culpepper+Fedorov+Slava Koslov+Chelios and can defer to Isaiah 53:6 I suppose and see who does best in the role as a the lion who swallowed 'Pierre', courtesy of odball French authors.

The TOUHY err lines got dishonorable mention in Isaiah 53:6, referring to sheep that had gone astray, in Ezequiel 44 as straying Levites gone bad amd Hosea 4:12 in  generic ' my people' terms. Emitting from Ireland, the Touhy family became very unruly in Chicago, though maybe far less corrupt than Lightfoot the reprobate female mayor.

Now, low and behold, there is a Dan Tuohy listed as Chicago Bears video man and a Dan Touhy listed as a typical overpaid attorney in Illinois.  Isn't there a less interesting option to think about such as looking at the Hebrew word line-up for December 14th this year, with YTD numbers always starting on Abib 1?

Today is somewhere around the 9th month, the 11th or 12th day depending on what moon shine you look at or what darkness you assume as the start of a new month. No, not Sept.11 or September 12 but the 9th month nearing the H2074...Zebulunites!

Manitoulin Island has a Tou tossed in there verbage as well, and it is no secret that Tobemorey starts of on a positive 'Tobe' line, for goodness sake! Since Hamath is a non-fiction location near Syria, a country I decided not to enter illegally when perched in the Golan heights, there is a Touhy needle that is of no interest to me since it appears to be far to risky to accept when severe  pain with an alert mind is a better option than incoherent mindset.

Was there really a mobster was named Jake 'the camel' Factor?  Doing research and deploying paragraphs seems like a better choice than grinding my teeth, chewing my fingernails and watching to see if any animal takes the '3 Musketeer' bait I placed outside of Stalag Luft III instead of in 'Camp X'.

I realize Wikipedia is has plenty of errors, but the word טעהי  does now turn into quite an enigma for Dan Tuohy and the Chicago Bears. 

I think there might be a  BROWN nosed- brown deer named 'Steve' in nearby Napthali turf rather than Rudolph Hess. The deer is not the wide deceiver that Molech/Santa Klaus is. Gently moving a group of the deceived into the fact checkers seems like a gracious activity to be part of.

Parable of the Vineyard time, and grape seeds have com up at H2785 for 7th year students heading toward the Soreanu words after their Section 8 'Chet' words have been observed with thoughtfulness.

Yehovah hath revived my spirit, and it seems as though it is well with my soul, sometimes seen as Hymn #116. Yehovah is a faithful leader who is not afraid to be a rear guard.

The Desire Of My Heart Is Reasonable

 It is reasonable to a honest USA citizen or current military official still dedicated to defending the constitution to desire that the FEMA camps end up as a place of incarceration for political liars and corrupted politicians who have cheated the honest citizens of the USA not only by 'paying' themselves far too much money but also by being treasonous in their behavior by passing laws designed to financially ruin the USA.

If there is a militia made up of a few sanctified leaders and many decent honest citizens to assist those leaders in mass arrests of people in political offices WHO HAVE DEFILED AAND CORRUPTED those offices, then FEMA camps will be loaded up with corrupt, criminals labeled 'politicians' where they can be enslaved for their thefts, their lies and their treasonous behaviors and re-educated by military forces who really are willing to defend the USA constitution, including taking political tyrants such as Gavin Newsom to some sort of prison alongside his fellow corrupt politicians.

Re-educating a political criminal is possible, but only if there really are are least 10 righteous men currently in the USA military or retired and willing to assist the military in their DUTY to incarcerate corrupt politicians who have been robbing citizens by jacking up taxes and not providing us with the rights many have fought and died for in the past. A military general is not worthy of his military retirement if he is too afraid to arrest and incarcerate governors, senators and congressional delegates who have trampled on the USA constitution as though it were of nor effect to the citizens who have not defected and have been trying to protect the spirit of that document drawn up by men such as John Hancock. 

If Donald Trump has any faithful men in the military, they will do their duty and start arresting politicians and let them shoot each other up with the vaccines they developed since their guns will have to be taken away from them in order to assure that the real faithful citizens of the USA can retain the arms of their choice, within reason.  Firearms as well as Bibles, archery sets and knives have been considered arms within reason by those who wrote up the 2nd amendment.

It will be a glorious day when corrupt politicians and HEALTH DEPARTMENT officials either miraculously start dying off or become prisoners charged with crimes against their own city state or nation because they have who have tried to destroy people with facial mask orders, abortion clinics, casino deals, legalized prostitution, pornographic material sales, sales of chemical tidbits that harm the liver and cure no diseases heroine supplies, and cigarette  that do harm an no good to the body nor the planet. 

Psalm 37 is still questionable as to whether it is an opinion or the facts of cause and effect when a person chooses to commit their works to the name of  יהוה  in order to fight against ill Bill Gates and unholy, unrighteous politicians such as Kamilla Harris and Gretchen Whitmer and their despicable government treasonous officials  who love wickedness and hate truthfulness.

What happens  with Milwaukee's Vincent Pope vs Soo St. Marie's Ron Francis is possible like war near either heaven or Hell in order to rightfully divide Pope Francis, the unclean unrighteous beast of Vatican City.

I suppose Ron Francis would win in a match up against Vincent Pope, but I'm not willing to bet against either of those 2 people since spiritual warfare doesn't recognize bets.

Hey! What if it's Mark Recchi's A team day #956 instead of Hebrew 'mole' day 604? The 21th of the tribulation might be at little foot if the 33rd month is at big bowling hand.

"Teach us, Yehovah, to number our days.'

"It is not possible to receive forgiveness that is neither desired nor sought in sincerity, and thus true forgiveness is seldom attained due to lack of proper desires."  -  2020 statement of 1st Female Valedictorian of Milwaukee Trade and Technical High School 


Unintentional Sin? Think.

 Peter Salemi revealed how pathetic the Toronto Police Department has become while stopping 'Adamson's BBQ' from selling products that chain detailers are allowed to sell yet they, like shameful USA officers, won't prevent an abortionist from murdering an innocent child. I slipped over to 'Infowars' and now repent of purchasing an 'Apple', not knowing about the slave labor issues involved with his company. 

However, in due to my error in purchasing, I did learn that the 'GOOD Club' and the George Bush family have a spiritual disorder that Laura Welch didn't repair with her teacher's certificate.

I also learned that John Hanson was referred to as 'president' by George Washington, which means if John Hancock is deemed as the 1st president presiding over the Continental Congress. George Washington has been the 4th president after Hancock, Huntington, and Hanson. Such a historic adjustment them makes Donald Trump the 48th president.

Maybe Greg Hanson has a plan to save the integrity of the letter  ך  .  If a private gym in Buffalo, NY  chased away the 'health department gestapo' and the sheriff  deputies were able to see that people exercising cared more about their own health that the 'Buffalo health department', then more citizens need to get that kind of courage to protect and serve their own 'homeland' better than any pompous politician ever would do no matter how large their salary has been. 

It is a dark day indeed. If Alex Jones and Dan Bidondi November 25th, 2020 communications are warning voices, it is time for me to switch from writing on a blog to reading the Scriptures more diligently. Take the time watch Jones and Bidondi and toss the 'Penguins of Madagascar' digital unrealistic stupidity into the trash.

Why don't the truckers in the USA really go on strike until small diners are able to open up and serve people in peace, mask mandates are ceased and it becomes official that humans have the right to say NO to vaccines? 

The  President John Hanson scale is critical now.  Any government health department that allows sales of cigarettes, wants you to ignore Levitical advice and allows abortions is corrupt and are unworthy of mercy.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Equal Rights of Non-NFL Workers Is At Horseshoe Stakes

 A hat that says 'Make Facial Features Visible Again' would be good and PERFECT for those who are medically intelligent, anti-crime and are not employed as a either corrupt Democrats or a cowardly Republicans. Moving to South Dakota isn't a good idea now since the type of people who would move their would only be choosing to flee from a battle in a state that might in fact have ten righteous men within it to bear up against governors behaving as though they are facist, anti-Bible dictators in Uganda.

Suppose the best argument for those people in states that have NFL or college football teams pretending as though the social distancing and mask laws don't apply to them as visitors nor as residents of a state is at hand.  Mention those football players as your example of why stupid, unhealthy rules PUT IN PLACE TO TEST PEOPLE AS THOUGH THEY WERE MICE AND NOT MEN are not getting enforced in' state football stadiums across the USA in the presence of on-duty local law enforcement officers. The following sentence is now more important to remember than Miranda warnings/

" My non-mask medical exclusion is the same one that Adrian Peterson and JJ Watt used on November 26, 2020 AD while not  near the Bush tree nursery in Crawford, Texas."  Therefore, when you are either a visitor of a state or a resident of a state, your anti-mask exclusion is valid by uncontested precendent. 

 In order to PROVE you are not a threat to USA security, you should also attempt to prove you are not afraid to counter political stupidity and behave as an employed professional football player or even a lowly unmasked Xavier Musketeer basketball player on a regular workday such as November 26, 2020 AD.

Have you believed a lie such as 'humans who won't wear masks or social distance are threats to your national security'  and thus you are more fearful than a Ragnow? Being fearful of getting seen without a mask in public and with video evidence is exactly what WILL get you deemed as a security risk to the diminishing forces of  spiritual warfare teachers who  actually do understand the mind games deployed by those who do not believe in Yehovah's ability to protect and serve those aligned with יהוה before a change of heart occurs.

A person who is most likely to make a deadly mistake under pressure. The deadly mistake might be suicide, a rush for a vaccine, choosing to buy a tattoo while being too fearful to be seen without a mask in a state that clearly isn't enforcing the rules in it's football stadiums.

Hypocrites are a threat to the security of any nation, and if you've been eating pork products but then claim you are not allowed as a 'Sunday Sabbath Christian' to get monkey or hog DNA pumped into your veins? You will be labeled as a hypocrite in the sight of Yahwehists if you claim you don't want hog or monkey DNA through a needle but will take it in through your mouth. Every person who voted for a pro-abortion candidate in 2020 or is a pro-abortion USA elected servant also should be labeled as a hypocrite if they claim they cannot take the hog nor the monkey nor the infant DNA into their bodies as a vaccine. 

Jimmy Ortiz, Tom Hubred and Scott Striglos are very different man all in FEMA Section V, even though all three have not been fearful nor ashamed to be my horseshoe partners in somewhat recent non-violent competitions.

 Anything that has happened in the past 40 years is 'recent'. Have you considered that the FEW who really do know and understand that the Bible has been used a military training tool not only at West Point but also at Virginia Military Academy?  Do you, as a competent student body, know that the people who 'go along' with rules and regulations that endanger not only their mind but also their ability to earn a living are in fact too fearful to be willing to actually defend whatever it is that they refer to as home according to the 2020 census or according to their auto registration, where their heart, mind and soul is supposed to be?

People who are unwilling to resist a 'takeover' of their face that actually needs proper unrestricted exhalation and proper unrestricted inhalation to combat internal lung disease are in fact a security threat because they will not even defend their own lung function, and thus will become diseased and will most likely be directed to internment 'camps' for diseased or retraining the  fearful who not only refused to defend their right to obey   but also refused to TRY to behave like an NFL player, not treating Sunday as the 'sabbath' and who isn't afraid to be in televised in close contact with strangers without a mask to disgrace their facial features.

I am going to end on a note of optimism. Frankly, I don't care if the people who rush to a vaccine die off since they desired that which is pharmacy witchcraft rather than contend with a survivable battle of temporary disease.

 Death or recovery always makes the outcome of every disease temporary.

I hope my son and his wife do not prolong their fear of people such as me or my neighbor, Michael Revere for another 10 years or even another 954 days, because that will only prove that the entity they worship wants them to be afraid rather than strong and of GOOD courage.  I would prefer my son and his household start to become strong and of good courage very quickly as I had to first day I sat alongside John Dorsey on squad 50 Early in the City of Milwaukee in 1987.

The goal line is a holy and healthy Messiah, not a filthy mask strapped onto a cigarette smoker or clutched in the hands of a person who chose to invest in and then intake hog DNA. monkey DNA or aborted baby parts into their bloodstream .

If you want another opinion of how to react against pressures to do harm to yourself, see if you can get a strategy from Steven Rice and Daniel Shank instead of Steven Basting and Daniel Magno.

When faced with a choice to rid his household of firearms or a Bible believer, Robert Daniel Groth decided to rid his household of firearms. As a Vietnam combat Marine veteran, he knew that firearms would be less useful to him in a struggle to remain sane than a Bible believer. Pain from disease always ends, either by death or recovery.

Bon Ami and clean Soup De Jour to you!

👮👉🙋 🎹🔑

This POST #1314 has been covertly sponsored by:

Camille Jenich's Greyhound Class of 1973

Jerome Pinkus Science Class of 1972

Thomas Jackland's Class of 1979

The Orville Bowman Classic Golf Course Survivors   🏌

Milwaukee Boys Tech 'Anti-Whitmer' Force of 1968

Stalag Luft III Occupants Anti-Hitler Forces

Masterlock key and cylinder testers

Asher's Agate Tunnel Jacks

The Charlie Batch 10th Commandment Remnant

Mr. Deblitz's Biology Class of 1976

Bon Voyage, Mizuno Breath! 


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Colon Cancer Is Like Wayne County, Michigan

Various topics are going to covered in this post for a LAMPPA reason. (P is points, A is assists).

Colon cancer is not caused by good eating habits and once detected there is no hope for the rest of the body unless the cancerous section is addressed and changed rather than ignored. Wayne county's illegal vote output is equal to intentionally spreading a deadly virus to the entire state but then wrongly thinking the origin of the intentional crime will somehow be protected....but it won't be protected by  יהוה   .  Only a certain day will declare (H962) if the entire state of Michigan can in fact be destroyed by allowing Wayne counties illegal votes or if some body parts ( other counties) stay protected because their county's voting process was conducted with as much honesty as possible in spite of  currently having corruption stem from  the most dishonest anti-virtuous female political figures in Michigan's short history 'represent' the Democratic party but who cannot represent people such as me.

Cheryl Lee Buttram Hendrikson also is like colon cancer that affected a household and only those that declared her dangerous demeanor in courtrooms. within cars and within houses she was USING but did not own were wise enough to distance themselves from her immoral attack toward spiritually WEAK men. Spiritually good and spiritually strong men would have told Cheryl Lee Brown that as a self-proclaimed 'Christian' she should not be pursuing a married man and his CHILDREN as she did, but apparently central Wisconsin lacks spiritually strong men and 1 household fell to  Cheryl Lee Brown  as Wayne county fell to Democratic corruption.  Oddly, there is temporary excitement after turf is taken by the wicked, and I suppose the Back Devils of 1943, which included Joseph Dauphinais, suspected that the same Italy that sided with Hitler's military previously, somehow deserved to be 'rescued', even though few in 2020 would really appreciate the rescue of sections of Italy in 1943.  I can't rescue people who aligned with Cheryl Lee Buttram Hendrikson nor her current associates of casino adoration societies;  my abilities, loaned to me by יהוה    , can protect or redirect some people before they enter into spiritual destruction caused by apathy, lack of true repentance or hypocrisy'.  Rerouting humans toward spiritual correction before actual death of the flesh is a very serious goal that I undertake on a daily basis.

If Wayne County is like colon cancer, the sickness does start when wicked attorney's think that a broken leg is worth $ 1,000,000.00 in insurance claims even though the leg can fully recover within a year, unlike an aborted baby.  Governess Whitmer, after only 2 months, is trying to abort, that is KILL OFF, many decent businesses in Michigan such as bowling lanes and some hockey rinks while Michigan's unrighteous, unclean and  hypocritical  'health department' (falsely so called) unfairly allows even more dangerous sites to conduct business even though they sell pornography, hazardous cigarettes, murder labeled 'abortion' and lottery tickets to try and profit from unhealthy behaviors. What is the lesson that decent and honest business people worldwide are supposed to learn after loss of a livelihood but not loss of hearing and seeing?

First of all, if you do not prepare in 6 years to have no income every 7th year, you have not understand the reason for tithing to yourself in order to take care of your household as a good king should. Suppose you have been earning and surviving on $40.000 gross per year for 6 years. Setting aside $400 per month (not easy but possible to do after horrid various government taxation of  up to 25% leaves you with $30,000 net income) , in 6 years you  should have had  almost $29.000. to get through a year of forced unemployment or voluntary rest with your family members.  

Spending money on costly, water toys such as a jet ski, electronics, cigarettes, more than 1 gun per adult male in a household (venison rule) cars you financed or unhealthy meal money is not how you can save yourself nor your family from wicked Whitmer types.  Desiring a 2nd home even though you only have 1 family becomes as stupid as having a spouse and a prostitute you have to pay for at the same time.   7 years is what Yakov 'paid' for Leah, not for Rachel. Maybe those of us who call ourselves 'conservative Yahwehists' need to do better in the next 7 years when it comes to preparing our finances to survive attacks from Democratic hogs who don't know when to stop and think like the Black Devils did in December of 1943 or the men who were in the battle of Sugar Loaf Hill had to do when people on their 'team' were diminishing in number.

Christian Financial Credit Union has a crucifix on the wall in one of it's locations; such a disgusting relic depiciting torture would be better off replaced by a copy of the BEAUTIFUL rules and regulations that Moshe received in stone while on Mt. Sinai to educate those who calm to be 'Christian' better than a silent maimed dead human body will ever be able to do. Mixing Thanksgiving with Christmas will result in a lukewarm, anti-Yahwehist position that far too many  Catholics and Protestant Christians have allowed themselves to be immersed into due to lack of reading, UNDERSTANDING and then heeding to prophetic warnings.

By borrowing money from people who are not part of my family, I do believe 3% interest is fair and less than that becomes unjust to the borrower who is NOT part of your family yet is taking risk in lending.  

What we see isn't always Kevin Pollock, especially when 4 people can eat at Windsor, Ontario diner tables  'zero'  regular people can  go from the USA to Canada , and no pro-Puritan people can gather at a buffet at St. Clair's 'Voyageur' this year due to Whitmer's attempt to abort more Michigan businesses than she ever was willing to personally invest in. 

Who invested in 'Old Dutch' advertising in the Golden Gopher arena?  Potato should be a David Clarke code 9 according to 'brown uniform' crop changers, which are very different than cop changers. David Clarke the 64th Milwaukee County sheriff, is more important to short term defensive tactics than an unopened can of 'Red Bull 55' which typically does more harm than good to the COLON of a real body.

Dennis Drazkowski failed and Larry Mizewski failed when an opportunity arose for them to do more good than harm to me and thus, they are worse than Brock Caufield's father and Jack Nedobeck's book  in matters of spiritual warfare.  

I don't  worship nor desire ' artificial intelligence'.   Real intelligence has to include proper discernment when forced to become an adversary of Wayne County, Michigan due to their hasty push of 16 delegates toward pro-abortion 'Joey Biden'  Delaware's  Catholic bigot. Economic sanctions against states  who tossed their electoral college to bigot Biden or counties who voted heavily in favor of wicked Whitmer  can occur if purchasers in those zones try to avoid buying from and selling those states or counties and take their Republican money to places that have Republican representatives in state or federal political seats.. 

Should I mention it might be day 1333 of the tribulation for those of Swedish mindset and I do not know if my  next of kin is dead or alive due to his lack of GOOD  communication skills?  I don't know if my next of kin is dead or alive, and that's the way my next of kin has decided to 'declare' (  בור ) he is still against me and not for me on what might be his day 952.  Bathsheba decided to turn against Uriah, and an infant died as a result of her desire to upgrade her income with a wealthier man.

Surnames are easily changed  in courtrooms, but blood type is still a key indicator in family tree limbs.

Have a clean 'oneg', don't spend your money in Wayne County, Michigan  and try not to evolve into a Democratic hog or Mr.  Gary the 52nd 'Della Street Tweet' Packer who isn't a Dan Plesac at heart. 

What's H953 if it's not a 'bush'?  בוש 

Bathgate isn't 'Watergate'.  

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Go To Air Force Veteran Bob Thiel or Norman Alden/Namestnikov School

 Bob Thiel's 'BibleNewsProphecy' report, only about 13 minutes long and deployed on about November 7, 2020 has more correct information in it than the typical El Paso, Texas pork chorizo.  RT news channel out of Moscow is closer to rightly dividing the Word of Gad than ignorant Brian Stelter who isn't a 'David' but is more like a liberal Goliath who thinks he won't ever start bleeding out of his rectum.

Actually, bigot Joe Biden came to mind as the rider on a pale horse and indeed it is maybe about 25% of the USA that wants to shove him into his last power play without Brenda Angelo nor Brenda VanOose able to tell the difference between Flint's streets of trash and the trash tossed  about by wicked hired hands in Michigan in a Macomb subdivision that looks like plenty of lazy homeowners are moving in who don't mind being surrounded by piles of trash.

My son might not appreciate how I disciplined him as a minor, not sparing the wooden spoon but also rarely using such a defensive tactic against an unbelieving son who actually didn't believe my warnings about his behavior.  However, the Milwaukee area in front of 1003 S. 31st St. was cleaner than what I observed in  the subdivision of Pheasant seekers across from Macomb Corners Park because I insisted that my household care enough about our turf to pick up the trash that wicked wild beasts tossed around like illegal votes in 2020 Detroit.

It wasn't my son that got murdered due to gang problems, it was the son of the mother who caused trouble at the house NORTH of 1003 S. 31st Street. After the murder of her son, his mother decided that she cared about stopping violence but her prior actions caused horrid problems for my household for years. After realizing that "Bread and Roses' abortion clinic on Wisconsin Avenue was really a wicked political house of highly paid medical gangsters, I decided to work against that pro-abortion gang, which Joe Biden and Kamilla Harris are still part of.   I had been trying to properly protect my household and was employed by the city of Milwaukee to defend the INNOCENT..... or so I thought until I realized that pro-abortion states really don't protect the innocent and eventually I got paid to leave Milwaukee, after objecting to the abortions being permitted there.  

Since I do believe Donald Trump is a 'better man' when compared to Joe Biden, it is in part because of his childhood years. However, the best men to lead a remnant  away from the pale horse rider are going to be preaching the same Israelite messages that Yeshua of Nazareth preached against wickness such as ANTIFA and the majority of the Democrats who are in fact typically pro-abortion, pro-laziness and even anti Gad.

12,000 of Gad will be protected in a way I am unable to disclose, however, is it death of extraordinary holy living that protects a human from the wrath of Yehovah on people who were unwilling to even consider the messenger Bob Thiel as being more competent any other politician from Califronia than popular and too peaceful to want to be drawn into a street battle between Trump defenders and Biden's offenders.

Even a dirty alley cat  or lonesome dove won't go toward a pack of ravenous dogs and would rather seek temporary voluntary solitude and safety practices explained in the books of Moshe while the mongrel nd purebred dogs are fighting as unclean animals not allowed in the Holy od Holies often do fight..

Spurgeon the 46th isn't Joe Biden. Sadly, Esaac Israel of Georgia  can't seem to resist inner hatred toward people who are almond colored, no matter how much poverty and hard times we suffered through in urban communities.  If Esaac Israel thinks every tribe of  Ysraelites is dark skinned, he doesn't think very wisely and is as racist as Angus Campbell.  It is in listening to an adversary that you determine if he or she is more likely to be an enemy of  Stuart Levy or a friend of the tribe of Shimon, thus if you have ears to hear, go ahead and tune into Bob Thiel's lesson plans or even James Block's tunes while we wait to see what men like John James are willing to do if they are not a USA senator of  sadly, a state with a rather lousy reputation due to internal corruption that spreads like a disease and has to be countered as a plague is countered.

A spike in the head of a fornicator from the tribe of Shimon only protected Ysraelites from getting destroyed by their own apathy and carelessness. As a result of anti-plague actions thousands of years ago, 12,000 of the tribe of Shimon have been prophesied to be witnesses to the disasters occurring worldwide....disasters CAUSED by men like Joe Biden and Kamilla Harris who have failed to repent and believe the gospel of Moshe Ben Amram.

Did I actually see people in Kabul on RT television NOT wearing masks and not living in fear of a virus?  I don't think that oysters, bats, dogs, cats, swine, alligator and lobsters are in the typical Kabul casserole.


Whatever happened to Benjamin Purcell, Edwin Layton and Dusty Kleiss? I wonder if they decided to write as my friend and former USA Marine Richard H. Willer has and as I do for an educational and theraputic reason. 

Police memo books usually don't have to pass a Ron Quackenbush test and had plenty of records of wrongs included.   It is possible that Bruce Yarnell might know a bit about yams and now very many people have been falling and failing die to their own refusal to believe the medical protocal that faithful Ysraelites are instructed in so they can put proper plague prevention into action within their scattered households.

Gathering people who refuse to believe my testimonies does not seem to be  my area or expertise. Let the rider on the pale horse gather those who don't believe my testimonies nor the testimony of Richard Close.

Vlad Namestnikov is starting his 29th year of life today, and he was more polite to me than the people who formerly were covered by my city of Milwaukee medical insurance plan as a minor or as a  spouse. Thus, I am going to celebrate Vlad's birthday with a clean Armada  pizza!

Thanks for a few good memories, Vlad, back when you were only a struggling London Knight without Chase Brown nor Sydney Brown around to bother you.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Annual USA Murders: 800,000 USA Abortions+400,000 USA Cigarette Injuries

 A WICKED hypocrite running a health department will allow cigarette sales, allow abortion clinics to stay open and then close a restaurant that does not allow smoking and which does not attempt to injure their customers against their will as an abortion clinic does.  Each head of household is running some sort of health department and who they believe affects their bodily status.

Consenting politicians, the FDA and health departments who have made COVID into some kind of huge fear factor have been PTAC in every death that has occurred from cigarette sales, abortions and now, heroine sales in Oregon.

Plead with those you care about to stop fornication and adultery  to prevent an abortion request. Shop for food according to your religious beliefs of Biblical proportions at places like "Better Living' and thank them for not selling cigarettes and lottery tickets!

Openly object to those unrighteous POWER people who want to force the healthy into mask-wearing but won't make cigarette sales and abortions illegal in the USA or in the state you are stuck in, since cigarettes, drunkeness, suicide and abortions are far more deadly than a COVID particle that has less chance of killing you than a person wearing a 'Black Lives Matter' shirt.

Michigan Wolverines have POWER listed as 22, but unrighteous use of power is sin that rarely is repented of unto forgiveness. 

What's a Robbie Beydoun buggy?

Quartz at 7th and Naphtali is not beryl at 8th and Zebulun.  Watch the sign placement in hockey rinks, especially where the Marathon County Sheriff's Department isn't advertising as they did in Mosinee. Biblical geology isn't a laughing matter and should be taken seriously by those who desire to align with  the prophet ירמיה and against Easter swine, mythological Zeus, Jupiter, Frank Finney's anti-Puritan sect, the Vatican and other unholy and unrealistic entities such as 'Marvel Comics' has dispensed.

Haven't you ever heard of a placement test?  Where we have been legally placed or allowed to do business legally does matter and does affect our attitude toward those who continue to obtain their power and their money illegally.

The city of Detroit had more votes than people actually living in their city, and liar Jocelyn Benson claimed that the Detroit vote is 'good', when in fact the Detroit vote count was illegal, evil and deigned to take power and money away from decent, intelligent brown people such as John James.

Jocelyn Benson is dangerous, devilish and a wicked Michigan servant  because she claims that evil emitting from Detroit  is 'good'. Typical of Democrats such as Cheryl Lee Buttram aka Hendrikson, many people will be deceived by Jocelyn Benson's lying lips in comfortable places.

Does  Cornell's John McCarron vs. Michigan's Nick Granowicz make a difference in college rankings or only in Macomb's Wickersham  anti-royal  scams and nasty ground hog ham lines?

Be careful as a DTE employee while interacting with pure, potent power grids.  'Capital One' is not a good mark to take in your hand based on the  Smauel Jackson 'non-Becker ' faces that represent their ideology in commercials. 

Michigan isn't pure, Joe Milton is '5 hole' material and Chanel number 45 wasn't made in France.

Observation deck check: Mark Strobel is starting to resemble Victor French while he was near Melissa Gilbert and the Greenbush twins!

Resist sin to have faith with works and enjoy your 7th day rest if that has been the desire of your unmasked face and decades old heart. It's not every day I notice that my grandmother's wine glass has blue tulip designs no Tel Dan's  'Yellow' gasoline alley cats nor Jerusalem's ' Yellow Tulip' hotel signs on them. Actual partial recall is better than 'Ted Allison' the movie  amnesia faker when trying to retain a sound mind and prevent stupidity at the same historic timeline moment. 

Transgression of the laws from Yah are still defined as 'sin', though even in WisconSIN and odd in Mt. SINai, sin affects a community is horrid Mayfair Mall manner. 

What's in your casserole? Keep it  fishy, clean and kosher, vegan with seitan or try a halal  chicken slider mix if Bob Evans Turkey dinner isn't an option in your sect!

 Laura Mann #273735 didn't make Andrew Brunette's team, but she might want to study the NHL output of Miroslav Satan in her spare Huntington numerology research time. I might now listen to the voice of Robert Scott Smith's outlook on left I formations versus cornhusker's NE motion instead of trying to tune into Ivan Dixon's coffee pot.  

Will Jayne Cler or Jarob Ortiz want to listen to Brian Custer instead of Tilden and Heck?

Voice recognition is a safety matter, even to Andy Brandt, Wisconsin's tall college hockey coach.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Loss of One Confused Duckling

 A group of several ducklings were being led by their mother who truly did  care about them and desired to protect them; the father duck was no not anywhere in sight. From their nest area at 1475 Strongs Avebue in Stevens Point, WI in the shrubs alongside  desolate 'Temple Bethel', made desolate due to lack of faithful occupants, the ducklings were supposed to cross urban street safely.... and they did with the help of some humans.

After crossing the urban street, only a parking lot was between the ducklings and the goal of the Wisconsin River for their 1st swim test. However, one ducking that was farthest from his mother was misguided and not protected by a non-duck because the human female was too caught up in some 'feel nice; moment and did not pay attention to the ACTUAL danger in the ducklings path as I had been doing.  Indeed, one duckling who was nearest to the human farthest from thee duck's natural and real mother fell into a sewer and did not make it to the Wisconsin River with it's siblings and it's mother.

The course that the duckling that fell into the sewer is similar to the course of Christianity that has been led astray by Laodacea types and they are too far from their natural mother to have proper upbringing. The woman who did not deter the duckling from the sewer she was next to is like an adulteress woman who does not care about families remaining intact but did enjoy some temporary excitement around the offspring of another mother.

Only a wicked anti-commandment person would instruct or condone, in apathy, the offspring of a mother totally rejecting and neglecting the pleas and training of their natural caring mother to go off to a flock of vultures gathered in Sunday morning religious assemblies after carelessly being led astray  by a human who was NOT protective enough like the duckling that fell through the sewer grates.

I cried for while thinking about that duckling, but there was nothing more I could have done than to shout out to the careless but EXCITED human about the danger of the sewer grate which she was not deterring the duckling from.  I've also cried about my son who got too far from me to hear my serious warnings while he was lured by the voices of strangers away from his mother .  

Which non-Philadelphia church the duckling that fell in the sewer represents is subjective, but the church of Philadelphia does attempt to honor their father and their mother if those people are willing to be accessible by letter, by telephone or by personal visitation.

Many people in Michigan are now adhering to the voice of Wormwood Whitmer rather than to the voice of  the Creator of humanity and thus have stopped being naturally protected while masking up their snout, a behavior which neither best protects nor can it improve their overall health. I don't cry about those people adhering to Whitmer's voice because they are not  as a clean duckling is to a clean mother duck.

The prophet Elisha aided  a widow and revived a child left in his turf.  Hotel rooms have been carefully set aside for current era messengers such as myself like a room was set aside for Elisha. equipped with a bed, a table, a chair and a candlestick. Blogspot has offered me over 1,300 vessels that I have stored my mind fuel into to shed light onto actual non-hologram hardships tossed in among many tiny moments of success during times of war in the heavens and on earth.

Elisha's ministry is still being recalled by men such as Esaac Israel, who in his coarse manner, is trying to do more good than Jon Payne and churches in central Wisconsin ever have done; unlike Esau, I won't steer people or ducklings toward BET network or toward hatred of decent police officers; Esaac has prejudices that need to get eradicated as others need to eradicate strumpet behavior from their dwellings and workplaces. The churches in central Wisconsin, typical of religions who reject perfect instructions as beautiful as setting aside the 7th day (Saturday), refraining from theft, adultery, idolatry and rejection (dishonoring) of parents  are like the woman who let the duckling fall into a sewer rather than get that duckling to head quickly and safely toward it's real   mother who has learned to appreciate Yehovah's provisions on earth and reject Jupiter as a destination. Such a motherduck  might or might not have had a live father duck in the Stevens Point area while 1 duckling dropped between the sewer grates.

According to 'Acts of the Apostles' chapter 14,  the idol Jupiter/Zeus whom  is historically connected to garlands on city gates and oxen sacrifices.  If you don't want your dwelling to look  like the church of Jupiter or Zeus the deaf, dumb&ignorant, don't hang garlands on your house even though wicked politicians might have forced such stupidity onto your city, state, federal or HOA gates.  I don't hang up garlands for an anti-Jupiter reason and my beef consumption is being halted for a spiritual fast reason that opposes Christmas' as prophet Yeremyah did and those who gathered for  a Thanksgiving dinner 397 years ago did. I suggest you carefully tune into to the November 18,2020 Bible study from Esaac Israel and the Stone Mountain, GA 's UCI, then discern and compare his output to Rico Cortes, Adam Fink, Mikell Clayton and Gary Simons before you decide what it really means to 'go through much tribulation' with 'Saul/Paul' groups.  

What then shall be a safe steeping stone toward Yehovah nd away from Jupiter , unbelieving fearful Christians and German Druid Protestants?

Every year you resist Christmas in your dwelling while still stuck in exile , it is as wonderful as going to the grocery store and choosing to purchase only that which Yah has declared to be food and refusing that which has been declared to unclean animal products.  The baptism you hopefully have taken out of Christmas and Easter  anti-Moshe assemblies was nothing like a duckling falling into a sewer.

The Tselios line isn't the same as the  Damrow line or the Guerin track.  I'll never rejoice about the duckling that fell into the sewer, but can be thankful I  was able to assist 6 ducklings away from the sewer toward their caring mother duck and to a place where they would have an opportunity to learn survival techniques from other amazing ducks. 


I suspect it is time to wait for another vessel.

⛯   ⛵   🪔

" Would you have learned more from watching Donna Douglas pretend to be 'Mrs. Draper' and  "Gus Osgood' the grand larceny character have a  battle of wits against Kent McCord and Martin Milner after filming an interesting  'Adam 12' episode than from watching Gus Chelios, Chris Osgood amd Kris Draper compete in  a  'best USA occupant' test of truthfulness?" 

                                                                            - Anti-propaganda person of 3% interest

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Bob Evans Thanksgiving Sneak

 Bob Evans chain restaurant in Port Huron did serve up a very tasty turkey dinner for me, complete with chicken noodle soup thick enough for Jerry Mathers to soak in, tasty pumpkin bread, mashed potatoes, dressing, 'Tim Couch' carrots AND a slice of pecan pie with a cup of coffee.... all for less than $20. What UWM.ORG people refuse to do for Yahwehists, Bob Evans employees seem to be willing to do, whether it is for a stranger who is dressed decently and even for for a stray family member that walks in soberly!  Clearly, there is not need for Sunday churches anymore since Bob Evans is able to accomplish far more than Sunday morning churches AND Bob Evans corportation actually pays taxes on their land!

While Wormwood Whitmer might drag along 1/3rd of Michigan into unemployment, abject poverty and Democratic ignorance of good health care since good public healthy care requires DEMASKING the healthy who are not in a critical care unit in a hospital, I do believe it is a SIN to force restaurants who have been adhering to food service industry codes to close on short notice when an inconvenient disease with a mortality rate of only .2 percent based on HIGH and contrived numbers is spreading as typical diseases do. Every ounce of perishable food that ends up getting tossed into the garbage by restaurants who maintained a proper inventory will become part of Wormwood Whitmer SIN load of lawlessness during her reckless  acts of the typical Democrat  anti-apostle.

Instigating waste of food supplies is what יסף never did while in Egypt.  Whitmer is similar to unholy Joe Biden at the same time she is an anti- יסף  who had much holiness even while forced to be far from his relatives .

I thought about the possibility that the virus so many people are scared silly about might actually be able to stir up the exact anti-bodies in our bodies that prevent an upcoming virus that has more intensity.  In the process of it's spread, people who have been neglecting their own proper nutrition might end up less able to recover quickly, yet over 99% of the people who get the virus never get too sick to use a sick day nor do they die.

What then is the reason for shutting down businesses in Michigan again? Only a person with a severe mental disorder would order what  absurd measures that Wormwood Whitmer has 'ordered' her EMPLOYER ( Michigan citizens) to do. The mentally competent would go to places such as Bob Evans, order a turkey diner,  refuse to eat in fear, eat according to their religious affiliation and then refuse to go around in face mask gear that has been PROVEN not to have the ability to stop a virus.  

Was this a healthy and non-toxic review of Bob Evans #280 with a few extra opinions and observation included ?  Sure!!!!!!!  

Gee, could it be that Wormwood Whitmer hates Vlad Namestnikov and wants Michigan to 'shut down' for his 28th birthday because she envies his current contract's income potential?  Whitmer obviously is anti-Puritan and clearly does not believe in biblical prophecy. 

By the narrow way, is it amazing how the employees of Bob Evans didn't even ask me if I had written anything negative about them publicly in the past ten years and rather chose to to the best that they could do when a new opportunity came for them to get a good report?   If only students, patients and children had the same wise attitudes of the serving staff at Bob Evans in Port Huron.

Bad behavior generated bad reports. Good behavior generates good reports. 

(Hockey rinks are actually physical therapy centers that should be considered as essential as bowling alleys which also are physical therapy centers. It is wicked and a real crime against humanity for a government executive to shut down physical therapy centers that are actually safer  to be in than the typical hospital and that is my serious opinion, which is also a reasonable theory until proven to be a fact.)

Monday, November 16, 2020

Poem 592: Wormwood Warnings

 If you think your God is as a parent

Would God commend your works

If for 10 years you ignored your mother

While pleasing foreign clerks?

If you think your God has been a child

Would a good God reject parents

Who really try to obey Yah's rules

With their few skills and old talents?

If you know that God is Brother Gad

A tribe subject to blessing

You must have studied Hebrew texts

Any maybe Russian dressing

 If you think a man who swore to be 

A husband wed till death

Did death occur when a different her

Paired with his body and his breath?

If you think that only half an hour

Was enough time to force out

A mother who's house was defiled by

Cheryl Brown - go check your snout!

Indeed the Nazi's near Warsaw 

Gave  a 24 hour warning

For families to pack and move their things

And then began the mourning

The facts don't change though years have passed

Since evil overtook

The mind of Shane from Wittenberg

A  faithful wife he then forsook

When an adult child has too much fear

To counter evil done

He's nothing like God called a 'son'

And hurts his  grieving parent

The glory of Yah. the holy creator

Won't rock around heathen Christmas trees

Yah mourns and won't rejoice when sin

Abounds like swine tossed in fake fleece

Jonathan's name rolled up in  texts

Y's in  Hebrew's 10 code section!

Over 3 thousand nights have now been passed

Who has  cried for Yah's protection?

There is difference between a Gd

And his brothers from Haran

One nation under Gad  are Gadites

Not a burnt sienna crayon

Upon the North American zones

There might be 12,000 Gadites

Who won't go Wormwood Whitmer's way

As they wait for true Benjamites

Shall we see bravely resist

Wormwood Whitmer, their enemy?

Until that day of judgment  comes

Which people now are WE?

( Poetry is communication that not all will understand but a few might appreciate skill with words that serve a better purpose than violent video games like 'Black OPS: Call to Duty', wicked and violent street protests or  racist radio labeled 'Black Information Network' . Poetry serves a purpose to the author first and maybe to others eventually. As it has been with Psalms 21, 33,46,58,70 82 and 95, so it is with Poem 592 since all were written with the intent to deliver a serious message and generate contemplative thought processes.  )


Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Question of the Baptizer

 Suppose a person was baptized 4 times/ Does the integrity of the BAPTIZER matter?

Being baptized as an infant is not a true baptism of real belief in a system since it's more like branding an animal in captivity and therefore is baptism C.

If baptism P was completed by Dean Noonan of Milwaukee county, it was not same baptism H as that done by Brad Scott and Rico Cortes in the Jordan River, since Scott and Cortes  requested turning toward Yahweh and away from Baal games.

Although being baptized as a Protestant in a strict Baptist church in 1995 did result in some improvements in my conduct as a human, it did not steer away other Protestant men  from me who had no real desire to obey the commandments which resulted in what may have appeared to be  spiritual failures on my part as a genuine Protestant. The baptisms I observed at the pink 'Immanuel Baptist; church in Rib Mountain, Wisconsin resulted in even WORSE outcomes since that church was more liberal than Dean Noonan's flock......and wealthier. Thus, there is a difference in the quality of a baptism due to the attitude of the baptizer.

Another  baptism was proposed by a group who steered people away from high-salaried hirelings with their expensive church building groups as well as correctly deterred me from pagah-rooted Christmas and Easter gatherings, which happened to be a necessary step toward Yahweh's protocol, however since it was another sect of the P team which is more divided than a Usinger beef wiener in lamb casing, the baptizers eventually went their own way back to Sunday church and Neuske's bacom bits but I continued to study the intent of rules that King David regarded as perfect and able to convert the soul if they are not away with by the Bible student.

Evenly enough, it does seem as though that since my baptism into the Jordan River surrounded by at least some people who took the name of Yahweh/Yehovah seriously, it was about the same a spraying DEET on me to keep wood ticks away but in this case, it seems to have kept lukewarm Protestants away better than any P baptism did.

It was Catholic theology that led me to believe completely wrong about exactly who it is that can forgive sins. It was Protestant theology that led me to believe that dating the  respondent in a divorce from an adulteress was acceptable in Protestant society but that dating a petitioner in a divorce who merely wasn't interested in keeping his vows was unacceptable. It has been theology from Yahweh that caused me to value my post-divorce single female cleansing process after being defiled and used by C and P people.

The Hebrew letter ה is in ELOHIM.  

What then might the baptism of a Yahwehist look like using the Hebrew letters of  Yahweh?

Belief in the commandments written with the finger of Yahweh onto true deep blue lapis and transferred to a scroll leads a person, like a Waw, to be dipped into natural baptism waters between 2 witnesses that are like the 2 separate Hey letters.

                                                                          י             ה           ו             ה

                                                                          H            V         H            Y

                                                                          👳     💧👩💧    💂          📜

 The integrity and belief system of the baptizer does affect the outcome of the baptized. 

The  י  is a light burden, not darkness.  There is no 0 in  יהוה     because  0 is like a bottomless pit.

A hockey rink is not a bottomless pit.


Accuracy Vs. Peoplewhiz Buttner

 Let's suppose you are not stupid enough to want to get a vaccine that will give you 'positive results' for a virus.  When people are paying for FALSE records, they become purchasers of lies which they then might start spreading at 1621 Cleveland Avenue in Wausau for the beginning of their demise.

There is not possible way I am or ever will be related to Cheryl Lee Buttram, but how is it that Linda Maria Costa is now related to Richard Hendrikson according to '' errors? Bearing false witness on a computer information site is sinful and commonplace, which is why many family trees will get hacked down to the roots eventually.

I have been asked to change or edit opinions and truthful viewpoints I have had about people who are now listed as related to Cheryl Lee Brown/Buttram and Linda Maria Costa who don't really have have any concern about my current status, including whether I am dead or alive.  However, a real man who desires that the truth be MANDATORY should be demanding that the Peoplewhiz and correct the information they are selling as easily and sleazily as a heroine dealer because false information actually DOES DISORIENTATE a mindset and then affects behavior.

It's interesting that according to certain records. a list of people including David Ortiz, Barbara Ortiz and Cheryl Lee Buttram Brown lives at 1602 Mary Lane but my name wasn't included in that very inaccurate and corrupt site that uses 'key lime' ink tones.

It is frustrating to see so much wrong information and to see how property values in Michigan are dropping since wicked Whitmer has ruined the state with her idiotic mandates that prove her she is spiritually depraved. If the TRUTH does set people free, then and certainly gets names  caught up in inaccurate bondage as wicked as a tabloid that intentionally mistrepresents reality. 

Cheryl Lee Buttram (Brown) Hendrikson of Wausau, Wisconsin is listed as a Democrat, and I am thankful that in reality I am not related to her or her  March 4, 1961 seedlings of tares. 

It has been reported that Molly Brown is related to Cheryl Lee Hendrikson, and I suppose that might be her daughter rather than a former in-law.  

Divorces eradicate the term 'related to' with the exception of children of the divorcees and certainly Acquine and Donald Jackson of Milwaukee is actually historically related to my son Richard as his great uncle than Shannon Wahl or Linda M. Costa..... even though  the Jackson name isn't listed but Costa, Buttram& Brown is listed although they have no genetic connection.

Who of the following is more likely to desire to correct inaccurate records and is thus LESS likely to believe a strong delusion?

A) Robin Michael Ortiz of Milwaukee, WI, now  about 64 years old

B) Richard Michael Hendrikson of Menomonie, WI, now about 80 years old

C) Joe Milton Middle School of 11

D) DDFence Emet closely related to the author of this blog

E) The Sharper brothers of Richmond, VA

F) Chris Allemon the UWSP Pointer

G) Mitch Dunning the NH; referee

H) Mertz the Wisconsin Badger

I) Ashley Maria Hendrikson the USA Army woman

If only people who list themselves as 'Christians' would actually be willing to defend the truth, emit that which is truthful and put forth physical effort to topple intentional liars. Lying is more difficult to correct and thus truly REPENT OF  than vomiting up the last pork rind your bought. Does a person listed in the USA military decide they no longer need to defend the USA Constitution after they are done with their enlistment period?  Could the Detroit Lions step aside from their stupidity and go try to determine how much disgusting fraud the city they represent has intentionally committed during recent elections?  I suppose the Detroit Lions are hirelings as useless as Brian Berg and others who want paychecks but won't really battle against obvious injustice and criminal activities in their turf.

The weather in  lower Michigan today is dangerous and gloomy, not sunny and safe.  I'll never deny that Richard Edwin Xavier aka 'Hendrikson' is my son even if he doesn't currently believe the 5th commandment applies to his religious sect, because doing so would break the 7th commandment.  A bear bereaved of her cub is unlikely to show mercy to the abductors of her cub. There was a time when I didn't think the 1st  commandment applied to me so I didn't heed the following 9 justified 'starter'  commandments to the BEST of my ability as a result of rejecting the name " יהוה  " !!!!!

Peoplewhiz and Mylife 'owners' are breaking the 7th commandment continually and like an abortionist or a person who markets murder and adultery as 'entertainment' on Netflix or in theatres, are gaining wealth from their horrific sins that are spreading like a plague.

If the majority of USA people doesn't immediately start to desire to behave like people who believe the basic 10 commandments, the majority of USA people will be a bunch of Cheryl Lee Buttram's with the elect and sealed remnant of  scattered ישראל    unable to prevent the self-destruction of  conniving, deceitful couples such as Cheryl Lee Buttram and Shane David Hendrikson.

   A punted football isn't a strong delusion. 

Planet X or a unstoppable meteor might be a welcome sight in view of the earth's current state of corruption. I suppose a Butterfinger is cleaner and safer to handle than a  Cheryl Lee Buttner finger in each of their respective current conditions.

I would rather try to counter the falsehoods my grandchildren have been seeing and hearing in person, but those lying to them will not allow that. Thus, this venue is a legal option to openly expose troubling intentional carelessness and outright deception that is a common offense in secular circles and religious squares.  This venue might be eliminated, but the dozens of viewers each day might endure until the visitor's end zone sign says " Lying to your neighbor is actual hate speech. Scotland is wrong."

My pensive, hard as ICE and very sober thoughts seem to be as scattered as Lee Elder balls today.  

Could it really be month 8th and 28th day in progress to Ryan Longwell, the special K tech? Lunar cycles are not a strong delusion, even if NASA objects are costly useless delusions. I wonder what Matt Hebbe would do if Matt Nolan asked him to explain the past activities at 1602 Mary Lane ( currently Hollyhock Lane, 54455 ZIP)  when David and Barbara Ortiz weren't actually residing there but Cheryl  Buttram Brown was residing there with divorce petitioner Shane David Hendrikson  10 years ago but clearly without Daniel Teske's moral integrity in her DNA strands.

Gee, wasn't Linda Maria Hendrikson also a divorce petitioner while she was being seduced by Jimmy Costa rather than by Eric Lindros?

If you don't want to face facts, depart undearly from this site, go mask yourself so your can create carbon dioxode dangers for yourself and then beg for local Democrat for a COVID-19 vaccine like a weak and beggarly element which even the Benjamite Saul wouldn't approve in the sight of King Agrippa.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

'Support Your Legal Thai Restaurant' Starting With Day 591

In order to avoid the Christmas nonsense, please take the time to purchase tasty vegetarian food from your local Thai chef's that are clearly better USA citizens than Governess Whitmer is because those chef's actually do want to serve their state population properly with dignity and a real work ethic.  Suppose it is only the 2nd year of the tribulation process? Then it's the bottom of the 20th month and another crescent moon is pending.  Keep doing what is proper in the sight of Yahweh's advocates and go ahead and use your credit cards only if you can pay off the balance in full at the end of each billing cycle.  Believe it or not, there are people who work in the banking industry that know how to 'UNDERSTAND' the purchase power and signals being sent through points of purchase; the bear who gets along with the cow eventually might be Persians and non-Hindu beef eaters. 

A calf is not to be cut in half but a 3 year old goat or 3 year old ram can be cut in half , and isn't it interesting to anybody other than me that this, the 397th Thanksgiving Day, will occur at about day 1336 of a 4th year in progress for some and the 50/50 split is mentioned near Strong's H1335?  It should be evident by now that supporting your local Sunday church is a waste of your 'tithe' and you are better off spending 10% of your income on businesses who are actually willing to stay open give you a 'clean meal' option rather than a tasteless wafer and vain repetitions from  Babylonian Sunday church stage coaches who haven't had the courage to resist corruption as Zechariah and Stephen the martyrs did during their era under Roman government systems that are not able to save even 8 souls during the month  sometimes called 'Bul' as in bulwark or IstanBUL.

I am unaware of what H591 is other than it is an Aleph word not a Beit word, and 948 is the word for 'fine linen' rather than sackcloth. "He who stops at 948 might have the strength of Asher within a Thrasher suit.'

How much Whitmer is contrary to the spirit of a virtuous woman has yet to be revealed, but thankfully in the lowly kingdom of Gadites, there won't even be room for Gretchen Whitmer types who mislead  entire states into poverty, unemployment and business failures rather than leading legal citizens into a improved way of surviving with or without Biblical values  taught to them.

H2054 is tied to the word 'shame'. It is a shame that so many people are being finacially abused by Democratic governors and sorcerers selling drugs that are more likely to harm the internal organs than tofu tossed into a pan of curry noodles. 

In other words, it's almost 'Jonathan' and Joseph' day for 8th year students of alphabetical Bible words who have stayed focused for over 3100 days and nights without even needing a Joe Bucher tail to follow. Even Esaac Israel wasn't afraid to speak about יונה's role in swim team history.


Land Of The Midgets Score: Moses 3, Malone 10

 The following is a sample letter of communication that Glenn Beck and MIkell Clayton most likely will not understand. Getting caught up in a sieve is what wheat or barley is able to do. Defense SIEVE is not a Coca-Cola product but a system of 13 sieves is what was used to retain grains capable of making fine flour after meeting a millstone somewhere. 

'To Midgets in progress, 

Tony Granato certainly looks foolish masked up like he's trying to start a mold, spores and fungus collection for whosoever took over for 'Spengler'.  Even though wicked Whitmer is trying to topple the entire state of Michigan's hockey programs, she is not capable of toppling every number unit such as Sean Clifford the big white Lion or communication that rely on personal observation rather than electronic eye formations in high places that have become more invasive than Rob Andringa but are as rude as Loran Livingston.

Who can remember what happened 26 years ago other than Jake Guentzel's parents? Lots of people who are older than current USA Hockey Midgets have been attacked by sorcery known as 'pharmacy chemicals' and many people have willingly succumbed to such wickedness that it is no wonder people almost 40 years old don't think they can learn anything from their parents that might have been experimented with 40 to 80 years ago by the same people who don't understand the importance of proper and healthy communications toward friend, foe and those sitting on a black non-Pickett roof somewhere doing repairs. 

When masked up, Jeff Jackson of Notre Dames non-fighting French hockey coaches looks about the same as Michael Pence, so many people seem to be trying to avoid FACIAL recognition which is not something those strong and of good courage do while they are in the process of trying to sift those who have lukewarm religious mannerisms. Those who are too wicked to be classified as lukewarm are pro-abortion Catholics and lying Protestants who don't even try to report an accurate golf score such as

3  5  4  3  4  3  4 5  4 

on some Augusta  water-logged  slow course.  What I found interesting about Woods' score card was the 543 and 454 progression that only Toronto Maple leaf saps might notice when comparing Lindros to Joseph. The 43 in middle of  543 and 454 might look like Randy Wolf to some and Martin Biron to others, but obviously Woods doesn't need another PGA  trophy as much as PK Subban has desired  his  skank Vonn trap plays.  There are tigers much better than Woods, such as students from Armada, Michigan who are not opposed to non-electronic, humble communications from those trying to steer them toward holiness so they can better prepare to be in combat against the forces of wickedness so openly displayed from people such as Gretchen Whitmer, Gene Simmons the dead corpse and adults who are too proud to visit or assist their elderly mother who is living as a widow after being deserted by an unfaithful man who chose not to fear the act of covenant breaking.

Notre Dame isn't an Irish term, so try to avoid being deceived by those who not only deny their own true family seeds, but also try to stay 6 feet away from those are too fearful to remove their masks.  Choose to face a weak virus  directly, trusting your human body defenses that you should have been preparing f as though your body is a citadel and strongtower, Be not afraid of a gnat in progress and strive to be a person who has more courage than Tony Granato during  the current war for our physical freedom obey Yah, to improve mental health and retain the right to peacefully protest against Christmas displays forced onto turf  not owned by the displayers of such German  druid tannenbaum.  Squads who have rejected true salvation that come through the root of David, who was not Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist nor Muslim but in fact was an ישראלי

The Church of England tossed the Torah scrolls aside in a state of disbelief and so have many of our parents, neighbors, friends and enemies. Is Whitecloud's Las Vegas toilet paper rolled up like a scroll? No!!! The WORD made flesh and carried on lambskins is rolled up like a scroll, and few there are who find places for 12 tribe positions in a hockey game an no route of salvation through pro-abortion politicians such as Gretchen Whitmer the wicked and her associates.

Edwin Layton and Alvin York had important roles in history, and so does Robert Scott Smith and Michael Gartner in this era of sifting. Although few find the narrow gate, it does exist for those who start a battle plan that STARTS with obeying the light burden of keeping the commandments as the church of Philadelphia is expected to do as an example unto the heathen and the lukewarm who are having difficulty choosing facing their own fever designed to kill off attacking disease caused by sorcery or a cold glass of fresh water designed to flush out toxins that slipped into them through pollluted air and processed food suppliers.

Finally, pray for former PeeWee AAA hockey player Richard Edwin Ortiz of Milwaukee's SHAW Timberwolves, since has lost his formerly courageous  way after spending too much time being hired  by  lukewarm assemblies and as a result, he no longer believes that the keeping of commandments delivered through the messengers of Yah and allies of Yahweh (Yahwehists) will actually help him nd his family survive against wickedness that has taken over turf such as France since obedience to the teachings from the Torah scrolls were not ENDORSED nor suggested by the Notre Dame people of Vatican or the roots of the Martin Luther King, Jr.    people.

Since Marie Ortiz survived the sorcery she was subjected to from 1994 until 2010 by the reprobate state of Wisconsin court authorities,   remember she also then physically chose to resist more drugs that the wicked were either forcing upon her  during her recovery process and was imprisoned for doing so in the USA when wicked Democrat Barack Obama was president.  Wicked central Wisconsin area people who hated her and her anti-sorcery  religion kept suggesting she become further impaired with unsafe toxins such as 4 Benadryl tablets, a dose that  wickedly and with the intent to cause harm  to Marie was recommended by greedy and unfaithful Shane David Hendrikson. who chose Las Vegas casinos with Cheryl Brown rather than the holiness and advice from the prophets such as Yeshua of Nazareth.

Sometimes a bad report is what causes a person to repent and go another way. Do you know what it feels like to get an 'I' in a college class?  There are often good reasons many tasks end up as incomplete, but the sanctification process cannot include rejecting the instructions from Torah scrolls in an attempt to form an evil nation led by pedaphiles, abortionists and overpaid  sorcerers working on OPERATION WARP SPEED biological wickedness at the same time they refuse to consider how clean the carp is considered to be when compared to the unclean carcasses of  swine, rabbits and lobsters.'

Would you rather know nothing about decent truthful communications than something that might make you choose sobriety, purification and  a sound mind rather than gambling casinos, fornication and drunkeness that neither Michael Gartner nor Michael Pence has suggested to earthlings?

Tim Severud is not Lori Esker. Be cautious about those who have not YET been imprisoned, even though evidence has proven that they committed far worse crimes than Tim Severud though far less violent than Lori Esker.

Now, what do WKU and Brett Favre's  numerology students think about the following FEIX field dressing codes as they apply to April 28th, 2019 USA Today Crossword puzzling THAI night vision #591 on November 15, 2020?:

3.   Moses

10. Malone

50. Barber

2.  Kitchen

11. Hunter 'non-Biden'

33. Perkins

Jean Fandre of Stevens Point liked Perkins food, but I suppose she was unawares of the squash quality from the Lone Oak Inn, a diner that had been an Ashland Oil gasoline station.

Reggie Howard White claimed he wanted to be like Moses when he was speaking to a gathering in Appleton, Wisconsin.  ' Moses' the Oiler in junior hockey hear had been wearing 17. 


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Lest We Forget The Courage Of The Anti-Christmas Puritans

I'm not sure what the view of Alvin York had been to 'Christmas' in his religious sect, but why do so many USA occupants ( there's too many illegal immigrants to refer to USA citizens only) totally  ignore the actual spirit of the Puritans to slither over to Luciferian and Molech Yuletide activities tied toward December 25th?

What does SPIRITING mean according to USA Today's April 28th crossword puzzlers?  Since the spirit of the Puritans was so opposed to Christmas mythology. drunkeness and deceptions  that they risked death during shipment to North America, they understood some very basic Biblical teachings about fleeing from heathen majority lawlessness, preferring to try to establish a community that studied instructions from the Scripture for purification and sanctification. 

I realize some people do hate Thanksgiving, but the Puritans were making adult steps in a sober and modest direction away from England's unholy rulers and away from  Molech, Christmas and community chaos caused by horrific political figures.  Who of us who now trust in Yehovah made an instantaneous and complete change from liberal Catholic nonsense to true respect for the ideology of Yah and angel Yehovah?  

Many people on North American soil 402 years ago were into extreme heathen activities and worship of idols matching or surpassing Egyptian ram worship or Dagon's fish worship sects, and some of those people decided to befriend rather than offend the Puritans as the pompous pontiff people continue to do IN SPITE of having access to the books labeled 'Deuteronomy' and 'Nahum' and 'Isaiah' which identifies what an abomination is now and forever will be in the sight of Yah and  the Angel(s) of Yehovah. 

If a chalk protest on the property I am unfairly taxed on is my form of resistance, it is better than not resisting the pompous, deceptive spirit of December 25th that has spread like a cancer into early November in the minds of those who don't really believe the contents of the Bible after being exposed to the option of getting sealed into the 144,000 or siding with locust power rather than Pakistan nuclear nut cases and the Communist China red bow houses of edible and visual abominations.

It's astounding to see how many people still are willing to disregard reasonable and good  and perfect laws such as 'Do not bear false witness ( aka do not BELIEVE and uphold what clearly is falsehood) 'Do not steal', Do not commit adultery',  Do rest and keep holy the 7th day'  and regard official traffic signs but then obey the mask law which inevitably does more harm than good to a body that has been cared for reasonably under current exiled conditions out of 'Eden' .  

Every time a person plops a mask on their face that was designed to be able to resist plagues if properly maintained,  they might as well be erecting a statue of wicked Whitmer or beast Biden in their household.  Esaac Israel did pass along good advice regarding vaccine resistance and the basis for the right of refusal, but if you already chose to disregard official signals from Yahweh those that have been observing your heathen non-Yahwehist practices aren't going to respect your SUDDEN objection to unclean toxins being needled into you.  Alvin York wasn't trying to deceive the USA with his conscientious objections to self-offense but he did believe in self-defense.... as do I and my fellow Yahwehists, even if they spell out HWHY in a different manner than Yahweh, Yehovah or Yahuah.

Rain might wash away a chalk message, but the messages from the prophet Yermeyh and Ezequiel have not been washed away by a El Elyon's rainy night visions.

Air Force has Bob Thiel. Army has Mikell Clayton, Navy has Jeremy Capps as I am unsure of what Monte Judah actually represents and the Marines have Adam Fink and Justin Best rather than trinket salesman Michael Rood to consider as men able to lead a captive mind out of Babylon and into a sanctification process that requires good works and willingness to prophecy, that is, warn your neighbors of the consequences of intentional sin and froward idolatry.  

Surely the faithful residue of  ישראל should hope that the past 45 months has been sufficient time for proper establishment of a system capable of countering the wicked  agenda of Kamilla Harris and her abomination stations,   whether she continue as a wicked senator or slither into a seat of temporary power that no woman actually belongs in unless the wicked spirit of Jezebel has entered that wicked woman.

Wicked Whitmer  actuallydoes have the spirit of Jezebel, which is why she clearly hates the truths in the book of Leviticus and similar healthcare textbooks from experts. I suppose there is a reason why only thousands obtain mercy and few are saved by their works that took holy faith to complete.

I am thankful for the non-computerized teachers, including my parents and grandparents, who taught me mathematics, history, music, science, gardening and  English during my years as a  child in Milwaukee..... a Milwaukee that no longer exists due to heathen unholy abominable policies of Democrats that have ruined  rather than improved Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Louisville, Chicago, Detroit, California, the city of Philadelphia but not the church of Philadelphia, Oregon...etc.

What can Jareb the Assyrian do for you?