Sunday, August 9, 2020

The E.K. G Line: Michael In The Middle

Some will claim the name of Jesus, but that name is so defiled by liars, thieves, adulterers and missionaries who had been close friends or are distant relatives that I don't believe in the name of Jesus anymore.  'Jesus' is not a holy name; it is common name used in a broad way. There is a consequence when people who take on that "Jesus' name behave like uncaring brute beasts, knowing nothing about Levy and Simeon, Calev and Napthai because of willful ignorance and the effect of a false gospel.  Once it is evident that the 'Jesus' people are failing, will 'Moby Dick' Wetzel swallow up another Jonah somewhere under a pride flag?

'Go and sin no more' . It is sin to dishonor your parents by being lazy and rude to them. It is sin to lie, to steal, to murder, ,  and to commit adultery. It is an abomination to eat the flesh of unclean animals and doing so proves you do not trust  in  והיה  even if you do tolerate and care for those who do trust in  יהוה . It is sin to take the name of  יהוה   without learning and practicing the rules for the people of  ישראל  .   It is sin to treat the 1st day of the week as though it were the 7th day of the week is you actually believe that 'Jesus' is the same as Yeshua, but the evidence I have seen proves that Jesus is not the same as  ישוע   nor  יהוה  . It doesn't bother me that people are burning Bibles loaded with the name  'Jesus'; I am thankful those people are not burning Torah scrolls as the 'Jesus' people did in Europe about 80 years ago/
     I do believe in Yoshua and Moshe Ben Amram, and Moshe's body has caused conflict between Satan and Michael.  Here is a comparison study a few will understand once it is explained to the best of my English ability:

Eric Michael Karolewicz was diseased with multiple sclerosis for several years. His young wife and mother of all of his children did not seek a divorce him when he got ill, but cared for him with more wisdom than paid nurses in nursing homes. Eric Michael seemed to be in a 'stalemate' situation, like his spirit could not depart from his flesh so I suggested a different approach  to his wife and my friend, Jennifer's prayers. I suggested she openly state that her husband Eric could not go to Lucifer and that she she tell her husband to go to St. Michael the Archangel.  Within about 10 days, Eric Michael K. stopped breathing. I know that a person's spirit cannot go directly from defiled flesh to face Elohim (judge)  יהוה   , so those who claim that their deceased family member get some automatic 'go to heaven' card after rejecting and hating the people of  יהוה  of which I am only 1 of a scattered remnant,    have believed a lie. Eric Michael K. and his family loved me, welcomed me into their household, fed me and comforted me AFTER I decided to openly trust in the name of   יהוה    , so I am confident that Eric Michael K. will be accepted by Michael the Archangel's team prior to a trial of his works and behavior toward the people of  ישראל  . My testimony about Eric Michael K. will matter since it is truthful. He has a son Edwin who preceded him into the realm of Michael the archangel, not aborted, but who took his last breath in his mother's womb.  There are turf wars we cannot see but must believe exist in order to try to defeat liars and deceivers and those who  go and keep on sinning.,,,,

In contrast, David Snyder, husband of Lynn Snyder, has had family members that didn't even offer a consoling telephone call after I was divorced, was a victim of a felony in Wisconsin, sad and mourning because I had once again been deceived by 'Jesus' people. David Snyder had a haughty spirit the last time I saw him at Autumn Rayne Veritas's 1st birthday party.   She will soon be finishing her 11th year and I cannot even send her a birthday card because her location is kept a secret from me by her 'Jesus' parents. Even Donald and Jesse Jackson knew where to send mail to Richard Edwin Xavier after their son Theodore and Richard's father refused to pay any child support and they refused to help me with medical insurance for their grandson.  Hypocrites don't want the truth to be revealed publicly, but revelation of opinions and facts didn't stop at Patmos where St. John was held up for a bit.  When an obituary comes along, do family members or 'Jesus' people protest their names being printed publicly?  Is it not better to warn the living that people such as me will testify for Eric Michael K. and against people such as David and Lynn Snyder when it is time to tell Elohim  יהוה  how I was cruelly treated by the family affiliates of Roland Hendrikson (Wittenberg, WI) and David Snyder (Iola, WI)  after I chose to trust  יהוה  as a leader  in order  to be grafted into  ישראל ?

Why insert Veritas into the name of a person who cannot represent the truth of historic matters?

When a border patrol agent asks a adult male in the USA  who has been in France for almost a decade what their occupation is and what their address is, they must answer. Why then would that same adult, who claims to represent 'Jesus' people , refuse to answer those 2  same questions from his won mother unless he outwardly decided to hate his own mother and put her to public shame?

Eric Michael K. behaved better toward his mother than my son behaves toward me, especially since my son  officially became a husband influenced by Shane David Hendrikson's  modus operandi .   Genetically, my son is still is the son of Theodore Reynaud Jackson and a XX pool; I don't believe that genetics can cause a person to fail at the judgment seat of    יוה  . but that the instructors, spouses, allies and jobs they chose  after becoming an adult can cause them to succeed or fail at the judgment seat of Elohim  יוה  .

My niece Jennifer helped her spouse, Eric Michael K., to succeed at the end because she believed my testimony about   serious connection between   יהו    and Michael the Archangel.

Hockey shoulder pads look like better wings than that which blasphemer John Travolta put on while he was advertising for toxic cigarettes in  movies made in the USA.  Lots of people claim they should fear the God of Israel, yet if the book of Jasher chapters 34-36 are considered, it is the Levy and Shimon of ישראל  that have been feared with historic reasoning. The Gd of ישראל  is probably one of the weakest tribe since their reputation has been watered down so much,

Eric Michael K. might see Qeseth Charise Swedowski face to face sooner than I do, and he can say that he was a considered to be friend of her mother after her mother was abandoned and left for dead by the 'Sunday Jesus' people.

Some people abhor a G as in Gimel and Gd, and others rightfully abhor a goalie who can't stop  liars, thieves  and adulterers and abortionists but could only stop rubber pucks or soccer balls while playing games .

"Go and sin no more.'  When's the last time you made a meal for or assisted your elderly parent who  rejected Lucifer and as a result now does not have a partner?

Sidney Crosby is now paused at 1263, while Ed Jovanovski stopped at 500.   Accurate numbers don't lie, but the COVID-19 numbers are loaded with falsehood.

Eric Michael K. did not stop breathing because of a patented virus labeled COVID-19; he stopped breathing because of severe overall bodily complications and organ failure from multiple sclerosis that has weakened him for several years after he finally had earned a decent job as a welder and was able to acquire a disability insurance plan to provide for his family in case tragedy occurred.

I'm amazed at how some people are totally willing and yet barely able to keep their wedding vows when tragedy occurs, and how others quickly prove they are public liars as soon as they request a divorce when they are lured by immoral temptation toward another human from a 'Jesus' church or trial of disease occurs within their spouse's body.

What I wrote about Robert Daniel Groth was quite a bit different, and my son didn't even care about that truthful report  involving my employment history as a police officer who will never be named Ronald Reagan   Milwaukee Police, Badge #1632.  Saul and the Philippians aren't the mother that tried for YEARS to teach him how to respect the authority of  יהוה    so that he would not end up like his worldy lying father.  47 men ended up being servants after losing a battle to Shimon and Levy according to the book of Jasher, which I believe to be reliable.  Many nations then folded when only 112 troops, not 1126, were planning to defend the name of   ישאאל       and their sister Dynah.  The number 112 is perched on a road near Owen Sound. yet few from the Canadian military would even know the significance of that number during times of serious historic ישראלי military strategies.

Requests can be denied when the person making a request exhibits hatred, apathy and total disrespect  toward the role of  the person actually able to grant  or deny their  request.  The wife of Eric Michael K. does not have apathy toward the role of  יהוה ; her request that her husband be allowed to go to Michael the Archangel was not denied after she did not deny the existance of  יהוה nor did she try to provoke the people of  יהוה  unto anger as billions of others are currently doing .

What is it about a book of remembrance that is objectionable to those who have done good rather than evil unto the people who have aligned with יהוה  and Michael THE Archangel   ?

My child Qeseth Charise never did and never will look anything like the statue on top of the Kansas capital building in Topeka.  The signs and symbols you set yourself under or ink into your body are a serious issue during chain of command conflicts which are occurring every second I take a breath without looking at foolish as the general manager of the Montreal Canadiens does in his 'cave man'  mask as a puppet of world propaganda and total falsehoods regarding disease control which is contrary to the truth about disease prevention taught by  יהוה   .

Some people are getting controlled TOWARD disease, and others are getting steered toward the health and humans services books that begin with  the word  בראשית   .

If a person is working against you in a serous matter, have you continually  refused to work WITH that person thereby forcing them to be your opponent?   Eric Michael Karolewicz wasn't my opponent, since he and his parents decided to work with me on various important tasks.

Read Yasher chapters 51 through 54 if you want to read about the cause and results of domestic violence. Details matter. Was this the quote that started   10 man basketball or 12 man hockey?

"The rope hath gone after the bucket."  יסף  of Egypt

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