The city of Milwaukee once again has shamed itself by trying to publicly humiliate Alphonse Morales, a man totally the opposite of wicked Camilla Harris and the treasonous, heathen rioters who behave worse than caged animals in a zoo. When have you seen an animal destroy it's own 'home' in uncontrolled and unjustified rage? The use of tear gas is minimum force during times of war against law-abiding citizens. Alphonse Morales did what was correct in the sight of the holy angels of יהוה , and rioting thugs bring shame on their own name. Alphonse Morales will eventually be thankful he no longer has to protect and serve abortionists, politicians and stores loaded with cigarettes and despicable pornographic media. It is a painful experience, like a divorce you didn't request, to realize the persons you took great risks to serve and protect want you out of their corrupt turf so they can proceed in their crimes and sins with fewer objections from their prophesying associates.
If 'Blogger' numbers are accurate, some weekly audience stats here are Russia 100. USA 64, France 1.
Before Moshe was released from the prison Reuel tossed him in, Egyptian leaders took live children from the Ysraelites and murdered them to try to cure the plague Pharoah had. 375 children were slaughtered after being taken from their families, but Pharoah was not cured of his disease.
Read Jasher 77 to read about the Sunday worship teams abomination of taking infants from the Ysraelites and mortaring them alive into their buildings when the Yhsraelites weren't slaving hard enough.
These atrocities still occur in a more subtle form, when Sunday Christianity lures children away from their parents at a young age in AWANA groups to teach them a doctrine against יהוה , and those children often never return to their grandparents who have learned how to love and respect the authority of יהוה . Indeed, adult children are being mortared into the spiritual death traps of political Christianity in quantities greater than 270 bodies when they are lured by Egyptian-based religious systems and then leave their family members to enter a death trap that has been prepared for them.
Behold, it seems as though my grandchildren been set into the Egyptian churches suffocating walls, and will they be crying out for someone to save them from their bondage? Will their lings be destroyed by the masking of the mouth before they can get out of the Egyptian traps?
When I cannot hear nor see my grandchildren, it is exactly as if their adult rulers and anti-יהוה taskmasters have tossed them into the suffocating mortar of Egyptian Sunday buildings, and only a strong and perfect redeemer can pull them out from those idolatrous walls of Sunday Egyptian religion variations. It doesn't trouble me that Sunday churches are empty, but it does trouble me that children are still being snatched away from their parents and grandparents and being murdered literally or spiritually demolished into an anti- יהוה mindset by contemporary Christianity and worldly businesses such as UWM.ORG and 'Woodlands Church' of Plover, Wisconsin.
A delivered a short letter to Fellowship Baptist Church in East China, Michigan offering them a way of escape from Egyptian-rooted bondage. Their leader was proclaiming 'Bingo' and garth brooks, not preaching the messages from Moshe and the prophets. Will that leader have the discernment required to steer him toward the way of the 144,000 and the song of Yoshua in Yasher 89 or will he think I am crazy for trying to steer him away from garth brooks so he can understand that the sealing process is voluntary, not forced as the Egyptians forced babes into their walls?
The word את is at 853, not 497. 1 NHL 'Point' cannot define the tabernacle of יהוה . Please don't be afraid to study the book of Yasher 89 has quoted by Yshraely leaders, even in Psalm 18. Mara was a place where rules and regulations were established while in the wilderness, and it seems the rod that Moshe carried was not made of wood, but was made of lapis lazuli. The tablets of stone were provided at a place after Mara.
Yasher 75 also indicated why Gothics were allowed to overtake thieves described as Ephraimites.
Gath is not גד . If you, like I, are not able to see and hear your grandchildren, is it because they have been buried alive into Egyptian blocks of worship and you can only try to keep hope a resurrection of the dead unto judgment, where the babes will be innocent and their professional taskmasters or the spouses that lured them away from the teachings from the prophets including Moshe Ben Amram will be guilty of being anti-הוה ?
It seems as though a hockey rink was a better place to be on a Sunday morning than inside the walls of Egyptian religion systems have not even had the power to resist sin and now has raised up the vileness of Joseph Biden and wicked Harris customs. Yasher's records did report that some leaders of Egypt were 'idiot', 'ugly' and 'wicked'. Had it not been for Yasher's record, many would not have known that יסף was changed from idolatrous Rachel's 'mama's boy' into a strong and good military leader after suffering in bondage after a 'family trouble' occurred with his siblings. 12 years in a house of confinement after false accusations is rarely survived without inner strength.
Mannesah also was able to restrain strong uncle Simeon during incredible events described in Yasher 51 through 54.
(Yasher is more commonly seen as Jasher due to Greek and English literary scrambles.)
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