Monday, August 3, 2020

Our G Team Prayer For Those in Who Aren't In Heaven.....

How about a down to earth recital to break up the vain repetitions of rosary societies and the Sunday-keeping branches of Catholicism?

"Our Grandma, who's not Nana Banana, what's your maiden name and high school mascot? Our grandpa lied and  left  you, he committed theft  and was untrue, which isn't allowed in heaven.  Send us this dusk some actual facts and teach us how to repent because clearly our Protestant parents won't teach us that necessary skill. We're already in temptation, surrounded by  prescription drug bottles, cigarettes, pork bacon, computers screens, eel sushi, Butterfinger, Gentleman Jack  Galezewski and Coca-cola and clearly our father nor our mother  hasn't tried hard enough to deliver us from evil. For thine  goal line, Grandma, is  marked with a G as in Gd and גד, JAGR and יגר, with some clean and press power, some Stanley Fafara cup lines and Doris Packer training now and oddly on day 3025 of your singled out existence."

What Protestsnt don't tell you can hurt your future. For instance, the prophet Yeshua also known as the door man 'Jesus Christ' was suggesting requests be made to a father who is living in a state that has NO SIN ALLOWED, and sin is described as transgression of the rules sent fron Yahveh through prophets such as Moshe Ben Amram.

I decided to use the Noah Webster variation of   יהוה   seen as " Yahveh" in a exquisite dictionary, to deter me from Jehovah Witnesses, from the black man with a new fake name of Esaac Israel  who says 'Yah way' and to  avoid the WOW rather than the VAV and V as in Vashti people.

I vehemently object to intentional sin which includes intentional courtroom lies that are fabricated when children start denouncing their real blood lines and come out of courtrooms claiming they are Mr. T. Reynaud Xavier, Marilyn Monroe or Esaac Israel.  Is Dan and Naphtali or Asher and Gad able to denounce their real mothers and still get redeemed?  Rachel and Leah are NOT the mother of Gd, Dan, Napthali and Asher and thus those 4 tribes have very unique qualities which are not going to be melted with a cup of cold water nor burnt to a crisp in a Fry Baby full of nasty calamari..

If you are 'saved' man or woman, don't dress like the 2002 AD strumpet section of Karen Newman nor sing alongside 'Black Lives Matter' propaganda with Marie Hughes in 2020, dragging on tunes that could be done better by the trumpets of the Cedarville. Michigan band.  Try to be more like Sean Hill or Sergei Fedorov in 2002 where they let Referee #86 decide what was best for peace on ice.

Chad Greenway vs. Jordan Greenway seems like a fair Minnesota athletic match point.  Dumba is not St. Matthew material!  There are times when it is best to follow your captain's lead on a sports team. After all, which blind but not dumb is going to verbally claim that  Officer Jimmy Black ( last seen by me at Milwaukee South Division), Clint Black, Jack Black and Ray Black the 50th Brewer are pecan' colored people? The ignorant and  bigots with unjust scales focus on 'black'  rather than the ATA Tae Kwon Do belt sequence colors or biblical geology signs that protect  the body of Yahveh;s people better than any commercial mask saleman ever could.

Many people are now in a predicament of war crimes against their OWN BODY they might have been able to evade had they decided to refuse to bow down to Justin Trudeau's Canadian 'mask' stupidity in the NHL playoffs. 

Johnny Yount isn't a round Robin. How much editing can really be trusted when Mary Hoople isn't the overseer of editing? 

How about shirts that correctly state:

"The surname "Black' on Linda Barley isn't  Whyte bread & butter'."

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