Friday, August 14, 2020

Masks: Portable Gas Chambers Designed to Damage Brain Function

Now that the USA Democratic party has proven they want to force people into portable gas chambers for 3 months minimum ' if elected', anyone who votes for that party deserves to get sicker than their unmasked dog and uncaged cats.   Restricted airways is what abortionists believe in to try to destroy the innocent; if you do not resist harming YOURSELF with a mask that CANNOT increase your resistance to disease, you will become a danger to yourself and others and your paranoia level will increase doe to oxygen depravation. The more scared a population becomes, the more likely they are to harm themselves intentionally or others in a fight rather than flight scenario. Improve you dietary intake to resist disease with increased intake of  fresh water, vegetables and some fruits, eliminate the consumption of unclean animal flesh and seriously reduce your refined sugar intake .

Find a doctor who will resist those who want to push you into your own 'gas chambers'; humans are not plants that survive on carbon dioxide, but in fact get harmed by carbon dioxide and their portable fungus factory. If you ask, a few doctors who believe in the right to BREATH normally will  give you a legal document establishing the fact that you as a human should not be wearing a mask unless you are in a surgical ward or working with harsh chemicals.

Will it take Saudi Arabia dropping a precise nuclear warhead on Biden and  'Axis Camilla' while they are wearing their protective masks to correct the obvious fascist regime and individual gas chambers the Biden 'gestapo' is pushing harder than Japan did against Truman? Who went into Iraq when a dictator was trying to kill off his neighbors with chemical warfare?  Questions aren't directives but are intended to cause a pro-life person to THINK before they do good works that lead to health and proper human breathing function. Wearing a mask when you are not sick is chemical warfare against your own body and wearing a mask that reduced oxygen intake when you are sick will actually accentuate and exacerbate your diseased bronchial condition.

Pulmonologist Stephen Baldwin is probably rolling over in his grave because of all the 'peace time' atrocities the USA governors have been inflicting upon their own population.

Start telling people that יהוה  doesn't want them to wear a mask so they realize they have been obeying pro-ignorance media and instructions from demonic spirits.  Tell your neighbor that יהוה   wants people to stop buying cigarettes too, since tossed down cigarette butts are more likely spreading  a virus and man-made diseases than good news and glad tidings to all men.

Harris and Biden ticket pushers will lead millions to a grave  condition, not to a safer organ loft position that is caught up in the air somewhere out there beneath the sliver of renewed moon light.  "New' leadership wasn't good in Exodus 1:8, and Joe Biden is obviously anti- יסף  due to his own wicked desires .  11th seals matter to 12,000 people of the tribe of יסף  who will not believe a deception.

🌘 Waning isn't waxing.

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