When people reap what they sow, those who have failed to respond promptly to their mother the divorced respondent for years are eventually going to reap apathy from their mother at some point unless they repent and change their anti-divorce ways.
Where apathy doesn't occur is the typical family owned restaurant, since apathy would cause them to lose customers. Here is the Lake St. Clair 'Bernice' split based on Arnold Palmer on the East and Jackie Gleason on the West. Keep in mind that Donald Trump's middle initial only aligns him with variable Kansas City money, not Y as in Yehovah.
Note: Wisconsin And Michigan are equally LOUSY in the Governor's Office in 2020
East Fish Sticks: (Marine City, MI) Middle F West Fish Creek (Door County, WI)
A. Muskellunge 1. Jasper I. Small Mouth Bass
B. Carp 2. Lapis Lazuli II. Sturgeon
G. Gar 3. Agate III. Large Mouth Bass
D. Whitefish ( not Dominican) 4. Malachite IV. Walleye
H. Rainbow Trout 5. Sardonyx V. Coho Salmon
W. Sauger 6. Sardius VI. Sheepshead
Z. Crappie 7. Clear Quartz VII. Mooneye
C. Bowfin 8. Beryl VIII. Bluegill
T. White Bass 9*. Topaz IX. Rock Bass
Y. Channel Catfish 10. Turquoise X. Brown Trout
K. Smelt 11. Ligure XI. Yellow Perch
L. Sucker 12. Amethyst XII. Northern Pike
F=foundation listed in Revelation Chapter 21; middle E is #44 on an 88 key piano
* Musician's Bass line splits between Charles Meeks (White Bass) and David Chyla (Rock Bass)
Since I rather approach 'order' differently than James Strong, please notice that there is a huge difference between ברעת H1170 and גד H1171 in the Hebrew language, but some English idiot ( international code 44) decided to try to make Gd = Brit, even though they are NOT the same.
Since Gideon is not Don Dewing, make sure you start telephoning your relatives rather than emailing them if you are in the same country, since a voice is different than a keyboard stroke that even Swimmy can't do because 'Swimmy' isn't a real fish.
Today has been 'cable day' and Dusty Kleiss found out that wire cables don't always prolong Pocatello lives.
'Cable', a term used by a knitter, a cord used by Rahab and sometimes a line of division: חבל
The Chet words are different than the Hey letters.
It should be time to eliminate statues of Lou Brock and Vince Lombardi since both of them represent USA history as much as military figures do. I suppose the Viking statue will be tumbled over in Ferguson, Minnesota and of course, I don't want to see Henry Winkler nor Martin Luther King Jr. statues anywhere since they were both putting on a show most of their lives.
The drawing of Charles Stifford looked way' too white' on a Charlotte golf card since Stifford is not Luke Donald.
What about the '3 fish' statue in Charlotte, NC? I suppose that represents USA marine life.
This is a historical opinion: Chrsitian Brethern Richard Willer the WWII Marine was a much holier, brilliant, thoughtful and polite man in the year 2020 than Catholic Virgil Smith, the Army man from Bonduel, WI. was at at his 65th wedding anniversary 'party' held in Iowa which became an 'anti-Bible' event.
Maurice Harvey isn't Elwood P. Dowd. A human has about a 3 in 1000 chance of making it to 'locust' level', but those odds are much 'better' than the 1 in 60,0000 chance of being chosen after volunteering to be in the 144,000. Since Adam Fink realizes it's better to be part of the locusts than to be a dog or a whoremonger, make sure your spouse isn't caught in public dressing like a Playboy strumpet or wearing the London skanks favorite word 'PINK'.
( The color such as ' pink carnation' or 'cabbage rose' isn't the same as the strumpet company's PINK logo.)
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