Monday, June 22, 2020

One Behavorial Conundrum Question

Q: Is it possible for an adult to be a good parent and a wicked child at the same time?

A) It is NOT possible for a wicked child to be a good parent, since a child that is wicked  and acts rudely, unjustly and without genuine kindness toward his own parent or siblings is a wicked role model  for his own children, not matter how well dressed and well fed his children appear to be.


When the 4 corners of your earth are seen as 'parents, siblings, children and neighbor', once your fear Lord Yehovah you might start to learn how to apply the gospel of good works with just scales rather than with bias only toward those children you are able to temporarily control in.   Jacob's favoritism toward Joseph became a historic non-fiction family problem that was not corrected until Jacob's turf was struck with famine and Joseph found out what it felt like to be treated without favoritism in Egypt.

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