Friday, June 12, 2020

In The Matter Of GFL Squad 4662

Young men who never called me 'mother'
Are a good Friday sight
They work quite hard like my own brother
And I never see them fight

They lift up burdens all day long
And help me with their smiles
They act like angels with a song
They might sing throughout their miles

They are quite strong, they speak to me
Why aren't they like my son?
The garbage men show me respect
My dwelling they do not shun

This is the year of testing hearts
Will Christianity fail
Because those who reject Moshe's works
Believe 'love' is email?

True love includes face to face time
Home doors get opened up 🚪
Christianity's not worth a dime
If with your mother you won't sup

I'm thankful for '4662'
The garbage men who smile
Maybe some year my son will learn
To walk within my mile

Day 1517  might have passed
Why hasn't my son been here?
The men of squad 4662
Are angels - to me that's quite clear

When The NHL resumes it's action
My WORDPRESS thoughts go  'public'
יהוה  knows pressure is part of traction
What's 'Battle Hymn of the Republic'?

Waste Management truck 4662
Transports a team I love
They smile at me when I feel blue 💙
They have the mindset of a dove

When is the last time you told 'mom'  thanks
Or  assisted your actual mother?
Has your heart become like hard war tanks
And you now only think of  'father'?  🏀

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