Sunday, June 28, 2020

H2990: A Flogged Mammel Is NOT An Acceptable Peace Offering

Dusty Kleiss the USA fighter pilot isn't Hartwig Kleiss of the Duquesne spy ring. Details matter..

When I became exposed to Yom Kippur instructions, I did not initially bother trying to understand Leviticus chapter 22 until I reached day 2990 and the Hebrew word that describes an injured animal as an unacceptable sacrifice for  peace with  יהוה  .  I hate seeing the dead figurine on a crucifix outside of a Catholic church in Armada, Michigan, and finally have realized that billions have believed a lie.

The lie billions have believed is that a flogged and battered body could atone for their sins and be an 'acceptable sacrifice' from a repentant sinner. Did Pilate order the flogging to ensure that the guilty parties who falsely accused Yeshua would not possibly be 'forgiven' for demanding he be crucified? Pilate most probably was aware of the book of Leviticus and some prophesies; did he order the flogging hoping it would deter the mob from demanding the murder of another prophet in Jerusalem?

Chapter 22 of Leviticus clearly states that a injured animal is not an acceptable offering, thus the death of Yeshua never 'made peace' occur. Did Pilate hope that ordering the flogging would prevent  an angry, hypocritical mob from thinking they could damage a 'lamb' and then also try to fit that damaged lamb into their salvation plan?  What I do know is that as I was told that a chalk talk in a park is safer than cigarette smokers in a park, I also saw that a flogged person, no matter what 'animal' skins you try to attach to the image, is not an acceptable sacrifice to atone nor make peace with  יהוה     . Most will claim I am blaspheming, but doesn't  the real blasphemy occur when preachers claim that a flogged and injured mammal, no matter how 'clean' it has been described to be, is an acceptable offering to atone for intentional sin or to be considered as a sign of PEACE with יהוה?

The ram provided to Abraham was acceptable to kill in a merciful, quick manner and then eat.

The brown sheep I purchased named LeBrun was not flogged before it was turned over to a real shepherd who knew it is wrong to flog or torture an animal before slaughtering it. As it has been reported,   Yeshua would have  had dozens of non-leopard spots, open wounds and blemishes on him from flogging and from thorn wounds when he was spiked onto tree material to appease scheming politicians and corrupted religious personnel.

Yom Kippur has not been done away with, and woe unto those who have read Leviticus Chapter 22 and not admitted that a flogged human body could not possibly qualify as a peace offering after rebellious war had been declared against   יהוה by both religious sects and political rulers.

Now I understand a bit more why Justin Best could not withhold what had been revealed to him regarding Saul's questionable activities.  30 minutes of silence after uttering an astonishing perspective can seem like being dumbfounded for 20.83 years.

Fact: Neither a flogged red heifer nor a tortured and injured lamb would ever have been slaughtered, roasted and offered to a true holy priest of  ישראל  except by those who were intentionally trying to disregard  or openly oppose official instructions from    יהוה  exposed in Leviticus Chapter 22 .

Maybe some people will want to start renting millstones to toss around their necks before they take their turn trying to pass the pigs in their next swim meet.  Images of crucified, tortured bodies are  far more offensive to LITTLE ONES than roasting beef and lamb shish kafta in the shade of a myrtle (H1918) tree.

I suppose it's not surprising that the  people who keep trying to convince the 'world' that a battered, flogged man substituted for the discipline we NEED to be corrected and become fit, anti-sin role models on earth are the same people who never try to stop sinning while they keep repeating their  falsehood to themselves and others.

Real holy mothers understand that without proper discipline, children become nasty, arrogant, lazy and abound in unrighteous behavior.

If only those nasty adult children  would repent and return to their real pro-יהוה mothers who might be capable of pointing them away from besetting sin and toward  preparation plans to be on clean  team  יהוה .  Being drawn into a filthy=mouthed pack led by 'Shaner Dog' of Wittenberg is easy enough for Thomas Wahl, but those of us who escaped Shaner Dog's  house had no easy way out.   Woe, woe, and woe does lead to a bitter feeling in the stomach that is helped more by goat's milk than by Coca-cola.

I have been trying to toss my son my son a life-jacket many times so he doesn't drown in tears of bitterness caused from  repeatedly  denying his real mother visitation as though he were another Stuart Rottier playing the role of an unjustified attorney more willing to divide than unite families.

 Let those who sought the narrow gate hope and pray there will soon be a wide way to stop the spread of a haughty and naughty  demonic spirits, which causes far more trouble and  trauma on earth than any virus or flu ever could.

It only takes 2 well trained angels to guard and protect a narrow gate. Which 2 'old testament' men spent time in a well and weren't lifted up by pit bulls?

 Be careful, those who are now aware of the huge difference between Jaromir Jagr Jr.s house recipes vs. wicked Joseph Biden's Junior Mint gaming. 


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