A cold, wet football in Wisconsin sometimes behaves like a slippery rock.
I've considered how CRMINAL it is for any politician to dispose of valuable USA property such as historic paintings better than any evil produced by pornography producers or the filsehoods emitting from the lips of liars professing to ' Know Jesus' no better than Freddie Mercury knows Beelzebub.
If in fact politicians want the try to erase history so they can try to convince idiots that the USA didn't have slave owners that treated their slaves better than some children treat their elderly parents or some spouses treat their unloved spouse, there still is VALUE of good artist's paintings and statues that belong to the USA, not to the idiotic Congress of 2020.
Legally auctioning off ALL paintings and statues would be more appropriate than destroying or embezzling items that are owned jointly by a group of investors ( taxpayers are investors) , which is a felony. If there is no 'George Washington' anymore, there better not be any Crazy Horse, Martin Luther King, Jr. nor 'Santa Claus' images anywhere on USA public grounds,
Nancy Pelosi and her wicked allies such as Gretchen Whitmer are actually much less deceptive that groups such as UWM.ORG, since Pelosi and Whitmer make their wicked EVIDENT, which makes truly good people resist becoming like them or part of their assemblies. I tested the spirit of 'UWM.ORG' and on the surface all that is seen is 'United World Mission' but on the interior is deception, apathy and people unwilling to be truthful to reveal their actual anti-ישרע agenda. Aren't youth pastors supposed to teach young people to love their parents and treat them with kindness? Aren't paid pastors supposed to respond to those with sorrows sooner than a police officer is supposed to respond to a fight between drunks in a house or a skink with a jar on it's head? The fact is that police officers typically have responded to a crisis sooner than a religious hireling or paid missionary family from what I have seen..... except for Dean Noonan of Oak Creek who visited me in a dangerous hospital and made a house call to try to prevent a hard-hearted Robin from divorcing me.
I have a relative who has been an employee of UWM.ORG, and he has been unwilling to be truthful with me, his mother, for years. With his co-workers standing by and collecting funds, my son has become more and more unwilling to be gracious, hospitable, helpful and kind toward me, which shows me that his 'god' is not good, holy and just. There will be no change toward loving me until my son learns to love and trust יהוה rather than being no better than Nancy Pelosi and her 'unjust scale' assembly. יהוה is not JW.ORG nor UWM.ORG, and the spirit of יהוה 's people react to liars and deceivers more like a bowling ball in Ohio's Al-Mar bowling lanes than a empty crucifix on a jewelry chain.
A good suggestion to auction off ALL artwork and statues that are in USA public building and land than rather than letting people who dislike facts and create LIES think that their unjust scales and lies will be acquitted. I wonder who is going to buy or destroy Mount Rushmore since Thomas Jefferson owned slaves and his slaves lived better than the people currently inhabiting drug houses in Detroit or gangsters in Chicago because Jefferson's slaves were forced to do many good works.
While I wait for my 'Christian missionary' child to disclose his whereabouts so he and I can start studying the Scriptures regarding instructions for family relationships in person, I am thiankful that I learned to war with chalk in my hands rather than with lies from my tongue and swine in my sandwiches. I don't want to talk to a hologram, and even I appreciated visiting VMI to consider the courage of Robert E. Lee and now am able to consider the studies of Adam Fink which are much more pleasing to those who love the prophets than anything that has ever come out of Disneyland or those clinging to the Roland Hendrikson tree of Wittenberg.
I wonder why Evers and Barnes non-Harley edition of a Wisconsin map had the mileage line to Crandon in yellow? Maybe the WORD got out that my wedding gown was stolen by Shane David Hendrikson was stolen and sold their in a fashion similar to Nancy Pelosi's 'destruction and relocation of USA artwork' wicked, selfish plan. In any event, why would I or any person who wants to dispose of political imagery want pictures of politicians on a map?
I am lamenting, since I fear it is now too late for people have delayed true repentance and instead have aligned their minds against the honey badgers of יהוה 's division like scorpions. Maybe a good turn of events will happen on day #1197, which is associated with a 'burning bush'.
Images of Marilyn Monroe and 'Victoria's Secret' models are much more evi and evidently wickedl than images of military leaders such as Caleb and Joshua, Bobby Hull or Casimer Pulaski. Maybe this is the weekend you should call your mother and ask her how your father has been treating her before you say 'Happy Father's Day' again like a programmed robotcompletely out of יהוה 's hand.
I think my grandchildren, siblings, parents and neighbors prefer me to war with public written complaints rather than aiming a loaded revolver in my hand aimed toward my temple when I am saddened by and vexed by ongoing evil on earth. It's not very pleasant responding to a suicide in progress nor is it pleasant to be work on Shabbat like an undrpaid slave of the USA.
I suppose I should mention which way uniform division is going in my hood. Since my siblings would want me to wear Green Bay Packers gear rather than Eric Kempka gear, 'Mothers Without Touchbacks' will do good works today in a Green Bay Packer jersey rather than in Verlander trash! Green Bay isn't Wittenberg, Plainfield, Paris nor Iola. 🏈
I have witnessed my grandmother Mary Raczek outlive her wicked, huaghty oldest son Frank who STOLE from her rather than treat her with dignity and genuine kindness. How children treat their parents DOES matter to יהוה and Yahwehists !!!! Is it Enoch who mentioned that the ELECT shall dwell together in chapter 61? My neighbor Michael actually appreciates Adam Fink's messages and approach to Scripture study far more than UWN.ORG people or Nancy Pelosi people.
When 'Michael' stands up, the battle intensifies according to prophesy. There are many people named Michael, but only one ' Michael' is an established archangel aligned with יהוה that has been mentioned in the non-Timms book of Daniel .
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