Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Javier Lopez-Torres The Catcher Vs. Javier Lopez- Palmer the 'Seven Eleven' Pitcher

 Why didn't Javier Lopez Torres use his Torres name with the Atlanta Braves and why didn't Javier Lopez Palmer use his Palmer name in Boston after leaving Virginia?

I can't answer the previous question. I thought I'd insert a neutral question while waiting to find out what the objectives and priorities actually are of UWM.ORG  toward extremely close relatives such as me who are not Yahweh-phobic.  After getting intentionally ejected from Christianity circles numerous times after deciding to follow Yehovah's instructions more frequently than most people, is there a Jesus Christ mustard seed plan to move Granite Peak to Marine City, Michigan?

A toddler might ask :
 If  you want me to follow Jesus and Jesus told Satan to get behind him, do I have to follow Satan in line behind Jesus or try to skip Satan in line?"

  The Ysraelite Yeshua is supposed to be the doorman to יהוה's household that expects those going toward יהוה to follow written etiquette for  those grafted into  the Ysraelite  tree. I actually hope that there are people such as  Philadelphia's own Chris Nelson (02-12-69) sealed in the 144,000 and a sign in heaven that says " Montgomery Poppy seeds can't be planted here"'.

Does a myrtle tree (Hadessa)  bear fruit or is it easier to find a pecan tree in Odessa, Texas that bears fruit than rely on the Esther method?

 What if myrtle day 1919 ( Hadasseh/Esther) is at foot  and day 2272 is quietly at hand to split up felines ?

Depositions put even more pressure on humans than a free blog that only a few people scattered  in the world actually observe. Maybe the people who read  my opinions and post-respondent survival strategies are like Bereans rather than Curious George evolving into a baboon. 🙊


Monday, June 29, 2020

Enoch 103: I Hope It Is Written Truth!

Listening to Adam Fink cover Enoch chapters 91 to 108, I considered his demeanor, grieved in spirit over the the continuation of sin and wickedness. Then I considered Richard Hendrikson, who reads from Philippians as though as is wonderful in his world without his Bible-believing mother.

Enoch 103:7 states that those who remain unjudged, who desire to escape punishment and stern rebuke, go to Sheol. Enoch 103:15 has occurred in my lifetime, and the wicked have assisted those who robbed me.

If a sportsman man has been an alcoholic and changes to sobriety, most Protestants would not shun the sober man who no longer behaves as an alcoholic from their homes or gatherings. Hypocrisy flows like flood waters when a woman who has had  a flight pattern that he who her ATTACKED her fiscally and physically has called unreasonable or 'crazy. ' Why is the women who chose flight rather than MURDER shunned for the rest of her days from her unbelieving CHILD who  rejected her testimony time and time again while he clasped his New Testament in his hand believing the writing of people who he knows not?  As Melissa Sue Anderson uttered in a recorded  television show 'if that's what Christianity is, I rather be a heathen!'.

10 years a veteran on PGA golf courses at age 35 is nothing like 10 years a 'veteran' working as a Milwaukee police officer. The world doesn't need the PGA golf tour, but the world does still need decent police officers who are willing to try to bring offenders to judgment when they are living, rather than ignore all sin and crimes and let those who evaded correction on earth 'go to Sheol', where those who have been corrected by יהוה will not be.

Those who insist on hurting me  for the duration of their wicked life do not want my blog to exist. But if the earth as we know it continues on for another generation, my grandchildren who have not hurt me might need to know how much their real grandmother desired to see them, while those who rejected my testimony and insisted on keeping me out of their domain  for more than a decade  traveled around Europe with smiling faces that mocked the grandmother who has trusted in  יהוה  after fleeing from 'anti-commandment man, Shane David Hendrikson .

The  domestic abusers and the attacker of a person will often try to claim that those who escaped them are 'nuts' or 'crazy',  The one who escaped is not the one who wanted to fight until death occurred in a home that might have had good expectations initially.

I still have not gotten any word from the couple hired by UWM.ORG  since they have returned to the USA and are reportedly being housed in Belmont, Wisconsin in Portage County.  Do I now reject visiting my parents in their old age because my son and his wife have not yet welcomed me into their denomination of 'Lightning Bolt Saul"? I must visit my parents or I would be a hypocrite and be punishing them for the lawlessness that  hypocrites in Christianity exhibit out of and in courtrooms that have a stench worse than chopped chicken feathers in the hands of Jerry Paris.

When the warnings stop, it will be worse and not better for those who insisted on 'cutting' #22 from the Edmonton Eskimos after he shared his anti-homosexuality perspective. He was was #22 on the Edmonton Eskimos should be sorry he ever wanted to be part of a team that is obviously anti-  holiness , to phrase it sharply rather than bluntly.

If Enoch 103:15 is prophesy, then that has already occurred, not in 'Keefer Vs. Keefer', but in Marathon county's 'Shane Hendrikson Vs. Marie Hendrikson.'

Enoch even mentions that although people will WISH their sins weren't recorded, they still will be. A 'Buddy Sorrell' character  didn't even want to complain on a Saturday while in a fake shoe store that was nothing like 'Shippy's Shoes' from whence expensive Noat's have been purchased instead of Ahava products requested by Mrs. Richard Hendrikson 12 years ago.  Is complying with a non-sinful request a sign of hatred or an attempt to please and comfort a neighbor?🦂 ( The prophet Yzequiel was sent among scorpions and proved he believed   יוה.)

At least I'm preventing Alzeimer's by recalling as much as I can while I am alive and not needing to flee from an abusive, violent anti-commandment man who is still  an unrepentant anti-גד    and an anti-Gadite.

Do you believe in the sealed tribe of גד  or only in the Edmonton Eskimos who hate to hear a perspective that is not wicked from their former #22?  Professional sports probably will never really recover from it's shut-down, so trying to become a 'paid professional sportsman' might not be a good employment plan for youngster. I actually don't want teams to recover that are being forced FORCED  to push rather than ignore or resist the LBGT  anti-יהוה agenda.   Allowing businesses to remain neutral in an ongoing war between vile, wicked behaviors which include witchcraft and acts holiness is better than forcing them to the side of wickedness and vile behavior even if they don't want to strive for holiness as the elect 144,000 must do.

If you have access to this site,  the book of Enoch or the contents of the 'old testament', the WRITTEN warnings to intentional sinners and toward cruel, violent thieves and strumpets have not stopped, even if I drop dead tomorrow.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

H2990: A Flogged Mammel Is NOT An Acceptable Peace Offering

Dusty Kleiss the USA fighter pilot isn't Hartwig Kleiss of the Duquesne spy ring. Details matter..

When I became exposed to Yom Kippur instructions, I did not initially bother trying to understand Leviticus chapter 22 until I reached day 2990 and the Hebrew word that describes an injured animal as an unacceptable sacrifice for  peace with  יהוה  .  I hate seeing the dead figurine on a crucifix outside of a Catholic church in Armada, Michigan, and finally have realized that billions have believed a lie.

The lie billions have believed is that a flogged and battered body could atone for their sins and be an 'acceptable sacrifice' from a repentant sinner. Did Pilate order the flogging to ensure that the guilty parties who falsely accused Yeshua would not possibly be 'forgiven' for demanding he be crucified? Pilate most probably was aware of the book of Leviticus and some prophesies; did he order the flogging hoping it would deter the mob from demanding the murder of another prophet in Jerusalem?

Chapter 22 of Leviticus clearly states that a injured animal is not an acceptable offering, thus the death of Yeshua never 'made peace' occur. Did Pilate hope that ordering the flogging would prevent  an angry, hypocritical mob from thinking they could damage a 'lamb' and then also try to fit that damaged lamb into their salvation plan?  What I do know is that as I was told that a chalk talk in a park is safer than cigarette smokers in a park, I also saw that a flogged person, no matter what 'animal' skins you try to attach to the image, is not an acceptable sacrifice to atone nor make peace with  יהוה     . Most will claim I am blaspheming, but doesn't  the real blasphemy occur when preachers claim that a flogged and injured mammal, no matter how 'clean' it has been described to be, is an acceptable offering to atone for intentional sin or to be considered as a sign of PEACE with יהוה?

The ram provided to Abraham was acceptable to kill in a merciful, quick manner and then eat.

The brown sheep I purchased named LeBrun was not flogged before it was turned over to a real shepherd who knew it is wrong to flog or torture an animal before slaughtering it. As it has been reported,   Yeshua would have  had dozens of non-leopard spots, open wounds and blemishes on him from flogging and from thorn wounds when he was spiked onto tree material to appease scheming politicians and corrupted religious personnel.

Yom Kippur has not been done away with, and woe unto those who have read Leviticus Chapter 22 and not admitted that a flogged human body could not possibly qualify as a peace offering after rebellious war had been declared against   יהוה by both religious sects and political rulers.

Now I understand a bit more why Justin Best could not withhold what had been revealed to him regarding Saul's questionable activities.  30 minutes of silence after uttering an astonishing perspective can seem like being dumbfounded for 20.83 years.

Fact: Neither a flogged red heifer nor a tortured and injured lamb would ever have been slaughtered, roasted and offered to a true holy priest of  ישראל  except by those who were intentionally trying to disregard  or openly oppose official instructions from    יהוה  exposed in Leviticus Chapter 22 .

Maybe some people will want to start renting millstones to toss around their necks before they take their turn trying to pass the pigs in their next swim meet.  Images of crucified, tortured bodies are  far more offensive to LITTLE ONES than roasting beef and lamb shish kafta in the shade of a myrtle (H1918) tree.

I suppose it's not surprising that the  people who keep trying to convince the 'world' that a battered, flogged man substituted for the discipline we NEED to be corrected and become fit, anti-sin role models on earth are the same people who never try to stop sinning while they keep repeating their  falsehood to themselves and others.

Real holy mothers understand that without proper discipline, children become nasty, arrogant, lazy and abound in unrighteous behavior.

If only those nasty adult children  would repent and return to their real pro-יהוה mothers who might be capable of pointing them away from besetting sin and toward  preparation plans to be on clean  team  יהוה .  Being drawn into a filthy=mouthed pack led by 'Shaner Dog' of Wittenberg is easy enough for Thomas Wahl, but those of us who escaped Shaner Dog's  house had no easy way out.   Woe, woe, and woe does lead to a bitter feeling in the stomach that is helped more by goat's milk than by Coca-cola.

I have been trying to toss my son my son a life-jacket many times so he doesn't drown in tears of bitterness caused from  repeatedly  denying his real mother visitation as though he were another Stuart Rottier playing the role of an unjustified attorney more willing to divide than unite families.

 Let those who sought the narrow gate hope and pray there will soon be a wide way to stop the spread of a haughty and naughty  demonic spirits, which causes far more trouble and  trauma on earth than any virus or flu ever could.

It only takes 2 well trained angels to guard and protect a narrow gate. Which 2 'old testament' men spent time in a well and weren't lifted up by pit bulls?

 Be careful, those who are now aware of the huge difference between Jaromir Jagr Jr.s house recipes vs. wicked Joseph Biden's Junior Mint gaming. 


Saturday, June 27, 2020

Between 744 and 1667 Is 807 and 1532

Quietly I ate my greens
While looking at some Michigan scenes
'Set at Se' is what I saw
Not  Estates Lane and probate law

Old plates are not East China trash
Enoch has said ' people will clash'
It's sabbath now... I strive to hear
What  Raguel says if he's near

On Friday I was feeling down
My face upheld a weakened frown
Until my friends changed my facade
I might have said 'Je suis malade'

A got a gift from my young friends
Much better than synthetic blends
They gifted me cabinets of wood
Almost brand new - they sure look GOOD!

Their flight was not it winter's cold
They didn't say 'Jovanovski's old
There were no wreaths to make them stumble
They cam in peace rather than to rumble

I thought about Yzequyl's days
How many readers would be amazed
Of what those on team  לוי  'd do 
rather than buy drugs that fools call 'new'?

  My dearest friends are on my team
 more precious than vacuum's called 'BEAM'
 I was reminded there' be few
 who would be kind to  יהוה   's crew.

 If your offspring is aloof and distant
 it's possible that in an instant 
they'll realize that they'd been wrong
 about the meaning of a song. 

A song that's sung when doing good
 beats nailing people to some wood
 Prepare you mind for the worse case 
when your offsprng won't VISIT your place. 

 The prophets had a place in time
 and words that meant more than a dime
 yet many times their place was lonely 
even when filled with pure beef bologney. 

 Pure holy minds must be reset
 To reject any being who did bet
 against  the chosen  few of  ישראל    
 Don't worship boxed up sugary cereal!

One Five Three Two isn't Patty Schnell
Nor James Hardy against fire's smell
It's a number on a used badge scene
Not a number for a tomato green

Why did the color change to green 
When I didn't push the A on my screen
Now I know that there are robotic people
That don't worship a stupid church steeple

1667 was Bob Groth, my friend
744 is a Pete Malloy end
807's my real friend 'Thomas'
1532 isn't non-butter 'Promise'

Now I'm off to resist all wizards
I'm not afraid to see some lizards
CONSIDER 4th month 5th day light vision
That  'Yzeqyl' faced while NOT in prison

If your offspring won't seek your face
They might end up in swine-filled space
Without real lemonade heads in sight
They chose to reject  שמעון 's blue light

Friday, June 26, 2020

What If The Conclusion of This Matter Became Cold and Serious?

This blog is matter compiled in black
It tells of what I do not lack
I have real sorrows, I have real joys
To break the silence I even have noise

The matter at hand is often mixed
By a brain that has in fact been fixed
Although I struggle against sadness
Only fools think cold truth equals madness

I think about the Bible writers
How they became real sin highlighters
They exposed sin to shock us to
Yehovah's plan, which includes blue

Have you wheels of color true?
The mercy seat was under blue
No green nor black nor yellow dyes
Can replace the wonder of blue night skies

ו when the prophets faced real doubt
There often came a dreaded drought
No fresh water poured anew
Upon the hypocritical crew

Some prophets mixed warnings with hope
And mentioned how real saints do cope
Against the wicked who despise
 יהוה   's rules and  יהוה  's good guys

I thought about hiding my light
To keep it from my enemy's sight
But if I remove what I've been through
What else would prove that I've been true?

There are no witnesses in my home
To tell of what I do alone
With     help I persevere
Until my enemy will draw near

I wondered if a girl named Ashley
Would realize she'd chosen rashly
Is is possible she'd draw near
Before my son would view me as 'dear'?

I' know now that I can forgive
Young Ashley who has tried to live
A split scene life between 2 houses
Divided by 2 former spouses

I'd never want to shut my door
To people who want my love more
Than cigarettes and cheap perfume
They'd find my love can offer room

I've seen and heard many parents cry
While wondering how and where and why
Their rebellious children went astray
And regard not the Atonement Day

I had a dream decades ago
That a yound girl Ashley I did know
Was getting hurt in Shawano County
Not by an person labeled 'Monte'

Some fish will reject perfect bait
And get hooked by lures labeled 'great'
Great swelling words have come from liars
Fish can get caught in thorns and briers

Like Nahum, Micah,Daniel and Amos
This site has stirred up distant dross
It's not the cross that sheds real light
It's time for  יהוה  to  correct your sight

I suppose I went some extra innings
To help me review my beginnings
But when its day one five three two
This black ink will shift to  'code blue'

( The Netherlands do matter  as much as those who passed by this site many times from Canada, USA, Nepal, Russia,United Kingdom, Canada and the Ukraine and many other countries that I could not afford to travel to with 'missionary' calls to 'repent' .)

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Will Ryan Claytor Understand Ezekiel 3:19?

The 'old testament' is loaded with family specific writings designed to help others learn what to do  and what behaviors result in the collapse of households, families and nations. I do hope that what I write might help others in a similar situation or help others to appreciate being in much better circumstances, not taking your family members for granted or wrongfully assuming they must always tolerate intentional sin.

Results are pending after I followed through with a suggestions to contact a supervisor at UWM.ORG.  Ryan Claytor claimed to be unaware of the lack of hospitality that had been shown to me by one of the YOUTH pastors in his fold, but now that he has been made aware as a neutral party will he finally convince a Christian couple that shutting a door to your mother and opening it to strangers  is unjust scales?

When a son treats a mother shamefully for over 7 years, the shame does not dissipate until the son behaves kindly toward his mother on a consistent basis. Who would want an author who understand the role of the Holy Spirit  to write lies stating how wonderfully he or she has been treated nu 'Christians' when in fact  they were intentionally ignored for years after pleas to restore an impoartant family relationship?  A liar wants to read lies, and an honest person want to hear honesty.

I was quite honest with Ryan Claytor, hoping he is willing to get involved in repairing a breach so that he can avoid being full of cowardice like Thomas Wahl or Richard 'Dick' Peterson of Mosinee when I knew my family was in trouble because or horrid 'Las Vegas style' male leadership that had caused our vessel to crash and eventually be demolished in a courtroom.

If a youth pastor gets angry at his mother for being more than disappointed with his lack of hospitality and kindness toward her while he was leading a 'missionary family' in Europe, that mother will seek another VOICE to confront his lack of genuine concern for her.  Ezekiel was told to pass corrective words to those who have been acting shamefully and against Yahweh's will, since a fair warning needed to be delivered before  serious consequences for disobedience to the hearers of Ezequiel.

2 weeks in quarantine and am I to believe that my son had no access to a telephone while reportedly in Weston, Wisconsin ( not a confirmed location) and he could not have given his mother a courtesy call to let her know his whereabouts while in the USA?  A youth pastor is supposed to be a good role model to others and his own children, likewise a DARE officer is not supposed to be strung out on drugs, smoking cigarettes and being a drunkard.  Don't job titles matter anymore?  When the prodigal son was out and about far from his true family, did his real pro-commandment parent  care even though he could only wait for true repentance from his son and a willingness to serve his true parent rather than strangers in various places?

If I had written Ryan Claytor to say how wonderful a couple of paid missionaries  have been toward me while they were assigned to France, I would have been contriving falsehoods since I have been grieving the loss of my son the 'missionary' in my life for almost a decade; he now has an opportunity while in the USA to at least try to treat me in a similar manner as he has treated his mother-in-law.   Ryan Claytor seemed to care about my lamentations and seemed more professional than the Marathon County deputies  did when a felony was committed against my business; Claytor did respond to my email within a few days.

I suppose Ezequiel chapters 1 through 6 is going to of high interest until further notice while I truly hope that Ryan Claytor can make my son understand the gravity of the situation at hand.  Even those who believe in Paul's writings would know that after trying to increase written and verbal communication and increase visitation time with my son and my grandchilden, was I not correct to now 'contact; someone whom he might consider to be an elder; when my letters and questions are being ignored by a person being paid to  pastor others?   I  don't  care  about 2,000 year old Colossians or dead Galatians right now.  I do care about my son and grandchildren, and am not ashamed to reflect my ongoing efforts in writing until a visible 'comforter' arrives to replace a computer screen and I can write or speak about more joyful occurrences, such as the following:

Congratulations to my aged friends James Hardy ( fire department) and Patricia Schnell  (police department) for making it to retirement after doing plenty of good works in Wisconsin.

Ezequiel was sent among scorpions.

Ezequiel 2:10 : "And he spread it before me and it was written therein with lamentations and mourning and woe.'  Thus, there is biblical precedence and a season to write down lamentations, woes and mourning that others will read.  Chapter 5:13 states that is comforting to יהוה to let wrath be dispensed upon the rebellious who have defiled his sanctuary with detestable things and abominations.

Does a good teacher write wonderful reports about a student who puts forth nominal or no effort in an important subject?

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Raymond Lopez's Chicago Pride Isn's Happy Now?

How futile is for people like Raymond Lopez to ask Gad to help them when Lopez and Lightfoot are two of an anti-Moses genre.  John Hall is wrong about people needing to hear more from Raymond Lopez types; humans need to hear more from Reggie Howard White types and people who rather learn about Jebusites. Moshe Ben Amram and Psalm 37 than E-nooks and trying to reform the police.  Here's 2 ways how the police can get reformed or divided:

Po84&Li3&Ce58  is interesting at 5813 Lakeview Road in Rib Mountain, WI


P15+O8+ Li3+Ce58  doesn't equal potash.

Can the 3 year old that got shot in Chicago call  'Joyce Davenport' or  some other fake to solve the problem in Chicago?  Only a hypocrite would complain about  toddlers and adults getting murdered and not care that the curse of pro-abortion legislation has made many in the USA into a murderous bunch of brute beasts moving in tandem with evil politicians who have disregarded warnings for decades.

Does Jon Pounders think that that people who live in the suburbs don't know how to use their licensed guns as well as the English Navy was dispatched by Queen Victoria to eradicate slavery?  There may be times when a subdivision is able to protect itself than an isolationist out on some rural dead end road who let fear overtake them rather turning for  Yehovah to protect them after they learn to respect the name of   יהוה   .  In 1994, my fears and choice to pray to Gad got me arrested, not emancipated.  The Vatican taught me to pray to Gad and disrespect the biblical instructions for not only Gad, but also for Asher, Napthali and Reuben and all the people who want to align with the Judean Yeshua, who I suspect will not want to be called " Christ Jesus' pr 'Jesus Justus'.

I've already seen Leroy Butler begging for money from people wanting to see his penmanship sample in a  Weston, Wisconsin bowling alley and his signature has less power than Vincent Howard's in the same VENUE.  Is it time to wear the number 39 carefully and consider the acts of Madison Bowey and Jonathan Bernier in Detroit rather than Ephesians chapter 6?  I used to have Ephesians 6 posted in my family kitchen, and Saul;s words were pro in ven untrue when my own flesh and blood wrestled against me.  Do not underestimate the thoughts of men like Justin Best, who, after real USA Marine service, decided to rely upon the name of Yahuah rather than  Grecian Ephesian E-nooks.

John Hall, with his 'Cutting Edge' efforts, is in the boat he is in because he chose to make LORD יהוה secondary to 'Jesus Christ', which happens to be the opposite of biblical chain of command reality.  Jon Pounders has tattoos he could have had removed, but like Esaac Israel, he has failed to repent of his deed.  Not removing a tattoo is equal to failing to remove swine from your plate after claiming you want to believe Yeshua who always redirects his true and faithful followers toward Moshe Ben Amram, the prophets and יהוה  and not toward Ephesians, Galatians and Philippians.

Please pray for Chief Morales of Milwaukee and those similar to him during battle. I heard about the hatred an almond-colored TRUE friend of mine encountered when growing up at Locust Street and Teutonia  over 60 years ago, and that man learned how to war with his hands long before he learned to look for a golf ball in a sand trap.

What happens when Farm Bureau Insurance has better procedures than the Federal Bureau of Investigation or Fred Bengert's Identity during a crisis requiring accurate financial disclosers.  Many  gangs of lawlessness, often empowered by unrightwous attorneys, are only really killing each other because they are behaving like violent, sluggard swines rather than like nesting ducks trying to protect their own kind.

I sounded the shofar in Richmond, Michigan last evening in a Sergei Fedorov jersey rather than be  cruel and unkind to my neighbor in car 52.

  What was Raymond Lopez doing before he was officially declared to be 'full of shit' by his female head Lightfoot? Could Raymond Lopez possibly needing a COLON cleanse or should his mouth get washed out with an Ivory or Coast soap bar?

 Was Raymond Lopez looking for the son of Ramon Galaviz  or hoping he could get an Eric Close encounter with  haughty and naughty blasphemer Justin Trudeau?

Monday, June 22, 2020

One Behavorial Conundrum Question

Q: Is it possible for an adult to be a good parent and a wicked child at the same time?

A) It is NOT possible for a wicked child to be a good parent, since a child that is wicked  and acts rudely, unjustly and without genuine kindness toward his own parent or siblings is a wicked role model  for his own children, not matter how well dressed and well fed his children appear to be.


When the 4 corners of your earth are seen as 'parents, siblings, children and neighbor', once your fear Lord Yehovah you might start to learn how to apply the gospel of good works with just scales rather than with bias only toward those children you are able to temporarily control in.   Jacob's favoritism toward Joseph became a historic non-fiction family problem that was not corrected until Jacob's turf was struck with famine and Joseph found out what it felt like to be treated without favoritism in Egypt.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

What Happened To Those Who Were Seen Resurrected in Jerusalem?

Since there have been reports of  saints being raised when graves were opened in Jerusalem about 2,000 years ago while 'Mary' was near her crucified son and their buddy John, have you considered where those people are now?

I suspect they could still be walking about on the earth, not behind masks nor teaching Protestant myths, and are behaving like angelic neighbors who initially are strangers to an onlooker.

Some speculation exists until more PURE ( not defiled) evidence is brought forth.

Michigan isn't pure  🖄  and I don't like 'FACEBOOK''s venue.  Hey! Adam Fink is spending time with his mother who lives 2 states away from Missouri!  How good that is in the sight of the devils with vision.

Welcome to the 31 visitors I had today and greetings to this week's readers from Germany(49), Canada, France(33), Australia, Portugal, USA, Canada, Nepal, Panama, Turkmenistan, Canada and even New Zealand!  Have you heard from Esther lately or Dick Henrikson, the property master of 'I Love Lucy'?

If this final day of spring is only day 796 of the tribulation count, do not forget ף   day is 800.  You cannot arrive safely or completely destroyed at day 1335 without starting at zero=Jesus Colon.

If you refuse to open your dwelling and be gracious and hospitable to a genuine male or female representative of the 144,000 elect of יהוה , you will never dwell with the elect and will be NUMBERED ( census warning) with the hypocrites and liars who claim they are not brown people.

'"The elect shall begin to dwell with the elect."  Enoch 61:4
Rison with a  middle ש is 1st, not alpha bits that lead to Mr. Omega..

Pelosi Is Leading A Felony Treason Plan AGAIN ? Yup!

A cold, wet football in Wisconsin sometimes behaves like a slippery rock.

I've considered how CRMINAL it is for any politician to dispose of valuable USA property such as historic paintings better than any evil produced by pornography producers or the filsehoods emitting from the lips of liars professing to ' Know Jesus' no better than Freddie Mercury knows Beelzebub.

If in fact politicians want the try to erase history so they can try to convince idiots that the USA didn't have slave owners that treated their slaves better than some children treat their elderly parents or some spouses treat their unloved spouse, there still is VALUE of good artist's paintings and statues that belong to the USA, not to the idiotic Congress of 2020.

Legally auctioning off ALL paintings and statues would be more appropriate than destroying or embezzling items that are owned jointly  by a group of investors ( taxpayers are investors) , which is a felony. If there is no 'George Washington' anymore, there better not be any Crazy Horse, Martin Luther King, Jr. nor 'Santa Claus' images anywhere on USA public grounds,

Nancy Pelosi and her wicked allies such as Gretchen Whitmer are actually much less deceptive that groups such as UWM.ORG, since Pelosi and Whitmer make their wicked EVIDENT, which makes truly good people resist becoming like them or part of their assemblies.  I tested the spirit of 'UWM.ORG' and on the surface all that is seen is 'United World Mission' but on the interior is deception, apathy and people unwilling to be truthful to reveal their actual  anti-ישרע  agenda.  Aren't youth pastors supposed to teach young people to love their parents and treat them with kindness? Aren't paid pastors supposed to respond to those with sorrows sooner than a police officer is supposed to respond to a fight between drunks in a house or a skink with a jar on it's head? The fact is that police officers typically have responded to a crisis sooner than a religious hireling or paid missionary family from what I have seen..... except for Dean Noonan of Oak Creek who visited me in a dangerous hospital and made a house call to try to prevent a hard-hearted Robin from divorcing me.
I have a relative who has been an employee of UWM.ORG, and he has been unwilling to be truthful with me, his mother, for years. With his co-workers standing by and collecting funds, my son has become more and more unwilling to be gracious, hospitable, helpful and kind toward me, which shows me that his 'god' is not good, holy and just.  There will be no change toward loving me until my son learns to love and trust  יהוה   rather than being no better than Nancy Pelosi and her 'unjust scale' assembly.   יהוה    is not JW.ORG nor UWM.ORG,  and the spirit of  יהוה    's people react to liars and deceivers more like a bowling ball in Ohio's Al-Mar bowling lanes than a empty crucifix on a jewelry chain.

A good suggestion to auction off ALL artwork and statues that are in USA public building and land than rather than letting  people  who dislike facts and create LIES think that their unjust scales and lies will be acquitted.   I wonder who is going to buy or destroy Mount Rushmore since Thomas Jefferson owned slaves and his slaves lived better than the people currently inhabiting  drug houses in Detroit or gangsters in Chicago because Jefferson's slaves were forced to do many good works.

While I wait for my 'Christian missionary' child to disclose his whereabouts so he and I can start  studying the Scriptures regarding instructions for family relationships in person, I am thiankful that I learned to war with chalk in my hands rather than with lies from my tongue and swine in my sandwiches.  I don't want to talk to a hologram, and even I appreciated visiting VMI to consider the courage of Robert E. Lee and now am able to consider the studies of Adam Fink which are much more pleasing to those who love the prophets than anything that has ever come out of Disneyland or those clinging to the Roland Hendrikson tree of Wittenberg.

I wonder why Evers and Barnes non-Harley edition of a Wisconsin map had the mileage line to Crandon in yellow?  Maybe the WORD got out that my wedding gown was stolen by Shane David Hendrikson was stolen and sold their in a fashion similar to Nancy Pelosi's 'destruction and relocation of USA artwork'  wicked, selfish plan.  In any event, why would I or any person who wants to dispose of political imagery want pictures of politicians on a map?

I am lamenting, since I fear it is now too late for people have delayed true repentance and instead have aligned their minds against  the honey badgers of   יהוה  's division like scorpions.  Maybe a good turn of events will happen on day #1197, which is associated with a 'burning bush'.

Images of Marilyn Monroe and 'Victoria's Secret' models are much more evi and evidently wickedl than images of military leaders such as Caleb and Joshua, Bobby Hull or Casimer Pulaski. Maybe this is the weekend you should call your mother and ask her how your father has been treating her before you say 'Happy Father's Day' again like a programmed robotcompletely out of  יהוה 's  hand.

I  think my grandchildren, siblings, parents and neighbors prefer me to war with public written complaints rather than aiming a loaded revolver in my hand aimed toward my temple when I am saddened by and vexed by ongoing evil on earth. It's not very pleasant responding to a suicide in progress nor is it pleasant to be work on Shabbat like an undrpaid slave of the USA.

I suppose I should mention which way uniform division is going in my hood.  Since my siblings would want me to wear Green Bay Packers gear rather than Eric Kempka gear, 'Mothers Without Touchbacks' will do good works today in a Green Bay Packer jersey rather than in Verlander trash!  Green Bay isn't Wittenberg, Plainfield, Paris nor Iola.  🏈

I have witnessed my grandmother Mary Raczek outlive her wicked, huaghty oldest son Frank who STOLE from her rather than treat her with dignity and genuine kindness.  How children treat their parents DOES matter to  יהוה  and Yahwehists  !!!!  Is it Enoch who mentioned that the ELECT shall dwell together in chapter 61?  My neighbor Michael actually appreciates Adam Fink's messages and approach to Scripture study far more than UWN.ORG people or Nancy Pelosi people.

When 'Michael' stands up, the battle intensifies according to prophesy. There are many people named Michael, but only  one ' Michael' is an established archangel aligned with   יהוה   that has been mentioned in the non-Timms book of Daniel .

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Will 'United World Mission' Rebuke It's Employees?

When I was the president of an S-corp,  Shane David Hendrikson would often complain to me about what he described as unsatisfactory performance of my son and employee, Richard Hendrikson. As a result, Richard got angry at me for doing my job as a company president while Shane David Hendrikson kept playing 'nice guy and pretending as though he cared about out household.  When I was a police officer, seasoned veterans did not whine to the sergeant when their partner was doing their job in an unsatisfactory manner, but scolded or kindly rebuked their less experienced partner and only in situations that the less experienced officer refused to be corrected did we go to a supervisor on the police department with a complaint.

Sadly, I actually decided to complain to my son's supervisor due to his unsatisfactory behavior as a son who refers to himself as 'Christian'. UWM,ORG is his supervisor, and I will eventually find out what their perspective is toward missionaries with unjust scales. In my serious complaint, I stated that I wanted to be treated as my son treats his mother-in-law and let them know that their missionaries never once opened their door to me while they were in France for the past 10 years. Some parents would be amazed at my patience, and other would say I'm crazy for contacting his 'Christian'  supervisor in Charlotte, since I suspect they should have known what has occurred against me for 10 years. 10 years of being unwanted and 'shut' out' by a son and his family would drive many parents to drug addiction, alcoholism or even suicide, but it drive me away from 'Christianity' and toward golf courses, bowling alleys, hockey, bicycling, my siblings, my nieces and my nephews and toward the instructions of יהוה rather than toward a pew on Sunday.

The job performance that my son did while working for UWM.ORG was as bad as some Minneapolis police officers, since he showed no willingness to extend help toward me when I asked for mercy and love and understanding from him after his Christian 'pops' opted for divorce from me to be wed to his casino-loving Chery Brown.  It is a shame that I felt it best to contact UWM.ORG, but after NO REPLY at all so many times, should I pretend my son is dead?  If a person calls a police dispatcher numerous times and gets no response, they typically get angry rather than no care that those who were in a specific professions were not doing their job properly.

I suppose my son might be angry with me for contacting his supervisor, but if  the person whom he calls 'Jesus Christ' really was LORD of his life, wouldn't he have taken the time to visit me and care about my household as much as he cares about buildings in Europe?  Lord Yehovah is not my 'dad', but Lord Yehovah has taught me not to disregard my flesh and blood and only be associated with a particular Protestant religion or pay attention only to incomplete strangers who are unaware of the meaning of 'Moms Out of Touchbacks'.

When your mom is out of touchbacks, it means she is not afraid to run with a football against an opponent rather than waste her time 'taking a knee' in fear a let a ball trickle into the end zone. I suppose I could start 'The Division of Unwanted Mothers', but am I really that unneeded in the life of my son, a man working for UWM.ORG who is not interested in the history of the kingdom of Josiah ( H2977) or the requirements of the 144,000 who had more of a chance of getting struck by lightning (1/12000) on the world than getting sealed while on earth (1/60000)?

Complaining to my parents about my son got  'zero results', but that might be because they are Catholic and not Protestant like UWM.ORG. I suppose complaining to the fire department about a mailman wouldn't do any good either, so now it has been time to let UWM.ORG reveal the content of their mindset regarding 'Christian' son's behavior toward his Bible-believing mother.

Would a good firefighter only pull strangers out of  burning houses and watch their mother die in the flames? Would a good police officer only respond to calls from his mother-in-law and never respond to calls for help from his mother who RAISED him rather than abandoned him? Would a good chef only serve meals to his wife's family and not serve meals to his own family?  Politicians typically only respond to those who financially bribe them, and so it sadly is in the horrible world of religious cults

Vengeance is part of justice, and patience eventually ended in the days of Noah and  even at Sodom and Gomorrah. ALL wickedness and wicked lives eventually have to be destroyed, no matter what color the wicked person is, in order for their to be 'peace on earth'.    I am ready to see all wickedness be destroyed, and that day will be darkness according to the book of Joel.  Being ready is better than being unprepared as a sailor without a boat when flood waters rise up or a farmer without  soil when vegetable crops are needed  more than the book of Philippians.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Mine Sweeper News: The Hodge Twins Speak To Edify

A few of us are able to search internet resources that claim to be associated with  YHWH  but in reality were set up by enemies of   יהוה   .   I observed theuci.org for awhile, but now must recommend that Esaac Israel's electronic turf be avoided to prevent yourself from being ruined spiritually or being bound to his chains.  Esaac Israel keeps trying to insist that 'Israel' is descendents of 'black' slaves and that the welfare baby machines are part of Israel, whie denying that anyone from European descent is part of the scattered remnant.

Esaac Israel is like a spiritual land mine that will cause his own destruction.  Indeedm it is more and more difficult to find reasonable online edification and sound doctrine, so I suppose that means it's a wonderful time to safely explore your copy of the Scriptures without a hireling or racist to try to tell you is your not 'black', your not   ישראל   material   .

I am saddened that once again, a person who had some potential has decided to resist the Holy Spirit and absorb demonic racist mindset like Esaac Israel has, but I suspected that once he lifted Kobe Bryant on a pedestal, Esaac Israel proved his lack of discernment beyond reasonable doubt.

I'm still sifting through sites such as 'Triumph in Truth', Parable of The Vineyard', Peter Salemi's releases,NYSTV,  'Torah To The Tribes' and even 'CCOG' to discern spirits and resist an isolationist outlook.  If you can change your mind about a direction you have been going toward or away from, be thankful you are not a robot programmed for or against a particular position.

'A son of perdition will accept a healthy dog and abominations into his dwelling but reject his wounded mother who, like a mine sweeper. has battling for the remnant of   ישראל    .'

  I hope the son of perdition is capable of repenting, but without יהוה  it will be impossible for that son to properly repent.

It was Peter Salemi who revealed the message of the Hodge Twins to me on June 10th, 2020 broadcast. The Hodge Twins are what the USA needs, not Esaac Israel and Al Sharpton.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Visit A Healthy Parent or Visit A Sick Parent?

If your children refuse to visit you when you are healthy. don't be deceived if they show up when you are sick.   Here is a question that unloved parents should answer"

Q: Would you rather be very sick with brain cancer and have your adult child visit you or would your rather be healthy and have your adult child refuse to visit  you?

Since spiritual division and divorces often turns children away from their parents, I suppose it would be better to be healthy and have an unloving child prove their lack of love toward me than to be sick with disease and have a calculating child suddenly appear as though he or she cares.

When Job was attacked with disease, his children didn't show up to visit him after his wife suggested Job denounce   יהוה   and die.  3 friends were near and became Job's witnesses even if they didn't understand the testing process going on.

Suppose I want to try to understand Justin Best and his non-Saul attitude. First, I would consider the lack of good fruits and lack of concern from ' St. Paul' people such as Phyllis and Robert Holman when I requested information and some family interaction and compare that to the good fruits I've seen recently in my neighbor who has been attentive toward Adam Fink's links and Enoch.

Thus, I will systematically eject the writings of Paul from my Bible book collection and see if I suddenly decide to turn away from the teachings from  יהוה     , the 4 gospels and the Book of Revelation  .    After all, if Paul's letters weren't designed for the lost sheep of the house of  ישראל  and the intended receivers were Greek and Roman  , why should I view Paul's letters as though they came from a deity?

There are times when couseling yourself through sorrows is the best that you can do with a budget that doesn't include casino or embezzled money.  The people of Richmond, Michigan and Armada, Michigan seem to care about me and show me more mercy than the man who wrote his opinions to Romans and Corinthians almost 2,000 years ago or the seed of my former husband who disappeared with a seducing female spirit who did not care about my children at all.  

As I observed a book labeled 'Mary Had A Little Lamb', I decided to trash it when I saw strumpet Dolly Parton's name on the back; I didn't trash a Popeye book, since it connects me to my old friend Robert Heminger in an interesting way.  I have no idea why so many Robert Parker books are being left in Richmond's elevated book boxes.

  Why does Olive Oyl have a Pittsburgh Steelers skirt?

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Saul of the Tribe of Benjamin Isn't a Mother Nor A Father

Shame on those people who keep studying Saul's letters to various Greek variations of people and then refuse to study and consider letters of warnings or answer serious questions from their mother or father who have openly trusted Yehovah's leadership. Saul/Paul is not more important than obeying commandments such as 'Honor your father and your mother, that it may be well with you.' Multitudes in younger generations will not have it go well with them because they did not behave kindly and with courtesy toward their parents due to the influence of anti-commandment people in their schools, churches and social triangles.

Since the anniversary of Ezequiel's vision is approaching in about 12 or 13 days, I noticed he was told he would be in the presence of scorpions and that those he would be warning would ignore his words.

The J in Donald Trump is only like a Kansas City dollar bill, and is not greater than the Hebrew letter י  .  If you are a good student of the Scriptures, it will only take about 7 years to be corrected and refined by  יהוה  .  Bad human  students reject the warnings of truthful prophets and dishonor their pro-יהה parent or depart from their spouse who has trusted in the name of יהוה   and often then worship themselves in a mirror, their guns, boats, staged strumpets, casino chips, stock investments and  unclean flesh wrongly labeled as 'food' .

Output gets redirected when input diminishes from your descendants. Gershonites were given charge of badger skins, but you'd have to be willing to read Numbers chapter 4 to appreciate the importance of badger skins. Since day 1904 is very close, Hagar is a female to remember and her son did not depart from her when she was unloved and used by Abraham with Sarah's consent.

Since the number of  ישראל    is 541 and doesn't start with an E nor an I, don't get caught up in 'The Cross Movement' useless raised fist agenda. If your commander-in-chief is a lamb and a beast, you have a problem indeed. Lyrics are often so dangerous that they program your mind against  אמת    .

Maybe the Freemasons strike one another 3 times and then get lifted up to consider the report of the Yehuda man named Yeshua falling 3 times before he was lifted up by Romans for an even worse 'cross movement' event.  Did the Freemasons want to test the theory of  turning the other cheek after getting smitten?

Who can show me a new testament example of couples with children becoming 'oversees missionaries' for YEARS rather than for a couple weeks in Cabrini Green or Guyana with Rob and Dottie Morford? There has been a GOOD reason that יהוה   did not DESIRE entire families to be uprooted out of his teachings and disconnected from their actual relatives such as parents, cousins, aunts and uncles, and that even the married apostles were only sent out for a short period of time WITHOUT their wives and children. Children need a stable household near family and  friends of their homeland.  Thousands of families have been demolished at the core and have been mentally injured by what modern Christianity has called 'missionary work' in areas that already HAD access to Biblical writings; those damages are going to required some sort of restitution eventually .

Not many people are going to use their mulligan wisely when a close relative asks to spend a few days with them and asks an adult child to visit their household; many will rudely decline a ;mulligan; to correct an family error they made in haste or due to anti- יהוה   mentors..

Chalk writing therapy in times of war is quite different  than 'Sally Rogers' city jokes centered around a television program. Drugs don't repair  the spirit of a human; lawful  kindness and good works repairs humans that have been injured during religious wars against the scattered sheep of  ישראל , including those of  גד  ,  that Yeshua has tried to turn back toward the words and teachings from   יהוה .
Greetings to those 99 Turkemenistan who have been interested in this site, and the 1 from Denmark! I know you appreciate that I am not selling products and that I freely dispense what I have been considering in thought after being exposed to both cruelty and kindness in the USA for almost 60 years.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Something Shawnee Under The Mooneye

When people reap what they sow, those who have failed to respond promptly to their  mother the divorced respondent for years are eventually going to reap apathy from their mother at some point unless they repent and change their anti-divorce ways.

Where apathy doesn't occur is the typical family owned restaurant, since apathy would cause them to lose customers. Here is the  Lake St. Clair  'Bernice' split based on Arnold Palmer on the East and Jackie Gleason on the West.  Keep in mind that Donald Trump's middle initial only aligns him with variable Kansas City money, not Y as in Yehovah.

         Note: Wisconsin And Michigan are equally LOUSY in the Governor's Office in 2020
East Fish Sticks: (Marine City, MI)            Middle F               West Fish Creek (Door County, WI)

A. Muskellunge                                            1.  Jasper                             I. Small Mouth Bass
B. Carp                                                          2.  Lapis Lazuli                   II. Sturgeon
G. Gar                                                           3.   Agate                             III. Large Mouth Bass
D. Whitefish ( not Dominican)                     4.   Malachite                       IV. Walleye
H. Rainbow Trout                                          5.  Sardonyx                         V. Coho Salmon
W. Sauger                                                       6. Sardius                            VI. Sheepshead
Z. Crappie                                                      7. Clear Quartz                    VII. Mooneye
C. Bowfin                                                       8. Beryl                              VIII. Bluegill
T. White Bass                                                 9*. Topaz                              IX. Rock Bass
Y. Channel Catfish                                        10. Turquoise                         X. Brown Trout
K. Smelt                                                        11. Ligure                              XI. Yellow Perch
L. Sucker                                                       12. Amethyst                        XII. Northern Pike

F=foundation listed in Revelation Chapter 21; middle E is #44 on an 88 key piano
* Musician's Bass line splits between Charles Meeks (White Bass) and David Chyla (Rock Bass)

Since I rather approach 'order' differently than James Strong, please notice that there is a huge difference between ברעת  H1170 and  גד H1171 in the Hebrew language, but some English idiot ( international code 44) decided to try to make  Gd = Brit, even though they are NOT the same.

Since Gideon is not Don Dewing, make sure you start telephoning your relatives rather than emailing them if you are in the same country, since a voice is different than a keyboard stroke that even Swimmy can't do because 'Swimmy' isn't a real fish.

Today has been 'cable day' and Dusty Kleiss found out that wire cables don't always prolong Pocatello lives.

'Cable', a term  used by a knitter, a cord used by Rahab and sometimes a line of division: חבל
The Chet words are different than the Hey letters.

It should be time to eliminate  statues of Lou Brock and Vince Lombardi since both of them represent USA history as much as military figures do.  I suppose the Viking statue will be tumbled over in Ferguson, Minnesota and of course, I don't want to see Henry Winkler nor Martin Luther King Jr. statues anywhere since they were both putting on a show most of their lives.

The drawing of Charles Stifford looked way' too white' on a Charlotte golf card since Stifford is not Luke Donald.

 What about the '3 fish' statue in Charlotte, NC?  I suppose that represents USA marine life.

This is a historical opinion:  Chrsitian Brethern Richard Willer the WWII Marine was a much holier, brilliant, thoughtful and polite man  in the year 2020 than Catholic Virgil Smith, the Army man from Bonduel, WI. was at at his 65th wedding anniversary 'party' held in Iowa which became an 'anti-Bible' event.

Maurice Harvey isn't Elwood P. Dowd. A human has about a 3 in 1000 chance of making it to 'locust' level', but those odds are much 'better' than the 1 in 60,0000 chance of being chosen after volunteering to be in the 144,000.  Since Adam Fink realizes it's better to be part of the locusts than to be a dog or a whoremonger, make sure your spouse isn't caught in public dressing like a Playboy strumpet or wearing the London skanks favorite word 'PINK'.

( The color such as ' pink carnation' or 'cabbage rose' isn't the same as the strumpet company's PINK logo.)

Friday, June 12, 2020

In The Matter Of GFL Squad 4662

Young men who never called me 'mother'
Are a good Friday sight
They work quite hard like my own brother
And I never see them fight

They lift up burdens all day long
And help me with their smiles
They act like angels with a song
They might sing throughout their miles

They are quite strong, they speak to me
Why aren't they like my son?
The garbage men show me respect
My dwelling they do not shun

This is the year of testing hearts
Will Christianity fail
Because those who reject Moshe's works
Believe 'love' is email?

True love includes face to face time
Home doors get opened up 🚪
Christianity's not worth a dime
If with your mother you won't sup

I'm thankful for '4662'
The garbage men who smile
Maybe some year my son will learn
To walk within my mile

Day 1517  might have passed
Why hasn't my son been here?
The men of squad 4662
Are angels - to me that's quite clear

When The NHL resumes it's action
My WORDPRESS thoughts go  'public'
יהוה  knows pressure is part of traction
What's 'Battle Hymn of the Republic'?

Waste Management truck 4662
Transports a team I love
They smile at me when I feel blue 💙
They have the mindset of a dove

When is the last time you told 'mom'  thanks
Or  assisted your actual mother?
Has your heart become like hard war tanks
And you now only think of  'father'?  🏀

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Closing Statements:The Spirit Of Truth

The spirit of Truth tells me that I am unloved by most people
 Who congregate on Sunday morning underneath a useless steeple
The spirit of Truth tells me that Richard Willer's open door
Was opened to me kindly, with sincerity and more...

The spirit of Truth tells me that  יהוה    is hated by most
That fact I struggle to understand yet it's a sad fact coast to coast
Richard Willer did assist me even though I love Yahweh
Richard Willer will be on my team when the clock says 'judgment day'

Our children often think that real facts we store are junk
They cling to stupid iPhones and adore a fir tree trunk
Like Yeshua I think I'll pray that I'll be spared from  pain ahead
It's quite painful to think your child would wait to visit you when you're dead

The spirit of Truth was on the scene when I spoke with Richard Willer
The spirit of Truth is nowhere in a Jackson tune named 'Thriller'
I suppose reading Isaiah 13 will help me through tomorrow
When will the night come that will put an end to all my sorrow?

Truthfully ,
The very human mother since 1983 of Richard Edwin Xavier and the grandmother of Richard's children who are legally named  Havalah, Autumn Rayne and Levi I. Hendrikson

June 11th, 2020 AD
( month 3, day 19 according to the calendar of  יהוה      )

 ⛈I studied a living turtle  who 'visited me' on June 10th, 2020 during a thunderstorm and named him 'Sheldon' before I released him into a pond.🐢

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Top of the 4th Plague: Gadflies=H7171

I don't know anything about Socrates, but I do know that on the 4th plague there was a distinction between the people who trusted Egyptian rulers and the people who were subjected to the leadership of Moshe Ben Amram .  Those who were set aside under Moshe Ben Amram  were not annoyed by the biting gadfly swarm, nor directly subjected to  the subsequent plagues  . I was not aware of the content of a biting fly until the hotel that I did business with lifted up their next sign after 5551, namely 7171. Since I learned that the sequence of access code numbers was not random and was preset by a computer company FOR THE YEAR, I became a bit more intrigued at their non-random system.

A random system does not have any 'goal' nor does it have a logical outcome.   H7171 end with a  ץ , not an  א

The number 2970 is an important part of my family history in Milwaukee in a struggle to breath and stay alive long enough to prove that my Christianity wasn't a hireling show, and that not all that call upon Jesus Christ will be saved. but only those who continue past their first Sunday school title of 'Jesus Christ' toward  SUBJECTION to the 7th day  יהוה   system, which includes observing of times such as Shavuot and Yom Kippur .

There is no French word that can substitute for  יהוה     , beware of illegal substitutions that have emitted from those who rejected not only Moshe Ben Amram, but also have refused to comfort their anti-divorce or pro-יהוה mother in her time of sorrows because the seed if their father sowed WICKEDNESS into the child's method of operation.

Today is 2,970 days since Shane David Hendriksonm his girlfriend Cheryl Brown, and his attorney, all got the evil desires of their wallets on  April 20th, 2012.  Hitler's head didn't emerge until April 20th either, and eventually his wickedness was evident to a few and encouraged by many.  I wonder if Adolph Hitler's mother was anything like the mother of Shane David Hendrikson, and that is question even Socrates might have asked.

Who we choose as our 'leader' actually does affect our outcome.  Who I have chosen for my leader is  יהוה , not my children nor former step-children who have departed from me in various  extremely typical American  ways .

Word H2259 is interesting as a sailor split between Popeye and Brutus, but that word is for 7th year students of the Hebrew alphabetically ordered words.

Anyone interested in the Esmark Stars now?  When Es isn't the 99th element, is becomes a flaming coal sign and numerically אש  = 301

During times of mourning and sorrow, it is still imperative to try and think as well as Virginia Cunningham who bit her attacker and was lied to by nurses in a New York state hospital for the confused.  Sadly, hospitals today are no better than they were in 1994.   Drugs don't  save souls, they prolong  death and do more damage than the book of Leviticus to the human body.

The Hebrew description of 'the belly of a serpent' reflects the style of a strumpet woman who always wants to reveal her abdominal; area in public or to someone other than her husband or Ruth Palkans; that word appears at  about H1512 in Strong's concordance, which is 2 years behind of a wise 'sailor' at H2259.

A perfect girl's night is never going to include watching 'Disney' trash on Dish network for those who desire יהוה   and protect his teachings in their heart, mind and body.  Resist witchcraft, oppose liars, and do not allow your daughters or wife to become skanky women as Barbara Eden, Dawn Wells, Potipher's wife  or anyone else that displays their belly publicly as the Herodian 'serpent belly' dancers who wanted John the Baptist to be beheaded.

What now is the difference between Timothy Severud of Minnesota and Jeff Sonnentag of Wisconsin?  I doubt if Penny Grundy  or Linda Maria Costa could correct their own outer error lines.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Jared 'Seth' Jones Vs. Gretchen 'Wicked' Whitmer

Hypocrites smoke and sell cigarettes and then also complain or partake in mob protests when someone else in an incident claims they 'can't breath'.  It's better to stop buying or stop selling cigarettes than take part in or encourage a protest against an incident that occurred between 2 UNHOLY entities.

Do people in Iceland disrupt their community peace when an entity with more unforgiven sins than an embryo gets killed in Uganda?  

Hypocrites watch boxing in Las Vegas or watch women beating stupidity into each other ( female wrestlers) but then protest about another battle of the flesh where the entities are getting paid less than professional boxers to behave worse than Jared 'Seth' Jones off ice.

Hypocrites abound in protest lines when they aren't doing good works Sunday through Friday and rather cause more trouble than  a 'Richardson 33' football jersey, but I've never seen an outdoor or indoor laundry line cause air pollution when clean clothes are hanging properly.

I thought Chris 'Chicago' Chelios was 'Popeye', not Ronald 'Frisco' Jones.  Nicknames often lead to a ball of confusion in the string section.

New constant at #14 is: Harold Hoffman, classmate of Richard 'non-Widmark' Willer.  15 is not the same as 2015, so try not to keep clean members on your palm date line at * or in Mosinee football lines  in the Kyle Heckendorf era.

Wicked Whitmer keeps losing spiritual battles in a very obvious way to those who are not blind as a golf ball.   Thankfully, people like Whitmer will not be in heaven, so Michigan is like Hades with Governess Luciferian trying to steer people away from Moshe Ben Amram and the speeches of prophets such as Ezequiel.  

Beryllium/copper is 4/29, not Mickey Redmond at 428.


The 13th Keystone Of Bowling Green PD's Northgate

Lucretia Garfield has a well keystone #15, so keystone #13 in the center of 25 puzzled me until I turtled into a 'Dollar General' at Genoa, established in 1868 not in 6818.

Esau has 12 tribes, Jacob has the 12 tribes, so the keystone #13 is as the parents of Esau and Jacob as I see it.

The rest of the encouraging events, including a Bible study with a lady from Texas and a history lesson from a Marine with more intelligence than a dog or drone, that took place in Ohio on June 6, 2020 were far better than anything that ever occurred in Wisconsin on March 15, 1997, and shall not be made any more public than Boone, Iowa's National Geographic dog issue which includes Boone mail code 4547.

 Who is now 7th with 454 NHL wins?  There is an  א  in  ישראל     , but not in   יהוה   .

There has been a 6th Division, 11th Battalion in the Marines, and don't let Army girls and Air Force boys forget that fact of WWII history.

If you want to see the town that Catholicism created, go to downtown Rocky Ridge, Ohio ( near Martin, Ohio)  and compare the desolate 'church' there to Travis Montgomery, the hireling of  Lindsey, OH,  who is still desolate within because he ntentionally also has rejected  Moshe Ben Amram and the prophets such as Yeshua in his Babylonian branch of religion.

Keith Johnson can try to sway Travis Montgomery, but who is going to sway Jim Montgomery as far away from morally depraved teams like the Dallas Stars?

My favorite living Marine has a serial number that starts with 91 and ends with a non-Roman numeral.  This has been a Shavuot season to remember!

( The 14th hole at Riverby is black and long at 158, and short and gold at 125 in case there are Dan Plesac and Chad Pennington trivia earthlings comparing books and legend conspiracy theories that don't involve  beryllium and copper as 4/29.)

Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Bowling Green Sign oF The Nun

A non-blind person should be able to observe the little oil lamp set in as a sign unto those in the dark of the following verse:

Thy טרח   is a lamp unto my feet.

Why is Bowling Green, Ohio so much cleaner and well-maintained than Michigan cities? Could it be because taxes are lower in Ohio so people have funds to spend on maintaining their dwelling?

When a brother I love is as disgusted with Wisconsin politics as I am with Michigan's filthy streets and horrific neglect of infrastructure induced by political corruption and bribery,, I am thankful he has sons and family nearby to help him mentally counter the folly of Tony Evers.

When it comes to symbolic lures, when is a church going to start up named 'Church of the Thief on The Cross' and they can just start claiming that the male that showed up with nail holes in his hands that they did not recognize was that thief next to Yeshua who resurrected as quickly as the man who was crowned with thorns and flogged?

When I was a child, my parents would allow my brethren and me to observe cities and areas that were much more beautiful and affluent than the Milwaukee southside area we lived in, but eventually our time of refreshment ended and we returned to Milwaukee where my father was able to earn enough money to take us on such wonderful trips.  When the scattered remnant of  ישראל     blesses the destinations they choose to spend יהוה    's appointed times in, they had to save up funds for that mission trip and often are more encouraged by strangers in their place of 'operation revival' than by the area they typically are 'holed in' at. Once your dwelling is more like a golf hole that you feel secure in until you get smacked somewhere else by the power of the יהוה   's spirit, I suppose it's time to remind yourself that had you not been kept safe in your 'golf hole', you would not have been able to get to areas that seem like a good goal such as Bowling Green, Ohio far more pristine than Detroit, :Lansing and Flint.

If attitude reflects leadership, as Bertier was told, then John Kasich was a far better leader than Rick Snyder and DeWine is a much better leader than Whitmer.  Results do matter and leaders will be judged according to their deeds before those that have been subjected to horrible, wicked leaders can be properly corrected after understanding the reason bowl judgments will assist the pure in heart and will not acquit the guilty.

Now that many people think that Jack Black, Jimmy Black and Clint Black lives matter, it is still racist propaganda to isolate via favoritism while the unjustified continue to exclude beige and brown people from their outward thoughts of judicial and humanitarian concern.

I do not see any color references in the commandments delivered from Moshe Ben Amram other than warning about leprosy and diseases of the skin. As I see it, Bowling Green, Ohio SHOULD be a lamp 💡 unto the nations and other states of how non-lazy land owners take care of their farming and city buildings Make sure you kick Scott Hamilton off your Ohio pedestal if he's on it, since figure skating is not part of the defense of   Gd or any other tribes led by  יהוה    .

If you see 'Muffin Man' the cat of Richard Willer, do not call the cat 'Marty Studenec'. Try to remember how accurate the Japanese 'ZERO' was and why Simeonite lives matter, even at 'Camp Topaz' or in the 'Triumph In Truth' studios in Texas.  D-Day wasn't the end of a battle... it was an violent exacerbation during the middle of a war where I didn't see any nation involved openly  calling upon the name of  יהוה  even if a few individuals did  .

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Miracle Of Lindsey, Ohio

While searching to peace and decency and truth, 3 entities which are not able to be located in the political body of Gretchen Whitmer. I decided to seek out the Rutherford B. Hayes grounds in Fremont. Along the way, I noticed how incredibly secure the road surfaces are in Ohio when compared to the dangerous, crumbling roads of Michigan. It' difficult to have to watch the road surface in Michigan to avoid potholes AND be alert to traffic, but sadly Michigan is a state I wouldn't recommend to ANYONE in it's current condition.

I decided to have my lunch, packed nicely in Genoa, Ohio by interesting employees at 'Ignite', in a Lindsey shelter as I thought about one of my favorite family members named 'Lindsey' who works in Pittsburgh.  A senior citizen on a bicycle stopped and asked me if I was interested in family history. I said 'yes, and I've been working on family history over there' as I pointed to the area I expounded upon Joshua 19:38.  The polite man looked like people from my mother's side of the family, and he asked me to accept a book about his family's history. I paged through it and almost made a horrible error by rejecting the gift, but instead, after the man told me he was a Marine in World War II, I decided I wanted to read about him and his family. At the age of 96, he only looked about 80, and we spoke kindly to each other for what seemed about 30 minutes.  He then left on his bicycle on a beautiful Ohio bike path in an area so much cleaner than most of the areas in Michigan that I have seen that I regretted not choosing to move to northern Ohio in 2013.

I searched the 'house' the state of Wisconsin let me keep after  divorce from a Wittenberg liar to try to find a gift for my new friend, and I only could find a puck marked with 537 and the letter  ה  . Because he told me I could use the book for a paperweight, I told him he could use the puck for a paperweight and he accepted the humble gift from me, not knowing how much that puck meant to me.

My new friend, who was closer to me than my brothers who I was thinking about  at the time, told me he used to play hockey as a child.....long after he told me he sw his best friend get shot in Japan while standing near a donkey.  He lost his best friend temporarily to a bullet, but many people have FOREVER lost best friends in divorce courts.  Was it my new 96-year old friend that got spared in a war, or his friend that did not have to live with the horrific memory of war?

Temporarily losing a friend in a battle means you expect to see the on the day of resurrection, but FOREVER losing a person who had been a friend in a divorce because he chose to became an enemy leads to the expectation of eternal loss of a soul within contained in a proud, haughty body who wouldn't serve in the military like my new friend nor would he try to protect the city of Milwaukee like I chose to do to avoid poverty.

 When I asked the brave and kind elderly man to sign the book he gifted to me, he did very graciously. Because this is the week remembered for D-Day, this new friend was an encouragement to me when I was very lonely and away from family members and my few friends because of the spiritual and physical war Gretchen Whitmer has started against the people of Michigan.

What is the miracle of Lindsey, Ohio?  It was a miracle that I was gifted the little book because it held facts, not fiction, about my new friend  named Richard H. Willer of Ohio, who's family came from the area of Gdansk, from which my father's family also migrated from in the late 1800's. I suppose when I get to the part where it explains his World War II experience, I will cry because I do not have a heart not made of stone nor of gold.  The book I was given is a much better literary sample than what gets emitted from buffoons such as Oprah Winfrey or Dr. Suess.

My horizontal chalk press is only temporary, and few there are that really know the sorrows I release when I war with my hands using only chalk.  I am so thankful that יהוה   led me out of Michigan for Shavuot  and D-Day weekend, but going back into Michigan will feel as lousy as some people have felt going into the Vietnam war, the Korea war or World War II  after a furlough.

Bowling and golf are physical therapy that many wounded and aging people can take part in; eating in restaurants is mental health therapy for those who live alone and wicked people such as Gretchen Whitmer are literally are making many people sick to their stomach and plaguing them with various disease and increased poverty induced by being unjustifiably  forced out of their jobs.

What USA Marine Richard Willer gifted to me was far better than comic books and a bottle of Playboy cologne that get passed around from an Army girl labeled 'Ashley Maria Hendrikson', a female who eventually became an arrogant military shame in Fort Leonard Wood, MO many years after her mother and grandparents didn't care if she lied to public officials about the care she received in the house of her stepmother.

Staircases do not always take a person upward.  A friend who has Air Force exprience suggested I be Philadelphian, and it is often not easy to look Philadelphian to others who are guided by sight rather than by ear.

Richard Willer wrote '1920' rather than 2020  in the area where he verified his family history book.  1920 is closer to 1921, so that number doesn't trouble my perspective of time.  Willer and I both had enjoyed spending time in Canada, but since the doors to Canada closed, a door to Ohio  opened up in time for me to meet and greet a valiant Richard.

Stay alert since the USA evidently still has no visible holy king to guide us through our battles . Like the locusts, some of us must move in bands rather than in chains.  I can't recommend men such as Esaac Israel even though he should be observed to warn others of his blantantly anti-Whyte  and "anti-White, Reggie " speeches, since Esaac wouldn't believe that men such as David Akers or Richard Willer have a special decent place in  the plans of   יהוה  because Esaac Israel of the state of Georgia is too focused on the color of his skin .

I suppose 'Someone To Watch Over Me' is a hymn about  lost sheep  with deeper roots than many of the shallow tunes being pawned off as 'Christian' music.

Is the Willer March by Christopher Bach as cold as a Milwaukee July made by Mr. and Mrs. July?

Why The Saved Won't Be Found In Large Assemblies of Public Street Protesters

The saved pray or write within their homes, cars or places they are employed at, alone or in small groups when troubled by injustice or vexed by protesting mobs who even reject their opportunity to rest rather than disturb the peace with unholy protests on PENTECOST.  The unsaved join a  mob, provoke more anger, protest about 1 adult death while they support pro-abortion politicians and then refuse to try to be at peace with all men.

Are you saved?

Large unrightoues assemblies are groups of 6 or more people being idle or idolatrous.  Please recall that when AT LEAST 10 righteous people are NOT in a city loaded with as much sin as New York or Detroit or Las Vegas, that city will NOT be spared from woes, plagues and sudden startling destruction when יהוה has been provoked for decades by ongoing sin which includes  electing a pro-abortion president, governor or mayor, consumption of swine, dog worship, laziness, liars, adulterers,  'pride' flags, cigarette sales, casino activities, lack of 7th day sabbath keepers and abortion clinics.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Test Of Smyrna

Who is addressing the church of Smyrna in Revelation Chapter 2? An entity who was dead and is now alive , namely whose deadly wound was healed?  Judas Iscariot had a deadly wound, but so did William McKinley and Abraham Lincoln.  Since not all of Smyrna will be confined for 10 days, see if you can handle being led away from your house for 10 days and be unable to 'protect and defend' what you claim is your property.  A test of what you 'love' becomes a battle of neighbor vs. things.

When a servant invites you to stay in an area until Sunday morning for breakfast and your THINGS are in an area that feels like 2nd base rather than 'home' during a war, who will you trust for your spirit guide?  My things don't care if I return to them, but if the servant that served you diligently expressed a caring& 'clean eats' dining invitation  sooner than the seed  of a spouse that deserted you has,  it might be best to delay returning to the things that seed  would inherit and trust the gift of hospitality that hasn't been offered from your former spouse's seed.

If you practice being tried for 10 days as Smyrna might be tested, it might be easier to pass the actual test that could occur is you are of Smyrna.  Investing in a business or hotel open to you during a war is better than investing in a state or church sect that has rejected you .  

Moshe Ben Amram never mentioned Simeon in his 'end of days' speech, and  the sign of Simeon does not get 'done away with' as the 7th seal.

;Seven. Eight.... lay em straight.  The father of Levi and Simeon predicted his son's would not succeed,but Simeon as the 7th seal and Levi as the 8th seal must succeed and become 24,000 strong (not 24,153 strong) or the author of the book of Revelation will become a false prophet.

The spirit of Ohio down to the Thames river rocks seems more trustworthy than the spirit of Michigan now due to Ohio's male leadership in the Governor's office. Ohio's statewide desire to offer strangers food, shelter and clothing in exchange for a  fair financial contribution  is the opposite of wicked Whitmer's venomous speech and edicts.

Withdrawing yourself from a physical battle is what a virtuous women should do if it is possible in order to be at peace with real holy men who understand the difference between honoring יהוה  while having gratitude for necessary things such as fresh water, transportion and clothes that protect and cover a redeemed body better than a surgical mask and a pack of cigarettes ever could.

Bob Thiel of Grover Beach, CA doesn't seem as though he is fearful or unbelieving. I suppose the leader of the continuing church of Gd might be able to save 11,999 Gadites before  Asher is in control rather than scattered among tares causing chaos and derision.