Wednesday, January 30, 2019

To Those Who Love My Grandchildren and DDFence EMET (me)

Few choices remain when an adult child becomes obstinate and unwilling to communicate face to face or directly. When a child is in the protective custody of 2 caring parents, most likely the child would be seriously disciplined if he or she refused to answer the parents questions and eventually, the child should understand it is part of his role as a child to respond to parental questioning.  Children that don't respond to parental questioning properly of respectfully often end up being questioned by others in temporary authority such as police officers or teachers and if the parents have 'given up' on a belligerent child who is unwilling to cooperate with them,  they do get angry.... sometimes as angry as police officer who gets attacked by a criminal when trying to solve a serious problem.

My son seems to be interested in provoking me and I do not know who it is that taught him to be an expert in anti-mother tactics. If he withhold his kindness toward me for 7 years in the past then because of pressure from some of his allies that read what I reveal, he decided to go through the motions of an APPARENT change of heart that soon grows very cold and hard again, what does a mother do?

An adult mother does get angry when her love is rejected by her distant children, just as angry as a man gets angry when kindness and communications toward his wife is rejected or ignored while she is still in his household. The angry anti-sin person, sometimes accurately referred to as a saint, is capable of completing all of the following good works:

a)  praying out loud in private or public locations
b) crying out loud in private or public locations
c) searching the Scriptures for a peace-starting plan  other than the plans they have tried
d) continuing on  a local basis  to LEGALLY combat other loose criminals, unrepentant liars and hypocrites, that is people who claim they trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior but who refuse to stop sinning, denying the power that that claimed 'saved them'
e) noticing and studying how others respond to a reasonable line of questioning in public
f) noticing and studying how athletes respond when an object they want their team to maintain custody of gets taken away by force by a rival team ( Some Catholics get angry when their children go to a different Sunday worship church  and fight over them like a basketball that would end up in a bottomless pit no matter who gets it; faithful and true Israelites get angry when their children become atheists or are controlled by Baal worship teams and try to recover them when they get fumbled.)
g) sending gifts to your  grandchildren and a distant, unhelpful  adult child who wants to temporarily control  them , not knowing if the gifts you sent will be received properly or will be mocked

Now I will start sentencing myself and others by use of actual instructions which are possible to complete.

h) Hope that a plague or series of plagues mercifully breaks the apparent stale-mate between Team HVHY and Team  Baal, since it is evetually easier on the mind when a deceased child does not visit you anymore or if a deceased enemy is no longer is troubling you.

i) Focus on preparing for the next sabbath and the next high sabbath day, trying very hard not to take your justified anger out on your lawful neighbors who are not afraid to be near you.
j) Focus on your own actual health and safety, trying very hard not to do action 'b' very often since the typical person doesn't even know how to respond to a mother  grieving because an adult child has rejected her like a tennis ball full of canine spit and her husband rejected her because she chose to stop dressing like a NFL cheerleader in public.
k) Keep trying to recall (fight forgetfulness) the many who said they did not want to get involved when your family was falling apart and lacking grace, knowing full well their lack of proper response contributed to the current horrific situation, since you may have to testify to others against them on an actual sound judgment day.
l) Remember that there are people who have witnessed your attempts at peace, genuine charitable holy war efforts toward your poor son and your confused grandchildren and hope they are willing to testify for you in front of your own unhelpful adult child regarding what it means to be a 'spiritual boxer'.
m) If your search of the Scriptures brought you back to the promise that Yehovah will cause your enemies to flee from you, appreciate the faces of the people who have not fled from you... people such as Andy Shier or the paid diner employee who actually responds to your serious questions respectfully and in a timely manner.
n)If  your search of the Scriptures takes you to ' you will be hated for the sake of my name, which is Yehovah',  decide this day and every day to come if you are willing to keep trusting Yehovah or if you rather trust people who behave like your rude adult child or rude in-laws; as for me and my household DARE bear, I will keep trusting in Yehovah's name and instructions which include  ' honor your father and your mother, that it may be well with you'.
o) Keep on loving Yehovah with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength and keep on loving your neighbor as yourself, which means do not sin against your neighbor and do not try to harm yourself with any  weapons, especially chemical weapons such as drugs and substances that impair your thinking.
p) If you can't make yourself laugh anymore, don't worry. Don't be afraid to be stern and serious while you are angry and trying very hard not to commit any crimes.
q) Do not watch 'Superbowl LIII' if you know what is good for your  reputation among actual living saints. ( Many people who profess to be 'saved Christians' will publicly prove they are as hypocritical as Kurt Warner, James Brown, Tony Dungy and Kirk Cousins  when they refuse, because of  their love of money, to turn away from an employment option loaded up with women on their 'home field' who are dressed like strumpets.  It would be better for the typical 'saved Christian' if they got hired in a diner with a decent dress code and then transferred pork, squid, oysters and lobsters to people who insist that their heart's desire is to consume those abominations in the sight of their allies and enemies as they officially publicly reject Yeshua and Moshe, the Israelites, as their  personal trainers and holy role models.)

The word 'Nathan' is composed of a Nun, a Tav and a final Nun and is sometimes reduced to the word 'Nate'.  I can remember Nate Cole, a musician and a Milwaukee Tech graduate and I can even remember Nate Groshek, a musician who stood by me many more times than my daughter-in-law ever has. There are not many Joseph Nathan types, so I will continue on with my crossword puzzle small game  diversion in my next blog to refocus my thoughts, as I wait to hear from a Baal worshipper and wonder if a large box sent through UPS to 4 Rue Copernic, Pontault-Combault in France, ever was received with more joy than a lifeless, fruitless Christmas tree was received after it was killed by a lumberjack and was not suitable to wear nor eat.

The prophet Jeremiah did not seem to relent from his difficult calling and the messages he was compelled. by faith. to deliver to stiff-necked, hard-hearted men.

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