Wednesday, January 16, 2019

29 Across Doesn't Have To Go Through Wausau

Scouring through the Larry Robinson league of juveniles isn't a laughing matter if you know that Shannon Smith better not be Shannon Wahl, Tom Shannon, or a Wahlin before the 7th night arrives.  It seems quite a few Kerns are going to be trying, like Xavier Morris of a Florida Alliance team. to make Mack Miracle look foolish. I might have looked foolish sending 5 bags of gifts to Combault-Pontault ot Pontault-Combault, but this non-desperate sometimes angry grandmother got stuck spending over $600 in shipping fees to try to get some good gifts to my grandchildren since their personal lords have not been allowed them  to visit me in Michigan for the past 7 years.  Ideally, the French zip code will correct the UPS error in the hyphen area, not the Cypher area.

I do have a difficult decision to make, but before I make a difficult decision with my IQ of 144. let me show you what the Macomb Chronicle wants you to think about, with only 3 letters allowed, at 29 across:

'Not a thing'

Any person with at least an 8th grade education from Jerome Pinkus would suspect the correct answer would be CAT, DOG, MAN or GOD, but Macomb press agents are about as disinterested in being correct as Larry Mizewsk and Slade Hendrikson, so they do not waant you to think that a place or a person is not a thing'.

Here are suggested better answers than 'not a thing' when trying to fill the void in your mind with a person that might be very suspicious  or very honest and interesting:

Gerry York
Gerry Hendrikson'
Jerry Dunning
Nate Biron 10=X
Nate Groshek
Bret Link  #15
Cameron Morris  #18
Clay Allen #7
Jakob House #21
Ryder Brophy
Mr. Fuss
Tristan Hedge
Mr. Hedgecoke ( Arizona Bobcats)
Mork without Mindy
Best 3 letter word that is not a thing, not aa person and not a place: ANT

Do your best to avoid being  caught up in the air with IBLIS types, Lucifer types. with the wrong guru or wrong LORD if Jackson Bennett has been your non=Michael constant. For those who want the Macomb Chronicle FLATX answer to 'not a thing', write NIL, not Nilda Santiago nor Nile River, as if you were Essac Israel. Nilla wafers ARE a thing.

If I choose not to observe Mr. Mork, it is because their group is still connected at the lip to Rochester Onyx Ice Rink and I will sadly have to boycott an event that might otherwise have been as interesting to watxh as Bentley the dog at a tavern in the suburbs of Mosinee.  If I go choose to observe Keith Morris and Tony Link, it will only be because they are closer than Anthony Richard of the Milwaukee Admirals and of course, I am still investigating a serious hockey matter with no help from Bryan Smolinski, Ray Wolski or Jason Sproats yet.

29 across was not random selection. Duk (dook) is Hebrew word that means to pound and to crush,,,, so when Gentile or Valvoline people want to duke it out, they are speaking Hebrew even if they did not realize it.

I wasn't created to be a stupid daughter.

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