When you try to love a person who refuses to return that love or TAKES THAT LOVE FOR GRANTED, you will have times of mourning that have to be countered somehow. After a few decent email exchanges, all of sudden, communication from my son has ceased again. Is there a commandment to put on stage shows and choreograph dances on or off Broadway? Is there a commandment ordering Christians to be too busy planning a summer conference that they have no time to write or communicate to a mother or that also provided employment as a non-welfare way to assist a son?
I am going public with my most recent emails to my son, maybe in the same manner that notices had to be put in a tiny newspaper notifying the actual father of my son that another man wanted to adopt him and CONTROL him after he lost control of his first wife and his first 2 children and control of them was given to James Costa, Jr. in Wittenberg, WIsconsin. I did know how much evil was within men's minds and as a result, I was used and abused by many men ..... until I trusted Yehovah's ways and his commandments. Now, the conduct of my son grieves me but that only makes me understand how it grieves the heart of Yehovah when people who claim to love the words of the bible do all they can to contorts and twist them, eventually rejecting the commandments they partially understood as a child.
How would you feel if you sent the following correspondences to your only adult son after he enlisted with an army opposed to Yehovah's will and you knew he was in more danger than you are even if though you are grieving?
I sent the next email to another email address I have for you in error. Unless I hear from you, I plan to send 5 boxes to you, 1 box for each of my grandchildren and a box of clothes that I think you and Rachel should be able to use. I am only sending 2 very small toys and I would think there would not be too much races to be paid on used clothing. If you want me to send you your Lindros jersey, I can put that in the box as well, I know you're anniversary is coming up, and please recall your first anniversary in France and the surprise I wanted you to enjoy them. I plan to send your children some clothes that will be 'big' on them, but that will change quickly. Maybe you remember that I used to buy you very big shirts when you were about 8 and those shorts lasted a few years. When being frugal, it is never immodest to wear used hockey jerseys that are big on me or my family members, and yur are still part of my family. I also can do a currency exchange if you have found hockey skates four yourself in France, but that is what I would want the money to be used for. I think it might be cheaper to buy from Goal LIne, but I might be wrong about that. If I do not hear from you, at least you know I am sending used clothes and maybe that can free up some of your salary to be used on something else, such as shoes for yourself.
After this expense, I am really going to cut back on my spending because I suspect their is going to be taxation changes in Michigan. The offer for skates for you will not go away. Since it seems you do not want me to visit you in France, sending the clothes to my grandchildren is the only way they might be reminded that athough their Grandma is not rich, she wants them to be dressed wisely and hopefully the clothes will be a type of 'comforter' to them. I also could send your 2 quilted baby blankets if you think Havilah might like to use them for herself or if she plays with dolls.
With this new HP, I hope I can find the address you sent me. I am studying Jeremiah chapters 36,37 and 38. Soon, you will be finishing 36 years and I am praying that your God directs you to live closer to m before I miss out on the entire childhood of Autumn Rayne, somewhere in Canada or the USA. I know that Yahweh would want you closer to me, for sure! :) I think your children also would enjoy hearing about me from me and hearing about you when you were child from me. You were a very kind son through your high school years, and I know your children would like to see some of the pictures I have and hear more of the memories I have, but they need you to help them achieve that good goal.
If you think you'll be returning to the USA at the end of this 2 year absence, let me know if you would want the 2 matching sofa sections I have ( maybe you remember what they look like). Otherwise, I will have St. Vincent DePaul pick them up om Jamuary. Not a big deal, but because I have no idea what you are planning in the years ahead, I can only speculate and ask questions I think you should answer.
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 06:27:20 PM EST
Subject: short thoughts
I know you have not yet had a chance to respond to the last longer email I sent you, but I wanted you to know I am thinking about you and your children, hoping your living conditions are at least getting safer. Do you still see Armel and I am wondering what has happened with the woman who had a breakdown this past summer? I would hope my former email to you was encouraging in many aspects and the offer for skates and jerseys is not going to be retracted. Let Levi know my right hand is still very special since he pressed his finger into my palm and that Kirk Cousins had a better day against the Miami Dolphins than some of his past days, remind havilah that shredded cheese tasted the best from her and remind Autumn rayne that we should be up to the Anaheim Ducks page in the Panini hockey pages... day 246 specifically. The name 'Rickard Rakell' always seems to remind me of you for some reason.
Missing you,
Samples of writings are what the 'Bible' contains, not every communication ever sent. If it was day 246 and it is now day 278, it has been over a month since I sent a very honest and sincere letter to my son with no reply in return. The children of Linda MAria Costa behaved in a similar manner after control of them was given to the parent that desired to exit her 'christian' marriage. Men like Bob Hastings might represent an attitude on television for an employment reason, but when off the Bing Crosby stages no one really knows what Mr. Hastings though of the Russian army during World War II. A cruel and ignorant woman complained about me after I asked her if she had any advice for countering depression, since she seemed to be 'happy' going into the Rochester Hills Onyx Ice Arena, and my question got me permanently ejected from that arena with no trial, no chance to face my accuser and no squad to back me up like a couple MIlwaukee squads did when I went to 700 S. 4th Street to gather some information. I am thankful I can cry because it means I am nnt under the i influence of very dangerous drugs that never can prevent you from sinning, nor do they punish those who sinned against you and possibly CAUSED your temporary erratic behavior. The word for day #1746 means 'sudden destruction'.... and there will be a point that destruction of evil systems is better than destruction of all flesh on earth. Panera commercials do lie when they claim that their ham products are clean, because according to the creator of swine, swine flesh is unclean. As I continue through only 1 form of communication distributed to an entire community labeled Macomb, it is with purpose and intent to prove that my agenda and mindset if not the same as a common, offensive publication. A coach named 'Mitch Snyder' might be as unfair and unbalanced as Lynn Snyder of Wisconsin when it comes to his opinion of those who have aligned with him, but what opponents of Mitch Snyder's team don't tell him could astound him in realistic ways that 'Spies LIke Us' hireling AKA Homer Trowbridge never could.
The Macomb Chronicle public clue for 61 across is 'Wild Swine'. Here are some options to try to prevent you from exhibiting bipolar problems and cause you to refuse to be limited to the clue and answer system of an anti-Yeshua puzzle producer:
D1: Porky Pig who aligns with Folks, not Disciples
D2: Harry Potter's Warthog gang of anti-Yehovah Englishman
D3: Not the Minnesota Wild cats
D4: Nueske's uncured pork sausage links
D5: Pigs without Whistles
D6: Charles Rotramel, since hunters are what they eat according to some theologians in and out of Cabela's stores
D7: The fragments of swine carcasses who previously faced sudden destruction, typically tossed onto a Little Ceasar's pizza to enter into a pagan temple
D8: Xavier Morris's problem
D9: Not the element with an molecular weight of 144.91, sometimes seen as Pm, not S
D10. An animal similar to what will be served at the 40th Milwaukee Tech Trojan dinner gathering in mid-June of 2019
D11: Not a Columbus NHL hockey legend known as 'Mr. Nash'
D12: The allies of Charles Woodson's Packers
The answer the Macomb CHronicle wanted it's puppets to be limited to is 'BOAR', an animal has no ability to temporarily soar unless it is shoved into a human machine known as an airplane.
I just countered my grief without popping any pills and without hurting my neighbor. Weather permitting, I will go and observe hockey at the Troy Ice Arena since I want to observe the results of actual physical training in North America and if someone asks me how I combat depression I will answer them and not try to get them ejected from the Troy Ice Arena, since reasonable questions don't make me afraid of the person asking the question.
Children, do you know where your parents are? Another full lunar eclipse is pending and the moon is not subject to the idolatry associated with Martin Luther King Jr. mints sometime eaten with wild swine products..
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