Tuesday, January 22, 2019

An Anti-Apathy Solution for Ten16

A 112-47 basketball record for Port Sulphur high school means absolutely nothing to a red heifer or an 87 pound amberjack that is on or off a hook .  It seems their is also a serious problem with the links to Esaac Israel's YOUTUBE connections since the skanky Katy Perry and skanky male Terry Swoope are both attached to his 'channel' connections for reasons I cannot explain and maybe even Essac Israel cannot explain without hiring an attorney. Why complain about female pastors and then approve of links to skanks like Terry Swoope who think that deceased, deranged singer known as 'Prince' is worthy of his endorsement?

My solutions to actual Jezebel and 'skank' problems are not filled up with toxic chemicals in a liquid state of inertia. When lukewarm men like Robert Holman of 6 Stanford Street in Pocatello do not do their 'job' properly after claiming to be chosen by providence to represent 'Christianity', others near them will either learn to do their job properly by doing GOOD works or get caught in a lukewarm  Castle snare more difficult to escape than the St. Louis ARCH at  34 DOWN in a paper puzzle palace.

Because I have had access to a Qur'an, I know now for a fact that Barack Obama is NOT a Muslim and that can be proven with the spying he authorized while president. If he allowed spying while claiming to be a Muslim, he is double-minded and unstable in all his ways.  Spying is not allowed if you are actually a Muslim and indeed spying is COWARDLY because it is NOT an act of integrity and proper holy self-defense.

In an actual example of problems that arise in the life of men like Iran Bennett and Michael Bennett of Milwaukee, many of us in the United States that have been raised referring to ourselves as 'Christians' have also been told that whatever we do will be forgiven because of the crucifixion of a prophet sent to the  'lost sheep of YShRAL', not to the USA. Decades of horrible leadership in the USA has produced throngs of pompous, immoral greedy women such as Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton, and has actually produced very few decent, holy role models which young ladies can learn how to age gracefully with a proper fear of Yehovah.  Indeed, the word SKANK applies to so many females in the USA that you are better off with a skunk with a jar on it's head than a skank in your  wedding pictures.

A prayful Muslim man spoke to me today regarding a legal financial problem and a work-place problem.  I assisted him to the best of my ability in bargaining (negotiating) a rental dispute. The workplace problem that was troubling him also troubles other customers who EXPECT an atmosphere unlike Hooter's in a restaurant owned by a practicing Muslim man based on common knowledge of an expectation of modest dress. When new and true information is entered into a brain,  a change of demeanor may often occur and should occur if the information is about an offense plotted against you.  It is true that there is a young woman who refers to herself as a 'Muslim' who is employed at Little India, but her behavior shows she is a typical American woman married to a typical non-Muslim USA man who holy angels rather get away from or if cornered, REBUKE during a spiritual war.  Although in the past she had been told that 'Victoria's Secret' is clearly an  anti-Yehovah company and also anti-Allah, she still struts around in her tight fitting, cleavage showing shirt and wars against others by tossing on chemicals from Victoria's Secret perfume bottles that have been developed by paid chemists..... people similar to  Robert Holman and Deanna Dye.  The skanky waitress has openly said that she does not care what the customers think and that what she wears is her choice; her proud strumpet attitude has been approved of by her wealthy American husband, not approved by Yehovah.   When a woman says she does not care what a customer thinks, she is an evil employee and whould be disciplined of fired.  I decided to suggest to her employer that he purchase a modest uniform top for her to wear and insist she not wear perfumes since customers have been complaining about her stench; if he does not do so, his own income might be dimished. Men have to make good holy choices to care for and defend their marriage, their workplace and the land they occupy otherwise those entities become ruined and defiled with the influence of skanks and strumpets like an episode of 'Malcomn In The Middle' or 'Married With Children'.

 The hypocrisy that a rude young woman has within her is exhibited when she complains that a man who went outside to smoke a cigarette stinks'  but then insists she has the right to smell worse than a Swisher Sweet on the job.  Chemists has created more problems on earth than they will ever be able to solve, and most chemists are actually cruel, wealthy hirelings that don't care about consequences of their experimentation and who have been striving day by day to prove just how anti-pure and unholy their molecular activities are.

Weak married men who work in places that have women who dress according to 'skank' ( Esaac Isaac vocabulary) or strumpet guide lines will not openly oppose the unholy women, and their demonic IBLIS/Playboy bunny attitude becomes a plague that some will choose to avoid. The female waitress reminds me very much of 2 of the daughters of David and Lynn Snyder - unwilling to change even when evidence that their behavior is contrary to the Scripture is presented directly to them.  A lukewarm spouse will often be afraid of the demonic spirit their bride has because he is not studying the Scriptures and taking proper authority in his household.  Isaiah chapter 22 illustrates much more than a shift of power to Eliakim  .... know as the father of Judah and the person who will take over the key of David. Now I realize that the word DURATION stems from the Hebrew word #1753 'Dalet Vav Resh' used to describe a span of time in which power, energy and content combine; this word occurs 15 times in the book of Job according to a non-Schofield reference book. It also indicates that there will not be atonement for certain sins of arrogance after the sinners have received the knowledge of good and evil and have been able to make a choice while 'free'. When Yeshua claimed he stand at the DUR (door) and knocks, it is possible he was referring to Zechariah chapter 13. My grandmother used to speak partially in English and partially in Polish when surrounded by others. When a young rude woman speaks to me disrespectfully indicating her desire to sin is HER choice, I suggested maybe her mother could have made a CHOICE to abort her, since rude USA woman demand that 'power' over their own flesh and blood lines.  I also will choose to call the rude young woman IBLIS in the future until she shows me her legal name on her Michigan driver's license or until she no longer dresses in a rude manner and starts to care about what the people she is hired to serve actually think about her conduct.

By the ICE way, their appears to be a Mack Miracle who is goalie #34 on the Cleveland Elite Barons and who is not Cleveland #5 of the Alaska Oilers.

Looking back at high school yearbooks, I am not ashamed of how I dressed to go to school. The most immodest attire I was forced to wear was probably the public school GYM suit, which was not only ugly but usually too tight for comfort if you were not 'flat chested' and twiggy thin. I know I was extremely homely in many of my yearbook pictures, but homely is not a sin.

The swine-headed contributors to the Macomb Chronicle mention 'Beyonce' at 22 down and view her as their 'Queen Bey' according to their own public writings. Such publishers are not only promoting idolatry, they openly reject the perfected, holy and righteous KING that might have been willing to save them from the err of their unholy Q ways in the past. Who really knows if young men like Parker Adams are going to be taught to resist strumpets when under the guidance of Rick Bennett at Union College? What was he taught by his father? Sadly, my son never got good, holy influence from his father or step-father and my pro-Torah words may have arrived to his ears too late to be heeded but not too late for me to know that I tried to convince him to believe the instructions for Israelites who desire to be in covenant with Yehovah.  Who is going to perfect Iran Bennett in the twinkling of an eye, if that is even possible in the land of immoral politicians, hypocrite hirelings who refer to themselves as 'pastors' and a nation so despicable and unholy that Nancy Pelosi desires to control it? Have you  noticed that unholy people do not desire to power over places that actually resist SIN?  The 'Merry Christmas' games that Donald Trump played did not align him with Yehovah but might have appeased the lukewarm religious sales clerks and store owners.  The chaplain of the Minnesote Vikings, Keith Johnson, never swayed his fellowship of 'Christian Athletes' away from the NFL skanks known as 'cheerleaders' and maybe if he had, men like Michael Bennett of Milwaukee might not have errored in his post-Viking years. Parents who don't try to sway their children away from getting tattoos won't grieve when their children get tattoos because they have been apathetic to that issue. Parents who do not try to sway the children away from immoral dangers should not have the right to grieve when their children get caught up in immoral behavior.

In contrast to the rude young woman ( not a lady), there has been another young man who has said he thinks abortion should be legal and he wants to be a doctor. The rude woman at Little India is calling this young man 'fish', even though he says his name is 'Al'. 'Al' is not rude in his attire and does respond properly to the requests of the people he is serving.  If I had a choice between a decently dressed anti-Moses 'fish' serving me and a rude, Victoria's Secret skank serving me, I rather be served by the anti-Moses fish who as reasonable reactions to a customer's valid concerns.

Whitney Houston got PAID to spew out scripted and rehearsed vulgarities in a movie called 'The Bodyguard'. Who was it that baptized her and then didn't give a damn about her? Whitney Houston started as a Baptist and ended up dead after taking on the role of a skank in videos and in movies.  If you reject an opportunity to repent and change your behaviors to conduct worthy of 'heaven' while on earth, expect to be tossed in a direction that is loaded up with skanks, pimps, murderers, thieves and rapists where you will have an opportunity to prove you never really did love Yeshua nor the creator of the heavens and the earth.

Day 282 is now here. Go ahead and call 1-715-409-7998 if you want to speak to a uncaring beast. If you want to call and discuss the effects of Cesium on your PaCe line, call 1-208-282-2113. If you want to call upon the name of HVHY, know that it starts with a Yod, not with a Noonan. If you want to speak to a possible mute, call 1-715-370-1352.

I am disgusted and vexed with what is happening on earth , but while here I will not be afraid to try and give GOOD advice to a few who know I would not lie to them just to see them smile at me. What I fear is being punished fro willfully and intentionally disobeying the pure, holy and good commandments delivered vis Moshe Ben Amram and later ignored  by 'Miss USA' but not ignored by  Miss 2468, Huldah, that Josiah was aided by.  Most people in the USA haven't even yet TRIED to observe, study and use the commandments approved by Yehovah as the 'modus operandus' for their behavior or works on earth or we would have peace and safety in our fishy schools, our home, our workplaces and our heavenly realms.

Parker Adams will be wise if he graduates from Union College and if he ends up being a Detroit Redwing, I hope he is able to resist the skanks that abound in Detroit and the NHL and there is a better coaching staff than there is now. I did not know the Detroit Redwings drafted Parker Adams, so that proves I would actually would be a good NHL scout if given an unequal opportunity to do good paid works in the bad, young United States of America!

Did you notice I am trying to avoid vain repetitions?

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