Monday, January 7, 2019

9Zero to 1st and Ten: It's not Xanthicus!

At 12 across, the Greeks, similar to Menelaus in their method of operation in Macomb, give their non-Torah readers  this clue:

spiritual leader

I find it intriguing that a pig in a particular auction game is worth 650 points and that Menelaus seems to have bid 650 'coins' to obtain  the very corrupted position of  high priest historically near 164 BC,  not near BC13.  Menelaus represented anti-Moshe greed, nastiness and violence, but that is only my first impression of him based on my first reading of the entire 2nd book of Maccabees. My instincts were correct to not 'celebrate Channukah' but rather to observe this time period objectively.

If every time you see the word 'Jews' written in different religious books, it would be better to view that term as 'Assideans' if they look to WJM  aka  worldly Judas Maccabees as their spiritual leader. Such people will be doing what Yehovah never ordered during the winter months. Other times, I believe that 'synagogue of Satan' is actually what the Assideans branched out from or BECAME after defecting from people who were keeping the feast of sukkot in the autumn as instructed by Moshe's writings toward faithful Israelites.

I would not dissuade a person from reading the 2nd book of Maccabees ONLY if you have already firmly decided to be dedicated to Yehovah ( Yahweh, Yehuwah), have been keeping the appointed times as directed in Exodus through Deuteronomy because you have trusted Yehovah even if a force or god known as Allah exists. If you have trusted Yehovah, it will be clear that the real hero is the 90 year old Eleazar, described in chapter 6. It seems as though the annual heathen new year partying was approaching and some of his old acquintances suggested that he blend into the pork parties in a BYOF ( bring your own flesh) manner. In plain terms, they suggested he bring his own kosher meats and PRETEND to be part of the fulness of the Gentiles sin. Eleazar declined, being satisfied that he had lived 90 years and chose to be martyred rather than to mingle with the funny baked ham lines.  His final words actually were very close to the words in the song 'It Is Well With My Soul', because indeed he had been buffeted by Satan while being tempted by the Auld Lang Syne bunch of ivy league types.

Now, here are some expanded options for spiritual leader, since stock options exist:
Canada option:  The Good Angel of Eleazar, the martyr
Nordic vague heathen Macomb solution: guru
Japan  : The angel of the church of Pergamos
Europe: Moshe Ben Amram
Putitan option:  Yehovah
Nordic option: Allah, the God of Nicanor
FLATX option: Jerome Iginla
VVV Option:  whoever leads you away from  fake blonde 'Vonn traps' to Moshe Ben Amram's Way
Giroux the orange kangaroo option: The 2019 Chicago Bears
Green Bay Packers option: Mark Recchi the 12th
Honey Baked Ham Hockey Team option: Vlad Namenstikov
Little Ceasar's option: Steve Basting of Milwaukee
The NRA option: Timothy Severud
Ivy League Patricia Lion's Club option: Iblis ( on one side of leader there is a hook that will maim or destroy  extremely fishy people joined at the HIP and on the other side of a leader there SHOULD be an apostolic  fisher of men aligned with Yoshua); Ivy League doesn't deserve a trustworthy option.
WJM Notice:
H(I)P can look like 1/53/15=69 position to people who foolishly worship the I formation.
Straight 5=B option :  Dustin Byfuglien
Sraight  5= V option: Jaromir Jagr

Just because you are not paranoid does not mean you are not being followed!

Do take the time to read the sinner' prayer of a son of a brave mother in 2nd Maccabees chapter 7 if you wonder what sons choose to do when they are old if they have been raised to oppose the consumption of swine, even if their 'big daddy' isn't with them.  The 7th young man was offered a chance to be 'rich and happy' if he would forsake the Torah, the instructions of their deceased father or possibly even forsake the Qur'an ( since it does not really specify who led them to be opposed to swine consumption) , but he choose to be martyred WITH his mother's good anti-bribery counsel, which she also was prepared to abide by.

'Abide with me...…. the darkness deepens'

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