Tuesday, December 12, 2023

I of SErGeI Fedorov Doesn't Need A Stupid Merry Tune Up

🟢Rename BArNaBaS of 'acts of the apostles' Chapter 14, 'squad 106' to resist referring to such as Zeus.

 There is an important opportunity to be retested the last week of April, 2024 yet who will want to take a pesach week test instead of slithering into Christmas merriment like lizards of Luciferians and beasts of Biden's Catholic regime plagued with queers, lesbians and transexuals  ?    I urge you to locate and listen to 'Marc the Messngers' 2023 version of 'God's holy days vs. Satan's holidays'. Though the title is a bit misleading since he does not connect Strongs H3068 to the holy days, there's much to be learned! 

The human resources department of UWM.ORG in Charlotte, North Carolina is extremely unresponsive to a my request for confirmation of my son's location.  Like similar businesses, they actually don't respect nor encourage an actual mother and son's relationship very much while they put excessive effort into festive Christmas gaming on a perennial basis while never really striving to abide by the laws Mary was expected to and apparently tried to abide by.  As such, UWM.ORG snares it's donors away from reality like  an expensive artificial balsam tree that can't even produce oxygen in a household .

🟦Hating the season designated as Christmas is more logical than celebrating such a season with people who don't even keep the very basic 10 commandment starter set and then break families apart like common, paid  divorce attorneys!  

As the 70th month closes out and old Z land words get focused on with sharper hearing, it's Sergei Fedorov evening; silence is optional on Sergei Fedorov night.  ðŸ•¯   Hope sometimes become lyrical.

To the tune 'Good King Wenceslas':

⬥⬥'Hill Where the Badgers Hide ' - circa 2023

♬ I of  SErGeI Fedorov

Isn't a beast of Biden

 With Pey King Krivokrasov

 Narrow eyes might widen

      Like Sean Hill plan  your defense

      With no porn nor greed sin

Brave as  Ivan Provorov

Do your Scripture se^ar-chin*

*SeArCHIn = 98, but BArGaIn=103 in VINTAGE chemistry codes not devised by Howard Caine. 

I suppose the above set of lyrics could lead into " Searchin' So Long' by Chicago in predictive sequences. What I do is quite sane though intentionally often scrambled a bit when compared to what CBS's drama beast 'Jordan' of motel Room 158 has been paid to do in her version of Cheryl Lee Hendrikson's modus operandi.  Not al Wisconsin driver's licenses have 158 within them if you get my Colorado Avalanche drift!   Room 158 was chosen with intent to deliver a problem like Dan Please delivered a load of duty dishes to a Gary, Indiana diner.  My intent is to confuse the wicked and suggest ways of escape from the wicked offense women such as Cheryl Lee Brown and her Las Vegas Cherokee groupies launched in Marathon County Wisconsin against Scriptural  advice 

If you hate helpful correction,  read all our prescription bottle labels and their enclosed paperwork warnings if you want to; my D.A.R.E. bear anti-robot motives are more pure, safe and defense of גד based than Paul Douglas Coffey's Canadian complexion currently is.  You'd have to read Numbers chapter 34 to realize that Gd was placed in position, along with Reuben and 50% of Menasha before the remainding 9.5 tribes of the sons of YShRAL were given an opportunity to be tested and which they subsequently failed.  Ponder what is often more staged.   For instance, if Jesus is the son of Gd, he also is the nephew of Asher.  'Marc the Messenger' has more correct information coming from his San Jose site than UWM.ORG and their arrogant staffers are willing to learn and then teach.   Staging is often so deceptive yet sometimes so obvious such as placing a the Biden administrations multicolored  queer flag in 'Señor Tequila' in Port Huron  to warn good, straight holy people to go elsewhere, even if elsewhere has some Christmas staging.

Stages aren't a problem in the progression of locusts. There is nothing unnatural or contrived about the locusts development.  There are 4 stages of a locusts life, all of which are natural and with good cause. Staging events or staging articles in scenes is often intentionally deceptive trickery.  Even weird Timothy Tessler knows that fact going back to the era of  movie-making site in Milwaukee's district 2.  Think!!!  It is often disastrous not to respond to a request to do something helpful for your parents, grandparents or employer.  Staging is similar to progressive dinners, that is,  staging is not an accidental occurrence of providence.   Trader Joe's bruschetta item #00649889 or Hamtramock Cosmos boy's basketball 64 offense against Romeo Bulldogswere both staged , neither of which were as offensive and unnatural as Hamtramock's high school 'cheerleaders' who didn't want to retain a ladylike quality within them as they stomped around like dark versions of Barack Obama trying to draw attention away from that which is beneficial, holy and healthy.

Suppose there is no stage coach, no person telling you how to pretend to be that which you are not or no imbecile asking you to dress up in 'Santa Klaus' gear or transvestitie gear to lure and deceive children?

Very few people truly understand what it means to PITcH properly anymore like Unit 112 ⛺

I'll conclude with several important, indicative InDy FrAm  filters for Squad 297, who don't have 298 NHL points:

I don't know anyone named 'Christmas', though there is a town of Christmas on Michigan maps.

If I get a helpful reposes from UWM.ORG's human resource representative, I'll pound in an extra post before I hope to begin building another office near Moses Creek.  ðŸŒ‘

 Billions of people get paid to promote and devise wickedness, but some hero gets פ'd to do good.

Good, better, best vs. bad, worse and worst might divide your interest at Cam Talbot's 1.91 GAA zone. When a Ukrainian pimp demands more money, the prostitute named U.S.A. becomes more impoverished.

FACT: Hashem is lousy, Jesus Christ is mediocre and יהוה is excellent

Sergei Krivokrasov is good,  Sean Hill is better, Sergei Fedorov is best. However, when the middle man is the defenseman rather than an offensive woman, my team is superior to any team that wants Joseph Biden in the middle of anything that has potential for a successful, rational honest outcome..

 Being subjective is required for anti-AI conditioning.  AI is in FAIR, yet FAIR is worse than good.

Chuck schumer is bad, Jill Biden is worse and Gavin Newsome is  worst.

Compare Strongs G2202, strong rudder bands used in shipping situations, to Strongs G2203, 'Zeus'. the titled tossed onto Barnabas in Acts chapter 14.  Which of those two entities is reliable and more helpful than fake CBS cop, 'Chance Chancellor' when baskets aided by ×–ֶפֶת are not accessible anymore?   I'm not going to take the time to type in Greek anymore and you may read Acts chapter 27 to try to understand what happens to the rear of a ship when a hull settles into rocks and get wedged in. Movie-makers decided to put Sigourney Weaver in 2206 before she started luring in sub creatures, but rudder bands have more important roles than Sigourney Weaver's 'Ghostbuster' role. 🕶

If you still dislike me and rather continue to devise schemes to oppress rather than assist me, you can return to your own vomit and maybe even view the blood that drips out of your anus if your not yet as blind as Zedekiah or as naked and incoherent as married man seeking views whores on French beaches. 

Do not continue reading if you know you are already as wise (H2451) as YCZQAL was on his  525th day after his river Chebar vision  exam.  The prophet YCZQAL's 33rd year and beyond was  extremely difficult, not nothing to remember.  Nevertheless,   Whether or not you claim you are 'saved' no longer matters. Do not expect the following paragraphs to have obvious links to each other!


Judges 16:13: 'So Delilah said to Shimshon, "Until now you have mocked me and spoken lies to me, reveal to me how you might be bound." And he said to her " If you weave the seven  ×žַ×—ְלָפָ×”  of my head with the WEB."'  

There has been many months between  autumn of 2008 and 2021 , expressed in $@%% daily sharper shift terms for serious  ×žַ×—ְלְקַ×”  splits.  Time can be recalled, but not repeated.

When you're weary, Simon and Garfunkel don't really show up even though their works might actually deploy false hope into your situation in a manner similar to commercialized songs about the 'blood of Jesus' somehow being more important than being helpful and kind toward your parents and siblings or more needed than obeying the commandments that Paul's literature , elevated into the doctrine of a man who never even provided for a family of his own, didn't seem to to endorse enough.

How close is Richmond Gray  to you as month 96 is in progress for 9th year creatures?

102,102,102 is a code utilized for this site's standard grey font color options. 

0,0,0 is as black as a font can be here; 255,255,255 is as white as a font can be in the same limited WEB system.  Codes are rarely noticed, yet used and  misused on a daily basis.

There is no 6/14 double green billiard combo in the NHL anymore; Sidney Crosby made it ti 1532 points on December 13, 2023 in Montreal.  Maybe that's a sign that USA's 'flag day' has nothing to do with Paul Coffey's records and the 6th month really is in late summer, not in June as true sealed Menasha should be able to expound upon.

Winter has started; I viewed the 10th month  renewed crescent moon in peaceful solitude again.

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