Thursday, December 21, 2023

Er 68, Ir 77 and AMBER in CHAMBERS

Try to be more humble than a figure skater and covered better than Michael Phelps.  Many people should will  rethink 'impossible'. Tell others they are full of mythology or to go FLUNK themselves if what they utter is impossible.   Judges chapters 1 through 3 indicated that a chosen king  was sent to people who troubled themselves by rejecting  יהוה's covenant and decided to pray for mercy again; the  peace that came with obedience lasted for only 40 years, and the repetitive trouble emerged again.  

There does seem to be a problem at Judges 5:8-16; what is translated as 'war' in some editions certainly looks like it could have been 'bread' in the same verse. Does לחם, (H3899)  mean bread or war? Zebulun an YShShKR had details at the time of Deborah, yet who looks at the details of war v. nourishment in verse 8 of that chapter 5 passage?  I looked at that carefully, but Hough-Sweeney probably won't because she's caught up like chaff on figure skates in an unrealistic world  figure skating that has proper defense systems for the head or proper coverage for the body..  

I wonder as I wander how north 22nd& west Chambers in Milwaukee differs from Shawn Randall Chambers' 235th NHL point. . ⭐  There is HAm & AmBEr in CHAmBErS.

                                                                         96    <   168  <    6+185  

Hafnium time hasn't yet arrived since it's only Lutetium month 71 in my retarded workbooks. My accelerated workbooks are well into month 96 for Charlie McGaver's sake, not for Disney's version of  'Conway 96'.

Surnames of the 2023 Green Bay  Packers  in Lambeau Field, Gary, Tom, Heath, Clifford,Allen, Jordan and Kelly  were rushing around after Don Jackson was dealt off to another business group. Doesn't retired copper Tom Welch or aged golfer Tom Watson  get suspicious of the Packers version of Heath rows opposing Mr. David without  Chase&Sanborn Coffeys cans to piss into?  Atlanta Falcons chose surnames for their double London lines... Flowers,, Street, Bell, Darby, Blair, McGary, Richie Grant,  Prince, Xavier Malone& Penny Hart, loading up the Pinion steering with no billiard rack sense as their immorality blooms on the sidelines.   Why do so many teams have a Campbell without a Hilton?  Where did the Tom Scott & Bryan Little units go? Did Storm Norton, using bowling ball tactics, divide those 2 people  apart into NFL surnames of  Tom, Bryan, Scott & Little

Dick Tracy isn't the cue ball; soon Paul  Douglas Coffey will assume  the cue ball role if Alexander Ovechkin gets to 1532 points, and I mean that as an idiom with no B. Pinion steer rings or X. Rhodes frozen bread contained within the Battle seas or Rattle grounds .

The  NFL would be less laughable if it wasn't so corrupt while toying around with roster names like 'Cookie Monster' toys with the Pete Carroll's fabricators of Bobo and Julien Love while Lavonte David  is completely missing the Shawn Randall Chambers point system.  Without a Ty Cobb salad or  Chris Chambers in the middle to redirect lost a lost Wolf to David v. Snyder or  Bell v. Howell, must computer systems now advance to the 50 G team strategy of referring to G as short for HEDBERG and H team units referring to 'Back the H' as a code for PITTSBURGH?  

 Redirecting the victims is sometimes the same as redirecting the witnesses, if the only witnesses willing to testify against crimes are the victims.

What or whom has knowledge of ער ways supplied?  Is it best translated to Ir or Er?  Think it should be translated to Ir, but the Erie people like it as Er.  Why was he not mentioned in 1st Chronicles 4:1? 

What element has a heaviness code of 95.95, or nearly 96?  Is such an element extremely useful or unnecessary and thus of nominal value 

Bildad provided output in Yob 8 while among companions, but was Bildad's output accurate prophesy or erring doctrine ?

You can now try to be the paid, bribed or voluntary 'expert', but if you can't discern between iridium and erbium, you surely have chosen to willfully ignore official signals from  anti-artificial creation.

For those skeptics who think I've wasted time and effort on the information I've relayed, do you also think it's stupid to time a swimmer going nowhere in a pool,  a cross-country runner, to collect 'time on ice' minutes of. hockey players or to count a penalty stroke if you swing and miss your golf ball completely? What do you think of people who take hours decorating their homes and rooms with Christmas or Purim trinkets yet won't take any. time to pick up the trash that litters their neighborhood streets? 

The Christmas trees, dead wreaths, Olympic sports and holiday drunkeness are a waste of time, not anything I have written and shared to  warn, cheer , quiz, challenge or confound a bewildered reader.

Strongs H4302 is interesting, similar to the surname 'Motte'. Knowing that the Hebrew words for bread and battles, used in the name Bethlehem, are very closely related to each other in the לחם group.

ישעיהו  chapter 59:1> 10  seems to be occurring this year.  

It seems that those in hiding or too proud to say 'thanks for your non-apostolic writings'. I suppose while waiting for Jesus Christ to return, who'd really  wants a typing hand or female piano player to repair,  save, protect or defend  them when they don't foresee what actually happens when a  messiah, lord, mother or savior becomes unresponsive due to lack of written orders from יהוה? 

                                                                   🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬         🐖     📗     

I don't mind wearing a Tampa Bay Lightning shirt that has CHAMBERS  screened onto the back instead of  weirdo LeCavelier; some lower Michigan history won't hurt Squad 75, even if they never observe the official sign that indicates it is 1120 miles from Michigan to Tampa Bay on Interstate 75. 

A classic Ten-11 accent differs greatly from a 7 Eleven accent perched upon or within Dallas Stars helmets.  While standing by to support a  co-worker, anyone might be called upon to tend to a more urgent task for their company; whether that task is more dangerous or less dangerous, often the dispatcher  does not  know, but the foreman might know.

Ivan Goff v. Jared Goff can revolve around Wickersham and David Gilliam lines, contrived for 'Joe Mannix' or Dennis Ware.   Far more actual battles still are set and determined underneath the Northstar, known as  Polaris , whom Michigan photographer, David Black, has documented to be a stationary guiding night light, not an unstable comet. 

NASA is an known enemy of אמת , and the color of jacinth is somewhat orange at times.

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