Friday, December 15, 2023

Anti-Harari Saint YSP Pass of 50, Old Milwaukee Variable Style

YSP is translated from  יסף    I'll refer to YSP as a 3 squad triangle of 39,16 and 15, but if those 3 squads become one squad they have be squad 70 and lose their previous identity.  On occasion, 3 officers were assigned to Milwaukee squads when during a time referred to as 'field training'

 Is this easier to read this paragraph than the previous paragraph because of color schemes? The first paragraph is a 'sardonyx fader' color scheme similar to St. Matthew Greyhound fading away, but this second color scheme is Milwaukee Juneau high school color scheme.

Mr. Antishin exists . 🏀 Now what?  There always seems to be a need to go recheck doors before you exit a dwelling, whether business, house or vehicle for an extended period of time.  

Don't watch Netflix! 

 Micah chapter 7 indicates that the most upright is sharper than a briar thorn. It would be wise to become acquainted with the context of the Micah 7:4 verse, especially since  the USA currently is in far worse condition than it had been on July 4, 1776. If you are a female who trusts in the foundational documents of the United States of America, DO NOT VOTE IN ANY MORE ELECTIONS and DO NOT BECOME A CANDIDATE FOR ANY ELECTED GOVERNMENT POSITION. Although this might trouble you a bit if you have a mild case of Michelle Obama disease or a dangerous case of  Nikki Haley syndrome, refusing to vote and refusing to seek an elected position should also protect you from being  anti-George Washington.

This is non-random communications test that does not involve 'Hogan's Heroes' actress Louise Troy. 


🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠    ....ooops, dropped the microbes.

Squad 7:  Use this phrase to remind straight angels that the ark had an opening and closing point:

" 50th & Chambers is Shawn Randall".            🌩


Ben Roethlisberger 🏈 & Captain Landgraf🏒  should understand pass words as unique as a scorpion.

 ⛳ Squad 185: Use this phrase as needed > "22nd & Chambers is a Lightning rod." 🏌


                                         🎹*   RaINBOW LiNe TeCH is now closed.  🍺

                                    First graduation class: 307; last graduating class 235. 

                                                      Lowest number of graduates: 1

                                                  Highest number of graduates: 1179  

                                                        Highest number of staff: 1532

                         " Exodus 26:5 has never been connected to a video game. "   Class of 29

                     🌊   Certificates of graduation are spiritual; excellent works have been required. 💦


*🎱th year, 10th month challenge for Milwaukee county ZZ road musicians and TeCH drop-outs returning back to a self-guided tour of the south BRUST  course of rust, ח , Ulickey, Notre Dame of Ottawa and 53207 words:

Attempt to play an aged ivory(Benjamin Moore 537) chord of 2451 on any 88 key piano that is not stolen.  Chord of 2451 sounds similar to a chord of 2458.  This chord is converted on the piano keyboard when middle C40 becomes 1, middle D42 becomes 2, middle F45 becomes 4, middle G47 becomes 5 and high C52 becomes 8th as in ה's initial placement spot in the book of בראשית. Surely this is a bit  technical, but clearly it is not as tricky as the Q ♣  pulled out of the Port Huron Prowlers most recent DECK system.  

I hope to discover what Schnapp's unit can do on ice without Jerry London spiking something.  


The Biden gang shall lead multitudes of political  idiots into danger, poverty and perdition with Zelensky pimping Biden and unholy politicians who are now Zelensky's political corrupt prostitutes and bribed thieves , because the Biden gang has never been wise as YSP.

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