Saturday, December 23, 2023

A.J. Storr & Bryson Gray: Twins?

A.J. Storr isn't a twin brother of Bryson Gray, but there is a resemblance.

Resemblance often leads to intentional trickery or unintentional mistakes.

Does Cole 61 & Porter 24 of the Pittsburgh Steelers like 'Old-Fashioned Garden' by Cole Albert Porter or has Eric Rowe steered them toward detective Stephen Rowe tactics?  WDVE won't give me the answer to that strategic question for Milwaukee Warren Avenue walkers and talkers who might be aware of the Pittsburgh Street shuffle below the͆ train tracks, many miles away from the Sid Prom bridge in Pennsylvania.

 In Milwaukee,  streets labeled  Kane, Warren & Pulaski don't intersect with Archer, Deer or Bow. 

 Choose to despise  strumpets, embezzlers, pornography,  mutilation of infants, liars and bribery schemers; there's no justifiable reason to always choose love.  Hating that which is an abomination is  actually a necessary component of good defense mechanisms and all humans need to learn to hate that which is a danger to their body and household such as adulterous behavior, laziness, cigarette smoke, drunkenness, harmful drugs, excessive government taxation,  etc.....


  7  is for the church of Laodicea if you foolishly believe the writings of 'Paul' are inerrant.


 🐝 Read and study Judges Chapter 5; try to comprehend the works of יבולון as well as the purpose of the message that emerged from an angelic prophet (  Strong's H4397 )within that chapter of motherly history.

 Don't trust Andre Ware, tribe of דן . 🔵 🟣 Mute Noah Eagle and Todd Blackledge, tribe of  יששכר  

H4396 is not H4423; it is quite a terror to try and garden in a layer of clay after the topsoil was 'sold off'. 

                                                        Settings matter. 


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