Sunday, December 3, 2023

Livonia Stallion And Troy Colt Split : : ZKRYH isn't Kariya

My 'over 18' views are finally starting to go down after being artificially inflated by AI 'hits'. 
What's below Ne?  Below Ne is 18th and argon.

 I'll deter a CArNeY Gard or Ne Gard joke for Isaac Gard's sake,, though either joke would be more acceptable in my household than NFL's nasty Taylor Decker #68 or Taylor Swift's absurd depravity.

Howie Long carefully used the word reflection after seeing 3328 be the condensed NFL score of Goff16 V. Winston 2&Carr.4  What is the Detroit reflection, or the complete opposite  of Detroit 33 New Orleans 28 combo of 3328?  Howie Long is not beyond scrutiny with his non-MSOE  Oakland raider background.  

Michael Richter is a reasonable constant at 2nd & 28th place, since his NHL draft position cannot be altered now.  There's never been a 1st and 33rd in NHL draft picks, but in Freemasonry the number 33 is typically dangerous and expendable as Netanyahu the wealthy idiot.  Wayne County has 'Masonic Blvd' and an alley labeled 'Xavier' near Euclid Street.  Careless city, county, HOA and town planners fail to upkeep that which they had previously deemed as necessary or  desired enough to force others to be forced to fund, and that  makes such planners as wicked as the man who dumps his first wife and refuses to provide financially for her and their children.  

I am working today, and it is a fulfilling task to openly condemn the  guilty who try to steal in secret.

The opposing numerical force of Strongs G3328 (meatball/to change/to turn) is Strongs H8233, namely שֶﬞפֶר, with what I like to pictorially refer to as an  an 'ear formation' in the middle.  Whether 23 is in the middle or 32 is in the middle might as well be a matter of Milwaukee Michael's Bennett's interpretation as he literally or virtually trots between 23rd and Nash St. or 32nd and Scott St. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.   Within a corrupted, crime ridden system a courageous yet often shifty infiltrator is  inserted to interrupt or confuse criminals engaged within professional sports. Such an insert needs at least 1 ear to hear more accurately than Richard Cardenas can read Jess Vega's  lips.  Jack HuGHes might understand what it means to have a conflict of Greek and Hebrew within Jackson HuGHes.  Keyboard strokes applied correctly are sometimes far more damaging  or helpful than adding another golf stroke to your 'Kettle Hills' golf scorecard.

Detroit Lions vs. New Orleans Saints is only wicked, unholy owners vs. lewd&lacsivious owners; neither team owner is good nor decent. When an employer or schools allows real men to be encircled by whorish cheerleaders while at 'HOME', real men often fail to get 'saved'  due to dumping their moral standards in exchange for millions of USA $'s, actually making those employees as untrustworthy as Hunter Biden and his employer. 

                 יצחר    🟢    YTsCR, not Zohar! The Y is not silent as a beheaded sucker fish!

Following the despicable Detroit Lions 2023 procedures is another alumni assembly for David Akers to contemplate after retiring from the NFL as an anti-cheerleader Detroit Lion in 2013.  How Philadelphia, PA and San Francisco, CA have fallen into poverty, violence and depravity under their Democrat regimes!  Rarely do I see any human beings or businesses make changes to improve their spiritual condition anymore. I liked the 2013 Detroit Lions;  the 2023 Detroit Lions are nasty at home, and feel comfortable in nasty away conditions. Cole or Kyle Heckendorf might be able to testify otherwise regarding the status of Detroit Lions practice squad time, but I am not Cole nor Kyle Heckendorf. An accurate memory is an important tool during a war now as deep as 'Blackwell 25' or as shallow as pink, fiberglass insulation and Carolina Panther competitions.

     🔴  The 7th billiard ball is always innocent, quite dense and deeper than the 3rd ball in tone. 🎱

The following equestrian results were reported from a reliable high school coach source, not from a Rochester Hills  liar.  It's easy to be a wealthy, slithering liar that is וָזָר and not yet punished  ; reporting the truth, regardless of financial status, is often dangerous yet expected during 'snow leopard seal' tests.  Dan Campbell units ARE NOT a respectable source of information due to his USA military affiliations and his shameful Dallas Cowgirl interests.

Livonia: accepted 2    🏇 

Troy: accepted 10   🎠  

(Montreal Canadien Patrick Roy did not quit after he accepted 10 pucks; he then went on to Colorado Avalanche & 'Team Biene')

Zekariya chapter 6 isn't exactly Revelation chapter 6, but there seems to be a mode of transportation split at the coloring of the various mobilized HORSE legs.  🏀

Actual rapists who have not plead guilty before a judge deserve to have their testicles cut off and shoved down their own throats before their heart fails  and they die in a very bloody, 'girly' condition. 🩸 Notice the final  formation of Strongs' H3035, reasonably translated to YDU or YDO; there is not actually any  DD in  יִדּוֹ  .   Cleveland, Ohio currency also has a single D, and is that a detail that Wausau, Wisconsin male Brady Cleveland should consider as a variable or a constant in financial communications? 🥼

I'm punching out due to darkness after my work  shift at 5:37 PM, EST on December 3rd, 2023;  I suspect I'll be noticing the Green Bay Packers like my brothers.  I might even enjoy a bit of  tawny (H3288) port wine that isn't infused with hair and hare or Zoharists.   I'll strive to do some sort of bodily exercise that augments my body's value and defers disease elsewhere during the 10 days of my final ו  study.

 If the 'invisible chair' seems to difficult, switch to the easy 'invisible footstool' leg therapy by merely extending your feet up and away from your torso while sitting on a chair, couch or toilet.   This would be an opposing view of that feat of  thigh-high feet:




                                                 Female student of זְכַריָה, grandson of יִדּוׂ

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