Sunday, December 24, 2023

Month 84 CLD Low Pressure System 2467 for NFL Witnesses

Who has really witnessed  יהוה in action?

What really happened in the NFL during week 16 without Martin Biron to teach behavior skills to creepy pro-strumpet Dan Campbell?

The Cleveland Browns are leading in best style going into week 17 after rolling up 36 points;  the Pittsburgh Steelers, with 34 points in Dwight D. Eisenhower fashion, chalked up a W with consistently good anti-cheerleader policies;  the Green Bay Packers are doing better after securing  33 points; Detroit tied Carolina with 30=XXX points however both of those midwest teams are doing worse than Chicago Bears spiritually and are actually doing very bad morally ; the Chicago Bears, also doing better,  clawed ahead to 27 points like  sun-tanned honey badgers on a Sahara paper trail; the Minnesota Vikings held themselves to 24 points for Darren Sharper's sake, so the Minnesota Vikings get an E as in Euclid, Ohio with their Robert Scott Smith style L for the week.

                 " How can you tell if a man is good?" - actor in 'The Magnificent Seven'

                 "There are ways." - Yul Brynner as 'Chris', the hero of Boot Hill transportation

Don't look at the W's and L's in the goofy gambling sectors of the NFL; observe what the points accumulated are regardless of the team's W=ו and L=ל status.  If you are able to set aside an idiotic desire to have the team you prefer to end up at the Super Bowl, your team might be doing works far better than you had outwardly observed.  Indeed ,you might be a genius talented enough to gather intelligence from team 'score' messaging! There actually are some brilliant people who never use their talents to do good, and that hinders them from being  anything other than bewildered or full of tension and loaded with anxiety.

'When it's time to relax, Miller stand clear, beer after beer....'  It's so wonderful rejecting the Catholic&Church of England holiday hype and instead being THANKFUL for every 7th day of rest that is accomplished successfully, whether alone with safety and provisions or in a group where you feel appreciated but not worshipped.


What is a reasonable name a clawed female weasel, martin, mole or vole?   Claudia

What is an appropriate name for a clawed male weasel, martin, mole or vole?  Claude

This concludes your speedy CLD course of חֺלֶד animal pressure points.

Hold differs significantly from CLD and holed.  ⛳ 

Why would any parent or educated child disagree with Leviticus 11:29? 

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