Saturday, December 30, 2023

Steelers Porter 24, Cable Delays : Sapphire from 5th to 2nd & Lapis Lazuli

This intellectual challenge is pending until the results of the 'route and ground' sanctions as expressed in the prior article are extremely favorable to the earth, water and skies in the firmament.  Somehow people who feared being injected by their government programs nor don't think that same government will try to contaminate their body with chemical warfare emitted and inducing toxic cloud formations, maybe targeting populations who didn't give up their arms to a government needled injection.

Until I notice skies returning to what I had seen in 1990's, I have no need  nor incentive pay to come up with another 'free' choice or  chance precious gemstone challenge in this venue.

The book of the prophet Yoel seems to be in progress in selected locations; react accordingly.

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