Wednesday, December 27, 2023

UWM.ORG : UNWILLING To Comply With Location Verification Request

The entire USA has been covered with several layers of man-made cloud cover for almost a week. now. Once the cloud cover is initiated, it is not possible to see how many layers of chemical sprays are being injected into the atmosphere to torture animals, vegetables and people with ' no sunshine'.  That's not a pagoda report, it's a war report about the attacks on USA airspace, approved by the Lloyd Austin gang.

I had to amend this compilation for clarification.  Curtis Shayne Joseph decided that writing and selling his family history would help him and others; I'm selling any books, but writing does help some people think through a situation openly while hoping for some sort of sane feedback or helpful response to their lack of secrecy....eventually.

A band known as 'The Cross Movement' once sang 'PJ's on a FADER'.  What happens when the 14 in the middle of 7148 is Mark Recchi, 'Mr. 0' in the +/- department,  and Robin Ortiz's 714 history is no longer of badge number interest?  Don't read this report if you hate or can't handle very disheartening facts. 

UWM.ORG is unwilling to provide a written notice that their employee, Richard Edwin Xavier, currently known as Richard Isaiah Hendrikson, Milwaukee  DOB  6-14-1983 , is not a resident of my household in Michigan and in fact is employed by them, residing in the U.K. ; Mr. Hendrikson's  address in England has been 97 Bristol Road, Birmingham, England and an insurance company is requesting that my son verify that.  Mr. Hendrikson's former address was 7148 County EE, Bancroft, Wisconsin.   My son might be  confused,  angry or childish, might never desire to receive rebuke or correction, yet which of those is preventing him from verifying his location like the professional, mature Christian missionary he claims to be? Long ago, he rejected an opportunity to go to counseling with me before he decided to be a youth minister in Europe. How can he counsel others about family and refuse to be counseled with family?????  I've seen people try to lift weights improperly, and they only end up injuring themselves when they refuse to accept corrective instructions from someone with far more experience.  The experienced weight-trainer continues on carefully, and the stubborn novice either fails to improve their skills or gets seriously injured and quits completely.   

A very rude girl answered the telephone # 1-704-357-3355 in the 'human resources department', stated she had no one higher in authority working with her and that Mr. and Mrs. Rachel Hendrikson do not want to cooperate with me in any way.  I made several call to her office before she spoke to me since she would not return a call after I left a message asking for a response.  As employees, unwilling to cooperate in the name of 'Jesus' they claim, who then is ruling over them that would be willing to cooperate with a reasonable request for proof of their non-residency in Michigan? The rude girl kept uttering 'I'm sorry' but of course, she can't be forgiven for  intentionally refraining from being helpful in a rather easy, reasonable request to comply with.  Her boss must be quite proud and arrogant  to insist she not provide written verification to a mother about her son, who's location and email is already public electronic media knowledge by his own doing.  

That rude girl proved that UWM.ORG does  fit the role of  'bad Samaritan', unwilling to assist a person who is trying to correct wrong information on USA auto insurance documents. I've been complying with Mr. and Mrs. Rachel Hendrikson's desire that I not contact them in person or ny mail. Someone needs to tell them that  their version of  Havilah does not represent  any form of a family band of  זהב  that my natural grandmother passed on to me;  ignoring his real parent's desires is what the prodigal son excelled at for years.  

I am angry at UWM.ORG and their employees who pretend to care about everyone in the world...except the mother-in-law of Rachel Snyder 'Gerry' Hendrikson. Why call Rachel 'Gerry'?   Because she's a German who has taken on the name Hendrikson. UWM.ORG certainly doesn't represent any remnant of ישראל, so cursing that business organization is allowed by יהוה  .  It is not a sin to curse those who are intentionally trying to provoke another unto anger.   Ukraine is cursed because of it's leadership, and UWM.ORG is cursed because of it's own willingness to be reasonable in a business matter.

It is not a sin to curse those doing wickedness and who show partiality to strangers while hating, taunting and disrespecting their own parent(s) continually.  Havilah is a location mentioned in the Old Testament which UWM.ORG does not believe. Levy is a tribe that when push changes to pull, only 12,000 of that tribe are willing to be obedient to יהוה .  Mt. Ebal  and Mt. Gerazim where both chosen locations to warn a church about blessings and nursing's; to imply blessings are all that should be delivered unto everyone, no matter how deplorable their conduct is, is a stupid myth of lukewarm Sunday churches who continually reject the instructions from  יהוה in order to worship their little bread wafers and rock around their Christmas trees.

As a result of my justified anger swelling up like hurricane waters , I uttered 'Cursed be your business.' I could have uttered something more vulgar but I didn't.  Certainly I was justified in directing those words to UWM.ORG, rather than unto my grandchildren who are being injured mentally by that business and from what I have heard, a serious disease problem is still in their household. 

Why another 'Gerry' Hendrikson in the nickname draw play?  Wisconsin "Gerry' Hendrikson was married to an older white Richard Hendrikson, now dead after watching his daughter Audrey make a horrible decision to divorce David Szymanski.  As parents, our children often are groomed by non-family members to disregard our feelings, our experiences and our attempts to reach out to them to make a situation better.  I've been told I might need to hire an attorney to clarify the non-resident status of my son, and woe be to the person who makes that my only remaining option. 

There was a time period of several years when I had tried several ways to get letters to Eric&Ashley Hendrikson during their school years in Wittenberg, Wisconsin. Their mother and grandparents intercepted the letters that inquired about how they were doing and how they were feeling. Their father gave up trying to connect with them long before I did, but their father was also quite childish in many ways, adoring his water skis, ATV,  fishing poles and dogs, all the while pretending to be interested in the Bible 'as needed' to string me and others along until his love of Las Vegas and disgusting R-rated movies overpowered any potential to be a good husband and father.  The reason I bring this up a final time is to reiterate the calamity that occurs when written communication was cut off, genuine conversations were eliminated, family counseling I had hoped for options were rejected and Ashley&Eric , in error were lead to believe I did not care about them and did to think about them during their forced absence from their father by their openly protestant grandparents and mother. Some might say 'haha, now she(I) can't see her son and grandchildren', but it was Linda Costa and Eric&Ashley's grandparents that didn't want them to spend time with me or their father during their childhood years. How are those 2 children, siblings of my son by adoption,  now doing as adults ?  Maybe they won't be afraid to reconnect with me someday, even though they know I won't offer up falsehood to appease their ears.  I often see little girls that remind me of Ashley and do not forget that she did ask me to be at her Army boot camp graduation, where her grandparents were angered that I asked how her mother was doing.  Her brother Eric was respectful toward me when he returned my bicycle to me that his father would have preferred he steal from me as part of his 'divorce loot'. That too, needs to be recalled as I wonder why family counseling is so objectionable to the most childish, churched people.  Why would my son, who wanted to be in 'youth ministry', never want to go to counseling with me after he got married to his 'Gerry'? ' Zelensky syndrome', desire of  huge financial donations but no desire to talk peacefully with Russians  who he hates in grave error because they won't bow to him or his form of Christian religion and western politics, is a problem within many  families now. Such a paragraph may seem to lengthy, but brevity is for tombstones.

When a business refuses to make a situation better, it does get WORSE. It was not my intent to provoke anger towards me by writing  a truthful report about an incident that was not handled properly by UWM.ORG.   Had they merely agreed to my reasonable request, this article would have been quite different, eh?  Maybe there is a righteous man who wants to pray for my son; he's choosing to be an enemy that flees from me and that is not how I had raised him to behave; he has been re-programmed by a 'Gerry' system  rather than strengthened, re-united with his natural family and re-educated  by  יהוה  . I can't feel sorry him, but I do hope his learns to improve his behavior toward my entire side of the family, who is hurting intentionally with the approval of his business boss.  That's it so sad to express indirectly, but it is the truth.

When people do not want to hear from a source of information or a complainant directly, there is no way to keep a matter that needs to be addressed discreet.  

I'm not the timekeeper anymore; how much time there is until the wicked die off or the righteous  escape future trauma by a sudden death I do not know.  I'm not the person living in fear, but Mr. and MRs. Rachel Hendrikson do behave as though they are fearful, but such. might be an act to gain sympathy from their donors.    I know it isn't a sin to curse a corrupt, uncaring "Jesus'  business rather than bless it with  donations.  It is a sin to try to intentionally shame your  your father or to intentionally disgrace your mother;  it's also a sin show partiality toward the lazy who become impoverished. 

Those who do not care about losing their inheritance, are they not as Esau?  That's a part of history I didn't observe, but there are reports about that incident.  My parents desire  PEACE for me, and I respect them and treat them kindly, but I don't expect them to convert to my religion, nor do they obstruct me from being trusting in the יהוה plan.  There is not a fine line between years of  PEACE and war that brings sudden destruction.  I love my parents, and mistreating them or ignoring them is not an option for anyone who actually complies with the demands of basic Christianity.  If a business does not want to be a peace-maker, war will be within it's gates continually. PEACE takes effort on at least 2 sides, but often many more than 2 sides need to be willing to amiable to achieve the peace that precedes increased safety in a home, in a gathering or in a relationship. 

Incidentally, did you realize there are a lot of fake Freemasons too?  Fake Christians, fake Freemasons, fake Republicans, fake royalty, fake Jews, fake Israelites,  fake Muslims, fake gang members....lots of fakes on earth 'playing fake' to gain wealth, to  deceive, to avoid isolation or to infiltrate and investigate. I don't know anyone stupid enough to pretend to be a Democrat. 

Anger sometimes subsides when expressed legally and when it is not directed toward those who were not provoking you unto anger.   I think it's time to spend some time with some good people in Michigan who  work seriously for the income and don't appreciate the spirit of hypocrisy . My remaining time in Michigan is not going to be drawn out much longer.... except in chalk and on dry erase boards as needed.

Yczeqal chapter 24 is still relevant today, but don't try to understand chapter 24 until the previous chapters are considered. Days turn into decades, and Yczqal did not flee and hide during a period of judgments against the wicked and unrepentant; Yczqal was protected, but not hiding in fear from his opponents or from tragic situations in the unruly nation he was chosen and appointed to prophesy to .  

 Blessed be the name of   קשת! 


Supplementary activity report: My insurance company has been notified of the lack of cooperation from UWM.ORG personnel and is going to assist me further with the incorrect information on policy regarding 'Richard Hendrikson' . Thankfully, my insurance company is far more  cooperative and helpful than anyone from 7148 County Road EE, Bancroft, Wisconsin 54921 or UWM.ORG has ever been.    

Someday I might not allow any of my posts to be accessible for semi-public review, but that time has not yet arrived.  There's a sector still using the information in my input properly while the posts are available.

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