Friday, July 12, 2019

The Unsweet 16 Non-Tarot Warnings From Islam Sources

The base form of this list came from 'DAWAH with Insight' publication on August 19. 2017 from the IONA site tied to 12 Mile Road and Ryan Road, not tied to James Earl Jones Arby's commercials.

1. Children become filled with rage  ( increase of violent behaviors and increase in disease for withholding rage)
2. 'hot rain'
3. evil people spreading their wickedness ( word 451 in USA today has been seen as 'TAROT' and 1164 Morning Glory Drive has been known as a house of Montgomery's witchcraft promotions for decades; beware of the statue labeled 'MORNING GLORY' in a township known as Macomb led by Janet Dunn, the crystal ball technician)
4. Treacherous people will be trusted  and trustworthy people will be mistrusted. (This clearly happened when people chose to trust Shane David Hendrikson's fabricated tales over my fact, and has happened to the few who really love their neighbor enough to speak truthfully to them.)
5. Dishes will be communicating continuously. ( Some people trust their electronic DISH networks while everyone actually communicates what they believe about the teachings of prophet and leader Moshe Ben Amram by their food plate selection.
6. Severing of family ties. (Divorce is too easily obtained and  marriages have become a money making game in many instances rather than a holy vocation of humility and good works unto family and neighbors.)
7. Hypocrites rule government systems within nations and the wicked  control the marketplace ( refer to point 3 again as a reminder of what anti-Moshe and anti-Yahweh media has been spread into my generation)
8. mosques are ornate while hearts are being destroyed
9.'The believer will be more humiliated than the ugly goat'".  Tom Brady is ugly, and has yet to be properly humiliated.
10. Homosexuality and lesbian activities will spread like scum on the ocean.
11. young people will have massive wealth.  ( Professional sports players, lazy recipients of family  inheritance wealth gained by corruption, thieves and drug sellers and the music industry often to lead to massive wealth accumulation that exhibits NO  holy spirit and lack of a healthy conscience)
12. movements to corrupt women; the PINK trend is a simple example of immodesty, open pornography trends on television and financial corruption deployed by England
13. plenty of mosques with raised pulpits
14. destruction of civilization
15. musical entrapment by demonic messages delivered by  Billy Joel and Carrie Underwood types
16. children will be born out of wedlock... even nice anti-Halloween guys like Dustin Byfuglien

Only a liar would say that those events have not occurred as predicted, and in my own way, I did go to the mosque site I was invited to by a friend of mine without tipping the Chaldean Christian spies in Warren.

New Orleans has been a known center of witchcraft and debauchery for decades, yet the majority of the population there has NOT been swayed to purity and holiness by any prophet sent to this earth yet.   The mosque on 12th and Ryan might be struggling as much as the household of Wayne Lepak to resist what they view as wickedness without properly trusting in the AUTHORITY that instructed Moshe Ben Amram!  If improvements can be made at warning signs 4,5 and 6, believers will hope that category 7 gets flushed out of earthly systems by a PLAGUE or by  some sort of sudden destruction scheme that the hypocrites created to oppress the pure will backfire and quickly start oppressing the oppressors  of living sanctified saints on earth.

Consumption of pork and unclean flesh is an anti-sanctification process that is easily STOPPED at the DISH problem #5. The family ties that have been  quickly severed by an irrational decisions sometimes can be restored to a family like the ear restoration of Malchus, but that restoration requires real good works and non-electronic efforts.

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