Friday, July 12, 2019

Lesley Hazleton: The Speech of Hypocrisy Toward IONA

I could easily detect demonic infiltration into the mind of Lesley Hazleton when she claimed the area she lives in is nearly paradise.  The Seattle area is as vile as corrupted as Detroit, and why did Mr. Mustapha Elturk, a mosque  leader,  dispose of his mind of modesty when he passed through Lesley Hazleton's risqué artwork  equaling the immodest Barbara Eden swaying Larry Hagman to  stupidity?

Do I know go to Mr. Elturk and expose Lesley Hazleton's corrupt draw plays or let him and his associates sink like the Titanic because they refused to differentiate between the tribe of God and Yahweh,?  Those who have studied the Torah with any degree of sincerity and effort clearly know that Gd is below Yahweh in authority, even if Allah approves of Gd/God/Gad's presence in his or her turf.

If I make one visit to an IONA mosque, it will not be a pleasure trip nor a day to align with Lesley Hazleton types, since she is the lukewarm religious equivalent of Jerry Seinfeld in a lukewarm Jewish skins, seeking laughs while leading many astray into lack of fear of the angel the led Moshe Bem Amram.

2nd Kings 2:8 was a compelling dividing point again, and according to Islam's own prophesy, their people will SWELL with pride and tall towers, leading them to the same folly as places such as Willow Creek's Protestants in their lack of respect unto the name of the DEITY that Moshe trusted in. Moshe Ben Amram trusted in  Yehovah/Yahweh/Yehuwah NOT in 'allah'.

Will Yahweh hear a resounding 'AYAH' from any other persons not lured in by Lesley Hazleton's seducing spirit?  

Interfaith efforts are impure by definition, and every Michigan license plate that reads Pure Michigan' is a HUGE lie as filled with deception as Las Vegas claims that what happens in Las Vegas can remain secret.  Michigan plates would be truthful if they read 'Corrupted Michigan'.

The sealed and elect of Yahweh should be aware that PURE means innocent, and the state of Michigan is NOT pure and innocent.

Lack of knowledge of English leads to lack of an ability to rebuke and steer others away from unrighteousness.  According to the prophets Islam claims are their prophets, faithful Muslims should have resisted the building of any large, prideful expensive mosques  that are as arrogant as the Vatican centers at form and function.

I can warn my friends, but I do not know if I can warn Mustapha Elturk that he has either been deceived or that he is as lost as an agnostic Jew.

There is no such thing as an ugly goat, since all real goats are beautiful, even if have the ability to get very  powerful while resisting a path they have not chosen.

Before entering a house (mosque), I read the IONA rules, could have complied with a dress code better than Lesley Hazleton even tried to, and eventually pointed out to a stranger that Hazleton is like Lesley Ann Warren.... a Lulu.   Since I know that real Muslims are not supposed to spy, I do not feel I would be using Yahweh's name properly by going into any mosque knowing I do believe that the spirit of prophesy still exists and that I would not be able to make more than one trip in and out of an Islam mosque. With what I have learned speedily, (6ers) dish to dish communication might be better approached by me in a diner that serves clean meats rather than taking the chance of humiliating Mr. Elturk like Nehemiah Gordon got humiliated when he refused to address questions about BARLEY status decisions in the presence of David Yoder's flock.  I can still show mercy to those who have been merciful to me, but in order to avoid the appearance of evil, 1 trip in and out of a mosque would be comparable to a cheap, one night stand with a  harlot in a place I know I cannot call my home.

Lesley Hazleton is delusional if she actually thinks the state of Washington is anything like Yahweh's kingdom will be. It seems Ms. Lesley Hazleton's idea of paradise includes the right to have abortions, same-sex marriages, all the pork you can eat, abundance of adultery in progress and Seattle Seahawk cheerleaders and that is NOT what Yahweh's kingdom will permit.  No leader in a holy frame of mind would believe her Seattle-area propaganda equaling 'Berlin Betty' on 'Hogan's Heroes'.

Also, my teacher taught me to LOOK UP, not cast my eyes downward in times of intense battles so I don't want to be charged with disorderly conduct by Tony Wickersham's gang of brownies if I intentionally would roll my eyes rather than keeping them cast down in Warren, Michigan.

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