Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Tragedy Of St. Clair Shores Was INCITED by MICHIGAN's Pro-explosive Legisation

Law makers in St. Clair Shores and in the state of Michiagn erred in discretion by NOT FORBIDDING fireworks activities in the state of Michigan; the result of  laws that permit that which is stupid, more than a nuisance and dangerous had the same affect on a Charlotte, NC neighborhood across from 116 Hollyday Clair Shores when a man attacked with a continual acts of OFFENSIVE  sound waves from explosives was pushed to the point of self-destruction rather than face jail time for beating the explosive buyers to a pulp like a real hero might have been allowed to do in purgatory.

Similar sorrowful family events occurred in Stevens Point, Wisconsin when the elderly, suffering coupe at 157 Georgia Street North were deprived of a good night rest by the reckless and unthoughtful Phyllis teems to their north .  Why should elderly couple , young families or loved children who are trying to survive in their own homes have to be subjected to the noise attacks of easily acquired dangerous explosives in Michigan, Wisconsin or any other anti-Leviticus state?  Quietness and meekness and a gentle spirit are not associated with EXPLOSIVE devices and in in fact contrary to explosive devices. There is so much wrong with current USA laws that it could take a nuclear war to eradicate the coziness people have developed toward small explosives and replace that coziness with the desire to read a Psalm, the book of Jude or the book of Exodus.  What I wonder is what areas the enemies of the USA party drunkards would target?  China would most likely attack the heartland and grain fields, but Muslim nations would more likely target anti-Moshe zones, which is about 99% of the current USA population, including NASA worshippers.  After finding out we can be identified by our heartbeat more accurately than by fingerprints, even some lyrics from David Cassidy hymnal become suspect as demonic beyond a reasonable doubt prior to deployment by his mother's busing section.  It's the lyrics that usually invade then ruin and morally molest what could have been a good instrumental therapy music.

I have considered that the female partner described in Proverbs chapter 31 would have to be anti-explosive AKA anti-fireworks, since acts with strange fire are not what Yahweh's real people trust in NOR invest in voluntarily. Violent national leaders continually steal from their people with taxes to invest in bombs and weapons that do not heal and do not justify and do not sanctify a nation while they also permit abortions, adultery and many other acts of abomination to prove they hate Yeshua, the Judean man who did not come to bring peace on earth.

Don't worry about coming out like gold; try to emerge like a good barley plant in the midst of Colonel Pop Corn or Mr. Magoo's wormword.  Gold, Juno and Normandy areas in France still haven't developed into anti-sin zones.   I must now continue on day 94, while the April 1st bunch should be on day 101 of this pivotal year in history.

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