Friday, April 5, 2019

Why Have Many People Drawn Back ?

When people who have been intentionally studying YHWH's word through the writings of Moshe, the serious students often start observing a 7th day sabbath and the feast of unleavened bread starting at a full moon. After doing so, they often continue on with the other appointed times of the year to designate themselves as people desiring to be grafted in with HWHY's people.  At this point, it is usually clear that they have known the Way, the Truth and the Life and they align with HWHY.

It is worse than hearing a person has a flu to hear that a person who had been so joyful in keeping the feasts of HVHY has now decided to radically change their foundation by drawing back to a time of unleavened bread that disregards that lunar position completely.  With as many errs as 'Jewish' families have made over the years, I do not believe that they have been wrong in starting months based on either a dark or sliver moon and continuing on to have unleavened bread and sukkot starting when the moon is full and bright as a continual sign.

It has been written it is better to never have known the ways of HVHY than to known them and then 'draw back' like a hunter with a arrow in his bow rather than an experienced archer who understands the times and seasons and has not waivered from what he learned as a child in the form of education he desired. 

For those who understands plagues or the spread of disease, they can hope for divine protection  if forced to be near the diseased while they intentionally RESIST the spirit that deceived those who brew back.  Why would I enter a house that is infected with a possibly contagious attitude that  would attack a keeping of times and sabbaths that I have trusted in and gained peace and safety with?  Advancing at wrong time in football is known as a FALSE START and in football the penalty is only 5 yards; in spiritual warfare the penalty for not keeping the feast of unleavened bread during the appropriate time results in getting cut off from the tribes of 'Israel' so toying with the concepts 'The Way Fellowship' has been preaching is not on my agenda. Even though many sorrows have encompassed me and others like me in the past 7 years, why would I turn back from a process that has brought me to a point in life where I am no longer a shame to my family and have had good success combatting besetting sins that troubled my history before I desired to please rather than anger HWHY?

If I do not use sound judgment when near those who have strayed from a way they had known and had gained better foundational positions with, I would mislead the 'undecided' ( those who have not yet trusted any leader other than what they see in the mirror).

It has caused mourning to know that some people have CHANGED the times and the season of unleavened bread to this week on earth and did not this doctrine of 'The Way Fellowship' emit from a source in the area of Scotland, not Jerusalem?  Some areas of Great Britain know how to make crisp bread without leaven and while the Wasa company decided to use leaven in their Scandanavian dry crackers.

An unfaithful and fake Muslim in Berlin Germany cannot be blamed for leading people who have trusted in Yehovah away from the start of the NEW YEAR this weekend. A Muslim obedient to his teachings knows not to interfere with an Israelites keeping of the 7th day sabbath and the feasts designed to identify those who have aligned with Moshe's instructions.

I am not interested in playing ace of spades games with Canadien Legion 498 since I resist gambling, but I am interested in knowing that particular Legion is now 70 years young and that there really was a lady named 'Hoople' who did not look anything like Robert Crane attired in Nazi gear.  It might have APPEARED as though I was leaving my dwelling on a day some considered to be the 15th day of the years, but I knew I was leaving my dwelling at the end of yearly cycle in the 12th month and on what I counted to be the 27th day. I made it to destination where I really did feast with a truly HOLY FAMILY , not on December 27th, a day when the Vatican props up their pork chips while intentionally ignoring the instructions of Moshe.

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